11 Items FEMA Wants You To Keep In Your Home

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FEMA.......what a disaster......pun intended.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome back survivalist so FEMA the Federal Emergency Management Agency has a very specific list of items it wants all Americans to have in their homes at all times to be prepared for any number of man-made or natural disasters and this day general emergency kit to prepare you and your family for anything from tornadoes to hurricanes to pandemics so today we're gonna run through each of these individual items that you should have in your FEMA emergency supply kit I'm gonna give you my thoughts on those items and then at the end of the video I'm gonna include a few additional items that I personally think you should also have in your emergency kit so the first thing that they recommend is having one gallon of water per person per day for three days so give a family of five they want you to have at least 15 gallons of water stored away and this waters gonna be used not just for drinking but also for sanitation and cooking you know maybe brushing your teeth maybe cleaning yourself washing your dishes maybe cooking some pasta and it's a pretty easy item to check off your list I got these for about a dollar apiece from my grocery store and I have a bunch of these literally just sitting in a closet somewhere just in case I ever need them and this is really only to be relevant for emergencies where you lose access to clean drinking water so for example let's say you're on public water and you have a bad earthquake and one of those water pipes on your street burst now you don't have access to clean drinking water anymore you had a really bad hurricane or flood your drinking water could also become contaminated if you're on a well and you have a pump for your well you just simply lose power guess what that pumps not gonna be pumping clean water to your home anymore so in all these situations having a reserve of clean drinking water is pretty important the next item is three days of non-perishable food for each of your family members so again if you have a family of five and you want three meals a day for each of them for three days that's 45 meals that you need to have set aside now you could just go out to your store and stock up on some non-perishable items like oatmeal or pasta or canned goods that's a pretty quick and easy way to stock up on a few extra meals but another option is you could buy something like this which is an MRE a meal ready-to-eat these are prepackaged meals that the military often use now one thing you should know about MREs is that they are incredibly calorically dense one MRE may have anywhere between a thousand and two thousand calories in just one package so truthfully if you're in tight situation you can probably turn one MRE really into two different meals now another option is you can just simply buy a bucket of freeze-dried food like this for emergencies this bucket here has 60 servings of meals so that's more than enough to cover a family of five for three days and something like that also has a 25 year shelf life so you literally just buy one stick it in the closet somewhere and just not think about it and you absolutely need it and I'll have links in the description below this video to a lot of the items I'll be referencing in this video if you want to learn more about them so the next item that they recommend is an emergency radio with a crank on it so I've got a few of these this one here is from Voyager what I like about it is it also has a solar charger here so you leave it out in the daytime it also has a USB port connections here if you wanted to maybe charge this up in your car and it also has a flashlight on there that you can use just in case of emergencies so the real purpose of this is in case the power goes out in your home or in your community for several days or even several weeks this way you can still stay informed of the latest news and emergency updates I remember when hurricane sandy struck New York City and they had entire blocks without any power at all the city came in a set up stations with food and supplies and clean drinking water but the problem was many of the residents didn't know about this and they didn't know how to access this because they didn't have emergency radios or any electricity so they couldn't access the internet or the TV if those residents had an emergency radio with them they would have known that their city was providing them resources probably just a few blocks away from their home out of all the items today this is probably one of the first ones that I recommend that you go out and get just because how common it is for people to lose power in America for several days or several weeks even all it takes is a really bad storm or a blizzard or hurricane and you and your families could be without power for a long time so the next item is going to be a first aid kit and this is one of the less fun or exciting items but you absolutely need to have a decent first aid kit in your home it doesn't need to be an incredibly extravagant one just one with all the basic necessities if you are in an emergency situation where you lose power or clean water hygiene is gonna be incredibly important especially if you get a cut or a burn on yourself the last thing that you want is have a small cut that then gets infected and you don't have the ability to go to a hospital seek actual medical treatment so the next thing that I recommend is having a whistle for you to signal for help now you may be kind of quick to dismiss this item I actually can see a lot of situations where this could come in handy if you're in a building that partially collapsed into a tornado or an earthquake hopefully you were able to shelter in place in the room with your emergency kit before that happens when the emergency responders are searching the rubble looking for survivors having that whistle could be the difference between life and death I'm also reminded of Katrina where many survivors were trapped in their attics due to the floodwater some for several days and as emergency responders were looking for survivors having that whistle could be the difference between them finding you and them not next FEMA recommends that you have dust masks in your homes now I could see this being relevant in a lot of situation right now California see a large number of forest fires and people evacuating their homes at the last moment many of them are having to drive through a very thick dark clouds of smoke to escape having a dust mask like this will provide some level of filtration for that dark smoke also if somebody in your household is sick having a dust mask like this may help them from not contaminating the rest of the family now something like this is just a dust mask you can get these at Home Depot you can get them at the dollar store they're pretty cheap and inexpensive and they really don't provide that much filtration just kind of the basic filtration another option is you can invest in a box of medical surgical masks now these could provide a little bit of filtration but they have what's known as leakage which is where air can come in from of the sides of the mask and just bypass the mask altogether these are really designed to keep the wear of the mask from spreading a contagion when they cough sneeze or even talk now really the best option is to get what's known as an n95 respirator now these do provide much more filtration than a simple dust mask if the respirator has the n95 rating it means that it can filter out 95% of all particles point 3 microns or larger so this will filter out smoke but also filter out things like viruses and because of its design I'll create a much tighter seal around your face and have less leakage of air bypassing the filter altogether so the next item is plastic sheeting and duct tape now I'm not gonna lie this kind of surprised me that they had this on their emergency supply cap now duct tape is incredibly handy and everybody should have duct tape in their emergency kit but I really only think that the plastic sheeting is necessary if you're facing a radiological or a biological threat for example if a nuclear bomb detonated kind of close to you and you're outside of the blast zone to survive the initial blast but you're inside the area that's affected by the nuclear fallout having a plastic sheeting and duct tape will be great to shelter in place because you can cover up all your windows all your air vents all your doors so you have no nuclear fallout that seeps into your room it's also true if there's some sort of biological threat that is airborne and can seep into your home having the plastic sheeting you can literally seal up all the access points of air coming into your home so the reason why this kind of surprised me that they included this because this is a pretty extreme threat and in the last hundred years there have not been that many situations where this would be relevant but if you do want to cover your bases and be prepared for all emergency situations having some plastic sheeting and duct tape will be incredibly valuable if you need a shelter in place due to a radiological or a biological threat the next item that they recommend is moist towelettes garbage bags and plastic ties now this is gonna be used specifically for a waste disposal so if you lose power and you lose water to your home but you don't want to have to leave your home just to go use the bathroom you could easily rig something up with a garbage bag and a bucket or maybe even put the garbage bag inside your toilet and use it that way if you have enough garbage bags this could be a one-time use for each of them you use it you seal it up and you throw it out the back door the waste disposal is one of those not as glamorous items prepare for and sometimes people don't really think about but if you don't have water coming to your home and your toilets don't flush what are you doing so the next item that they recommend is wrench in pliers to turn off utility and I think what they're really referencing here is if you need to turn the gas off to your home or the water supply off to your home and you need to have some kind of wrench or pliers in order to do that and this one may be specific to each individual person's home but I do recommend having some basic tools in your emergency supply kit they then also recommend having can opener this is really only if you have canned foods in your home I absolutely could see somebody stocking up on a bunch of canned foods and forgetting the can opener the next item up they recommend is a map and I 100% agree with that if you lose power and you can't charge your phone or maybe the roads are closed and you need to get to the police department or the fire department or the hospital or maybe just out of that area in general having a map that you can actually hold in a read is gonna be invaluable now they also recommend having a set of flashlights with batteries and I absolutely agree with that I think that that should be in everybody's emergency kit it's also why I like this radio here because it has a flashlight built into it as well now when you're buying flashlights you can get a directional flashlight like this or you can get an omnidirectional flashlight like this and personally I really recommend that you invest in some omnidirectional flashlights when you lose power an omnidirectional flashlight makes it so much easier to illuminate an entire room and it frees up your hands for activities now there's some really interesting flashlight designs out there today this one here is from hydro light and it's an omnidirectional light but you can also compact it and now it turns into a directional flashlight and what I really love about this flash of it has a rechargeable battery which you can charge with these solar panels on the back of the flashlight or through USB this flashlights also from Hydra light and actually has two different power sources one are batteries that are here in the base that I can exchange and the other one is rechargeable batteries that are charged from this solar panel and I absolutely love the idea of flashlights with solar chargers built into them so every day you just stick them outside they charge and that night time you bring them into your home and actually use them and again I'll have links of these two flashlights in the description below if you'll want to check them out so that's all the items that FEMA recommends and now I'm gonna add a few more items that I personally recommend that you also include in your emergency supply kit the first one is going to be cash and in small denominations if possible I have absolutely seen situations where grocery stores and gas stations lose power and they can't process credit cards anymore and they are only relying on cash that's actually a pretty common scenario and probably happens at least once a year somewhere in America if you're relying solely on your credit card or cellphones to purchase items and the power goes out near haier community because of an earthquake or a tornado or a hurricane how are you gonna buy those a necessity that you need and let's say it's a really bad situation need to buy supplies from a neighbor they're probably not gonna take an IOU the next item I would recommend is after you have all your other items taken care of I would invest in some sort of portable water filtration system and this is really in case the emergency lasts for longer than three days and your water supply starts running out this one hears from some viable filter and it's their manual pump and you can use this to filter water from a pond or stream or even a puddle but just keep in mind this is just filtering the water if all large debris and particles but you still need to then boil the water or treat it with chemically in order for to be drinkable and this particular filters from survival filter and I'm pretty happy with this product the next item I would recommend is a box of rubber gloves right and you can actually use these in a lot of different situations if you go back to the scenario of you losing water to your home and now your toilets don't work and you're relying on trash bags instead you're really gonna be wishing that you had some rubber gloves in that type of situation it's also come in handy for medical uses if there are any injuries that you need a treatment and of course if you're in a pandemic situation and you don't want to get any kind of contaminant on your hand in public places having some gloves like this is also really helpful so the next item I want to recommend has a little hesitant to include but for the typical family if you can avoid using fire at all I kind of recommend that for example I'd rather see people relying on rechargeable flashlights rather than emergency candles especially if you have a lot of small kids in your home but if you think that your family can be responsible fire then I rarely recommend you getting some sort of propane camping stove now if you already had a barbeque grill in your backyard with a propane tank that can also suffice but if you do lose power and you were relying solely on an electric stove or a microwave to cook water in to boil water and having a camping stove like this may be your last resort to cook some food heat up some water and sanitize some water but make sure you also have a box of waterproof matches that you keep along with your camping stove if you guys want to see what items I recommend that you buy during a pandemic outbreak click right here to check out that video for more survival and preparedness videos subscribe and hit that Bell icon I get notified every time I upload a new thanks so much for watching us he guys over in the next video
Channel: Survival Know How
Views: 767,003
Rating: 4.8883691 out of 5
Keywords: emergency kit, disaster kit, FEMA, FEMA Emergency kit, survival gear, survival items, disaster, emergency kit for home, emergency kit shopping, emergency preparedness, emergency preparedness kit, emergency preparedness food, emergency preparedness tornado, emergency preparedness video, bug in, shelter in place, emergency gear, shelter in place kit, emergency kit list, prepper, prepping, bug in bag, bug out bag
Id: 4f44CZLVJaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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