Can I obey the law while chaos happens in GTA 5?

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all right we're checking out the only game where if you break the law the law breaks your soul it's GTA welcome to two things that should have never been combined trying not to break the law and also having chaos constantly happening we have to take our taco truck over here and deliver delicious Goods to the populace however the only issue is if I dare break a law bad things begin to happen which becomes very difficult when on top of that chaos is always occur that's what I'm talking about is that a uh yep that is a law break right there I was going to say probably jumping a ramp in public through a stop sign and then running into a human being is more than likely against the law and indeed it was as you can see here when you break the law the game tells you that you broke the law on top of sending a dude with a minigun at you all Peds are cops that seems fair I'm in I'm in kind of a a rotation of sadness here because I keep having to murder these guys which keeps making me break the LA so it's just a circle of never ending sadness what did I do what happened did I not come to a complete stop well now I sideswiped a car now I feel kind of bad you done broke a law oh no how many times you've been working too long that's not good oh god oh make it stop can I just deliver the food while I'm in the middle of Breaking All the laws traffic magnet okay now the cops are hitting me okay I'm not the one that's causing the accidents here now our very first stop is shown To Us by gigantic arrows and a red circle which is probably red because it's filled with the blood of the innocent what is happening in this place what was once a lovely park is now now a a oh no uh do it take a while for the script to trigger or do I not get to deliver anything if I'm currently wanted by everyone in the Tri County Area I got good news and bad news the good news is I'm still alive well all right never mind the good news is I'm dead and I don't have to deal with zombies spreading their love all over me okay we have to get to the checkpoint without committing a single offense so full stop I'm looking both ways I believe it is now my turn to go I'm pretty sure that guy right there just ran that stop sign all right who's fault is that he's going to run that lady over she's trying to go through the crosswalk hey if I follow this guy the cop should pull him over not me I'm not the no traffic no there's definitely traffic oh never mind the traffic just got slurped up hey through the intersection looking good just fine everything is okay now it appears like I'm giv a little bit of leeway cuz if I drive on the oh oh oh hey get that guy's Insurance cuz he just ran me off the road just about are you really doing this right now can't you see I'm delivering whales oh the whale just stopped that cop oh the whales are getting that cop killed that whale just ruined a ton of lives lots of people died because of that that whale so what does this do oh I just did I get a gravity sphere as the food went down is showing your mutant powers in public and offense I feel like it probably is I mean so is this oh I spawned on my head so I finally delivered this delicious col and blow casserole I got no tips because I took too long sorry I was busy trying not to die okay so in the distance we have another arrow and I'm a pacifist what does that mean I can't shoot my gun probably a good thing I have a delayed camera while I'm trying to not go through a red light this is fantastic why is everyone screaming in fear I bring you tacos not pain all the lights are red why are all the lights red you can make a right on red now that light turned red but the front axle was over I'm not going to lie it's been a while since I've been drive by jump scared also I I really can't do much right now because the game is broken okay the game will not be broken right now why oh this is a terrible plan look at what's happening right now I can't even tell if the light is red or not cuz I can't see the light I kind of see red it could be the light it could be a severed head I have no clue cuz everything's pixelated pingpong Vehicles so all I have to do is just not touch any of the vehicles I'm assuming are you guys Crossing you better not cross into my vehicle I hope you know don't you turn into me I swear to God come on go light screen light screen they have to wait for us okay guys we got we have to ride away I'm pretty sure anyway what was that oh the ping pong vehicle why was there a oh it's Prop Hunt it's one of the few chaoses that doesn't get me immediately killed listen I'm not used to immediately not dying whenever the chaos shows up like alarmy Vehicles not killing me can't believe it in total disbelief where am I I think I have to turn here shut up I'm surprised this isn't in violation of some kind of noise ordinance all right here we go chaos in three 2 1 oh God no no I don't know what to do no I didn't broke the law I didn't have a choice oh it's just a prank bro YOLO is it is it a prank or is it not a prank the problem is you already made me break the law in fact I'm breaking a law oh God I'm breaking a law laws right now I'm speeding I just changed lanes without signaling pretty sure I just hit that guy right there and now I'm go hey sticks to Landing well if anyone needed tacos up on top of the building we are delivering this is so bad right now I surrounded by half a dozen police cars uh there's not a lot of armor on this vehicle because it's made to you know make salsa not get shot at heavy shelling is happening right now killing the hunger feels like bullets going through my Cranium I added a few horses no you didn't you took them away I know because I'm slumping to the ground dead you may say to yourself great why is there all 500 tanks surrounding your taco truck I don't know I really have no idea I'm going to assume that I'm not breaking any laws right now in fact if I hit one of the tanks is that is that really a broken law I mean they're not going to know it's not like they're going to take any damage if that guy's turret goes up my rectum does he break the law I feel like that's the Tank's fault in that case do the tanks stay around they they absolutely do and now the traffic is blue still haven't broken any laws though this is probably my longest stint of not going to jail the Tank's acceleration is kind of a come on I don't know what's happening well we're stuck at traffic so it's not that bad right it's somewhere right around here we're right next to the arrow I'm just looking around trying to find out where we're supposed to go uh uh-oh ah yes everyone's driving along getting delicious rectum rash I'm trying a different technique here see if if the if the police can't see my vehicle then technically they can't ticket it oh no did I just hit something I didn't think about this I can't tell where the front or the back of the vehicle is so I can't really tell if I'm hitting anything or not oh what is that uh maybe if I just stand down here I will not get sucked into the black hole back to square one well it's like Square two I guess because we do get to at least start from the last delivery area that we completed now my car has contracted tetanus even though I got it vaccinated it has its tetanus shot didn't work at all the car has tetus it's folding in half on itself not a crime though fortunately all right somewhere around here is the delivery I assume if I break the law Crossing this road I will also get murdered by the police so I'm going to wait for this go sign to go give me the green hand or whatever okay there's someone shooting behind me I'm going to go ahead and leave and hope that nope totally broke the law there give me a break I was trying to survive man I love it they're like you're being arrested for jaywalking and I'm like listen there was someone shooting at me from behind and they're like doesn't matter should have waited okay I found the delivery it is across the street over to my left I'm I'm strong oh God I'm struggling to show you that because I was only moving at 2 m an hour okay now it's across the street we can't jwalk because we immediately die so I have to stand here and wait as I have narcolepsy to hope that that the the the symbol eventually turns green okay we have the walk sign there we go okay so the walk sign works almost ran into that lady not sure if that's assault go over here no clue how long this okay about that long no Sprint no jump you look roughed up I've been shot a lot by Min guns in the butt I have so much lead in me right now I think I weigh like 400 lb and none of it's my weight it's just extraneous shrap nail stuck into my body anyway that's two deliveries done we're getting somewhere I think there's like five another one is Straight Ahead oh no no no no no cruise control cruise control stop oh God no oh the light was Green at least I didn't break that law if I stay with this guy in front of me oh that girl in the passenger seat is dead oh boy now it's a lot of laws being broken that wasn't just oh you done broke the law yeah I'll bet let me go ahead and just go in a circle here if there's something I've learned after breaking this many laws once this level of cops are on you there's no way to stop them basically the best way out of this is to just die since I committed a crime I might as well commit them all get t oh no ah what if he commits a crime it's not my fault he's driving through red lights and not stopping at the stop sign stop guy just keeps resetting the police on me oh that light was green that's kind of amazing you're going to stop right in the middle of the police blockade now you now you decide to obey the law well this doesn't look good I am currently getting shot in all sorts of different orices and it hurts a lot so I'm kind of driving drunk right now but oddly I drive better drunk than over I haven't committed a single crime while this has been going on it's amazing and we're good what the whoa oh well apparently my vehicle just randomly jumping on its own does not break the law that's good okay try and what happened there oh spawn a quarreling couple oh they didn't it actually didn't count as uh committing oh no it totally did I just didn't get the text for it oh God did this happened right in front of where all the police are parked it sure did the fact that chaos spawns people for me to murder annoys me in a very particular way we're right here we're right at the delivery I had my hands off the wheel and I I was afraid to drive like that so I waited until it was over oh the police are getting a delivery that's why I was like man there's a lot of cops in this area what do they want ah nice spray painted Arrow where am I dropping this stuff off at no Jesus no I am not getting in that car while you go ahead and perform unsafe driving techniques wow Jesus is amazing you notice he just weaved in between like 16 different cars without hitting anyone hello everyone grce still plays delivery service here that's a lot of donuts just laying around and about do you have what it takes no oh it's a literal donut machine the whole machine thanks pal I love how that guy came out of the office wielding a bazooka holding a bunch of fireworks I'm always happy to bring saturated fat to all the good boys and girls so um I just got traffic magnet while I was trying to get to my car and uh head to the next delivery it's just nonstop chaos ow God a please God stop oh you know what that feels kind of good oh yeah oh the lower back oh yeah my other shoulder blade please oh I died we can't Sprint we can't jump chaos has been good to us I'm at a red light waiting to go no one has shot at me in a while feeling kind of lonely as a matter of fact teleporter malfunction oo uh ow where am I oh my a I'm not going to lie the uh the teleporter malfunction oh wa hey the teleporter malfunction is a real problem right now because there is not a lot left of this car oh my God if you Skydive inside of your vehicle is that against the law I feel like in this instance maybe it's not because I'm falling in the middle of a meteor shower so it's possible that all the police are paying attention to the meteorites trying to crush their skulls and not paying as much attention to the taco truck that's about to hit the ground very hard sticks The Landing I think my vehicle might be leaking coolant friendly neighborhood you broke the law oh I was driving the wrong direction I'm sorry I have cruise control it really doesn't matter because the vehicle can barely go forward right now it's so damaged I hit that guy at about 8 m an hour sticks to Landing I landed on a person you just saved my life thank you I'll tell you if that guy's fluffy body wasn't for there for me to elbow drop I might be dead right now okay the walk symbol is up there is a double gray still plays he's probably going to try and well maybe not I thought he was going to try and murder me instant shoe repair all right well your your shoe repair kits are here that's not a is that a dog I mean I know it's a dog but is he coming to get the what just happened I have no clue what what that script did I'm pretty sure I delivered something and a doge picked it up I try not to ask a lot of questions as long as I'm getting paid oh I'm being violently sniffed right now the taco truck is back I kind of Wonder I'm delivering like $18 worth of what is happening there was a speed boost someone just speed boosted so hard they died the taco place is losing more money buying new trucks for me than you know the $18 in food that we're serving per delivery I don't know how many tacos that one dog ordered I'm not even sure that dog is supposed to eat tacos oh this light takes forever oh boy oh the whales are coming oh the whales are very slowly coming now that one whale is just resting on top of the taxi just sleeping on top of the taxi guy I'm going to go and if the whale blocks their way that's great less traffic for me if I hit a whale is that like a felony I feel like that's a big crime next delivery Straight Ahead oh thank God no traffic this is legit the best chaos you can get in this type of challenge all right we got a green light no one's trying to cross this the crosswalk that's all I need is to run over some dude while I'm trying to go through the light okay another red light come to a nice full stop we got chaos in two one oh delayed camera I can kind of handle that all right green light finally hey that guy just came into my Lane if you're going to make the right hand turn stay in the right lane what just happened oh no I'm pooping into the Strat is spere I've been eating too many tacos I don't eat the tacos I deliver the tacos now you broke a law skydiving is illegal oh I think it's because I parked my car in the middle of the road it's okay I can deliver this oh wait I can't deliver it because I'm in the middle of breaking the law ow my knees ah my knees are so valuable stop murdering them okay I think because we lost that cop we might get a hey okay you're not getting my number to be honest with you I don't want to deal with anyone right now and everyone to me is a potential crime so there's a black hole going on I'm going to go ahead and stick next to this wall and see if I can survive it there is a lot of stuff getting sucked into the black hole oh God and now the black hole is gone so everything is going to slowly fall to the ground slowly you know terminal velocity style all right next delivery straight ahead and to the left this one looks pretty far away though and we're going to have a chaos in three 2 one stealing a car I didn't technically oh come on I didn't technically steal the car I got like teleported into it the car basically stole me ow I've got to jump to save myself please don't shoot me ah ow I fell to the ground and I am definitely still getting shot in the back got to get into the taco truck got to get into the taco truck okay if I can get away watch this if I can get away from the police oh there goes my attack at Taco sign I think that it'll go away over time and we can continue to our delivery oh yeah we got it I can just hang up here until this is over and then we'll be able to continue on our way there's basically nothing that can screw me over inside of the are you kidding me the guy spawned in the car with me that's not fair I can't believe it this is special I don't think I'm ever going to do a thing where I don't have to commit a crime again because it is impossible when chaos is making you commit crimes I don't even mean like putting a gun in my head and telling me to commit the crime I mean teleporting my entire body into the realm of the crime to be committed if a meteor falls on me is that a crash is that a car crash is that my fault I feel like it shouldn't be my fault okay we're getting close it's taking a long time there's a lot of lights in the way um so everyone's on fire not my fault problem is I'm surrounded by parked cars now it's okay though we can just run to our delivery destination it's right over here somewhere no oh my God I almost got Drive mod ow oh here we go here we here we go so it's inside of the uh it's inside of the mini Mark gas station over here screw you gray no Alex screw you I'm still getting shot at for some reason or at least it sounds like I am am it's okay we're going to duck inside here and here we go uh what a string of events that just happened everyone was burning when I got here they did not buy my story I got busted once again I'm in The Invisible vehicle first off it's really hard for me to not hit a parked car because I can't tell that it's there and I also don't really know exactly how long or how wide my vehicle is because it's invisible fortunately there hasn't been a lot of traffic over here but our next our next delivery is really far away nothing quite like a full contact delivery service all right so right up here and then probably make a left not at this light but I think at the next light well okay the shorts aren't that bad as long as I can see the middle of the screen which is where all the crime occurs I think I'll be fine God these lights are like 2 minutes long in case you're wondering what your grounded young man is I can't leave the taco truck I can't get out so I'm just stuck here okay finally oh this is creepy I mean if they're not moving I'm not able to commit a crime so that's fine what am I delivering to the Burger Joint I feel like I'm delivering to a competing business did you eat the fries what is that is that did I give him a too is just like the thing where when you work at McDonald's you can't stand eating there after a while so you have have to go get Taco Bell okay we've got one delivery left it's way out there got a red light I stopped before the line no crime was committed I'm not being shot cuz that's how we handle things around here you mess up in life you take a bullet you just eat it God this place is harsher than Sparta oh I visited aimbotting tocom I can't use this at all because I shoot anyone it's a crime all right so I'm going to come to a Full Stop look both ways uh everyone else has a red light so I think I'm good crossing the street here right yeah there we go you broke the law what happened what was I not supposed to go through that is this like a one-way Street or something I'm sorry I don't know what I did wrong educate me but don't educate me with bullets okay it's fine we're going to hide out behind the reefer smoke shop actually that's a terrible place to hide let me hide behind this pull-up bar that's a terrible place to hide to let me hide behind uh actually let's just try and deliver this I think I lost the cops okay I'm not being what happened what happened is it because is it because I took the gun out to point for the audience are you kidding me apparently I violated gun safety and in doing so the penalty is pretty much death like the penalty is always death to be honest with you try to honk no not even touching I'm not I'm not even going to touch a car I'm just going to run and deliver this and say to myself what could possibly go wrong okay everything's fine we're going to make it it's right there before we deliver this I'm going to let one last chaos happen just as I do it ah oh my God are you okay no you tore all my hamstrings you tore everything was that the final delivery what else do I have to do okay so I just realized I can't I can't get there because I'm I'm being mugged by oh there it is I was going to say I'm being mugged by the entire populace there's an end it's right there in order to do it I have to go ahead and commit a crime I guess have a grenade everyone it's been so long since I've oh I've never wanted I get a power up we have a winner ow do yourself a favor don't pick up the phone and try and commit a no crime challenge any folks hope you enjoy this episode GTA until next time stay F much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 418,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, and this happened, gta 5, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, jelly gta 5, gaming, challenge, gta, gta v, grand theft auto, grand theft auto 5, gta 5 mod, GTA but, mods, best mod gta v, grand theft auto v, testing cars gta 5, in gta 5, in gta, speirstheamazinghd gta 5, caylus gta 5, chaos mod, chaos mod gta 5, every 30 seconds, every 60 seconds, laws gta 5, obeying the law in gta 5, but chaos happens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 57sec (1437 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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