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please be a gold ring oh this jewelry there's this wallet I think I see [Music] welcome back and treasure any with chiefess guys that we just picked up a storage unit for 240 dollars and it looks to be loaded with mystery boxes and mystery totes and I just can't wait to get my hands on it it's been way too long let's get into van let's go pick it up a steal we got just got to be just unhook you know I'm so ready to get in there cuz I see lots of boxes and lots of totes fingers crossed let's get something good don't forget to like the video guys subscribe if you're new let's get into the unit [Music] let's start pulling out the boxes and see the guy the first one I see close I've seen a lot of clothes alright so actually I mean at all clothes yeah I do see a lot of clothes ropa pack yeah me too [Music] boy hey look Jurassic Park on VHS like cuckoo later you know for some reason my geometry teacher intend for a follow calculator to do later for some reason it still stays there you go they should explain yourself well I think you can tell what this is Carlos this is all closed cloth all right I see clothes on the top and that's the other stuff underneath a car shuffling it is look at that a card shop I wonder if it works we're gonna try that later a diskette the light Wow Wow okay taking us back in time Christmas lights jump this like a tea thing this looks like what we call trash other than the car seller might be trash it might be interesting I don't know well this tote nothing we close all of it out doesn't sound my clothes is it all clothes though that can fulfill what is this look a wreck and or a okay okay there another one okay akin ow this is getting kind of strange okay empty glasses container oh well this is just like it's flea market stuff just yeah the problem is we don't have a flea market right now so it's like kind of just chalk all right this second hoping there's a pulse is not opening them up soon but who knows anymore well this one looks like pose again on that it's sure sure sure and there's some new clothes at least it's got a $34 price tag on it but I mean we're gonna go through the clothes in more detail make sure you're not good but I don't want to bore you with the right now or myself let's pull out this hole out this box all right well Brian is it cut paper in it still with a brand new yeah a few spots on they'll come off and some random like dollar knickknacks really before you got the flu market again if they open back up but nothing too interesting let's see what's in this one this is that hey mouse pad yeah that is a mouse pad from 1995 of roadrunner and coyote that's pretty sweet okay I don't want that just box in the water it's making me sick let see was in this one really light some of its close but I suppose just what I closed again close again dohnaytid anywhere even open I don't know I could tell by the weight of it well I'll close all the way through no no no yay no yay we gotta make the best of this little unit besides one more we're looking at this is all unit like that dirty shoes these are Jordans yep those are some weird-looking Jordans they need a foot yeah we have some little rainbow Nikes Bostic truck supersede the hollows uh maybe if we put one of the foot things in the shoes maybe even your salvageable at this point other than yeah we're having too much hope here let's see what's in this one besides a pillow that all shoes shoes anything that looks interesting [Music] don't touch it egg it's one of these egg in an egg in an egg Hagen's people screaming out there that's great alright so to bike over here right huh ideas me but I'm gonna write it I got training we also have might be able to all right just know we have occurs in this stuff yeah yeah it's like nothing more nothing less it just will kill fight alright get into this now hopefully this is more in the household size good fleet pretty much complete garbage in this one as well all right we got another one that's just kitchen stuff joy just joy just a mashup mungus joy because we're getting so much valuable stuff out of this year and we got well camera close well if ask you know there is the bathroom stuff please be a gold ring oh it is jewelry kinda that's an old Mac Mouse that's weird yeah has an apple on it so you can put an apple and a dog doctor and call it a voluntary 11.11 plus and they line up a thousand dollars okay so that Vijay bends gene things it's like church people but I think I see him let's pull this out well it is not pleasant your stuffed animals is it Kellogg's Nick that's the Frog from 1997 that's kind of interesting which is an improvement and stuff not fun and where are these just more jeans pants close close close close and there's an umbrella at the bottom but there's this wallet I think I see save me I beg of you saved me you're not gonna save me are you no you're not no no nothing initiated well I don't think than anything else in here of a clothes and a bunch of remotes look at this there's like 10 TVs at the bottom of this for some reason yeah boats for some reason other than that guys this is not a good clothes in a bag full of teddy bears and now we get to our favorite kitchens no I just love this stuff so much guys we just found something amazing the award for the absolute worst fake I've ever seen in my life they really tried to make it look like Gucci but what really really it's so bad and all it's full of is somebody to use dirty shoes again not very good at all gross no I just pull this out I got some more junk it looks like Lord Zhao pots and a nutcracker thank you alright some speakers that are less than good junk well let's see it also get into disgusting dirty worn shoes not good at all a hat your favorite look a black & decker box of hangers hangers I've seen in a while I know oh alright looking at this right here just a box of nothing but clothes again so I'm gonna set it down this is way the flea market would break you selling the stuff back but we don't have a fully market so we're not breaking even we're not here guess clothes clothes love this all the way to no all right mr. potato hood all right mr. Potato Head they said something and answering machine really look at see that there's an answering machine in there it's really dark but if they're well skateboard and a whole bunch of freakin clothes I think this unit might be one of the fattest elves we've taken in a long time because I don't see absolutely anything that we can sell down a flea market right now might be a complete oh well we just literally loaded everything up researched everything we could find looked up everything we could find brand wise and everything else and the problem is it's all junk it's all job this is the reality the storage business sometimes you pay a few hundred bucks a thousand and treasure sometimes you pay a few hundred bucks to pay more about to trash it but hopefully one of the shelters around here I want other clothes if for now we're never having to think through the dump with all the thrift stores are closed but that's how it goes sometimes so I'm gonna say is unit to complete los was financially I may have been but the thing is I did not want to throw all this stuff away so we just started calling up random shelters in the area and when we got there like the first one we called was so happy to get close they said they'd be really needy closing this time which I thought they'd have more because people are cleaning but apparently nobody's donating anything so when we brought that away took all of our clothes all of our kitchen stuff and pretty much everything there other than a box and a half of trash and they are so grateful for so I was like you know what Mikey spent 240 bucks we get to have fun and leave the freaking house make a video and help a bunch of people out I don't even care that I lost my money it's whatever it happens at least we made somebody else happy at least we had to leave the house and have fun that's the way I'm looking at a guy so that's it for this one leave it a big fat thumbs up subscribe if you're new and until next time peace out
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Views: 45,903
Rating: 4.8574138 out of 5
Keywords: i bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit mrbeast, abandoned storage unit auctions, abandoned storage unit for sale, abandoned storage unit they left money, best abandoned storage unit finds, storage unit, i bought a storage unit, storage unit auctions, storage unit finds, storage unit mrbeast, storage unit wars, lunkerstv i bought a storage unit, storage hunters, storage locker, storage units best finds, storage wars, treasure hunting with jebus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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