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I got very old cherdley vibes from the video

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/blue_seagull16 📅︎︎ Jul 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone i'm jeff i'm your host at jeff's barber shop i just want to give you guys a little update the lawsuit is moving along accordingly and my injuries are healing up fast so that's good news and there's been some changes made to me in my life i've actually moved i've upgraded i no longer live here in the barber shop i've uh got some money coming my way so i decided to move up to a penthouse and jonah has taken over this space and i know what you guys are thinking i am hearing you loud and clear i know you don't want jonah attach to the show anymore i know you're angry at him but i think today is going to be a humbling experience for him we're going to i own the apartment now i own the apartment and i i own the show you're on my side of the thing i i tell you okay well i can be on my side i can shut this production down anytime first of all i want to thank our sponsors of the show today suspicious antwerp it's a great clothing line that i am partnering with my face is on the website you go check that out it's pretty cool because todd also partnered with them and his face is not smashed up and they still chose to use my face this amazing hoodie here will be available this monday on their webshop you could go get that at antwerp dot slash collection slash all um that's on the internet so you go check that out at 6 p.m this monday big episode today we got my good friend jason nash's son and we're gonna find out what it's like growing up with it would split up separated parents and given everything you've wanted because the dad kind of feels like he is in debt to those kids we both come from loving families poor very poor families super poor and we had to work for everything for growing up and we're going to do some surprises hopefully to cheer him up because he's going through a tough time right now was your family poor yeah my both my parents were killed no they i've met your parents both my parents were killed by a scumbag in an alley after a gala what are these stupid fake stories people all right let's get into this we're going to give him his old haircut back when jonah was beloved for an episode or two we're given that same haircut hopefully we can channel some of that same energy from back then and look if you don't like what you see leave a comment below i'll take it into consideration we'll take it up with the whole team some good comments you know it gets depressing reading up your fat your fat your fat [Applause] come on stop goofing around okay i'm gonna leave it like this if you don't stop doing that jason's kid you know i'm wyatt yeah walter yeah he's a huge fan of this artist oliver oliver tree you kind of look like him a little bit and i had this cut in the beginning people call me like the fat oliver train yeah so what i was thinking you pretend to be oliver tree i think it could be something nice for you to do rather than just come in here and poke fun at all of our guests i think this could finally be something where you do something nice what does he do he sings sings he wraps so you come out do some oliver tree stuff do some jokes joke around with him you'd ask him what it's like having divorced parents man this looks good it's better than i thought i don't yeah check it out you look just like him oh my god it's oliver tree the deluxe version thank you for doing this i really appreciate it your dad is one of my best friends he accepted me when he found out about my dark past and he took me right in brought me around his kids which is big i got this new kid's chair over there it was a bad idea should not have any kids around in my house i feel like we should just get into the haircut you know yeah let's just get into it haircut first child first teen or no actually we had a couple teens on here we've been dipping into the tick tock pool of talent because vlog squad's done as you know i'm sure your dad has you've seen it in his face it's been under a lot of stress lately vlog squad they can but it's okay because we got connections with these new tick tock kids as you can see you know we're gonna be okay yeah daddy's not going into foreclosure anytime soon hey we're still rocking and rolling over here you got a good dad i'm sure you guys are are probably a little confused at times like where is he you know when's he coming back around i know your parents are separated and stuff but i wouldn't look at that in a negative way i'm a little woozy right now to be honest still feeling these effects from my injury i was in a skydiving accident shoot didn't open you've been to a lot of concerts if you could go to one guy's concert oliver tree oliver tree yeah wow it's oliver tree hey guys hey how's it going hi hey i'm oliver i know you're you're a big fan of my work i'm sorry obviously we can't get the real outdoor tree right now because i just got out of the hospital i was in a coma is under attack by the internet right now everyone hates him and we were just trying to do something nice for you and maybe we could kind of clear our name i was hoping that you know if i took your glasses off you wouldn't be able to tell you told him that you're going to get an oliver tree and dressed me up as as a fat oliver tree i'm done trying to make people happy okay because i'm not happy myself dude why do you understand right dude yeah i look like i'm going skydiving ultimately what cracked his face open i was after insurance companies but we can get into a lot yeah and get into a lot of stuff right now okay let me get it in i mean let me get another interview here do you believe in aliens yes you think aliens are real it'd be weird to think we're the only ones in like an infinite universe okay i'm not kidding it i don't want to take the spotlight here but i this is the problem you butt in when your opinion's not asked for i'm asking him if he believes in aliens you think i give a [ __ ] if you believe in aliens i agree i think there's aliens out there just want to do like a little life performance and all all the concerts got cancelled never really what i don't see my whole life can change in one week wait dude move move this is your problem dude the real oliver trees what do you want to do little man oh i'm the little man yeah you're not the fattest guy on the internet uh wyatt i paid ten thousand dollars and probably gonna have to pay a lot more quiet the truth is your dad is a screw-up i put this whole thing together son i'm your real dad give me a hug it's crazy we're both a little banged up yeah what happened to you i fell off a building oh what a two foot tall building he's doing insurance fraud you gotta stop saying that all right i'll rip that wig off your head you believe in aliens is that your best question you come up with to think that we are so so so self-centered to believe that the world revolves around us and it's people like you who keep that i believe in aliens he was telling me earlier that he doesn't believe in aliens and i told him that you're you're cool if crazy take this out you trying to hit this no no no they don't they don't smoke let them have it dude whatever your dad says tell him to go [ __ ] himself do you want to be a musician you got to do a little bit yeah you want to be a musician man this is the good okay time to go okay um say bye to your hero yeah i can't have the weed coming oh no no no no i couldn't it'll make you feel young again oh my god i haven't healed i'm over here come over here where are you going i can't smoke that [ __ ] it's good for you okay okay are we gonna [ __ ] what the hell are you doing what the [ __ ] oh god damn that's a real injury sorry about that have you ever cut a bull cut before i just did that one 30 seconds before you got here well it looks like [ __ ] okay [ __ ] off you look like an acorn you're shaped like an acorn look at yourself in the mirror for a second look at you you need to learn how to love yourself i hate myself and i'm fat stop [ __ ] saying that dude you get those thoughts out of the gutter people call me a fat oliver tree are you [ __ ] kidding me dude that's what they call me too what you need to understand is it doesn't always have to be this way if you follow my simple three-step formula you can get your whole life changed dude i'm also coming out with a book for only 59.99 this is his note this isn't about you i feel like no one listened to me you know i hate myself i think we got the gist of it love yourself even it's just if it's just a little bit of love i thought it was drugs or cool i don't know what these [ __ ] guys are talking about i'm still trying to figure out what exactly they do can someone at least explain to me before i leave what the [ __ ] you guys do i gotta i do a haircut show i got i'm this fashion designer weight loss show and personal trainer i want to make this very clear my debut album is out now i need everybody to go listen to it ugly as beautiful as available worldwide however you know i i never thought i'd say this but um i really want to rip that [ __ ] wig off your head [ __ ] you this show [ __ ] sucks whoever watches [ __ ] i feel bad for you boo [Music] good chance you'll fall [Music] [Music] oh
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,748,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, Oliver tree, Jason nash, wyat nash, scooter, worlds biggest scooter
Id: Lj7fuyIV1Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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