25 Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile / Hoard

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in cities episode we're gonna be discussing my top 25 survival items that you as a prepper should be stocking up on so the first item is actually food it's a pretty big given now there's a lot of options out there you can go with canned foods you can go with some stuff you pick up at the grocery store there's also MREs there's emergency food rations but if I feel that if you're gonna be hoarding and stocking up and taking it very seriously I would my suggestion is going to be freeze-dried foods it comes in cans big cans number 10 cans and get them in the buckets you can also get them in these pouches now why I like them is you already know that they're gonna be good to go most of them have a 10 15 20 or 25 year shelf life which is going to be a better and more worthwhile investment in my opinion so when you need to jump into your food supply you're good to go another big one would be batteries having the ability to keep your electronics going charge NOAA radios your flashlights CPAP machines medical devices is gonna be incredibly important having knowing exactly what your battery types are having chargers that are gonna be able to charge all that stuff and making sure you have a lot of common batteries because this could become a barter item a big border item in a grid down situation next is lighters and inside lighters I also will combine matches they are things that are easy to pick up you can buy them in bulk quantities and they're not too expensive if you go somewhere like on Amazon you can buy the BIC minis or the regular sized Vic's in packs of 50 for like 40 45 bucks if you choose to actually splurge and spend quite a bit of money and a bulk purchase lighters from time to time but typically a lot of people are like me I just go to Walmart and I'll pick up a three or three to five pack of these lighters and kind of just toss them in stow them away we have a few hundred lighters toilet paper toilet paper is really important because you need a way to you know take care of the funky bits in my particular opinion and yes it's very bulky takes up a lot of space but um the one we find to give us the best value is Scot in our opinion for our family we usually have about three or four of these lying around the house at all given times inside of our toilet paper closet but if you on a very tight budget you can get six packs of septic safe bath tissues at places like the Dollar Tree and Dollar General for a dollar which honestly that is a really good deal if you are on a very tight budget so don't let that mess with you and then if you're not into having a ton of the toilet paper things like baby wipes do a really good job you can buy packs of these hundred packs you can buy like twelve or sixteen of them in a huge case for not a lot of money I think it's like 10 or 15 bucks you can definitely stock up on a bunch of these next is electricity and yes if the grid goes down you need a way to be able to give yourself electricity and the grid goes down especially in the early days why for most folks ninety-five percent of Americans were used to having running water electricity air conditioning you're gonna have to do away with a lot of the moderate amenities but if you are in a severe winter storm and you have to be able to heat up your home a little bit if you don't have any wood or gas or propane and I would say the most important reason for the needs of electricity are for people with medical disabilities and knees if you have friends family members or yourself will end up in a dire emergency having the ability to keep CPAP machines dialysis and all these things to keep your friends and family and loved ones alive will be critical because if there's an initial massive shock to the system and the grid goes down and everything just goes to hell really fast and there's no way for you to have backup electricity things could get bad for you and your neighbors pretty dang quick next is duct tape but it pretty much covers any type of repair tape there's hundred mile tape Gorilla Tape t-rex tape and in addition to having these kind of bigger macro preps that you stock up on having some fuel little smaller things like these little rolls of ten yards of tape if you need something while you're working on a vehicle or you're doing some type of work and you actually end up needing some tape that could hold on really strong this will work really well another the last thing I know a lot of people give this thing flak it's a little overpriced but it's probably the strongest adhesive I've ever used in my entire life it's waterproof weather resistant it's really really strong stuff and we try to stock up on the white gray and black different tapes we've got we have a few rolls of this around the house because if we need a big job that requires some of the hardest most hardcore stuff we've got that holds on strongest flex tapes really really well next something good to stock up on especially if you don't live in an area where you have access to things like pine a birch chaga all the good natural fire starting tenders of the world speaking of fire starters the sponsor of today's episode is pro camp tech they are the creators of some of the most powerful all-weather fire tender for your next outdoor adventure offering wax based blends that are resistant to the elements easy to use and they work when you need them the most head on over to pro camp techcom to find a retailer in your neck of the woods that link will be down in the video description yes candles lighters all that goodness it's great it's amazing but what happens if you have to relocate you have to leave your home state your home you have to bug out you've got to leave being able to stock up on a healthy supply of fire starters to keep yourself through in the short to medium term is gonna be excellent next is cordage you can never have enough cordage cordage is infinitely useful this is these are placeholders for some of our collection from paracord I consider some of this bungee stuff into being cordage because it's very very useful juked bank line as far as a utility cord is probably one of my favorites next and this is a big one in my opinion are candles when you if your flashlights or electricity all that stuff goes down with an EMP you know whatever scenario candles are something you can stock up on you can pick up a hundred packet a light candles for almost no money they're really really really cheap at Walmart and other places like that birthday candles trick candles whatever you want to do it's the wax that lasts so long you can get these to burn for about 20-30 minutes another one that I got led to a few years back were these $1 candles because these actually don't last very long I did a burn test and I think they only lasted like two days so I wanted something that would be a little more substantial a little more bang for my buck so we need to pick it up the nine day candles you can pick these up on Amazon impacts of like 24 both ordering something of equal importance to something like food gonna be seeds having heirloom seeds for growing food when you're in food inevitably runs out or if the grade stays down for an undetermined amount of time where it's a permanent situation you want to be able to have some self-reliance and this is one of the steps in my opinion that'll help get you there next is bug spray and sun protection but when it comes to dealing with things like viruses from things like mosquitoes and other insects keeping yourself protected because in a grid down shtf situation hospitals may not be working clinics may not be working you may not live next to a doctor or a nurse or someone who can help you with things like that so being able to keep yourself protected from the elements as much as possible from bug spray and sunscreen is something that I definitely recommend folks tuck up on flying through the list we've got fuel propane butane alcohol and solid fuel cubes but all of these are going to be vital when it comes to cooking your food especially in this short term when you have things like your freeze-dried food your MREs this is going to be extremely important additionally there are heaters that run on propane as well that'll be really good if you're in a winter in climate environments so having some of these portable bad boys on hand or bigger containers for macro prep sizes if you so choose and need it if your environment calls for it next our tarps any type of tarps I don't care you can buy tarps from Walmart Lowe's I don't care what you're getting you can get poly tarps these type of utility tarps why shelter covering concealment protection all good things tarps are valued and valuable and they have an indefinite shelf life next assault it can flavor your food has an indefinite shelf life can be used as a preservative and back in ancient times it was actually used as currency once upon a time it was almost as valuable as gold in certain parts of the world unless you live by an ocean salt is gonna be good to stock up on one that I think would be overlooked as far as stockpiling I know plenty people put these in their buggy bags and the survival kits but stockpiling like Contractor trash bag liners big huge two four and six mil thickness to mils to cheapest so that's why I stockpile on but I do have some six mils for the really hardcore stuff but if you need to use these as shelters but is it going to be a commodity human waste biohazard waste being able to get rid of because it's not going to be running water you're gonna need to be able to stock up on stuff so this will be a huge commodity you'd be able to trade an entire box of bags in my opinion for quite a bit of service given the fact that just having bags is not going to be as easy it's gonna be easier said than done circling back around to a hygiene and self-care it's gonna be things like antibacterial soap bar soap and hand sanitizer if you notice the things that my family stocks up on is antibacterial soaps and hand sanitizer now we do have a pretty regular rotation we usually keep about a year supply because most of the stuff only has a shelf life of about two years and the initial stages of grid down we're gonna be pretty hypersensitive the entire population to sicknesses because we're not gonna be as clean we're not gonna be able to take care of ourselves as easily so keeping our hands clean and taking care of ourselves gonna be pretty important but we usually gift these in holiday baskets when we check our expiration dates and keep on that stuff but a hand sanitizer usually has a longer shelf-life so usually lasts about two or three years pretty safely without having to worry about too much but like I said antibacterial soap hand sanitizer for keeping yourself and your family safe from all the germs and the invisible things that you may not see coming I know that looks like a hot mess but the next item on the list is socks and underwear I have a ton of socks this is a very very small sampling of socks that I don't wear on daily basis I have I think every member of my family has about 40 or 50 pairs of socks because you want to keep your funky bits clean because hygiene is gonna be a major concern illnesses infections rashes breakouts it can it can lead to more serious problems when you don't have the ability to take showers and do all those things you want to on a daily basis like you're used to next flashlights in a grid down emergency we're not gonna have street lamps car lights all that stuff some of this stuff is gonna be out it's gonna be pitch black and I think it's gonna be a very rude awakening for a majority of a the city drilling population in the United States additionally to having illumination it's also good great for visibility clearly but it's also good for self defense it's your number one self-defense tool next is bleach I know bleach doesn't have the greatest shelf life in the world there are that comes solid forms in a crystallized form but you can also trade this out for some things like water purification tablets you can pick those up you can get those in fifty hundred five hundred a thousand packs to those actually have a longer shelf life that can last anywhere between three to five years if they're properly packaged by a reputable manufacturer but bleach is kind of just a placeholder for things of basically water making things safe next on the list a lot of people overlook this is common nails and screws drywall screws wood screws whatever need have a bunch of them buy them in buckets buy them various sizes little tiny ones really big ones you never know what you're gonna need tinker really well you got to repair things on the homestead at your house your apartment anywhere having a adequate supply a very very good supply of things like nails and screws of various sizes super important next on the list is honey to me it's a very valuable superfood given the fact that it basically has an indefinite shelf life it will never ever ever ever go bad now that's raw unfiltered be honey there is clove honey that stuff actually only has a shelf life about two or three years still decent a stockpile but if you want to stockpile the real stuff make sure you're getting raw and unfiltered honey next is liquor now your choice of poison is up to you I don't really care but big bottles are good for a variety of reasons they can be used to disinfect if you need to we're gonna be coming first aid here in a minute we haven't forgotten about that but those little airport bottles the smaller medium sized bottles depending on any type of service that you might want to use in a grayed out situation to barter I mean I'm sure if you're wanting like a dozen chickens the farmers probably gonna want a huge bottle of liquor cuz he hasn't had to be able to touch on those lips in a while who knows but having that for some barter items and personal use big big big thing another big one is fishing line now you may be in a landlocked area and it may not apply to you but this is one of the things for if you have access to waterways lakes streams rivers the Coast stock up on these make shifting a pull hooks and even baits and lures are pretty easy to do out in the wild but in my personal opinion replicating fishing line is extremely difficult to do I'm to flex by zepkow get this a Walmart it's super cheap it's actually decent for the money but I can get like four rolls of this I can get two thousand yards for the same price as picking up the nicer high trailing stuff at Walmart so this is costing like eight bucks and this costs eight bucks so if you're gonna stock up go the cheap route but I always do keep some of the nicer stuff on me to make sure that I have some high quality backups if this steps up to breaking on me as we're rounding down the main portion of our 25 items repair and maintenance tools this is the big one and we saved this for last because it's something that a lot of people are probably undetermined in the comments well you forgot this but being able to keep your tools and your knife sharp having good multi tools are gonna be really handy to keep on the homestead around your power drills hand screwdrivers just having a big tool set is gonna be super important I would have a toolbox that you can throw into a vehicle keep on you putting a bug-out bag really something quick fast in a hurry I would have various tiers but stocking up on really good tools because you're not gonna go to the hardware if your hammer breaks so having three or four of those is probably not a bad idea last item on this list is definitely not least but it's something that I didn't really see a lot of people covering is things like bolts arrows darts slingshot ammo bullets the nines all the things for food self-defense protection self-preservation all the things depending on what you're into whether you're in a longbow crossbows compound bows whatever it is stock up on the things make sure you have broad heads all the little pew-pew things all the stuff so if you're stuck around this long you're probably gonna be here to the end of the video because we are now at the lightning bonus round for all the electric tips so this one feminine-hygiene products and also things like diapers if applicable zip ties and smaller zip ties big zip ties heavy-duty zip ties you can use them as handcuffs tie things down organize things it does a lot of stuff there's like twenty or fourteen thousand different things you can you zip ties for first aid a little tiny stuff for ouchie boo-boos bigger stuff for serious things and the last twofer is oral hygiene toothbrushes mouthwash toothpaste and also hydrogen peroxide well I hope you guys enjoyed my top 25 list of items that I feel that Preppers answer should be hoarding and a stockpiling in their homes for 2019 plus my five bonus tips and items if there's anything I missed that you feel is relevant and important to have a job down in the comments section and let us know what you feel we missed we feel we call it well we covered the most important top 25 - top 30 items that we feel that are going to be the most pertinent a good done situation like I said if you enjoyed this video you want to see more like it with tips tricks and survival except so this video a big thumbs up and share this out with my friends and family in your social media networks something keep growing thriving and making awesome videos for you guys but that is a-buzzin for now hope you guys have an absolute wonderful day I'm out [Music]
Channel: DropForgedSurvival
Views: 1,487,146
Rating: 4.8638911 out of 5
Keywords: #Survival, #Bushcraft, #survivalgear #Prepping, #survivalgear, #prepping
Id: gh3HmVuhO1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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