20 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation of November to December 2019)

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both side perfecting my 10 for the start of school next month mom was in the kitchen cooking her famous fettuccine alfredo and dad was on the way home with a movie from red box my life was perfect but everything was about to change with the arrival of a new neighbor next door he was a former police officer probably mid-50s possessed a firm drill sergeant like tone but was very friendly and talkative initially he seemed like a good fit for the neighborhood he was cordial always made an effort to wave or say hi and the presence of someone with a law enforcement background provided a sense of security but everything began to unravel quickly and the catalyst seemed to be me my neighbors like a sudden and keen interest in me whenever I went outside I could feel his eyes examining me he would always wander over and try to start conversations with me but as soon as he heard or saw my parents he would leave he asked me if I had any social media accounts when I lied and said no he asked if he could take a picture of me and proceeded to snap a pic before I could reply I felt completely unnerved and frightened about his intentions for me for all I knew that we could have a murderer or pedophile living a mere feet from our home I knew I had to delve deeper so one night I aimed my telescope at his window and when I saw only amplified the alarm bells going off in my head the man was fixated on the picture of me on his phone and I could even see a small stack of photos on his nightstand a young girl's image on top my blood ran cold as this all but confirmed my fear he must be a pedophile the next night I saw him sneakily rummaging through our trash can I watched in horror and disbelief as he removed my used tampon got into his car and sped off in the night this was the final straw I knew that in the morning I would have to alert my parents and get in contact with the police and next morning I awoke to the sound of police sirens and a loud commotion downstairs I hopped out of bed and saw my parents being taken away in handcuffs I started screaming and crying as I rushed towards the door but I was stopped by the neighbor with a horrified expression he muttered I'm so sorry those aren't your real parents you're kidnapped and missing the past 14 years DNA test confirmed it it was on Friday night I was finishing the last deliveries that I worked for I was headed to the bar that I would usually go to every night to grab a glass of wine I noticed there was a new bar that had recently opened a kilometer away from the usual bar so I decided to try it out when I arrived and pushed the entrance door I noticed something very weird there were only five people inside and they were all dressed in Halloween costumes like vampire ghosts werewolf witch and black magician I felt really uncomfortable because I was the only ordinary person there and also because Halloween was over two days ago I was still awkwardly standing there blocking the entrance when all of a sudden all the people started staring at me as if I had done something terribly wrong I made my move and walked over to the bartender the bartender looked almost like a real executioner he asked me rudely in a gruff voice what do you want to sacrifice blood or flesh that creep the hell out of me but I thought this was his way of taking a Halloween order of alcohol so I requested to him one glass of blood please he turned around grabbed a wine bottle and poured it into a wine glass later he opened a drawer and took out a black satanic pentagram necklace he dipped the necklace three times while muttering something into my drink to my surprise the wine turned black in color and he placed the glass on the table and told me to drink it in one shot I was really thirsty at that moment so I took the glass and drank it completely it was quite strong and my vision was slowly starting to blur I paid the bartender and left the bar immediately while I was walking I started to feel dizzy and my vision was worsening I wasn't focused on where I was going as my mind was in a vision of all the faces of all the people I saw in that bar maniacally laughing and giggling at me all of a sudden I had already arrived home during my vision at first I was relieved but when I closed the door behind me and turned around I knew that I was in the wrong house it was completely abandoned cold gloomy and barely lit with the Rays of moonlight I tried to open the door but it was totally locked right when I was going to run into the door to break it I heard the upper wooden ceiling was creaking as if someone was up there walking slowly step by step I was really afraid as I had no weapon to protect myself I tried to call 911 service to call my only option was to go upstairs and find my way out I carefully walked upstairs and reached the top to my left was a dead end but to my right I saw a hallway with three doors on each side I opened the doors one by one to find nothing but dark empty rooms and no way to escape finally when I opened the sixth door I saw a pentagram was drawn on the floor with five candles around touching all five corners of the star this sent me back to where the bartender dipped a necklace with the same symbol into my drink and there was a figure floating vertically right above the Sybil below but the light provided by the candles was not enough for me to figure out what was floating accidentally I dropped my phone on the old wooden floor which created a loud sound the figure was slowly advancing to my direction I quickly backed off and hit my head against the wall behind that figure I can't forget it my body was completely paralyzed when I saw that the same bartender at the bar was this guy he was still dressed as an executioner and faced by powerless body to make matters worse the doors of the empty room started opening on their own one by one and out came all of the five people I saw at the barn they were all laughing at me to the point I passed out then I heard silence then I woke up and realized that I was in a hospital I asked one of the nurses what was going on she told me that a group of teenagers saw me walking out of the forest and then walking to the abandoned house they tried calling out to me but I didn't respond nor look at them then the group saw me entering the house and when they tried to open the door it was locked and so they called 911 thinking that I was trapped in that house thirty minutes later the police staff arrived and broke open the door and found me unconscious lying on the floor they brought me into the hospital and we're trying to investigate what had happened in that abandoned house later I told police officers the whole story when they came to ask but they didn't seem to believe me well some of them were laughing thinking that I was making it up after that I went home and directly went to sleep the next morning I hurried to the bathroom because I had to vomit very badly and after I did I noticed that my vomit was black to forget things I tried taking a cold shower and when I was showering I felt a sharp sting on my back then when I changed the water temperature from cold to warm the sting started to feel even more painful I turned back with my head barely making it to see behind then I was shocked for life I had the same satanic pentagram carved on my back which was surely done by a sharp object from then on I never went to a bar again my name is Kate I'm 22 years old and about three years ago I got a job working at Sam's Club my best friend Mimi who worked there before me was the one who suggested that I applied there her job was to work on the cash register mine was the stock shelves and keep certain areas tidy one day a young man entered the store and started to make conversation with me I will say he was around 25 years old after some friendly chitchat he eventually said that I look like a model and he has contacts with in the modeling agencies honestly I didn't believe a word he said it was nice but I wasn't about to fall for this after many attempts of trying to persuade me to go with him to meet somewhere to meet some context he eventually gave up he didn't leave the store however because about five minutes later I noticed him talking to Mimi as she was working in the cash register I was hoping she wouldn't fall for it but unfortunately she did at the end of our shift we spoke about what the guy had said and Mimi really believed that the guy could get her modeling gigs I told her not to meet him and she says she wouldn't about a week later she didn't turn up the works and wasn't answering calls or texts in fact she kind of went missing it was about a week until I finally heard from her she was in the hospital Mimi had met up with the guy from the store she wouldn't say what happened in detail but what she did tell me was disturbing enough she met up with the guy from the store and the very old run-down apartment there were two very large men one skinny old guy she was attacked two men drugged her and she fell unconscious then when she woke up she was in extreme pain the men she met up with knocked her out and took all of her belongings police say that she was lucky I'm sorry that Mimi had to go through all of that but thankfully she wasn't killed but I'm glad it wasn't me they got lured into the man's sick plan I was 15 I was at my boyfriend's house and it was about 10:30 p.m. we were sitting on his trampoline in his backyard which faces a small park behind his house his yard is on a ground level about a meter above the ground level the park is on and his fence is on that lower level so by sitting on the trampoline we could see out into the darkness of the park which was just slightly illuminated by his yard lights we're talking when suddenly I feel an eerie chill like we're being watched like something wants us to know we're being watched I remember glancing all over the place and jumping at the smallest sounds of the night my boyfriend was laughing at me and all before he suddenly stilled and rose up onto his knees to look at something in the park hey there's some man watching us from that tree over there those words though chilled me to the core I froze and asked him to tell me what he was doing he told me that the man was very tall almost halfway up the tree which was a large eucalyptus and that only his head and shoulder were really visible and that his eyes were glowing or reflecting the light from his yard lights I wondered if he was lying and making fun of me again for being paranoid earlier so I set up and leaned over him to see the thing next to the tree and there it was it was tall and darker than the shadows of the trees and wasn't lit up like the trees were from the lights its eyes were shining brightly and it was exceptionally tall he couldn't be a man if not for the shoulder and arm draped over the tree and so it wasn't an animal neither I fell back onto the trampoline and my boyfriend told me to be quiet and to start moving back towards the house it was moving towards us I shook my head I didn't want to move I couldn't even bring myself to move I was frozen and fear or something I don't know but I remember he had to force me up swearing loudly and telling me was nearly at the fence I got up and caught a glance of a figure nearly across the short distance from the trees to his yard and I booked it to the stairs up to his front door I glanced back to look again and my boyfriend yelled at me not to and that it was climbing over their fence I somehow moved even faster and made it to the door without tripping up the stairs and breaking a leg it told me again it had been trying to climb over their fence when I slowed down to take a look his family is very religious and his father swears it was a demon trying to test their faith or something but I don't think it was I had another encounter maybe a month later my boyfriend told me that a figure was watching me from exposed ceiling beams of my old barn like house during a FaceTime call late at night maybe a shadow man maybe an Australian version of a skinwalker I'm not really sure and I'm 19 now and I still can't stop thinking about what happened my name is lanai and I'm a eighteen year old from New Jersey that is currently living in Ohio and this experience happened to me a few months ago at my brother's house my brother Ivan had just moved into this house with his wife and his ten year old child it was my first ever time visiting since I was working all the time and we was barely home anyway I arrived at my brother's house and got out of my car as soon as I pulled into the driveway of the place I started getting an uneasy feeling the house was a blue three-story house that was surrounded by two other houses and while I grabbed my purse I glanced up at the window I froze because staring back at me from the second-floor window was this older man wearing a flannel his hair was long and was messy but he was gone within seconds I brushed this off figuring maybe Ivan and our other brother Ian was screwing with me but both Ivan and Ian came out to first floor and gave me a hug I was a bit freaked out over this but I sucked it up and walked inside with them upstairs on the second floor was where my niece iris and my nephew sleep and my brother and his wife slept on a third floor of course iris was excited to see me and wanted me to see her room so she took me by my hand and ran me upstairs to her room all I can say this place was creepy and it smelled like a rotting corpse of something the room was cold and it felt as if time stopped altogether I suddenly snapped out of this trance I was in and imus was showing me her collection of items she got from her grandmother in Korea when we all went together iris was paying no attention to me at all but she kept talking and then said hey aunty I'll be right back stay here okay I agreed and she left the room I went over to one of the walls nearest to the window to where I saw the man earlier on the wall I noticed something was there I took a few steps closer and I saw the name max carved into the wall it's strangely enough was also in what looks like blood or something I got chills down my spine and just as this was happening I heard what sounded like a man say you'll never leave lanai and then I was spun around by nothing there was a nobody there I was alone and something had what felt like a hand around my neck choking me the smell got even worse it got colder and suddenly I could no longer breathe after about another five seconds of being choked I was thrown up against the wall and slammed to the floor I was crying and I jumped up really not giving a [ __ ] about what attacked me but I practically mowed iris over as I sprinted down the stairs ran past my very confused brothers I was shouting as I dashed for my keys and pretty much died myself into my car I started it up and looked one more time at the window and a pair of yellow eyes were the most fucked-up joker looking smiles stared at me I threw my 67 Chevy into reverse and never looked back now after a few months I lived by myself in a house in Dayton I think he followed me because now I see hear and sense things stuff in my house gets thrown at me and breaks I can still smell that rotting corpse smell to this everyday I remember it as clear as it was yesterday it happened when I was in high school where kindergarten campus elementary high school and college campuses are all located near to each other it is a huge school so getting lost sometimes is inevitable at that time I was with my teammates Rouge Aaron and Cecile I was part of the math club in our campus and the math room was relocated at the elementary campus since the one we usually trained in was under construction it was weirdly quiet when we were walking at a long catwalk passing through a big oak tree the tree was old and I remembered passing by it always when I was in kindergarten a shiver ran against my skin as we passed it and I remember feeling a bit dizzy but shrugged it off as we were nearing our room we saw a commotion at a distance 3rd graders I believe were outside of the room and the teacher was trying her best to calm them while leading them to the fourth graders room the four of us looked at each other curious about what is happening so we agreed to figure out what was happening as we near the distance hairs at the back of my neck started to rise and my eyes widen at what I heard next coming from the third graders room allowed animalistic roar and loud thumps were heard we were petrified as we closed in the CEO told Aaron to look at the windows as it was apparent that all of us were already frozen on our places Aaron stepped forward and I saw right then the horror registered in his face but curiosity got the best of us as to what happened with the ear deafening screams inside I wanted to know what was happening the next thing I remember then made me drop my bag was the sight of a girl tied on a chair in a dim room shouting the teachers were holding her in place and praying while one of them is demanding that the demon inside of her to leave my teeth chattered uncontrollably as a skeptic in me vanished the sight was terrifying but it made me think of horror movies that usually made me stay up at night it was scary to see it in real life we backed away when the possessed girl mentioned our names one by one and continued laughing as her hair moved and we came face to face with it her eyes were all white she was pale saliva was dripping out of her outstretched mouth one of the teachers hurriedly walked out of the room and yelled at us to go away and is swiftly we scrambled away from the scene several days later the news got out and everyone in the campus knew what happened they said that the girl played earlier at that huge oak tree and angered the ghosts living there we still could not believe what happened but one thing is for sure the memory stayed with me forever reminding me that sometimes curiosity can lead you to danger I live in the same house since my birth till I'm 18 it used to be my grandfather's house and he gave it to his sons we all live together my father and his two brothers with their wives and children our grandpa passed away when I was about to born when me and my cousins were young our parents scared us by telling that before grandpa bought this house there were husband and wife been murdered and their bodies were found in our water tanks and they became ghosts now they told us this story to keep us away from the roof and water tanks as they all go to work at my young age I didn't notice these paranormal stuff happening but after I reached 11 my life changed we all had separate room but me and my two sisters shared one room I was just watching some videos on YouTube until late at night it was around 2 o'clock a.m. and my sisters were asleep on their bed my bed was the middle and the room was pretty dark I could see only my mobile phone and someone just tapped my knee three times I was jumped with fear I quickly used my phone light to see who it was but no one was there I thought it was only my imagination and then I covered myself with a blanket and tried to sleep and suddenly I saw a white shadow of both men and woman with long hairs and a young girl I screamed as loud as I could everybody woke up but they never believed me that night I shared my bed with my cousin and I started noticing that kind of stuffs later on day after that day two police officers came in our house and meet my father me my sister and my cousins were watching from the stairs and the police officers told him that they were looking for the murders of mr. and mrs. they said they could not found for years so they are going to close this case we also found out that the mrs. was pregnant at the same time she was murdered we were all scared another big incident was happened last month my mother was working in the kitchen and I was also sitting there gossiping with her I mentioned the case of mr. and mrs. and suddenly the glass table beside me was broken I was lucky that I stood up at the right moment but there was no explanation of how it broke in my house there are 18 people living and everybody has a haunting experience every time we mention their case we are still living in that house as nothing serious harm has happened to anybody but I'm still afraid when I was 11 years old I spent the night hanging out with my closest friend at the time I left around 7 o'clock he was about 15 a 20-minute walk away from my house it was the month of December so it was icy and dark outside while I was walking down the long sidewalk I had to make a turn halfway across the turn down the sidewalk I noticed a man way further down he was alone at the moment 10 seconds later a 4-door car drove up to him it was a long street till my turn so I watched him talk to whoever it was in the car it sped off and he just stopped watching me watching me as I walked as I kept walking all I heard was hey you come here stop hey you saw freaked out I started walking faster and didn't notice he started running toward me I started running for my life sister Brown was covered in snow and ice a lot literally thought was please God don't let me slip I was crying and I was running he caught up extremely fast I kept looking back and noticed a car slowly driving behind him as I ran I felt his arm reach out and try to grab the hood of my sweatshirt by God's grace his hands slipped and I ran a block trying to find a house with the lights on I finally found one and banged at the door almost ready to break it down this older couple finally answered and I ran inside explaining what happened the husband then went outside to try to find him when he went out he saw the man standing at the end of the street staring at him then he ran off my mom calls the police and pulled me out of school for four days afterward and this guy was never found for a while after I will buy flowers in a car and leave it on a couple steps thanking them for saving my life god only knows what would have happened if he got me and dragged me for the time my name is Ronald and I'm 19 years old when this happened I was nine I grew up in a very small town in Montana and during the summer my brother and I would sometimes sell lemonade by the side of the road we didn't make a lot of money but we did have fun selling the lemonade to people who were passing by one hot afternoon my brother and I were standing at our lemonade stand when we noticed an old rusty car passed by us two or three times at the time it struck me as a little creepy eventually the car slowed down and stopped right in front of the stand there was a woman in the passenger seat and as she rolled her window down I saw she was really skinny with gray hair that was stained a sickly yellow hue she was smiling at us but her face didn't look normal I couldn't see the man who was driving very well because he never looked at me and just stared straight ahead both of them seemed very odd and their clothes were old and dirty you boys out here selling lemonade all by yourselves broke the woman yeah my mom lets us I replied is your mom home she asked yeah she's in the house I said the woman turned and looked at the man who was driving he nodded still staring straight ahead the woman turned back to me and said okay I'll have a lemonade that'll be 25 cents I said as I poured her a glass she rummaged around in her purse and I could hear coins clinking then she pulled out a five-dollar bill and held it out to me a chill went down my spine why was she handing me a five-dollar bill if she had coins in her purse something just didn't feel right I don't have any change and they lied you can keep the change she croaked just come and take it I was struggling with myself but you know five dollars is a lot of money to a kid I walked up to the car and reached out to take the five dollars from her hand as soon as my fingers touched it the woman suddenly grabbed me by the wrist and began pulling me into the car I screamed my lungs out and my brother ran to the house yelling for help the man floored the accelerator and the car lurched forward I fought with all my might and managed to wrench myself free from her grasp the car stopped and the man got out but I was already running for my life then my mother rushed out and I turned just in time to see the rusty old car speeding away we told my mom what had happened and she called the police when my brother and I calmed down and went back to the lemonade stand there was a five dollar bill lying on the ground we packed up the lemonade stand and put it away for good I never had a lemonade stand after that cruel incident nobody can ever feel the pounding of my chest when that woman tried pulling me I just thank my great God that I'm fine this incident exactly took place on April 20th 2019 in Irvine California I remember that it was around 11:30 at night I was watching YouTube on my computer when suddenly I heard yelling from outside of my room I immediately opened my door to see my mom running toward my room the first thing she said was for me to call the police and which I did my mom heard a large sound and went to investigate looking through the sliding glass door and when she opened a curtain what she saw was a figure on the other side of the glass looking back at her it was a guy he didn't move at all but still stared at us which was so creepy and weird and his body was covered with a dark deep liquid like his blood I then gave my phone to my mom and she said to the dispatcher with fear that there was a man who climbed onto our second-story balcony I was a bit tense not knowing what to do in a situation like this considering I was in a room just moments later my mom calmly called and told my dad who was not at home that there was a man that climbed onto our balcony around 11:30 p.m. when my dad was questioning my mom about the situation I went back to my room to look out my window after I did that I heard a distant gunshot and that guy already disappeared fast forward a couple minutes later the police show up at our house asking questions about what just happened my mom told the police that there was a man and that he looked like he was in his mid-20s she then told that the man climbed onto our second-story balcony and when she first saw the man she instantly went to the sliding door and held it in place before anything bad could happen when the man was just about to run away my mom told the cops that she saw a bright flash my first thought that it might be a handgun for suppress after mom turned on the lights from my balcony I saw there were multiple footsteps and handprints on the pillar and railing a day later a group of police detectives came to my house to investigate more into the case they noticed a bullet hole on the ceiling of our balcony and they told me and my parents that the hole was made by a handgun the police then sent out a firefighter to come and cut the bullet out of the wood a couple days later we found out that the guy who was actually in his mid-40s was arrested and that this wasn't the first time he had done something like this on the 21st he tried to break into another house in Irvine at 5:00 in the morning and a couple hours later I was shopping with my dad when my mom calls him to the sickening news that the suspect viciously murdered two people in Newport Beach just hours before the guy tried to break into our house my heart just pumped at that time and I thanked my mom so much for saving our life if she wasn't there during the time I could have possibly been killed that night [Music] it was the day before Valentine's Day in 2010 my mom and dad had asked me to dog-sit our family German Shepherd at the house I grew up in in Philadelphia while they took their first them only vacation since my brother were myself had been born the plan was for them to be gone for eight days but the night in question which is the third night after they had left was reason enough for them to come home early I was sleeping on the couch in the living room as my old bedroom was now a storage room for my dad's stuff at around 3 or 4 a.m. an explosively loud bang woke me up from a dead sleep and my dog started going crazy I assumed it was his barking that had woken me up so despite being scared my first thought was to sit up on the couch and to call him over to reassure him that everything was fine and he could go back to sleep but just before I was going to sit up to do that I heard a woman scream no dad no an absolute terror followed by another incredibly loud bang immediately after I felt tiny wood splinters fall into my eye from the wall the couch was against as a trickle down onto my face that second bang turned out to be the sound of my neighbor shooting and killing his daughter those wood shavings that had gotten into my eye they were from where the impact of even her body or the bullet or even both hit the wall directly on the other side of where I was sleeping it had splintered some of the brick between our houses and caused my living room wall to push in a few millimeters my head would have been pretty damn close to this spot had I actually sat up after the first bang to reassure my dog given that the bullet didn't actually come through the road I would have been fine even if I had setup but knowing what I know now I'm glad I laid there for the extra second naturally I called 911 my front and back doors and all the windows were locked within three minutes the next bangs I was herring or those of the police kicking the guy's door down and screaming for him to get on the ground i sat at my window and watched them walk him out in cuffs and put him in a cruiser it wasn't until the cows in the one Cruiser had driven away with him in the back that I finally opened my door to talk to the other cops that were still on the scene I told them what I had heard and gave them a statement a week later I was subpoenaed to testify against him in court because it was claiming that the whole thing was an accident however I heard his daughters screaming before he fired the second round no way that that was accidental testifying against him was terrifying because if he got off well he was my parents neighbor and I knew he wasn't above murder thankfully the DA made sure he didn't get off he's 70 years old now and has another 20 plus years of jail time with no possibility of parole I was 14 back then and we just moved to a house my father rented because of his work which will spend about two months in me and my parents were happy with how good the house looked and quickly we unpacked our things we spent the whole day settling in and getting a little used to the house after having I went to my room to sleep as I was fatigued from the whole moving thing my room had a bed a mirror my computer and a closet I turned off the lights and started sleeping in the middle of the night I heard some sound it was coming from my slightly opened closet I didn't move I just slightly opened my eyes and what I have seen me every hair on my body stared from the slight opening I could see an eye opened as why isn't I can possibly be opened staring at me I was terrified and I jumped out of the bed as I let a loud scream out I went to my parents who were sitting in the living room as soon as I finished telling dad about what I had seen while mom was holding me he ran to my room to look in the closet he opened the closet but they're nothing but clothes in it he then told me it was a nightmare and helped me back to bed my heartbeat went back to normal and my parents wished me a good night while leaving the room before leaving mom told me she would leave the door slightly open to let in some light to help me sleep but after that I couldn't close my eyes I was too afraid to do so was it really my imagination dad checked the closet and I know there was nothing but I tried to call myself to fall asleep and indeed I did but not before leaving my phone's camera recording and facing the now fully closed closet I thought of it is like a third eye keeping an eye on the closet it was morning and I slept well despite what had happened I noticed my phone was still recording and I stopped the recording after taking a shower and washing my teeth I went to have breakfast with my parents and we moved to the living room so my dad was watching TV and mom reading a magazine I was bored so I thought I'd check the video I played it and speeded it up I had my headphones on after three hours of absolute silence there was a knock upon hearing I immediately slowed the video back to normal there was another knock and after that the closet door started to open slowly I fell in shock as I watched a hand being placed on the side at the closet door to fully open it from the closet came out what looked like a nun her face was fully covered with a veil I was sweating buckets watching her approach my bed upon reaching my bed she raised her veil which revealed a surprisingly beautiful face and started to smile while looking down upon me her smile was kind of warm she now opened her teeth to reveal an excellent set of white teeth and then her smile grew wider and wider my eyes nearly popped of their sockets as I saw her warm expression turned into an evil and horrifying one and her warm yellowish skin turned to a color close to the whiteness of snow is she going to hurt me but that was yesterday and I'm flying now what cut my line of thought was the sound of footsteps of someone approaching then I looked towards the rooms door and quickly returned to the closet before closing it behind her that someone must have come to check up on me and that was what saved me after showing the video to my parents they had a horrified expression on their faces in that same day we moved out the house and warned it's owner who didn't believe it even after seeing the video which he thought was made by me to prank him it has been a year since then but still it is a sleepless one to me [Music] my name is Kai when I was 17 me and my friends were hanging out one night and decided to watch a movie making some popcorn the movie was a hilarious thing we had a good time laughing and eating popcorn and other snacks but when the movie was done it was around 11:30 p.m. it already turned to pitch-black outside one of my friends will call him Spencer suggested that it would be a good idea to play a game of spotlight spotlight is basically hide-and-seek but in the dark and the seeker has a flashlight where I live my house is in a cul-de-sac and if you walk down a little path in the backyard you end up at a long Street across that street there's a giant field that used to have a basketball court and a playground but it's been torn down since I was 8 so now the giant field was just empty but there were a lot of bushes and hiding spots and even a little cornfield which made it perfect for a game like spotlight so we grabbed a few flashlights and headed to the field after playing a giant game of rock-paper-scissors it was decided that another friend will call him Brayden was going to be the seeker so me and Spencer went to hide together in the cornfield since it would be hard to find someone in there while I believe for other friends John Ethan Liam and my brother Cameron went to hide all separately in different places in the field for some information that'll be needed later on in the story Spencer was 17 John and Ethan were 16 Brayden a Cameron and Liam were 14 once me and Spencer got comfortable in the cornfields we started just to talk about random stuff and about the movie we watched earlier just as I told Spencer a joke and he started laughing I put my finger to my lips and told him to shut up because I could hear someone rummaging through the corn and stomping on leaves we both just sat there thinking it was Braden and hoping that he would find us I then realized that it sounded like multiple people then Spencer said wait isn't Braden the only seeker my heart dropped I began getting scared but tried not to say anything I could also see that Spencer was scared too and I bet he was about to [ __ ] his pants just then we heard the men speaking to each other and they didn't sound like any of our friends so it was confirmed that there were two other men in the cornfields with us they were talking very quietly but I could hear some words boys snatch just like that I felt like time stopped about a minute later we heard them walk off and I'm going to assume that they left the cornfield but after the two men left we heard someone yelling get the [ __ ] away from me help it sounded like Cameron me and Spencer immediately rushed out of the cornfields and went to find Cameron just then everyone else came out of their hiding spots and went after the two men Spencer and John were the tallest and most muscular so they went in and beat the [ __ ] out of them John put one in a headlock and threw him to the ground then one man sprang at Spencer suddenly Spencer screamed and took out his large pocketknife he always has with him and then stabbed him three times as they proceeded to beat them I went to Cameron helped him to get up and yelled for everyone to run Spencer listened and shoved the guy to the ground but John didn't listen and continued beating the man after Spencer pulled John off the man they both finally ran away we went back to Spencer's house since it was the closest and we told everything to his mom and then she called the police when the police arrived we led them down to the field but of course the men were gone however there were still some blood left on the path where Spencer stabbed one of the men so the police took a sample of it once me and Cameron got home he told me that the man Spencer attacked had a knife but the other had nothing I was feeling a little uncomfortable about what we done for our self-protection at the corn field but then I realized that was a good thing Spencer attacked the man with the knife because if John tried to attack that man he could have been stabbed to death as he had no weapon I'm just thankful none of my friends were hurt that evening it could have ended much worse after that we never heard back from the police so neither of the men was found my name is Luka and I live in Germany this happened when I was 17 years old I was babysitting my mother's friend's baby it was bedtime for the baby so I took him to bed and went back down the stairs to watch some TV at some point the baby suddenly started crying I got up and went to the bedroom to check what is wrong with him the window was open I knew it was shut earlier before that freaked me out and to be honest I was scared but there was nothing I could do so I shut the door immediately took care of the baby and put him back to sleep when I walked out of the room I realized that in the corner there was a clown sitting on the floor the whole floor was kind of dark I couldn't see very clearly but he looked like he had a smile on his face as he was staring at me but it just looked like a toy so I didn't really think about it anymore I just went back to watching TV only 10 to 15 minutes later the baby started crying again I went upstairs and went into the bedroom again feeling anxious and when I saw that the window is open again my heart dropped my entire body was sweating I tried to calm down the crying baby I wanted to call my mom so badly but I left my phone on the couch when I went back to the bedroom door I screamed at the top of my lungs the clown that was sitting on the ground in the corner of the room earlier was now gone I was horrified my entire body was all nerves then I heard footsteps constantly but unequal and odd jumping steps I thought I heard a creepy giggling sound - but that doesn't matter I was almost out of my mind I ran as fast as I could to grab my phone and call the police speaking gibberish I told them that a con broke into the house where I was babysitting the cops arrived 10 minutes later and checked the whole house but they didn't find the clown they called my mom and told her everything and few hours later she came back with her friend till this day I still don't know if they found him but hopefully they did I cannot get a minute of sleep when thinking about that night when I was in the eleventh grade some friends and I used to be in an elementary school together that had recently shut down when we heard the school shut down we all decided to check out our neighborhood school this idea got my friends and I very excited we agreed to show up at the school around 11:30 p.m. the night we chose to do this was ironically raining heavily with the occasional sounds of thunder which made it a bit more unsettling our meeting spot was the playground which all of a showed up at now we just had to find a way into the school after searching around the property one of my friends found an unlocked window that led to the main office all of us climbed inside the school from the unlocked window getting inside that school was a little unnerving it was very dark in there and you could barely see where you were going but some of my friends had a couple of flashlights so we were fine the main office was trashed there were papers everywhere with broken printers and other pieces of technology scattered around the room every time one of my friends would flash his light into a new direction of the office I was afraid the light would land on a person or something even worse the main office led to the main part of the school in the main part of the school it had a hallway to the left of you and a hallway to the right of you and straight ahead from the office was the library trying to get into the library didn't work the door was locked so we decided to go down the hallway to the left of us flashing that light down the dark far quiet hallway startled me while walking down the hallway we all suddenly stopped in our tracks looking at what we just saw at the end of the hall we saw a very tall figure that appeared to be a woman she had long blonde hair and she wore a torn-up dirty wedding dress we were about 10 feet away from her but when the flashlight landed on the woman she quickly ran into a classroom was very odd my friends and I were very afraid why was this woman with a wedding dress standing there in this abandoned school just staring at us we just stood there waiting for anything to happen standing in that very dark hallway for three minutes felt like twenty ring suddenly the school fire bells went off making a sprint as fast as we could back to that main office window as we were running the lights aggressively flickered making it harder to see it was like someone was flicking the light switch as fast as they possibly could making the lights abruptly switch on and off it terrified us then we rushed into the main office when we were in there one of my friends yelled oh [ __ ] I look to see what he was looking at and what I saw made me lose it behind us in the main office was the same woman she was now closer her hair covered her eyes but that wasn't the scariest part the scariest part was her mouth this woman's mouth was unnaturally wide it would be impossible for any human to open their mouth as wide as this woman's mouth she was still staring at us but with a creepy giggling all of-a screamed when we saw this disturbing woman we got out of that window so fast and made it outside by the time we got outside someone already had called the cops because of the fire bell and my friends and I were caught we told the cops there was someone else in the school and to go get them six cops entered the school looking for the woman that we encountered after about thirty minutes the cops came out of the building looking unsettled while I was in the car I could hear the six cops that entered the building telling the other cops that there was very unusual activity in that school 15 minutes later we were escorted home by the police my friends and I were all grounded for a long time but we didn't tell our parents or anyone about the woman we saw I still remember exactly how that woman looked her face her hair her wedding dress and that disturbing mouth I can't even describe when I was 12 years old my family and I moved to a new house even though it was a beautiful house I was scared of it especially my parents room I used to have awful dreams where I would enter that specific room only to see a dark shadow staring at me it was a tall shadow it seemed like a man but I never saw his face since his whole being was just pitch black I would close the door to my room since my parents room was in front of mine and I could easily see their room from my bed one night I woke up from what seemed like a dreamless sleep feeling that someone was staring at me at first I couldn't see anything but after my eyes got used to the dark I saw two things first my door was open which wasn't normal since I always closed it at night and second there was the shadow I often saw in my nightmares this time it wasn't in my parents room it was in front of my room just staring at me I was so scared I couldn't break eye contact with it and after what seemed like hours finally the shadow stopped staring at me and walked to my brother's room after that I can't remember when I got back to sleep but only remember waking up and since then everything seemed normal I thought it was only a nightmare and brushed it off a couple years later my family and I moved to another state but we kept the house as a place to visit during the holidays one day my uncle had a nasty fight with his wife and he asked my parents if he could stay at our old house for some time my parents said yes so he temporarily moved there for a while and one day we visited him for the holidays and while we were talking he asked me if I had ever dreamt of creepy shadows in front of my room my parents laughed since they knew nothing of what I had seen I stayed quiet that night I talked to my uncle and explained to him what I had seen and what I thought was a nightmare I was really scared since I had told no one about that nightmare he listened to me and after a while he explained he had seen the same thing just staring at my room after that my uncle talked to my parents and we never visited that house again my uncle moved back with his wife and after a religious ceremony of cleanse it my parents put the house in the market however to this day the house remains unsold even though the shadow never hurt any of us physically I still panic whenever I remember how that thing stared at me how I felt that there was nothing I could do against it I don't think I'll ever ever forget that one day I got a call from a few friends of mine about going to the mall it was a stressful week at work so I thought some retail therapy would definitely help we ended up shopping for a few hours so we decided that hitting the food court would be the spot I gave the girls my order and I told him I will come back and find them as I needed them after I use the restroom the restrooms are at the end of the large and wide corridor they were your typical mall type with lots of stalls anyway so I said now and used the bathroom and I could see from the gap on the floor between the wall of the stall in the floor lots of movement from someone's shadow I wasn't sure if they were getting changed or not so I didn't pay attention at first but it felt like the shadow was coming from above at some points you know as if the light above was being obstructed by something after maybe the third time I decided to look up and I could see a phone and parts of a guy's arm leaning over someone was taking photos of them I instantly shouted out what are you doing you pervert and in a moment of sheer shock and disbelief this all very quickly turned into fear as I got up and leaped out of the stall and was greeted by an empty bathroom not one person was in sight and from the quick glance of the mirrors opposite there was only one stall shuts and it was the one next to me I ran for the restroom exit but it was locked luckily it had a twist lock and I could turn it as I did I heard the stall open from behind me I got out immediately in turn as I exited and noticed a sign on the door saying closed for maintenance this sign was not here when I went in I scream some more shouting to get anyone's attention as I ran down the corridor toward the food hall and had obviously caught the attention of a few people a group of three guys stopped me and clearly could see the panic in my eyes they asked me questions and I explained to guys ran toward the ladies restroom and one to find security security arrived within seconds after a while a rather large crowd had gathered due to the commotion and although I was in the comfort of my friend's security and now the police I never felt so alone security and police nor two guys found anyone there was a few staff only and fire exit doors opened down the corridor so plenty of escape routes for whoever this guy was I gave my statements down at the station later that day once my parents showed up the police said they had security tapes from the cameras that point down the corridor and will keep us updated with any news hopefully they find this guy my name is Jessica and I was eight at the time this occurred I was the youngest and the only girl so my older brother Hunter was taking care of me at the time Hunter was 14 and we had to stay home while my parents went to a bar with their friends and my older brothers since they were much older than us our house was in the middle of the woods and her closest neighbor was maybe half a mile away my brother and I stayed up watching TV shows until 2:00 in the morning we finished watching an episode of full house when we heard a very big crash upstairs in my brother Josh's room we stared at each other for a moment then my brother got up and grabbed one of the kitchen knives and told me to come upstairs with him just in case there was something in the house and he didn't want me to be left alone my brother is a brave guy and doesn't get scared easily so right now he wasn't very consumed of fear like I was I follow my brother up the stairs and he then came to a halt which made me bump into him he stood there for us in silence just standing there I got antsy and asked him what was wrong he then said go get the house phone and call 911 confused I looked to see what was in front of only him to make him ask me this and there stood a white man about 6-3 with dark brown hair and bloodshot eyes I told hunter that he needs to come with me because I had no idea what this man would do to him I grabbed hunters hand ran downstairs and grabbed the house phone we dashed into the bathroom and locked the door I could hear the footsteps of the man slowly walking down the stairs I could hear my brother on the phone with the police behind me I was fixated on the footsteps which got closer and closer to the bathroom door it was silent as I could no longer hear my brother on the phone or the footsteps when all that made me wake from fixation was the loud pounding of a bathroom door I screamed in fright for the man was at the door now he stopped for a moment and I could hear his deep harsh breathing he then whispers I'm not gonna hurt you all I want to do is give you kids some sweets my brother then yelled we don't want any of your damn sweets I could tell my brother was getting angrier by the second and then the door handle starts to shake very fast and frequently we back away from the door and by the window which was across the room from the door my brother opened it just in case we would need to escape this way before the police got here the man punches through the door and starts to grab for the handle we jumped out of the window and landed on our grass and we sprinted to the woods we found this big bush to hide behind he crouched them and waited for something to happen few seconds later we heard police sirens in the distance we saw the man from the window run down the stairs and out of the front door he ran into the woods and ran past us thank God he didn't notice us there the police pulled into our driveway and we saw chance to run to them we dash to them and told the police he was in the woods they searched for him and once they came out they had him in their clutches I've never been more relieved in my life we stayed at the house with a police officer until my parents and older brothers arrived home two days later the police had found our neighbors murdered and that the man was on a killing spree and we were about to be next I am now 13 and still have nightmares of that time Hunter moved out and my parents moved to the city so we wouldn't live so far out this is a story when I was just six years old that I never ever forget when I was a little boy I lived in a big house that had a little chicken coop behind my house you could spot a soccer field even from far away because it's uphill one day two of my cousin's sister and I decided to go uphill and play on that soccer field we were going up innocently without knowing what was gonna happen to us as we arrived on top we were surprised because there were many people around there and it was just like this festival kind of situation it was very crowded and loud but there was enough space to walk comfortably the four of us got a little bit sad we couldn't play soccer there was nothing else to do so we decided just to take a walk and followed the pathway that headed on top as we went further up a dead end was what was waiting for us we then decided to go back cuz there was nowhere to go but as soon as we turned around and stepped down we noticed that the crowded loud sound the people at the ground completely I got scared and shocked the people vanished in an instant not only me my cousins and my sister were as shocked and scared as me we just started to scream and ran away quickly I started late on running away but I soon caught up with them passing one of my cousins but as I was running away I could feel someone grabbed one of my legs all of a sudden it made me fall down hard instantly my face hit on the ground and my nose was bleeding I cried so much that time but my cousins and my sister helped me get up and we ran as fast as we could when we got home we got yelled at by my mom and she asked my sister how come I got injured the way I did and sprained my ankle badly it was red and swollen my face got a bit of scratches and my lips and nose were all bleeding later after that day my sister told the whole story about that mysterious vanishing to my mother and then she changed her face looking a little bit uncomfortable that filled up the hill is a graveyard and we were all shocked by knowing the truth so the people we saw up there were dead people but still thinking about it again how can you explain my accident I thought it was one of my cousins who caught my ankle but you know running away and trying to grab someone's ankle is impossible maybe it was a warning for me not to go to that field ever again in any case I still remember that event so clearly that it gives me chills it was a beautiful day in August my family and I had just finished packing for our trip we were bored and hadn't planned to do anything because our trip was in a couple of days so we all decided to go to the Safari zoo place because it was only an hour drive and a great way to kill time when we got there and we noticed that there were a bunch of people at the zoo my family could get impatient of this so he asked the receptionist if there was anything we could do that wasn't too busy lucky for us there were private tours they were a bit expensive but the lady ensured us that the tour guides were highly educated and great at their job we were given animal food and introduced to a private tour guide when we first saw our tour guide we noticed he was a little off he had a weird lisp didn't speak very much English and had a really bad lazy eye when my dad first tried to greet him he ignored my dad and gestured us to one of the Safari minivans we were a little taken aback but didn't think anything of it once we got into the van we noticed that there was a bad smell and a bunch of animal food on the floor he started driving before we could get our seatbelts on we first passed by lions and hyenas it was all really cool there were also a bunch of vans and tour buses behind and in front of us that were taking all the attention of the animals out of the blue the tour guide turned onto a trail that no other buses or fans were going on my dad got a little suspicious and asked the tour guide where we were going the tour guide replied with elephants shortly because once again he didn't know English very well well we really wanted to see the elephants at that time so we all got excited after a good ten minutes of driving we noticed that we had seen no animals and no other tour guides just a never-ending forest my mom who is paranoia was getting worried and repeatedly asked the tour guide where he was going but then he never answered all of the sudden he stopped the car and said he had to get something from the back of his car my dad was getting red flags and watched him from the rearview mirror and then my dad hopped into the driver's seat locked all the doors immediately and pressed the accelerator to the floor with a fearful face that I've never seen before like that we were all slammed into the backs of our seats what's going on my mom yelled I saw him holding an axe my dad yelled back we made it back to the Safari and to the receptionist we explained the whole situation and she called the police they had a long search and finally he got caught after a few hours we got a full refund and later found out that our tour guide didn't even work at the Safari but used a fake ID and had history linked with murder kidnapping and other crimes we won't mention we also found out the reason that the car smelled so bad was because the tour guide admitted to killing multiple safari animals and taking them home to this day I still wonder what would have happened if my dad didn't look in the rearview mirror from the tour guide stop the car [Music]
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 3,890,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: upJMrw8C2uE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 26sec (4466 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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