Catching the guy who stole 20 things from me.

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Lol at reverse sponsorship

👍︎︎ 2500 👤︎︎ u/TangoDeltaFoxtrot 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm not about to sit and watch a 22 minute long video.

Me 22 minutes later: "Worth it."

👍︎︎ 219 👤︎︎ u/Free2Bernie 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

"If those crates didn't want to get stolen why were they dressed so sexy."

👍︎︎ 4557 👤︎︎ u/CrashKaiju 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

look at the huge property this man has, 3 cars, huge houses and garages, i think he is doing fine and doesn't need to steal. Which makes him an even worse person, especially stealing from your neighbors. It could be jealousy or purposely trying to hurt his neighbors

👍︎︎ 10230 👤︎︎ u/Finemage 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I live in the city and have family a few hours away in the mountains on a farm that have to deal with shit like this. I had to get up and walk around when the theif post hoc started coming up with reasons.

👍︎︎ 2392 👤︎︎ u/scottkensai 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm sorry, I wouldn't be so forgiving. That dude has a house full of stolen shit, I guarantee it.

He stole before. He stole this. He will steal again.

👍︎︎ 974 👤︎︎ u/amccune 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

Stealing from neighbors is one of the lowest form of thievery.

How much you wanna bet this POS is everything he complains about in others.

👍︎︎ 2949 👤︎︎ u/FarkFrederick 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

When the thief starts making excuses I almost turned the video off

👍︎︎ 2344 👤︎︎ u/No_Television6237 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies

"we watch your YouTube videos".

"Well get ready for the next one. You're going to be the star and I'll make that $1400 back in no time"

👍︎︎ 284 👤︎︎ u/2wheelzrollin 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
yeah that's nice little uh black spray paint right all over the front of my 600 cell cam i always really appreciate that you missed the one that's up in the tree right here it's always like so sad when you miss that third camera nice two thousand dollars and camera but that's nothing compared to your life so i moved here probably eight months ago and i moved out of here probably seven months ago because all my neighbors proved to be probably the stupidest people i've ever seen in my life so i thought i put up some cameras to capture that and we finally got what we needed [Music] some of these bad boys these are apple air tags now i have 16 of them that's all you can put on one apple id we're gonna stick these in the most hidden spots and then hopefully the guy who stole my other stuff takes one of these and it leads us right to where he's taking everything air attacks need another iphone to ping off of so the only way it's going to work like you can't track the exact location 100 of the time his own iphone is what's going to incriminate him here [Laughter] you think how could you this guy is stupid he's yeah you ain't no okay you get the duct tape we're gonna put it right there he's gonna just steal like the jack handle and get caught oh also just really quick while we're doing this i figure this is a great time because sitting right here and you can easily look at it um this is a pro eagle three and a half ton jack their customer service is great they brag about that but their product is not and they don't brag about that and they won't let anyone know um this is a three and a half ton jack i lifted a two and a half ton truck and it bent the front axle on every single one of my jacks i four of these the screws came out this bracket broke um the screw on this immediately broke um every single screw in the entire thing comes out because they don't use um good screws i had to put extra lock washers in them there's no lock washer on these um the pedestals fall off like i said i already said that the pistons went out on every single jack so they only lift one ton um so the wheels are plastic um i don't i don't know what's going on there but i don't know why anyone still buys these that's all i had to say about that so uh thanks for tuning in to that reverse sponsorship yo this is our guy the four runners at his house the four runners at his house right now in the truck go there we're gonna go there right now um about two weeks ago i had a bunch of my stuff stolen i had some storage containers in my property i knew people in the area kind of stole but i didn't think my stuff would get stolen because it was like way off the road like half a mile off the road um and go figure my stuff got stolen but i wasn't too worried i always catch whoever steals my stuff i had cell cameras up basically uh trail cameras that send you a picture to your phone like a text of what's going on at the moment like write in moment like i can request a picture or get sent to me when someone's in front of it i wasn't checking on the pictures because one was aimed at the road and there was cars going by every single day but it was capturing everyone that was going in and out and a lot of people go in there to turn around suspiciously and take like a few extra minutes we hauled the storage containers to my other property and i looked inside and i was like where's all my my stuff at like my compound bows were gone there's three compound bows missing uh we were looking for a leaf blower and leaf floor wasn't in there we found out everything else was missing too there's three tailgates that were missing one off the the red square body we destroyed like sentimental stuff like i didn't even take anything that super valuable i'm looking through and i'm like there's pictures of the guy going up and spray painting two of my cell cameras like i don't get how you're dumb enough to get yourself like like there's antennas sticking up like it's literally sending me pictures as he does it um the guy wears a mask the guy puts it like a medical mask on goes up and spray paints two of my cameras he didn't see the third one aiming down at those cameras so i have pictures of the top of the guy's face i have pictures of his truck going by 60 seconds later and then i look through it and i have pictures of a forerunner they pulled in and they pulled out 18 minutes later and you can zoom in on the back of this picture and i'm like wait a second where's my four-wheeler ramps at they're like in his forerunner as he's pulling you can see the the four-wheeler ramp sticking in the back of his forerunner [Music] so we're like okay i'm sure it wasn't that stupid but go figure he was his face matches the picture of him spray painting my cameras so i don't know how he's that stupid like i literally got pictures of him doing it his face in his neck matched the same guy that's in the forerunner and the same guy that was painting the cameras i don't know why he came back a second time because that completely is this house here look tell me if you see a full runner and a maroon f-250 oh we put the plates back on so i find it funny he's got a gate maybe he doesn't want someone sealing his stuff do not steal from me i will i will walk up to your front door i just want to confirm how do you know this person has your stuff i have pictures of him driving in and then coming out 10 minutes later with a bunch of my stuff in the back of his car and we just found out um where he lives i'm just here at the road yes all right i've got deputies thank you very much well that worked out um they wanted me we went to the police department and they wanted me to like file out a report and everything and i'm like i know who the guy is i know where he lives and i'm like i i know he has my stuff the gate's unlocked we could go in but i don't see no trespassing sign anymore technically i'm pretty sure he has cameras i wonder how i'd feel if i went up and spray painted over them like where my own neighbors too i don't get this like someone who's not even like who's set up halfway decent like there's four people that live here i did my research nobody could be here yet like a lot of vehicles oh they're they're definitely here i i should have said on the phone yeah like we're going in right now we're going in to your right seth right there they're here yeah we sold three compound bows three tailgates the four-wheeler ramps uh backpack leaf blower and that's all i know so far painting my security cameras he didn't see this one is up in the air literally my stuff in the back of his car the same car that's here this which one um the forerunner and then the f-250 uh three compound bows the four-wheeler ramps there uh three tailgates and then that's that's him you can see in the forerunner his neck is the same shape through the windshield up the driver's license on the way over here hey did you file a report and everything uh no we just found out and got here oh okay look at him talking it's as simple as a slight apology and we're on our way with my stuff back yeah he they just asked me he's just denied him yeah he did straight up denying it yeah his heart's racing he won't even look him in the eyes yeah he's nervous this is hilarious dude right in front of his wife like how do you this is what i wonder if his wife knows about it i doubt it probably not he's like there's no plate he just said there's no plate but the car is in his right exactly without a plate yeah i have a picture of the ford plate what is it um i heard him say you don't got no plate he's like you don't exactly i have pictures of your your plate i have your plates pictures of you pictures of your car without a plane his wife oh he's pissed he he's going straight to do you have pictures of this do you have pictures of that when he thinks he's his wife is clueless dude she's so close look how she's looking at him she's so clueless she's so confused oh my god i mean i saw deer on the field i mean that could have been someone else's forerunner and big ass nick walking out and stealing himself driving up down the road let me see those pictures of me on camera where's the camera oh where's the camera he didn't see it so he's questioned where it was where's that where was that camera at i didn't see that one this is the most like like the vehicles are in his yard right there i have pictures of him i have pictures of him and the let him in let him in dude let him come look oh they're going in they're going in oh that's all they needed he invited him in you're telling me i don't have to wait for someone to steal all my stuff to catch this guy where was the camera i didn't see the one in the tree yeah look he's way in front of the cops too he's like he's like kind of running there and hiding real quick yeah he's like oh nope not even did you here you have any pictures of him to actually take in the stuff or just spread right in the cameras i have pictures of him spray painting the cameras and then i had the pictures of the stuff in the back of the same forerunner that he was in yeah yeah okay here's what so and he said the only thing he ever does is right around looking for deer to but he don't hunt oh he closed his shop which makes no sense to me whatsoever yeah no i mean i mean i know that was my stuff in the back of that car so um let me see what else we can get now catching okay i think it's a hundred ten percent him it's him it's him [Music] [Laughter] why don't they call more cops yeah but that takes time i wish they could do that while they were here i'll sit down here and watch i would sit here all night like yeah i'll see you he went inside you did oh no he did yeah he shut the door and walked in he's in the house he's got the bows in there you know he's hiding the bows under his bed right now yeah 100 we would have had to wait two weeks for that stuff to even get looked at right this is how everything should be hidden like you shouldn't just call the cops and be like stolen like you should find out what you can yeah and then take it yeah they're not like anything no no absolutely not no i'm like i already did the work for them and these cops are nice yeah exactly we told him the process he's uh not wanting to give up not giving any information i mean everything it's yeah both vehicles are the car the ones you've seen oh yeah but we'll follow y'all down to the property that way we can get you know the rest of our information we explain the process to him so listen we're going to do a report we're going to you know turn it over to detectives and sergeant told him said you know i'm almost certain we have enough right now for a search warrant so thank you be ready yeah um it's right down here like i said well i've turned over cid they can write a search warrant if they want to and go from there okay thank you and who knows maybe i'll change your heart for now and then and decide to call us back out i think i've pulled the locking cables out since then but they're like in their cell cameras like they were taking pictures of him as he's doing it we just film everything just for i'm a youtuber so we make videos for you oh i know yeah we do uh like off-roading videos like that freaking durham access yeah yeah that's crazy yeah but not driving here he acted like when this court sergeant told him like listen we're just going to get a search warrant and they just want their stuff back like split second and almost he's going to say something and then he stopped and then yeah i'm hearing we put apple air tags trackers all over and we were waiting for someone to take them again but but i drove by and i saw that forerunner in his driveway and i was like well there he is good eye i mean because that's sitting on for pretty good ways all right back to the value that doesn't mean so dumb you get a search warrant called on you a search warrant now they're going through his whole house oh the garage door's open now is that the red tailgate on that trailer back up they're searching it dude yeah they got a warrant already within 20 minutes that's insane that's insane they're searching everything i love how this happened so quick so he's like well you're gonna have to get a warrant okay we got a warrant um oh that guy stood up he's getting angry he's pissed he's mad watch him hit him oh he's taking him somewhere oh what if he's leaving what if he's yeah he's taking him to it this i've dreamt of this day dude i've dreamt of this day ever since my dad had a skid loader stolen when i was a kid i was like if anyone ever steals for me they're getting yeah is that my tailgate dude what's the white thing what's the white thing did you see that someone picked up something there's the tote is that the tote the yellow what the that's the detective you think it is i bet no i'm pretty sure that was one of their cars these kids i don't know it's usually a cop car someone getting out of the passenger both sides oh for three of these good lord wait why are they just dress up casually they're detectives you think yeah 100 a folder they all got out they're three people dude that's funny well are you updated at all okay i think we got most of your stuff really do you mind not filming for a minute yeah you don't want to you don't want him arrested for any of this right here you want your stuff back i want my stuff back we have this we have this problem right here he did fantastic analyze those are you wanting like i i would say hey grab me a check for 1400 or cash and we're good and if he gets caught for anything else i will charge if if it helps other people i'm backing up to the same guy's house that took my stuff your especially for my wife and you of course um there's not a good excuse i took two pain pills and drink a beer and just felt like a wild-ass kid 60-year-old man i went over there in my truck and i um go back and got muddy and i saw those two i looked over i saw these big wheels and i got out and i looked down pretty cool and i had to look over and the doors were a jar on those crates so i walked around with this damn i can't get out this muddy so just in my head i'm thinking i'm gonna come back with that old truck right there didn't have a water tub i mean i had no antifreeze just drove over there and walked in and those tailgates were laying right there at the gate the door and then the fan going back it was the rams and there was a cooler and then an ox shirt and like that my shirt i opened i said oh those are pretty and i stuck them and there's no good excuse and i you know any and what you're doing here i do appreciate and i'm gonna pay for those cameras okay i mean i i feel like i mean i idiot dude i get like people go through difficult times like you know i wonder i mean i know there's no excuse for it there's no excuse but i'm saying like people have difficult times like i get it but i mean i don't tolerate anyone taking my stuff ever yeah i'm never gonna let you i never have let anyone get away with it like i appreciate if you want to make it even with me i really appreciate that but i i mean i just you know that sentimental like that bow i won when i was a kid i haven't pulled out how could he pull it back i know you know i couldn't i know yeah so it's just like you know there's no excuse i appreciate you there's no but yeah like i don't i don't really have much to say about it okay but um you know i just you know somehow in my mind i saw the for sale sign the gate standing out the road i thought abandon this stuff you know i'm thinking why was this thing that blocked and no excuse again but it was like i felt like i made myself feel like i wouldn't do nothing wrong yeah i mean i like i got the picture of you and you had a mask over your face i didn't took your plate off i've never had a plate on it that's not bad now it does that's what i stuck in the drive after i see someone [Music] the camera is 700 each that's all he owes me as long as everything's here what was your reason for coming back and painting the cameras i mean you know there was cameras and a friend busted you know those cameras right there over that property i was like so you told me you told a friend no no no no we were talking about something else and i said i just i drove back there i'm saying i said i drove back there so you know those cameras right there i said no i had no idea that weighed on my mind so that's why it's very quiet i don't know what the hell i thought paint them after the fact would do yeah hey paint let me look in that box real quick [Music] [Music] um just keep it i'm not no you guys no look you apologized i destroyed your property and i did this you apologize like i appreciate it you're not gonna steal again you're not gonna steal again keep it no hard feelings i just appreciate having myself i appreciate i appreciate having myself [Music] i'm not going to press charges or anything i doubt you're going to take anything again i but i just want myself back so i i appreciate but thank you for making progress it's okay it's okay i have plenty i have enough money i have i don't i don't need my stuff back i just i just want it i just wanted my stuff back it's okay just go ahead and give you a copy of just saying hey you got this property back or whatever you've got my card if you got anything any other issues anything that comes up let me know let's say i doubt where seriously these guys are okay all right come on man thank you let me know okay thanks thank you guys he said he watched you on youtube he knew exactly what he was doing no monster max shirt he knew exactly what he was doing monster max shirts yeah i felt horrible for his wife she was like crying yeah yeah she was i mean that's that's he said he said he he stole the bow and he couldn't even pull it back because 80 pound drawing he's like i couldn't he tried shooting it hey don't steal from me that's all i have to say don't steal from me i will catch you and i will be personally loading my stuff back up um as for my dad's skid loader there's also still a quarter million dollar reward i will not be letting those people off easy if you're the one who saw my dad's skid loader uh john deere 250 with this vin number here if you're the one that stole that um if you come forward and apologize right now i won't have to put out a quarter million dollar award to find you let's make it 300k it's been a month no one's found it yet uh 300 000 reward for anyone who finds this 20 000 skid loader thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 13,575,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rnFOWvAAapU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 21 2021
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