11 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation of 2018)

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I am in my mid-40s this is what happened nearly 20 years ago one day I visited one of my friends at his apartment which was very old and shabby there was an entrance to an elevator in the center of the corridor I can't remember well but my friend lived in unit 701 or 801 on the 7th or 8th floor so looking at the apartment building from outside the main entrance his house was on the far left and one summer day my friend said he was alone and didn't have any plans so we called two of our friends and had a drinking party the four of us had been drinking since the early evening and just before passing out we all lied on the floor turned the lights off and started talking while talking to each other a beam of street light entered through the window and was shining on the ceiling I guess the streetlights on the first floor the apartment complex were on of course we were talking while gazing at the ceiling all of a sudden the white ceiling turned black as if something covered up the line at that moment we looked out the window while crouching down someone with a creepy vibe was hanging on a steel bar outside the window since the light was shining from behind that person we could not see his face clearly then after making an unidentifiable gesture he smiled showing his white peel and without making a sound we were so shocked at that moment that we stopped talking and were frozen with silence suddenly one of us picked up an empty bottle of wine and ran toward the window shouting kill that bastard but the creepy guy had disappeared after a few minutes we went out of the apartment to see where he had gone but we could not find him we could only hear his stomping footsteps and assumed he entered the corridor and went down the stairs going down the stairs is the only way that stomping sound could be made it sounded like he descended to the first floor and was walking around so we followed down the stairs looking for him but quickly returned to the apartment still filled with fear at first we thought it must have been a robber or some crazy guy laughing in front of the window but when we came back to our friends house we were all shocked the distance between the end of the corridor and the window of our friend's apartment was too long for someone hanging onto the still window bar to jump across only a crazy person would try and fall to their death ordinary people can't even hold on to the steel bar we thought that maybe someone had committed suicide by jumping from the roof of the apartment and cut the steel bar while falling so we went down to the first floor to see if a body was there but there wasn't a single trace after that experience I never visited his house again I am a 19 year old male and this happened many years ago when I was very young to give you an idea of the layout of our house back then the living room has multiple windows that directly look out onto the back garden there's a big gate in our driveway to stop anyone from getting in next to the living room is the kitchen which also has more windows but also the back door this will be relevant to the story so my mother was completing the household chores as she does one day I was sitting in the living room watching television on the sofa with my back to the living room windows all of a sudden I saw a figure reflecting off of the picture frame hanging on the wall opposite the window I asked my mom if my dad was back from work - what she said no I'll never ever forget the look of horror on her face when I told her that yes he was he's in the garden she looked outside the window and almost had a heart attack when she saw a scruffy looking but fairly built man outside the living room window this didn't seem to faze him at all though he psychotically smiled at my mother through the glass and my mom asked him what he was doing on our property he said nothing with the same sadistic smirk on his face she said that she was gonna call the police and what he said is one of the scariest things I've ever heard he screamed at my mother through the glass that if she even got her phone out that he would break the glass she did not know what to do she paused and tried to rapidly think of what to do next how to keep us both safe she wanted to protect me by calling the police but she also didn't want him to hurt me if she did call them as soon as he saw that she was terrified he ran for the back door luckily it was locked because my mom has always been a paranoid person so she always locks the doors he screamed at her to let him in or if she didn't he to find a way in and kill us both my mother told him to [ __ ] off which enraged him and he pulled out a pocket knife and began bashing a heart against the windows I was still oblivious to what was happening as I just thought I was my dad I was very young my mom frantically grabbed me and I don't mean picked me up she literally grabbed me off the sofa and booked it up the stairs we were backing up in the upstairs hallway looking for anywhere to hide when my mom's younger brother popped out of his room with his headphones on my mom didn't even realize he was home and he clearly didn't hear the commotion downstairs because of his headphones my uncle was 25 at the time and it was really well built he's intimidated a lot of people my mom cried and told him that there's a guy who's trying to break in while she's telling him this that creepy lunatic screamed from downstairs that he was in the house he said cynically boogeyman is coming out to get you which really freaked me out it freaked me out so much that I actually remember that to this day anyway since the guy didn't know my uncle was home he kept yelling and telling us to come out and that it wouldn't be painful my uncle told us to lock ourselves in the bathroom and call the police we did and after five minutes of groaning and blatant violence downstairs the pool swollen and found a guy bloodied and my uncle on top of him beating him mercilessly my uncle really didn't hold back turns out that he was a known pedophile which is why he was watching me for so long while I was watching TV after that day my mom was terrified to be home alone house I loved it as a child because I found the running and hiding fun obviously because I was young I can never thank my uncle enough for being there at the right time what my mother clearly forgot that he was still home it honestly gives me chills wondering what he would have done to my mother and myself if my uncle was not there I work at a pizza joint in Chicago and I unfortunately have the shitty responsibility of delivering pizzas usually on the weekends and usually at night I've asked my boss for day shifts but she seems to ignore my requests and give me whatever shifts I don't want the most I know being a pizza delivery man is somewhat of a dangerous job but I never imagined anything like what happened to me a few months ago could actually happen there is this one customer that always calls in and act strange as hell on the phone sometimes he will just hang up on you sometimes he'll order pizzas normally but make crazy sounds while he does and then hang up we've always thought this guy was just an idiot playing pranks he would make really weird comments to like I want to order a large pizza with pineapples mustard and your skin I'll never forget that one we usually just hang up on his ass now and we always know it's him calling because his number is saved in our system so he called again a few months ago and ordered a pizza normally no [ __ ] no weird comments or sounds and gave his address too I thought it would be interesting to finally deliver to this guy and when I drove up to his house it was something you'd see in a scary movie an old as hell looking place right on the line where we don't deliver not in the busy part of the city where most of our orders come in the house looked like it was about a hundred years old and there were no lights on that I could see I wasn't scared or anything just looking forward to seeing what he looked like when I went to the front door I rang the bell but it wasn't working so I knocked I realized I forgot the guy's soda and thought he'd give me [ __ ] for sure or just freak out on me nobody answered right away so I knocked again on this big door he opened up after that second time he was wearing this weird-looking mask around his mouth only his mouth his eyes were opened wide and I told him how much the pizza was and that I was sorry I forgot the drink he looked down I think and then said it's okay and then looked at me again I stood there looking at him for like five seconds in silence when I got bored of his [ __ ] and told him the amount again he said ok and then asked me has anyone ever attacked me before I told him no and if they did they'd be sorry he then took off his mask that was covering his mouth and he had big ass scars all around his mouth I have no idea what they were from and can't even imagine what they might have been from but he looked seriously messed up he smiled at me and his lips were all cracked I noticed he wasn't about to hand me some money so I told him I was leaving I turned around and started walking down the steps and he screamed at me and slammed the door this bastard was crazy and I don't think any of his [ __ ] was to be funny that final screen he gave me was creepy as hell even though I kind of expected him to do something like that he has called several times since then and we always just tell him now that he is on our no Delivery List he usually just screams and hangs up or cusses out whoever is on the phone I was on summer break and went camping with my friend and his parents we went to the lake during the day and did the s'mores thing at night his parents shared a tent while my friend and I had our own I can't remember where the campsite was and I'm not really in contact with my friend anymore but 15 years later I'm assuming it wasn't the safest place to camp here's why I woke up sometime in the early morning like 3 or 4 a.m. and immediately saw a man's face looking in the tent at us he had unzipped the door just enough to stick his head inside he looked absolutely insane he had big eyes and wild hair I was so stiff from fear I literally couldn't do anything the man kept moving his head from left to right very very slowly as if it was uncontrollable I guess my friend could hear me breathing loudly or something because he woke up too he had the same reaction as me and just laid there and terror looking at this mysterious man I'm not certain how long he was sitting there looking at us but it felt like hours shaking his head back and forth at some point we heard a noise close by and so did the man he disappeared quick and a couple minutes later we got out of our tent and woke up his parents the guy was long gone I'm still afraid of camping to this day [Music] a few years ago I was driving from Texas to Louisiana to help my dad move when I stopped at this tiny crappy motel right off the highway it was a very late at night and it was the only option I could see I don't remember the person who checked me in at all I was so drowsy I could barely keep my eyes open all I remember is sitting on the bed kicking off my boots and noticing that my room was connected to another room I saw that the lock on that door was turned to the right which looked like the locked position to me and I fell backwards and passed out on the bed at some point I turned my body and laid on the bed fully I don't remember when or how long I had been sleeping then I was awoken in the most terrifying way imaginable a sharp object was stabbed into my back I screamed and rolled off the bed I looked and just barely caught a glimpse of what looked like a very skinny man with long greasy hair run through the door that connected our rooms I was taken to the hospital after I ran into the parking lot screaming and the paramedic who removed a letter opener from my back and never returned to the motel and I have no idea what happened or who it was [Music] [Music] when I was a little girl my parents took me to visit my grandmother she lived in a little village in the countryside her cottage was very small and there was only one bedroom my grandmother slept in one bed my parents slept in another and I had to sleep on some cushions on the floor we stayed there for a few weeks and I was troubled by terrible nightmares every night I will wake up screaming my parents tried to calm me down and asked me what was wrong all I could tell them was that there was a man coming to get me I can still remember the cause of my terror every night I saw a shadowy figure emerge from behind the curtains in the corner of the room he was a pitch-black man all I can make out was his silhouette it was tall and he was hairy I will watch in horror as he came crawling towards me with a sickening slowness he came up to me and he whispered something in my ear and just as I was about to scream he would place a finger against his lips and whisper shush shush shush he tortured me every night to the point where I dreaded going to sleep as time went on he began to appear not only at night but also during the day one evening we were all watching TV in the living room and at some point I happened to glance to my left the curtain slowly drew back and I saw the man standing there staring silently at me he raised his head put his finger to his lips and whispered shush shush shush I let out a horrified scream and immediately told my mother what I had seen she got up and went over to the curtains pulling them back and forth showing me that there was nothing there but of course by then he had already disappeared when the holiday was over we went back to our apartment in the city in the nightmare stopped after that my grandmother would always come visit us so we never went to her cottage on a vacation again as time went on I stopped thinking about the man and eventually forgot about him all together one summer when I was 13 years old and my little brother was five years old we went to stay with my grandmother again my parents were in the kitchen having a cup of tea with my grandmother they asked me to get my little brother ready for bed when I was preparing a mattress on the floor for both of us to sleep on my little brother was sitting on one of the beds I noticed that he was being usually quiet when I looked up I saw that he was staring at something what's wrong I asked then suddenly he jerked his head around and looked at me his eyes wide with fear he looked at me pointing at the curtains the shush-shush man is standing there needless to say my brother and I spent the night sleeping in the kitchen and we never went to visit my grandmother's cottage again [Music] Hallows Eve nightmare submitted by Zahra weeks on Halloween back in late 2015 I hosted a sleepover with two of my friends Scarlett and Mae Mae was timid and jumpy but Scarlett was always the confident one anyway we met up around 3 p.m. and set up a tent in my back garden it was a pretty nice one and Eddy carpet in a cozy place to hang out in we set it up next to the back gate which at the time was old and rotting and when standing next to it the average adult stood two feet over it we all went to trick-or-treating after we set everything up it was around 7 by 10 we met up with some other friends and generally had a really good time we went back home around 10:00 p.m. and with the British weather being kind it was dry all evening and thankfully the neighborhood was pretty nice so it was very peaceful that evening we roasted marshmallows played truth or dare then finally laid down to sleep when it was pitch black out the fairy lights in the garden barely illuminated anything so it didn't bother us much out of nowhere in the middle of the night something woke us up it was a creaking sound coming from the back gate Mae shot up from her drowsy state did you guys hear that she asked in a frightened tone and just as she said that we heard a cough coming from someone outside we were full alert scarlet covered Mae's mouth in case she was going to scream as we listened to the silent tonight when the deep throaty voice came we almost jumped out of our skins you kids want some candy a hoarse voice called to us it sounded like an old man someone who had smoked way too much in their lifetime the rattling came from the gate again I know they're boys called out tears form the maze eyes I couldn't move it was like my 13 year old self was paralyzed scar that looked at me and nodded she showed me her fingers and counted down that was when we were going to run when she hit zero we all made a mad dash back inside the house I'll never remove that image from my mind when I turn around standing up my date I saw the man had gray long hair his beard was matted and disgusting and he had the most horrific look on his face it was like pure evil he looked hungry but not like a person but more like a starving predator as if he wanted to harm us that very moment the bolt on the gate luckily was across and as he tried he couldn't get in but behind those bars on top of my gate I saw something gleaming in his hand he put your knife there was no mistaking it he gagged in fear as I saw it and as we made it to the back door he turned the key will be ran up to my mother's room she didn't believe us at first but after looking out of her window she ushered us inside locked her door and called the 999 which is our 909 I then heard knocking on my front door he must have gone around to it I thought to myself the knocking soon turned of Amy and I heard the old man cussing from just outside when she heard the silence she got off the phone then I heard a single curse coming from the man before he stomped away his footsteps disappeared into the distance when we heard a police car pulled up I never saw him before they never caught him we didn't find him even after we gave our statements that quickly ruled our house and we all slept in the living room after that or rather we pretended to sleep I was around 10 years old when this happened me and my two best friends in our parents were in a long vacation in Turkey not very good as a portal one night me and my two best friends walk all team have failed for this video were saying that things room in the hotel while our parents were in the holla restaurant the room wasn't bad actually all of our rooms seemed safe at least we thought it was we were having a lot of fun watching Simpsons and play Monopoly but what happened that night still makes me have chills so it was around 1:00 a.m. and our parents were late Phil looked at them through the window and said they're still in that stupid restaurant yeah they told us they'll come back until 11 p.m. I answered um guys someone is knocking on the door Tim said it's probably just room service Phil said can we can we not open the door I said I was pretty scared in that situation I was only 10 and my friends were only 2 and 3 years older than me so we were all pretty much defenseless children in the room the team was the oldest answered oh come on is just room service the guy on the other side of the door said hello Jenna please open the door when he said that we were all scared in a couple of minutes of silence he said in a louder voice open the goddamn door I started crying because I knew he was a room-service because if he was to have talked in Turkish I was in shock as in that moment I realized that this strange guy is in a fake ID card to open the door Tim grabbed both of us and we ran to the bathroom and locked the door luckily the guy wasn't fast to get us he was screaming to open the door I said look a phone luckily Tina's mom left her phone so we could call her if we needed anything so Phil grabbed the phone and call his dad and told him the situation and they came up to find a guy nowhere they thought we were lying to them until the hotel manager showed them the footage we found out that the man was stalking us and a couple other children in a couple of days police had finally caught him he was a serial rapist and a pedophile we were just lucky he wasn't fast to get us I will never forget that night as that was the worst day in my life [Music] when I was 15 my mother when I was shopping he left me in charge of the house it was starting to get dark and I realized my little brother was nowhere to be found I asked my sister if she knew where he was and she said he had gone to the park around the corner to kick his soccer ball around I told her to watch the house while I was gone and ran off to the direction of the park when I got there I was surprised to find the park completely empty I called out my brother's name but there was no answer I started to get worried and all of a sudden I heard a faint muffled noise coming from my left I turned just in time is he a tall figure disappearing behind a large fence I sprinted as fast as I could when I came around to the other side of the fence I saw something that almost made me choking horror my little brother was being dragged down the alleyway by tall man I flew into a rage and tears of anger stream down my face I ran in him he must have heard me coming because he turned around and faced me and he dropped my younger brother the tall man tried to grab me but I was running at him so fast that when I slammed and it knocked him off his feet he swore and tried to get back up but I just started stomping on his face without stopping and had questions I picked my brother up and ran as fast as I could back to our house by this time it was pitch-black outside and my mother was home she was frantic with worrying when she saw the look on our face she realized that something bad had happened as I explained my brother and I started crying and my mom gave us both the biggest hug ever and she cried with us eventually the police were called but this guy was never found this story takes place when I was a junior high school student one morning during summer vacation after my father went to work my mother and I decided to visit my maternal grandmother who lived in a rural area since my grandmother's house was located in the countryside getting there required making a left turn then driving for five minutes through a narrow one car wide unpaved Road there were rice fields and forests on the sides of the unpaved Road as soon as we arrived I greeted my grandma and went into my youngest uncle's room I used to like visiting my grandmother's house because my uncle was a huge gaming fan and his computer was much better than mine at home so once I confirm my uncle was at work I turned on his computer and started playing Doom 3 which used to be the most your game once upon a time after playing the game for about an hour or two my uncle returned from work upon his arrival my grandmother asked him to take her grocery shopping since my mother my aunt and I were visiting her house so at about 7:00 p.m. they all drove to town to do some grocery shopping I was super excited and waved goodbye to them since I think it is unnecessary to explain why I was excited I'll just leave it after enjoying about 90 minutes of free time my uncle called he said he was about to turn left on the road well one of the front wheels was punctured and asked me to bring him a new tire which was in the storage shed as I said before after making that left turn it took about five minutes to drive through a narrow unpaved single lane road to see my grandmother's house but it took about twenty to thirty minutes on foot now that I think about it it was quite scary to walk on that road especially at night it had no streetlights and was surrounded by rice fields and forests it was almost 9 p.m. and that area got quite dark at about 8 because it was in the country so to be honest I was really scared but not wanting anyone to know I was a coward I decided to go I grabbed the tire left the house and started walking along the unpaved Road I could see my uncle's shining his car's headlights toward me that said he was still quite far away from me and the headlights looked like two big yellow dots I was a bit relieved knowing my uncle and family were on the other end of this road but the night was dark which deepened my fear you know when you walk in the darkness your eyes adjust and you start to see unclear shapes I felt like I could see someone standing in the rice field and someone sitting down resting his chin on his hands and looking at me through the bushes I broke out in a cold sweat and held my legs to keep them from shaking it felt scarier than being alone on a pitch-dark night and because of the fear and the delusion I had created I remember feeling really dizzy after walking for about 20 minutes I looked towards my uncle's car and realized I was nearly there feeling happier I rolled the tire faster I rushed the hand over the tire to him as soon as possible but saw something in front of me I wasn't sure what it was because it was still a bit away from me but it was something dark suddenly I felt strange and slowed down since I wanted to determine what it was while still having some distance I strained my head and neck trying to look carefully but it was too dark although I was scared I started to walk again thinking nothing is going to happen because I have my uncle and family about 300 meters away but when I got closer to it I stopped because it became clearly visible it was an old woman squatting with her mouth open looking at the rice fields I could only see the side of her face but my whole body shivered because her blank facial expression with her mouth open was now clearly visible in the darkness without realizing it I walked really close to the old woman for reasons I don't understand walking by without saying anything seemed even scarier so I started talking to her with a frightened voice I asked excuse me what are you doing here at night but she did not respond and kept looking at the rice field on the verge of crying I shouted excuse me she then looked at me and I felt my heart fight me even though it was dark I could clearly see she had permed white hair and I could only see the white parts of her eyes the scariest thing were the huge wrinkles and stains covering her face and her wide-open mouth I felt strange like I was going crazy while looking at her I had eye contact but was looking down while she was looking up at me after a few moments of eye contact she turned her body toward me oh my gosh I thought she was sitting down but realized she had no lower body she only had a torso and head which was supported from the ground with two arms a flood of thoughts crossed my mind but I remember thinking there is Satan right in front of me I felt like she was going to run into me with her two arms if I didn't move so I grabbed the tire of my arms and sprinted with my eyes closed tightly without remembering how long I'd been running I suddenly felt relieved it was the next morning and I was in my grandmother's room when I asked my mother what happened she said she was waiting for me in the car and saw me sprinting with my head down holding the tire in my arms and suddenly fell off the road causing my family to come out of the car shock after listening to my mother I told her my other family members what I went through thinking I had suffered a heat stroke that evening my grandmother made me chicken sue my uncle told me to stop playing horror games and wouldn't let me play doom 3 anymore from then on I could only play a Star Wars racing game while staying at my grandmother's house I still believe it was not a ghost that I saw that day it was just an illusion caused by my mental weakness about ten years ago my three-year-old son and I moved to a house from our apartment it was a very old building and inside of the house always seemed to be just a little darker he was just a little colder than it should've been not long after we moved in a friend of mine came to visit the whole time we were sitting and talking she seemed very uncomfortable when I looked at her face I noticed that something in the other room and caught her attention her eyes grew wide and she said I have to go I asked her what was wrong but she refused to tell me her odd reaction was freaking me out so I kept after her on her way out the door she finally blurted out this house is haunted but she wouldn't tell me what it was or what made her think so to this day she still refuses to tell me what she saw about a week later my three-year-old son casually asks me who the old lady in the bathroom was one day I was leaving my house for work and I got to the car and I realize I needed to run back in the house to get some I walked into the house and as soon as I got inside this framed photo on the wall shot off the wall it didn't fall down it shot horizontally away from the wall and it landed on a massage table with enough force to break some of the tiles off of it I felt like whatever was in the house was pissed and that I came back in after a thought I had left for the day after living in the house for about six months I noticed a weird square cut into the boards on the deck there was no handle but I was able to pry it up the hole was just big enough to fit through and there was a ladder going down for some reason I went down and I found myself and what looked like a homemade basement it was basically just a room dug out of the earth with no constructed walls or stone supports or anything like that it was very dark but I could see something over in the corner it was a suspicious looking stone it looked like one of those old headstones you see in cemeteries just then some insects started jumping on me so I got out of the basement as fast as I could and never went back now this is the part that affected me the most there's also the reason we left the house one night I was in bed laying on my stomach just about to fall asleep and I heard someone walk into my room the footsteps came from the doorway over to my bed I didn't realize until later that the fact that I heard the footsteps was weird because the room was carpeted when the footsteps reached my bed I felt someone put their hands on my back two hands just gently laid flat on my back and kept me there I assumed it was my son what are you doing I asked but there was no answer I looked up no one was there I got up and checked my son's bed Roman he was in bed fast asleep we moved out soon after this and we never looked back [Music]
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 7,114,893
Rating: 4.8300424 out of 5
Keywords: creepypasta, llama arts, mr.nightmare, scary stories, stories, story, horror stories, creepy stories, real story, real stories, real animation, real animated, true animation, true animated, horror animation, wansee, studio, wansee studio, anime, animation, storybooth, creepy, creep, horror movie, movie, best, top, hot, creepiest, scariest
Id: fZC4TafJp1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 46sec (2386 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 24 2018
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