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this is the Antonio family together they weigh over a thousand pounds a few months ago I offer them $10,000 to lose ten pounds each unfortunately we fell short by four pounds so we decided to do it again only this time we dealt with mistakes 20 pounds don't win $20,000 welcome to the 1,000 pounds then how do you think you guys have been doing you diet I know Christmas came up and we're all eating good hokey stuff but like everyone in the family the person who also lose like the most weight and that's most etiquette is prime me so yeah first year she really wanted to lose weight and after that she just gave up she's like no scooter so I'm not gonna I don't want to lose weight when I work hard on getting you guys in shape on and off camera spend a lot of time then I log on my computer and I see a new vid from Josh Peck stuffing food down you guys's mouths I'm not gonna lie to you it doesn't make me feel good when's the next time I'm up thing is happening better luck when yous helping me today right now Josh Peck is in the house right now doing a mock thing with your brother in the car in your vehicle you know what that's also notice yes we're doing a kidnapping I'm not scared of you please should be oh you don't know how hard it is Thomas wait I'm sorry forgetting a little hostile in there everybody knows how hard it is to lose weight it's you I was huge at least till the challenge is done I would love a little bit of your help we don't do a mukbang unless we play a basketball game before you even firing good all right Josh while we have you here can you give this young buck a little advice step one put yourself up for adoption step two never look back you need healthy snacks ready to go fight the craving geosync low calories you know we're back at the Antonian residence and I got a little surprise for them today I brought my friend chef I found him on the gram he's a nutritionist and he kind of looks a little bit like Todd and I so I I feel like he'll be perfect new addition to the training team here I've been struggling with kind of guiding them in the right direction with diet because what works for me doesn't necessarily work for everyone else you are the woman of the house you do the shopping you do the cooking you are responsible for everyone's diet in the house so we want to focus on you today you mind if we take a look in the fridge maybe that's a good start see what's this for you bought that cake you buy it buy this is sounds for taking multiple there's multiple that's pretty thick talk video oh you think that's funny to do the whipped cream thing in front of me I'm now thirty pounds truthfully look bigger you like this Jona there's no more looking around we're getting close to the deadline here we've made no progress yeah do you hate me is that why you're eating more is it despite me know if you leave some Jeff job or everything is going to pop yeah trust me your life will get better I know you're dealing with a lot of problems right now you want to move out of here you want to get your family out here you want to get a restaurant you can do it if you just trust me I pulled taut out of the gutter well caught its back in the better I'm gonna take your mom to the supermarket we're gonna get some healthy stuff in that fridge Yama's real food this is day one of training definitely want to make what do you guys cried today the little one does not count because he cries in every video does this guy think he is to go I'm never coming yeah the father really impressed me we had a lot of longer Joan is a scumbag try to beat his father and his father fell at the end of this one well we all know that you have a boyfriend now we're all very happy about that I did a little research on his Instagram account he had used hashtags the Antonian family David Daubert vlog squad there's all I brought you here today to apologize I said some pretty hurtful stuff about your new boyfriend can you put this down I don't want to look at that I don't think your boyfriend is a cloud chaser I just needed drama for the show I am a scumbag host I took the prize money that I promised your family that they've been putting in their hard work for and I took it to Vegas and I gambled it all I almost lost all of the money for this year's how because I was careless and I was manipulated that was peer pressured last night you came up to me and you went let's go to Vegas I want to put $20,000 on on the collar okay yeah I promise that morning of Jonah's family if they lose 100 pounds you think they're gonna lose a hundred pounds yeah it was a bad decision but fortunately I was able to double the money and I spent that on a private jet partying with my friend Todd we blew the money if we don't get this done soon I can't say that I'm not gonna become a gambling addict and lose all the money for this entire production I'm sorry if I tried to sabotage a relationship from my own personal profit but I was hesitant you know I'm sure he's a nice guy sure he's great is he great yeah okay it's just what a relationships do they make you comfortable I might make a lot of weight they make you go out to nice dinners I don't want to see that happen to you and you know who doesn't like change your brother that's why he won't change his fat body that's why he won't allow his family to grow and move out of that house and buy a restaurant he wants everything to stay the same so it's up to us to change him for the kebab restaurant to move out of that house oh I'm so sick and tired of living there my mom complains like every day that she doesn't want to live there anymore I know she does I hear her over and over again but I just cut it out of episodes because it's boring and it's annoying but we will get you out of there I just want to see some work done I want your brother changes in attitude I wanted to accept that you have a boyfriend now and you are changed in your life for the better and he needs to do the same but is he gonna know that is if you accept better knock some sense into him right now hello everyone I'm gonna keep this short and sweet what do you laugh at my hands I can't control them okay this is what they do you're all fat you're all fat that's what I want to say to you right now I'm not even on a bother put you guys on a scale right now cuz I know you guys didn't do [ __ ] on February 1st I'm putting a deadline if you guys are not at the target weight I'm taking that 20 grand and I'm gonna [ __ ] go on vacation with Todd and we're gonna go to Hawaii and I'm gonna come back here all tanned up with Olay and I'm gonna throw it in your face and I'm gonna feel nothing yeah I gamble 20,000 I won I won the money I dyes it I doubled it you know Arab means you know that you got $20,000 - that means I keep the money and you know what I already blew it right up my nose I'm bad with money dude I'm bad with TV show hosted nothing [ __ ] was February 9th no I'm not negotiating everything you guys never very good it's 50 pounds if you go into a sauna and sweat it out you'll lose it okay bro okay bro you're not funny I'm sorry but I'm already fed up with this everybody says in the comments - in just videos you're not funny bro just stop acne what's this do - goddamn weight loss video your brother's right persecution I'm done I'm telling everybody the truth and this was from last night I'm not allowed to have Krispy Kreme cuz they don't they don't pay any money so they're yours but because you don't have sponsors we can't mention it on camera you had this guy he looks incredible but his final day I'm tired of it and everybody's called commenting into you always acts like a clown yeah oh I'm gonna blame it on Josh Peck he forces me Oh Josh didn't fork you dude okay I lost 50 pounds you do lose Jack and fill up 50 pounds you gained 100 pounds double that I'm sorry I love you as a brother I love you I'm tired of this this unhealthy food when are we gonna get this goddamn restaurant get harassed no going to be a two thousand pound family he always tries to make it up he's gonna roughly locusts for nine million dollars because it's gonna be good it's gonna be called the 2,000 pound out what this series maybe just maybe I will do a season three if you guys fail again but I don't wanna how many times gonna call you fat you want to eat this delicious doughnut huh man you piss me off hey don't don't even stoop down this you don't maybe hope it's not more than I put in my mouth but nothing swallow my respect boobies goddamn doughnuts what time is the bull I'll be back here February first okay until then I don't want to see any except for you Susie you call me if you need anything okay I'm proud of you thank you and I'm sorry about the stuffy boyfriend I can't that was terrible acting go on the scale right now you're at 242 when the challenge started you're 233 won season 1 ended let's see we're at now what kind of a fun ah let's have a little fun [Applause] [Music] 236 you're it's season 1 I ate a little I ate chick-fil-a the stuff done here Mardan I hope you can help don't eat this [ __ ] wit me I can't do it to save him I have to go you mean you have to go I can't and this is the type of piece of you are you always leave I'm just worried that this family's never gonna lose any weight and we're never gonna reach this goal and this challenge is never gonna end Breno Wow the tribe has spoken your family that's voted you out I just wanna go to Burning Man and suck my dick right is one go to burn man and suck my dick on a spaceship yeah kinda burn a man are you [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,511,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, transformation, weight loss, diet, jonah, antonyan, vardon
Id: fuReJrNvX18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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