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hey everyone I'm Jeff I'm your host here at Jeff's barber shop this is Jonah he works for me I pay him in snacks he's usually ungrateful of beer but today is excited because we haven't seen him in a while and he hates this guy he hates the guy that we have on the show today you guys might not be familiar with him but he was on a recent episode and he's gotten more hate comments than I've ever seen first time we're given a blue boy haircut of what blue fights with you're on camera use use a big boy voice project this is the reason people don't like you because you do this also another exciting thing I'm gonna be wearing jeans today I'm gonna have jeans on the whole episode I know you guys are probably wondering what's new over here it's the jeans we got a big episode today we've got a great guest coming after these two guys get their haircuts these are not the guests of the episodes that would get them out of the way and I'll get to a good stuff mats manager Matt King that the Rat King you got rats everybody out for a living we can debate that but okay he was sitting in on his episode and he received so much hate I thought you know what who more perfect to come on the show than a guy that you guys all hate so I can redeem myself er just to continue this Mike's a good guy he kind of reminds me of McLovin also I was watching that Jeffrey Epstein documentary on Netflix yesterday and I realized that's what Mike reminds you have more the young kind of like a young Jeff Epstein that's Jeff Epstein this is what is the name of the show who died there god I don't know if he has any relation to my can we not do that cuz that's like a pretty serious let me get started working on the hair cuz you're gonna get you out of here as soon as possible what do you want to do with the hair you know buzz up the sides through a little bit of a fade and clean up the top into a flat top kind of like an old you know okay look I'm not judgmental I think it's your face but you can't fix that makes people mad you don't like my face Jenna me plus 1.5 million other people I just want to read a few of the comments that I got on the episode where I was just sitting in the chair holding the iPad yeah he wanted problems with that I didn't even say anything that kid with the afro is a little [ __ ] what did I you kind of just nagging Mike just spent the whole vid trying to take digs at Jeff didn't work nobody likes Mike that one you know it's pretty self-explanatory I don't know how yeah I are these real comments people does it bother you it doesn't feel good people say yeah yeah that you're you know bad things but like you also have a lot of positive comments Wow look at that look what look what I found Matt's Jewish friend trying to turn Jonah against Jeff and Jonah just going on with insulting Geoff back is the type of friendship I strive for no I think that was a compliment saying that we're good at being friends cuz like we can make jokes no you're not in the loop with us because we kind of practice against each other that's that's a no I'm just making jokes you know just trying to be part of it part of the team here that just tells a lot about no we are conditioned back and forth to each other because we could take it yeah but you were sitting there nagging like a Karen oh no I want to speak to the manager I don't think I said anything like that but but there is no manager cuz I run the show over here I think this show is about redeeming the hosts not about redeeming they guess that's that's the theme of picking up your it's like a little get the [ __ ] out of my head stop trying to figure it out no we're not gonna figure [ __ ] out now Jeff figure out your own hate comments why are you receiving so much hate don't worry about me I am you're worrying about his bank account my bank account how much we're making on sponsors you're so worried about counting other people's money why don't you worry about your own buddy my little [ __ ] it was that student money it was a bet that was about the exercise you're always I know so much you know I I know everything you don't I just know that like Jeff was helping me with the workout stuff and I was wondering if you were keeping up with that and just check it was up with it if he gained 20 pounds you know damn well it wasn't a month of working out stuff no it really was it wasn't we weren't talking about the workout that literally what we were you looked at me you're like you're I'm trying to make you the best version of yourself like you're a life coach what are we cutting hair of a life coach believe it achieve it what are you gonna say next Taisha / just just trying to be your friend drona you know he's struggling he's locked in the house he's not allowed to exercise they closed down his gym he's all stressed out about that it's a national burger day he just started his diet he's gonna wreck that burgers and think about his favorite food yeah national hamburger day is on my favorite holidays yeah I'm just I'm just thankful to be able to get a haircut that I have a friend like Jeff who's willing to cut my hair oh dude cut it out you had this economist crap what crap is crappy app did you see what I look like when I came in here cuz this stupid app is giving me a haircut I'm he trying to be an angel I'm just being myself Jonah I'm thankful to be here I'm thankful Jonah's giving me a haircut you're a wolf just in sheep's clothing and I'm a shepherd what what's the average age of girls you like to mess around with I don't mess around before 10 you 16 I know you just watched the Jeffrey Epstein documentary so like that's where your head's at but just barking up the wrong tree he looks just like them okay let's be straight let's be real are you trying to help others or you kind of help yourself I actually think that by helping others you do help yourself this guy man I know but I'm basically what you sound like you're reading a self-help book I feel like save the [ __ ] bro that's why you're getting so much hate because you're pretending to be somebody or never be yourself I'm myself I knew he was playing a character everybody hated him he got roasted you got a common side you're playing kill yourself you're fat kill yourself you're playing a carrot and he was about to kill himself and then when he showed that vulnerability not that he didn't act like they know it all the time you and then people related to him I think you guys are playing characters oh here he is Jason someone who doesn't pretend to hate me they watch this Jeffrey Epstein documentary yesterday well last night that's been the joke of it these guys watch DFC die oh how depressing was it so if I'd watch it I know I wish good job on the show I would have liked to see some haircuts done in it all it was was about these horrible things he's done oh hey what do you think you like the flat top look I don't like that this is like like mushrooming act we just like get this and then like maybe bring the fade up to like here so I don't have you guys married but I'm thinking about adopting a child no you're not yeah no you're not like a real it I don't know if you can pick and choose what kind of kid drive but it's not like I going to the kennel yeah well actually do me a favor why don't you get this out of here Walt you like the cut I do yeah okay nice I don't have to worry about getting a lawsuit from a lawyer or something absolutely not sure if I worry about you coming with your army of Jewish lawyers so I would never see you here I'll never see you Jeff all right still got a round of applause at the end of this no should I you should looking nice I want something cool creative and now you have some imperfections and I don't want to cover those up I want to kind of highlight those imperfections and I know you're probably not gonna like this idea at first but not everyone has this connection here if I had the bridge I'd be rocketed you know oh yeah accentuate the imperfection girls don't have to shave their pits anymore it's a new normal you know what the best part about this is if [ __ ] like Mike Scheffer see it and they're like I want to do it he can't because he doesn't have the bridge oh my god that's lives [Music] you're about to be tick-tock or the year you might win a Streamy award Wow honey you really got to get this side because that's that's support that original I gotta say he hasn't one of the most solid bridges I've ever seen in my life I don't look funny though I look like tough yeah you're too tough now to tell jokes maybe start a haircut show or something hey Addison come on out I'm out oh my god that's um you heard I guess maybe we start off with like we can all share something about ourselves that we never told anyone before okay so I guess you could go first or whatever I feel like you should go first I shouldn't go first you should something happen something happen I don't want to talk about actually and we can cut it out of the video if you want but spit it out I for the past nine years I had a flower fish Oh fish die it's a true story but he's overacting it really yes no way I want to hug you can I hug you it's tough losing a pet nerf dies every episode of this show I'm gonna I feel like I'm in a therapy session that I shouldn't be okay I'm tired of being the punching bag all right I want to be the funny guy it's in fat you'll never make it you smell like food I hate Addison said she likes it like a fat joke no you don't affect okay all right okay jot down your microphone tell us if you're gonna do this stuff at least record it nice enough shut your goddamn mouth fine it's fine it's alright I wanted to get this out I took an uber over here and I thought about him to back seat you know I was venting to my okay we got the bit we got the bit it's fine it's done it's done it's done it's done it's over I guess Addison do you want to go next do you want to tell something about me I was in the sixth grade I had a dog and it was a really big dog I might start crying like Jonah okay I had a really big dog and his name was ollie so I grew up with this dog since it was born and one day I get home from school and my mom told me that Holly ran away and then like a couple like years later I found out they literally like got rid of the dog no yeah the producer is they like a dog a different owner yeah because they just didn't what did you say I have a similar story I'm sorry I did my parents ate my pet rabbit I'm speechless why I'm not feel really sorry for your pets sure you thing that you've never told me no I don't think we have to you do have to we just did I would but I don't really know you guys like that it's something fun so are we gonna do it yeah absent lay down okay brush my hair you have really nice hair it's a shame we have to do this to it whatever it takes to make it on this wall you didn't anybody I am single what type of guys are you into are you into like thicker guys with like a bigger bill they're like guys with the neck bridge maybe like a nice I like someone that is passionate about about what about what they do yeah yeah did you like that acting I did earlier yeah I love that I love that you're passionate about that put a lot of passion into that one yeah a lot yeah I think passionate is the best word to describe my type and I don't really have a preference on like appearance I'm a big personality girl I like funny funny is always good my favorite animal is a killer whale oh well and I was hoping she'd say a whale what do you like most about whales I don't know I just like him fascinated with them like orcas and like dolphins and beluga whales I like the little boats do the oil yeah I think I don't know I love the way they look and I just love how they act well my friends Connie Beluga can you make like the noises no nothing careers gonna be over and the hair business after this who was your least favorite member of the blogspot I don't have a least favorite I can't even move my head I don't think anybody's the worst I love everyone is it me no you're not the worst at all no one is the worst not at all Oh No your hair's team long to do this we're never gonna make it on tick-tock now I mean you know why I said it's gonna work is because look at how it I think it looks great you look like you put your head out the window in time time froze Oh sick I don't know how about it's not exactly what I was going for but I think this is gonna solve your problem with being single yeah I'm gonna go all right yeah I guess uh let me know if you wanted this again sometime no what do you think I'm sure she enjoyed it [Music] I just wanna go to Burning Man and suck my dick right is one go to burn man and suck my dick on a spaceship yeah thing to burn a man are you a foul [Music]
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 7,116,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, addison rae, tiktok, jonah, jason nash, matt king, mike sheffer
Id: NwyRbfVRslE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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