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Everyone in the comments acting like it wasn't them slamming Jonah last week lol

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2019 🗫︎ replies
this is the Antonio family together they weigh over a thousand pounds over the next seven days we're gonna see if they could lose 50 pounds collectively as a family if they complete the challenge they'll win $10,000 if we hopped on the scale right now do you think we'd make the cut end it with me I hope so because you know what happens if we don't no one gets money one person will win money work the hardest I'm just letting you know if the family did come on we gotta get out there means a lot and whether you lost the weight or not you know what [Music] after going home I don't have a family out here on the west coast my whole life you're like the younger brother I never had I could maybe replace your big brother and I could become part of your family for good would you want to do that yeah I think this is the best time to go and surprise them and just get the weigh-ins done and see if they won the money it's 6:00 a.m. they should be getting up soon last time Jonah and I spoke we kind of left off on bad terms he was cut from the challenge we might not have seen eye-to-eye on some of the workouts but I think it's only fair to allow him to at least weigh in let's see if this family hits the goal thinking everyone's eating a lot healthier now for sure feels good I'm kind of scared cause late ople local yesterday it's like I'm reading English if you didn't lose the 10 pounds you will be punished physically does everybody think they lost the 10 pounds I think I have yeah I am ready no I made it all night I think this guy is a sleeper I think he's gonna come out and drop 12 pounds and make up that slack so let's hope that he wasn't slacking off when he was off doing his own thing last time you weighed in your weight was 195 point seven get up on that scale 183 he's down 12 pounds okay see you weighted last time at 211 point nine two oh three point nine you got about 20 pounds so far you were two oh two point nine down eight point eight pounds how do you think twenty nine point two so we're only off by 0.8 pounds so if you and Vartann just got a little bit of extra credit here your family wins $500,000 the last time you weighed in at 170 9.4 you down seven point four pounds oh my god and I was on the skinny swim in the hardest for me Ivan I've been working harder than that step back you are younger and you are the lightest you still did great man don't be upset with yourself I got your whole life ahead of you this is just a start and your journey good man you're fine the way you are everybody else that doesn't go for you we're not far off track here we're a little behind Nick here needs to lose thirteen point four pounds get on there get on oh we love okay we did not make a fifty-pound as a family we fell short by four pounds it's not the way we were looking for but everybody did great here we're no longer a thousand-pound family of course the five thousand goes throw a winner here congratulations you did great as far as everybody else I had so much fun doing this we shed 50 pounds some people way that like some small children we just basically lost it a child of the family Congrats I honestly just want to keep this going until I actually lose the weight that I want to do with just 50 pounds I believe myself I think I can do it I'm happy I lost my break yeah just once I got a double muster half that they have down payment for my little restaurant I want to open it so the first two episodes are out the challenge is over and Jonah is now receiving a wave of hate comments the Internet has canceled Jonah for being too fat make your fat make your stupid and your arrogant you want anything [ __ ] down ten pounds here I want to be healthier let's take a three boys all from New York okay give me on tough guy all right I'm tough but I'm in jail for six days make my hair look they're transplants tough guy get needles in my face I do vampire boat tops - oh I lost weight bro and I'm gonna keep losing weight you finally gave me the opportunity to lose the weight and it might have seemed like I was just making a joke out of it but I was just kind of figure out a way to cope with it listen to me I stole the whole [ __ ] show The Biggest Loser now I'm invested in your family I love them and I genuinely want to make a difference I want this to be my new lifestyle I wanna wake up energized I want to wake up happier you know feel my hand or a minute Meryem squeeze it squeeze it yes mushy so instead of going on my dream vacation I'm gonna be taking Jonah with me to Miami Beach meet up my friend stand-up comedian Jason Nash Jason did one of my first-ever transformation videos and since then he's lost 30 pounds I feel like he's the inspiration Jonah needs to not only motivate him to work out but give him the boost of confidence that he needs if jason can change than anybody can change my two prospects one of them is already reformed the other one has a lot of work to do all unchanged I'm motivated Lewistown thanks for taking the time kinda helped me appreciate it thank you man actually all right boys line up III stop beating like punching a fat face your faction called him turkey night hey he's lazy he's disgusting he's not funny [Music] lose all the snapper I've been watching what I meetings gonna be in the gym every day to do this for me [Music] [Applause] yeah nice are your confidence in when you land in those jokes and a laugh for real that was the most amazing feeling I've ever felt in my life honestly hello Antonius good to see you guys I know I've been gone I hope you don't feel like I've abandoned you I know we didn't hit our goal of the 50 pounds but I brought something here to show you guys kind of a visual on the progress that we made this is what 10 pounds of fat looks like you each have lost about that you've lost some more oh my god this that's 50 pounds and this is what five thumbs and muscle looks like yeah I know I searched it up you guys lost that in ten days that's disgusting I thought there was no hope throughout a lot of this but we've made a lot of progress I wanted to extend this thing I wouldn't turn this fifty pounds into a hundred pounds of weight loss thousand pound family 900 pound family and I'm gonna double the $10,000 prize to $20,000 he was motivated by the comments I couldn't motivate him money couldn't motivate him it was the hate comments that he was getting the people the viewers of these videos they motivated him to actually push and change now it's out there our series we've made a difference in people's lives you my man you're a goddamn hero thank you it's very impressive what you did people are motivated all over the world Armenians are going crazy they're having parades because of this so we double the money 10,000 becomes 20,000 fifty pounds becomes 100 pounds of weight loss now it's up to you guys it's out there in the world the offer is on the table the fat is on the table and I'm out I'm going back to doing haircut videos I'll see you guys in a month it's up to you guys to get rid of it thank you brother and I appreciate like all you've done and I appreciate you taking the time off so thank you [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 5,188,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, david dobrik, vlog squad, antonyan, vlog, weight loss, fat, family, transformation, jonah, nick, zane, shane dawson, jeff, documentary
Id: OvSrzbTpMNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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