How I Built the Multiverse in Minecraft

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this is every possible Earth that exists in the Multiverse a place with infinite universes where anything is possible and I'm about to build all of it in Minecraft from the smallest planets to the branching realities of time itself so I figured we start on the smallest level level one Earth and then work our way to level five the entire Multiverse I had just started making variations immediately first by building the smallest changes to the planets by swapping the continents but eventually changing the colors of the oceans themselves simulating a different chemical makeup we are getting some pretty interesting effects There is almost no way life is going to survive here on Earth uh number 69 I am sorry to say at this point i' had switched the continents the oceans and the habitability of over 12 different Earths but I had one other idea to make the ultimate sci-fi World rings I used the same technique from building the rings of Saturn to create the new ring systems that would orbit our Multiverse Earths with this new variation the possible combinations of unique earthlike planets was in the hundreds we have run into an immediate massive problem out of every variation of Earth that we have made Minecraft can only load four at once with the absolute Max render [Music] distance dear God we're on the edge of a cliff right now I'm the black dot this meant that not only would Minecraft never let you see every variation of Earth but every other build I had planned for the Multiverse would be too big for Minecraft so naturally after taking a break to teach our dear friend kzi the basics of Minecraft I hired a game developer to find the best chunk optimization mods which in theory would let me load every Earth we are going to load 128 chunks oh my [Music] god there are five levels to the Multiverse and that was the smallest level each of these levels has a different series of outcomes that gets more and more mindboggling until we reach level five the entire Multiverse and I don't just mean Minecraft Because by the time we reach the end of this video I will be splitting the universe in real life and by the way if you're not already subscribed there could not be a better time we are about to teach the first Bobo to beat Minecraft not to mention this could be the video that gets us to 1 million subscribers if you hit the button so hit the button now it's time to go even bigger with the solar system in level two okay so there are eight planets in the solar system but we're going to focus on the two biggest Jupiter and Saturn starting with Jupiter it's 14,000 times bigger than the earth but in the Multiverse with our new chunk loading mods we could push the scales to a mindboggling extreme after sizing the planet to be 10 times bigger than my original Jupiter it was time to make some fundamental changes so if the laws of physics are different a planet this big could theoretically be covered entirely in ocean water the only question I have is where do I start on such a massive scale any variation in the blue hues would just be instantly noticeable this meant that I needed over 25 different block combinations to get the perfect Blues I even tried to include the subtle atmospheric conditions you sometimes see on larger planets showing a clear directional flow and eventually after 2 days of work the planet was fully painted but coloring our planet was only the first step because now we have to paint with light we're basically trying to make the most perfect fade from light to dark eventually I was able to make the closest thing to a perfect Shadow on our Blue Giant and to add even more realism I built an array of thin clouds even adding a hurricane before finally a real atmosphere and even though the planet itself was complete there was still one crucial element rings they're a rare sight on smaller rocky planets in our universe but this world would have the mass to support a vast ring system after choosing their size I spaced out the individual Rings forming the rough outline now we have to color every ring we have to make the finest separations in colors if we're going to pull this off using the thinnest lines Minecraft would allow combined with the smoothest blocks to avoid any grainy texture the Rings had been fully colored next you can basically use different levels of light to create different shades of color on your build which just UPS the realism to another level and with the Rings finished I had built what was probably the largest planet in [Music] Minecraft now if you thought our blue planet was big meet j1407b a planet so massive it can support a ring system 2 100 times larger than Saturn's and it's the second planet on our list I think this is a nude beach seeing lots of naked people yeah that dude is like totally naked right now now we're starting with a sphere as usual we're making it this small so that the Rings look as massive as possible so we're going to make the planet as Tiny as possible in comparison after I finally finished what would be the easiest part of this entire build it was time for what I can confidently say is the largest ring system to ever exist in Minecraft I actually had to double the processing power of my computer before eventually replacing it entirely just for this build I literally drained thousands of dollars for the builds you're about to see which is exactly why this video is sponsored by honai star rail a semiopen world RPG from hoe the same people who made genin impact this brand new game is a turnbas semiopen space World adventure where you can search for Treasure solve puzzles explore NPC stories and more there's over 30 playable characters each with their own unique Back stories who can help your team fight and travel they were just crowned the best game to play on the Google Play Store and the App Store the game has over 80 million downloads in 6 months and they're constantly adding new features it's free to play on PC mobile devices and on PS5 through the PlayStation store plus all your player data synced meaning you can play on any device oh God they just launched the v1.5 update with a new main storyline where you can go on ghostbusting missions with Argent and the fourstar physical type character who can restore skill points arent T is a melee type character who specializes in AOE and uses a spear to attack this also a new map folls garden with shena's new story and character silver wall which you can try to pull for during this update log in for 7 days to get 10 star rail passes and with the redemption code claim 50 Stellar J to use on your adventures it's the best time to start cuz you'll get tons of rewards to celebrate the achievements I started by making a circle almost the exact size of our new render distance this would eventually be the widest ring this might be too big seriously I genuinely wonder if I've taken it too that was my dog get into frame winky it's going to be okay all right let's get to work if I tried to build every single ring it would take me over 3 months here is our planet the ring system is just horrifically massive so you see big brain mov here we will build one slice of the Ring we take this slice we rotate it over and we continue to rotate it until we have all the Rings it's genius after marking out the pizza slice I filled in the largest portions with what would soon be our five main rings I then colored the rim of the first into what would be a smaller more detailed section of rings I used a simple line to determine the colors developing a palette of dark and light Browns that would eventually spread over each ring basically what we have to do is Mark out each ring and then perfectly color that ring with the exact shade of brown needed to make the entire thing look realistic and there were over 200 individual rings that would need onun size color and eventually shades of light for the next week and a half of my life I isolated and developed every single ring in a 3 and 1 12,000 block wide area finishing the biggest single structure I have ever built in Minecraft [Music] j1407b but in order to finish the ultimate solar system we needed a star or should I say stars because in the Multiverse the stars are so massive they have stars orbiting them meaning I'm going to build a triple star system but first I drove all the way to a massive Observatory and met a professional astronomer used the largest telescopes I could get my hands on all so I could build the most accurate Stars oh my god wow this is the the smallest one I'm Robert quinby I am an astronomer here at San Diego State University Robert immediately got to work easily swinging the 2,000lb telescope to zoom in on our first Target the Multiverse is this idea that there is space outside of our own Universe where things happen I'm going to move this wheel here and I'm going to put in the coordinates that we're looking right now so this is 1830 35 37's about there if that space is infinite then there are infinite possibilities what would you call this that we're looking at we are looking here at M15 100,000 Stars way off in space Oh wow if we had a different Universe we might have more of those little specific globular clusters you know maybe we have hundreds of GL clusters you could have thousands or tens of thousands next Robert walked me down this dark mysterious road to an even bigger telescope holy crap like two times bigger and we we're about to see something much larger than a single star cluster you can only see so much of the space that we're in maybe the actual Universe it's bigger than this whole whiteb bigger than this whole room it goes on forever so we've got the telescope data now that's going to look at those images and analyze them you could have this whole island Universe here and you could have infinite number of these Island universes so here comes our image oh my gosh it's called the triangulum Galaxy it's also known as m33 is satisfying and if you have an infinite number of them maybe you would form more and more stars and all the gas would just immediately go into one giant star and of course there could be Stars orbiting each other which is why we're building a triple star system that will dwarf my son from the Universe video starting with the biggest of the three known as a red super giant in our universe it's the closest thing to the mindboggling scale of stars in the Multiverse I spent the next 48 hours painting every inch of the radiated Hellfire that would be the red super giant starting with the darkest and coldest spots on the surface the surface of a star is a blazing Hell Fire full of solar flares and mass ejections but how do you replicate the effect in Minecraft after building some flowing textures to replicate the fire it was time to cover the entire star the problem was I would have to individually position every single piece to fit in place and because our red giant is nearly 1,000 blocks tall I had to place hundreds taking me over a week to finish okay so right now we have one right there we should have another star okay they're orbiting around each other woo super nice we'll have a third star orbiting these two stars which will give us a triple star system after sizing and positioning our second star even higher in the world I use the exact same technique from painting our first star to color our second a white hot blue and so finally I built the third and final star to replicate our sun but in reality our own star wouldn't even fill a single block in comparison to these solar Giants now I was only one step away from completing our solar system because what I didn't tell you is that there's actually a third planet orbiting our star system inspired by Melody sheep an incredible filmmaker on YouTube I designed a singular dwarf planet orbiting too close to the red giant now the idea is to make a planet that is so close to the star that it is being actively melted away I took the same sheetss of fire from our Sun turning them into pieces of wisping turquoise and then pasting them behind the planet to slowly form a tail and finally adding realistic lighting finishing the entire solar system [Applause] before we cross the Multiverse through the power of black holes in level four I figured we could start simple with the most basic Wormhole I started with a basic funnel shape and then adding to it with the texture of a spiral galaxy creating Hills and Valleys that would eventually hold Stars next turning the blueprint into a translucent turquoise I had the foundation for our Wormhole now the question is how do we make this look like shiny space I'm ully painted with light to color each arm while adding a series of colorful stars to make a swirling Cosmos finishing the [Music] Wormhole now it's time for not only black holes but white holes which are the exact opposite of black holes and in theory they could be a portal across the Multiverse I started with the black hole itself before moving on to shaping the accretion disc which is basically a swirling funnel of death hotter and brighter than any Star surrounding the black hole it also looks really cool oh God I threw my marker we have our black hole on one end and we have our white hole on the other end and we need to connect the two of them which is going to be our portal to another Universe to make the portal I had to take the center of the disc and turn it into a funnel using a curved line rotated around a point eventually creating the first half of a portal to the Multiverse next I took our finished half and mirrored it perfectly aligning the perspective so when you stood in the exact right spot both the black and white h could be visible now it's time for the fun part adding color starting with hot white plasma just a few million degrees and then working our way out to a cooler orange after painting the basic colors I added a 3d effect to replicate the swirling gases on the Outer Banks even increasing the size of the entire disc so the hot plasma could Fade to a cool gray but we still have its brighter twin using the same painting process except inverted I began painting the white hole I chose a hot white blue color like our second star to simulate what could theoretically be the brightest object in the Multiverse and finally I painted the black sphere white finishing level [Music] four but before we make the most mindboggling build in this entire video we have a problem it's taken over 3 months to get this far but guys I want to make more than just Minecraft videos and upload way faster so uh this is probably the last video in the space Saga so to celebrate the builds I'm releasing limited edition signed posters of every build in the series there's planets black holes and massive galaxies so if you guys are part of this community and want a physical piece of the builds this is your moment I've been wanting to do this forever so this is super exciting for me not to mention everything's 50% off automatically meaning each poster is only $10 plus if you buy more than one poster you get every build for free or you can just get them on my patreon so get yours now the link is in the description once they sell out they are gone forever now to build level five the branching realities of time in the quantum Multiverse we're going to need some help hi Chris how are you meet Seth a Quantum physicist at MIT who was literally taught by Steven Hawking this is a confusing and counterintuitive thing the Multiverse you could draw a branching tree and you you take like this direction time goes up and tree branches out from there and so I can follow this branch and this branch each possible history like this is itself a whole entire spatial Universe I spent the next 3 days figuring out how to make this a shape that would look like the tree Seth was talking about with the basic shape complete next came the problem of turning this into something that looks even remotely like the flowing branches of time I ended up finding this image from Marvel showing basically exactly what I was trying to build we're looking at like four different layers of crap to build this thing and we're trying to make it out of cubes mhm so I started building my four different layers of crap first making four different sizes of the tree and just getting this far took me over a week so the idea is to start with a bright core and and then work our way out stacking each layer on top of each other till we reach the bright blue and purple next I started on the outer layers creating the flowing sheets of translucent glass running up the tree to give the illusion of the cosmos surging forward in time now it's time for the finer details because right now this thing looks like a glowing magic twig to bring the tree to life I built a pallet of space leaves that would represent the very finest branches of the timeline getting exponentially thinner with each split eventually creating a full canopy finishing the infinite timelines of our first tree I just came up with the genius idea instead of having one tree we build every Universe splitting into every possible outcome as a sort of cosmic Forest but before we build the entire Multiverse it's time to split our own Universe in real life but first I have to fly all the way to MIT to meet Seth the quantum physicist how's it going good to see you so Seth and I are headed to a Quantum lab right now if everything goes right we will be SP splitting the universe an electron Quantum mechanically can be here and there at the same time I am Seth nice to meet you you say are you here or are you there half the time it says I'm over here half the time it says I'm over there right our hands are over here here we go this place is so crazy the result of this is that the Universe Quantum mechanically splits into two alternative universes one of which it's over here one of which it's over there yeah so what's the first step we have to get this laser to be the right frequency when we then Shine the green light over there it'll split the universe and in one of the branches we see the ion bright the other Branch we see the ion dark when I put this piece of paper down we will have split the universe so right here right there now the universe is splitting and it should be blinking on and off and every blink is a bottom jump that splits the universe in [Music] two and with that the Multiverse was [Music] complete [Music] I wonder where the naked guy went
Channel: ChrisDaCow
Views: 2,515,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: H9ebVKlonr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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