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“People pay money to do this, but we’re earning money to do this!” -Vardan. That’s a smart fucking kid man

👍︎︎ 81 👤︎︎ u/chris-reddit-3 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I saw a comment on the video saying they ran into Suzy at a gym in Glendale so it seems like she’s keeping it up! Proud of her. Jonah isn’t ready yet I don’t think. Hopefully he had an arc. I wonder how real this is.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/marisaheller 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

I downloaded lifesum so it worked

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/TheRammusGod 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Even tho jeffs dry humor isn't mine and i find it quite boring and fake sometimes, i really do respect him for this! Not like josh peck who is exploiting jonah for his obesity and making 10 fast food videos with him in one week. I'm really disgusted by josh for doing this, he knows damn well how it feels to be overweight, but still he keeps feeding jonah for views..

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/RikudoSN 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

It looks like Jeff created a mini-series where he’s helping Jonah’s family lose weight and create healthy lifestyles for themselves. The video is sponsored by an app called Lifesum.

I think this is a great video series and I’m excited to see what happens next! It’s also motivating me to get my ass into gear to have a healthier lifestyle. 😂

I hope this was okay to post here - it includes members of the Vlog Squad, although not directly David.

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/willtwerkf0rfood 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Does anyone know how tall Suzy is??? I’m guessing she’s 5’0 or 5’1. I know that everyone carries their weight differently and height definitely affects how you look depending on your weight, so I’m assuming she’s very short to look the way she does with only weighing 202. No hate, I love her! I’m just genuinely curious on how tall she is!

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

This was honestly such a level up from Jeff’s usual videos.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/MoonWater7 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

Man, Vardan is such a good fucking kid. Has a bright future ahead of him.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Zyaru 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies

@jonah saying “if anyone is gonna motivate me it’s gonna be myself” ok bud yeah sure you literally have Jeff handing you completely free dietary plans and workout plans, not only that, but he is doing the diet and workouts for you, so you don’t have to do anything but the things Jeff is directly telling you to your face, and u still complain at the end of the episode omg get a fucking life dude

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Exalious 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
this is the Antonio family together they weigh over a thousand pounds over the next seven days we're gonna see if they could lose 50 pounds collectively as a family if they complete the challenge they'll win $10,000 I start this video I just want to thank life some for partnering with me life some is nutrition focused the app that'll help you with your health it helps you monitor your food intake your water intake are you not drinking enough water probably so download life some that helps me with healthy recipes I use it for a bunch of stuff you don't need a big fancy gym membership you don't need expensive personal trainers you could do this on your own you could get started right away no matter what your fitness goals are if you want to lose weight if you want to gain weight if you want to pack on some muscle if you're getting a bunch of comments of people saying that you're skipping leg day and that your legs look like toothpicks and that you if that's bothering you then you could maybe use it a different diet plan maybe you need a little more protein in your diet life some has something for everybody use the link in my description check it out for yourselves alright let's get into the video okay guys don't don't be alarmed with my small production company these guys are just here to help the Antoni ins my second-favorite family first my own family before I get started with my proposal here I feel like I just need to explain something about myself when I first started making videos it was not just to get famous it was to help people and then the money making money took over so I was motivated by money now I don't know if you guys saw recently I did a fitness transformation on Nick here where we attempted to do a fitness transformation to get him to lose weight it didn't work out and I feel like if we had the right type of motivation the thing that motivated me to keep pushing through if you guys don't want to do this it's totally cool I'm just presenting this opportunity to you guys first because I love you guys and I want to see if I can maybe do something nice for you guys and make some money in the meantime is that somebody's fault is that your phone going off Reggie yeah it's your phone you're the sound guy and your phone's going okay let me cut to the chase here now I partnered with a life some app to see if we could get everyone here to live a healthier lifestyle and maybe lose some weight the winner of this competition is gonna win $10,000 I don't want to put you guys against each other you are a family and you guys do love each other so there's also gonna be an incentive if you guys lose 50 pounds total 50 pounds total so that's five of us together if you guys lose ten pounds each there's $5,000 for that and five thousand dollars to the winner whoever loses the most weight we have one week the Italians want to negotiate can we drop to 50 to 35 no negotiation here this is not gonna be a back-and-forth throughout the week I might get a little angry sometimes if I get a little hostile but that's because I'm trying to help I feel like at the end of this week we're gonna be fit and happy and that's all I want how do you guys come back with a counteroffer what are you are you still talking about this is a realistic goal here you guys to do this on your own wait do we all the lifestyle app the life some app you guys download it you could get the premium version for a little bit of money which is what we're gonna be using I'll cover it but we're gonna be using the life some app to lose to help us monitor our okay we're gonna do the weigh-ins if that's okay we don't have to broadcast your weight on the Internet if you guys are not comfortable with that it's it's fine yeah we're gonna need a bigger bowl well you cannot gain weight since the last one huh what's going on here dude what is this are you cheating me already why this whole bar called blocking the numbers it's got a nice feet man total weight it's one thousand 27 pounds we need to get this down as a total weight 977 pounds and we win all right guys seems pretty simple huh hi my name's Nick Italian I'm the fattest Antonia in the house yeah 177 that's my weight I'm twenty eleven pound one 95.7 I'm 202 pounds and I'm addicted to eating I feel like us as a family like people know us as the fat Antoni uns but people don't really get to know who we actually are and we're such great people money I don't care I kept my kid is my life only sometime I'm not good my heart half problem that's it how did percent [ __ ] you I lose weight people some start making fun of me and then no one can make fat jokes I don't need and I just eat once a day I started to spiral downhill at a young age I just well food a lot and it got me to places I didn't want to be which is here sitting on this couch shooting a weight loss video with Jeff if there's anything you could change about yourself over to be my weight of course why cuz like I'm overweight and there's no hiding that basically I wanna win goodbye some reasons some food business we want to buy so it's gonna be a lot of help to us I'm so ready to lose weight I know for a fact I know for a fact I'm gonna win nobody understands what I'm capable of why do you want to win so bad because first of all I want to get that money I want I want to get I want to get that help from and I want to help my mom my family by arrester I'll give all of it almost all of it to them and now keep like a 400 500 for myself are you gonna try and win money for your family I'm gonna try to win money okay cuz last time it was he like tomorrow angle and we wasted entire week we had to edit that video a long time you took this that's because you're the mastermind behind people losing weight and you're you're kind of like the Tai Lopez of losing weight so I'm a fraud I'm a phony not calling you that but we did only worked out for about an hour okay so you're gonna take this serious I'll take it seriously look I care a lot thank you thanks your money's not gonna motivate me if anyone's gonna motivate it's gonna be me okay I respect that I'm gonna give the money right back to you it's for you it's for your family to start a business I don't need it I need my home or be a movie star I want to get Botox like you I don't have Botox you have major Botox I've never gotten any Botox as a fat person if I go the fat face to a botox doctor they're not gonna be able to shrink the fat face they're gonna say you already got it done so I'd rather go with a skinny face all right everybody remember anything that goes in your mouth goes into life some okay I'm taking this for now but you will see it again hopefully all right so it's day one so far everybody has canceled on that workouts I feel like this family's not taking this too serious if this family is gonna shed some fat we're probably also gonna have to shed some tears and they're not coming from me because I don't cry I never have no more mr. nice guy [Music] they don't know we're coming just gonna pop in check out the fridge make sure that I eaten bad so all these Dean's what's going on this time is not armed luckily everybody skipped their workout today so my friend Todd and I are here just to check out the fridge we want to put all good food in the house want to make sure you guys aren't drinking soda putting unnecessary garbage in your bodies I check you guys this fridge right now I'm not gonna find any soda give my guys mine [Music] hmm look at this fresh sodas look me in the face why he has my keys look at this guy this is more enjoy yourself since morning making me DJ hey mash these up further week we started what are you doing with this man how could you do this to us you know I take time out of my day my team comes in here to do this button huh pay attention man I'm not gonna be around here 24/7 to watch you guys can I trust you that was before everything started it's not me anymore I'm change but I swear to god nobody lose any weight in this challenge I will not give anybody a single dollar I don't care to wasted a week joking with me can take that money and time and I will go on a vacation and we'll Instagram model the whole time I don't give up this is a team effort you're supposed to be supportive of one another not make fun of each other and enable each other with Twinkies I think this is all a big joke to shame them they don't take it serious it was just yesterday they gave their confessionals weight a bunch of [ __ ] you can only lead a horse to water [Music] yo guys can a listening for this are you sure it's a joke listen Zack you don't need some what this dance moon cut that out of the video don't tell your parents I did that right not seriously I'll tell your parents I did that I believe in you okay in my favor [Music] run yeah hey that's two miles you did you crushed it I'm proud of you hey you on the other hand you think this is all a big joke don't you we're not in sports I'm being dead serious I don't think we're gonna have a happy ending to this video people pay money to do this for earning money DVDs I like your attitude man I wish the rest of your family had that attitude so it's the first day I'm gonna be training the whole family together so I'm bringing him back up I reached out to lies a cochis trainer because Liza Koshi is the number-one youtuber so whoever trains her must be the number one woman trainer that's how that's how it works you smoke the cigarette it's just for like a little comedic twist I'm not Alan hey buddy you done to me I'm not okay it was just to show that I'm not qualified I'm not even inhaling it you guys could be disrespectful to me but she's not gonna take any of your crap are her feet what's the megaphone for I know what I'm saying no one in this household there is no ice cream in this house all guys you want to see change the first thing you need to do is bake change [Music] does anyone know what the largest muscle group in the body is stomach for some people ribs your legs fat is like a tire it wraps around the front and the back abs in a big fat back no have you know okay it means you're working hard you push your limits do you know what that means for you you're growing take this you know I know take it off baby give it to me okay Suzy's puke and rally let's all get a round of applause Oh awesome how's everyone feeling pretty good I'll make you guys a deal right now all right if you get down into a squat and you hold it for 15 seconds with me you're done doing squats for the night how's that sound ready down in a squat hold 15 14 13 12 11 10 don't give up on us otherwise everybody goes down with the ship 7 6 breathe 5 come on you're good enough right here 3 when I showed up at the house and everyone was in regular clothes there was Armenian bread on the table I had heard that someone was eating ice cream I really I honestly was like I'm done I'm walking out right now because if you guys don't want to help yourselves I can't help you but you really proved yourselves today anyone that means we have an awesome few more sessions together than which we had to keep doing this oh okay down six to go one more round [Music] get my bullet you think cuz there's a camera here you gotta be funny and silly no you're letting down your family where is he bred woman took your spot she's trying harder than you ever did you're a loser and you're gonna be a loser for the rest of your life I just wanna go to Burning Man [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,921,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, jonah, weight loss, biggest looser, vlog squad, david dobrik, antonyan, antonian, armenian, family, vardon, fat, Transformation, workout, diet, health, fitness, liza koshy
Id: 9z5d2vW-03w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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