Our Prepper Pantry // Be Ready For Food Shortages!

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hey guys steve here from the cook family homestead and today i'm going to do a video on a request we get quite often and it's on our prepper pantry what do we how do we prep what do we have stored up so i'm going to show you that we're going to go over our food some of our medical some of our hygiene preps and if you haven't started it maybe this will give you some good ideas on where to start how to start but it is a good idea to get started as we already see things inflation already starting most economists are saying there's going to be some form of a downturn and uh how severe we don't know but we already see inflation go try to buy some wood certain foods are pretty high in price the supply chain still hasn't recovered in many cases uh there's a lot of things missing off the shelves i mean we can uh thankfully we have a lot we had a lot of supplies already because you know finding lids or jars are just very hard to find right now and so there's a lot of things that haven't recovered and if we have another downturn uh with the supply chain already stretched and not recovered can you imagine can you imagine the problems that are gonna exist then so i'm gonna show you how we prep um give you some good ideas uh if you haven't started prepping um you know i would advise you get your three days your 72 hours of everything so you can if it was worse came the worst you could survive for 72 hours and build up to a week and so on and so forth so so forth three days isn't really that hard to say to do you know we have a large family we have eight people my wife and our six kids we have a lot of people in our home so we have to have quite a bit stored up so let's go over and take a look at our our preps all right well we'll start with our can canning what we did we canned about 200 uh jars this year we did some pears grape juice applesauce salsa some cubed tomatoes some freschetta and and we also gave a bunch away and if you can you know that it was tough to find lids and jars we're just like well we always keep a lot on hand and we're always pretty stocked up but we have a couple freezers here that are pretty full and we'll go over to this one kind of open it up so you can kind of see we have like lots of meats and um things that we store in here things that we've butchered ourselves chickens things like that so these freezers are pretty full uh that fridge right there the black one there is mainly just drinks water soda iced tea things like that so on this shelf here we have a lot of canned food we have stock broth sauces ketchup mustard ranch you know beans things like that that you that you would keep on hand but we have also a lot of canned fruit so if you see on the top we have a couple big jars of sliced peaches and then we have a lot of cans of peaches and and other foods there we also have a lot of tuna fish and and shredded chicken and things like that yeast syrup olive oil all that kind of stuff that you you would need but what we do is we use a lot of this you know we eat this in our normal day so if we go to all these sodas let's just say we go to all these and we get some a bunch of these sauces they're a dollar a piece we'll go get five of them we'll come down here we'll take five of them upstairs and then we'll replace the five and put them here so we're always refreshing we're taking whatever we use we take from down here bring it upstairs to our cupboards up there and then we'll replace it with the new stuff down here so we're always um replacing down here with new and taking the older stuff upstairs so like if we run out of ketchup or ranch or whatever we'll bring one from down here put the new one downstairs so this shelf over here if you can see it'll kind of pan down as well uh this has our salts and sugars and pastas and our spices and gravies we have we have a lot of canned food here as well ravioli and soups and things of that nature and honey and coconut oil and all that kind of stuff that you would cook with so this kind of is uh um do we just keep this and again we use a lot of this stuff we'll use some of these pastas macaroni and cheese we have down there we have a couple cases of that so whenever we use that we'll purchase a new one bring that one down here and take the old one upstairs over here is we start getting our freeze-dried food and we have a lot of cans of different stuff if you can see down there mashed potatoes and traveler stew and broccoli and rice and buttermilk pancakes and strawberries and all kinds of stuff we also have a lot of drink mixes and the good thing about these freeze dried food is they last like 30 years so they have a good shelf life but we also have some drink mixes there if you can see on the towards the top there and we have a lot of those as well so you know you're not going to want to drink water all the time so we have a bunch of those that we can mix with water and uh i have a flavored drink and then down here i have a big thing of coffee a giant bin of it if you can see and also over there i don't think you can see but there's a big container of sugar as well so over here on this shelf we'll start at the bottom if you can see these red and white pails they're actually too deep in there so uh you're just seeing the front ones and those are buckets that we just got a tractor supply and they're food grade buckets and they're like four dollars a piece and they are filled with oats rolled oats rice and um our flour so so if we want to have like our um [Music] so these are wheat berries so we have a bunch of wheat berries and so what we do is we fill these up to about an inch from the top inch or two from the top and then we put in an oxygen absorber in them food grade oxygen absorber and you got to have 2500 c c for each bucket so just remember that if you're ordering them 2500 or bigger and that will keep them fresh for a long time and so we have a lot of wheat berries so we can grind our flour if we need to we also keep a lot of flour in the freezer already grind ground so that works good and then up here we have a lot of our dry freeze-dried food we get it from my patriot supply and this all here will supply uh four people with five months worth of food so if you added all that up those are two bucket deep in there you can have five so it would keep us good our family because we have eight people would keep us for pro with the baby and everything probably about three months just in those buckets worth of food so that's a great investment to have and we use my patriot supply because the food isn't actually horrendous actually is good tasting so that is why we use them then over here we start with some of our hygiene products we have toilet paper and paper towels and we have a bunch of hygiene products like we have a lot of toothpastes and toothbrushes and a lot of feminine products things you got to remember there as well soaps and wipes and shampoos and lotions up here we have a lot of hand sanitizers if you can see on the top there and uh some more soaps we have candles and also we have a lot of lanterns and lanterns that are rechargeable as well as battery we have about three months worth of diapers that's very important if you have a you know we have a one-year-old and we have lots of wipes as well and a lot of our our diapers and wipes are upstairs as well we have a lot more up there too then uh we also have batteries if you see those two boxes right there those are 100 pack of aaa and 100 pack of double a so i have those mainly for our lanterns or flashlights that we may need just to keep them just to have those so up here as well we have some tubs with some filter water bottles i think there's 10 of them in there 12 something like that the top little bin there has a lot of flashlights and and things like that here as well if you can see right here and here these are gallon water picture pictures that uh filtrate water and then i bought an extra pack of filters just to have with it so right now we can filter we have two big filters upstairs that we normally use because we have hard water here so we can filter out of just those two uh five gallons almost an hour five gallons about an hour and a half or so and then we add these two those are two more gallons we can filter as well i have a bunch of containers like this these are just collapsible five gallon containers for water so just having stuff like that around so if we had to filter water because if you have a lot of freeze-dried food you got to have access to water so that's very important over here we have uh some more of our stuff um so we have um well let me move this bucket real quick we have laundry detergent now our laundry detergent whenever we buy one we take the take one from the front put it in the back so that's kind of how we do our we replace everything we have a lot of dish soap a lot of peroxide rubbing alcohol things of that nature kind of over here is where we keep like our medical stuff we have like nyquil and mucinex and tylenols and uh um thoroughfoo's you know band-aids here i'll just open this up real quick so you can take a peek in here this is just kind of like a hodgepodge of stuff that we throw in here we even got some tums you know things like this you might not think of we have infant motrin we have motrin for the kids you know things like that we have in this bin um this and then also here let me move this bin a little bit here we got some more medical preps and just things that you you know some splints and ace bandages and you've got some neosporin and antibiotics here's some of my prescriptions i keep some of them down here for my i get migraines so my migraine medicine just some various things like beans sting kits um this actually up here is just a kit i got it has like a stethoscope and you can even stitch someone together if you wanted and this is just another big first aid kit i think it's a 400 piece kit so that is a quick i guess run through let me kind of pan down there so you can see [Music] of our prepper pantry and um you know i i don't ever preach fear i think that's if you ever prep out a fear you're gonna overdo it um and you're going to spend too much and you're just going to do things dumb so never do anything out of fear but you should always do be prepared i mean we're one of the first generations in history that aren't prepared you know if you if you look back on history 60 70 years ago i think it was 70 percent of all people over 70 percent of americans grew a portion of their own food now it's down to like 15 16 percent grow a portion of their own food so that's that's kind of shocking actually but if you haven't started i always tell everybody get three days get your 72 hours that's easy to do very easy to do of everything you need hygiene and food medical supplies all that you need for three days and then go to a a week and then start going to a month but you definitely should start preparing now inflation's already starting to happen shortages are already starting to happen most economists are predicting a downturn many predicting a bad downturn so be prepared and and one other thing i forgot to show you is we do have seeds seeds are very important part of this as well we have a lot of seeds so so i hope that helped you if you have any questions down below shoot me a message and uh um i'll be happy to answer or give you any advice that that has helped us so thank you all for watching god bless y'all and and be prepared
Channel: The Cook Family Homestead
Views: 259,562
Rating: 4.911068 out of 5
Id: kmaD_Y-EUJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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