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hey guys so before we start today's video we want to thank our sponsors our life's um you can download the app with the link that's in our bio life some is a nutrition focus app that helps keep track of your health by logging your meals exercise and water intake so whatever your health goal is whether it's to gain weight lose weight or just maintain a healthy lifestyle the app will provide you with personalized feedback based on your tracking habits in order to achieve results in the easiest way life some helps you keep track of your nutrition intake and based on your height weight age and health goal and it provides you with the macronutrients goal to reach on a daily basis which will help you achieve results we are using the premium version of the app on our phone which fits individual preferences like intermittent fasting keto vegan lean eating etc I'm following the classic food plan so I don't really have to alter what I eat and they have really good recipes that are like pizza but they're like healthy versions of pizza so you don't feel as guilty also my fiancee is allergic to peanuts and you can type in with if you have an allergy or not so then it customizes the recipes for your specific food preferences so we decided we want to use this app today to follow Jeff around because we want to be just like him today he lives a very healthy and productive life he's always exercising he eats pretty good he's always trying to do something to better himself and we thought Jeff would be the perfect person to do that with and hold ourselves accountable yes so we are gonna go follow him around and input our data into this app and hopefully become hot like him I'm scared you look exactly like a firefighter I know you're wearing that shirt but you look like you would be on the fire department yes I'm actually just consider lying but it's just to get them to notice me how you guys just notice and then it's perfect honesty city workers this is the whole reason we're doing this really good job you guys newark is helping I'm helping you guys just crush her Wow good job Carly put to work okay so we're gonna go hiking obviously but they like to jog giant mountain go get to the mountain yeah which is how far well it's our morning workout it's about three and a half miles we like to get it over with quick we don't go out there and take selfies like everybody thinks we're not gonna take selfie no I mean just like we post going on our hike you know yeah you do you do you take a lot of new photos I'm just such a hypocrite but this is how we start our day with a nice run with the advantage of nature outdoors beautiful here in LA doesn't matter we are the mowing yeah we're just gonna burn scooter there I think for setting up our accounts to get scooters on the way in case there's any nobody says a lot of motivational things they don't always make sense but you know he means well I did tell you that we were doing a documentary of my life today right because this place is a mess okay it's true you oh yeah it's a mess keepo mess no usually this place is spotless so you don't miss out your day go on the side so they're really being true to your day we're being true to my day but this is like a leisure day like I took care of all the work the podcast the video is everything's done for me for the week so now this is the moment like after I posted my video and now I get started working on the next one but also just regular daily life like errands and stuff like that errands me I got there I was like I like to work out multiple times ooh doing this your day off to tree to tree workouts to tree workouts at 2 3 work out three two tree work out what did you have for breakfast do eat breakfast you instrument too fast what's your what's your life like I would assume for breakfast you we just have an egg really until about noon noon I'll have a like a smoothie I just don't get hungry I wake up to starving nito we're gonna have no food today Jason no you can pull the strap it down like you going back to school I can probably make it to the lobby yeah this is gonna mimic your body weight nerve he's 30 pounds my cat is only like 7 pounds lighter than she's all here no she's old she's all he's always all right we're gonna take these scooters instead of running wow I'm so glad we're not running I don't know okay we just pushed the scooter just beat us all to the top yeah I'm glad we did this because if I had to run fluff even walk I probably won't be able do the hike because I'd be so dead it's such a high incline before with us and cheating complain once yes I did well I also don't know so walk here we got dropped off right at the things equally as good a shape as David you said David was worse oh yeah I made me feel really good you went faster than the event actually this is probably the equivalent of holding like a weighted vest right now just every in the back thanks ter just like the steepest incline will face a break their release - I just want anyone put this in your bag oh the hike hasn't started yet we just got in the park what seriously it just walked up this whole thing the hike yeah oh it's pain pretty good in here I already see that you guys are startling we do this every day for years since I moved to Carroll a lot of breath well I have a 30 pound vest on running my 30 pound bags my whole body okay we can take our normal route right is like a documentary yeah our lives we're not gonna fake it for people yeah I'm not just gonna do like walks in the park just to make a yeah yeah yeah after the chase no Hollywood movie magic so we'll do our regular thing and you guys just walk through this paved path okay and we're gonna go up off the trail through the mountains also to the mountains yeah oh you've done it before looks like that dog oh I feel like if that dog looks like me problems that bugs probably better looking than I am maybe we'll try to go with you and then not will do yeah we'll see what happens do you want to come with us maybe just come we'll see yeah we can always like I can stop and sit and figure it out yeah we're gonna do it will pop you come in Oh you look lost yeah Jeff is just jogging well he's famous [Music] hey girl oh my god I want to come here every day what happens when you come to a public park yeah this is great because now we can stop keep stopping the tape how I feel and look you know so I'd like to work in fun workouts going to the gym like Todd and Dane it's better to stay in the mirror and girl dumbbells yeah so what do you like you like this and I see you boxing sometimes yeah these things that are like they really push me like physically like my heart rates up yeah and mentally serious challenge every day you know yeah it's like a good outlet for you yeah is that what you work out so much yeah it's like a good because I can't go booze to solve my problems so yeah like everyone else in our friend group unless I really really max out like mentally now then you get a little high yeah okay where I don't know are you halfway irenna saying that I bring her up here oh yeah not doing so hot we're all working at our own pace sure true wait I love that we're going downhill now good job buddy he takes after you Jeff with me Wow so romantic what a gentleman doesn't have a job yeah a little roleplay we've got it goodbye Jeff Jeff runs this every day and we've been doing it out like look at him Jesus he might run I mean sprint we're doing that a nice leisurely pace so he just keeps I don't know nice we did it Kody was our motivator the whole time and firefighter okay he's like oh my god okay our turn okay so Carly doesn't know this oops I don't know why Carly doesn't know this yet Jeff and Kody just ran away because they need to go change because now we're going boxing Oh fun so we're gonna go back to their apartment right now music we need to go blah blah blah okay yep we'll meet you there yeah okay they are great guys we're back what's next what are we gonna sell problems you're being a bully oh okay Jane and Todd hook on each other all night we're actually going on the way well thank you yes all right let's do it we were on the boxing gym now it's a lot of fun but the only thing is it's a real professional boxing gym so we're not allowed to film there I don't expect us not film this is what we do for a living okay you guys just gotta be a little key about it so do you have like a box trainer yeah I like to stay sharp with boxing cuz life situations I just throw a few and run so I'm not a real tough guy I just sucker punch run away hell yeah Cody is a driver now thank you he opens the door and everything no we're here at the famous spot now we recover I was gonna be jealous because I came here with God every day and he loves filming this part he says only shots we cake usually it's after Todd had a night of drinking so I think he's like lying to himself he's like you know what I'm gonna put this out there only shots we take are these healthy juice shots meanwhile him and Zane are slamming tequila shots all night long hey ty I like it because they're pre-made yeah I come in here they're ugly I wish I had like a funnel or something a beer bong oh yeah you guys check the double shot the only shots we do that was amazing you mean it's a nice little but gives you a little bird yeah it tastes like you did a shot of alcohol right maybe I can taste beats some like you don't feel like it's bad beats are good for ya a lot of beeps this is everyday I don't even know what's in it to be honest I just it looks healthy what is it banana hemp seeds chai as chia seeds parsley kale apple celery and lemon oh [ __ ] celery so this is like after hike yeah that bridge it's delicious too so you guys have one of each you could try that this one is like a dessert this is a nice moment I get to relax feel the Sun on my back all that hard work you just did yeah and then go boxing smells good yeah there's like apples and stuff you guys have a runner's high yeah I feel like I just get angry I don't get like no I do I'm like I'm glad I did it I am happy Kevin I was also nice having Cody there because he was like let's go like you got this which like because I was a three-sport athlete so I'm so used to like only being like trained by another person so it's nice when I have X I'm like okay you're right but if it's just me I'm like yeah I'm more of like a come on guys yeah but you guys signed on for a whole nailin all day so I'm not gonna change too much in my daily routine yesterday I already wasted an extra hour no it was so cool yeah cheered you on jackass when johnny knoxville gets in the ring thank you that UFC fighter yeah that was here huh really well we got some footage but we weren't allowed to film in there so we just got a little little moment of Jeff fighting well thanks for coming guys thanks for having us now we're going to David next up of David's work never stops thank you for helping Jeff coming out of boxing with a McDonald's duffel oz legal yeah workouts for today workout portions done the workout portions done most likely unless we get a second we didn't capture any of that on camera now the burst of anger and rollercoaster ride of emotions when we first got in there oh yeah very upset at Cody for over sharing information oh yeah yeah the rule is no filming in there because there's a lot of boxers that are professional athletes that are training yeah and if that footage is released online then other boxers would be able to see their techniques and see what they need to work on and they would have inside information to beat them so no one share the footage of Jeff in Casey boxes the Paul brothers yeah see I'm not a professional fighter so you could fill me but they don't know that so for Cody to say we're gonna be filming in here today yeah like you know is that cool like that's unnecessary you guys are professional bloggers you've been blogging for years you're not a sneak film yeah I got angry because Cody and I are still adapting to this new lifestyle let's do in YouTube and filming in different places guerilla style so Jeff's absolutely right this sometimes I voluntarily share too much information just being overly friendly but I'm a social butterfly [Laughter] I see where he's going with this cuz he's not the first person in some oh you're being a social butterfly right now but you being a social butterfly he's just making me better experience for life yeah but me I have bursts of anger usually around you know it's different times everyday but it's usually around middle of the day working out healthy cold I turn the light on now life's good you know we're on to the good part of the day this is usually around the time when I go to David's to film with you guys also guys like there has been no pause filming with Jason was a lot different than filming with Jeff we are like go go go so Oscar handles all of my editing mm-hmm just like all the tech stuff like he'll take pictures for my brand deals or help me like what we are ending partners you know like I sit there and I tell him this needs to be better time you don't understand comedy I do yeah so I want to pick up one of those dry erase boards so we can make it look like we're writing more important than we're actually doing like we're writing the TV show not just YouTube videos and this doesn't what do you make it yeah it doesn't make things coming we're gonna see this part of our lives but far leaner and I'm doing a documentary on my life right now so I want to make it look like I'm actually more important you know like they have an actual production company not just a bunch of [ __ ] idiots releasing B's I have to run with Carly and Aaron to go shoot a David's quick so maybe you and Cody could go pick up this dry erase board and we could Sketch up some concepts because I have to do the Old Spice Instagram video concept today and I have to also come up with a couple concepts I want to draw out for the new YouTube videos I want to do this series a workout video I don't want to really release any information too soon now it's okay to say I'll tell you later on the dry erase board but we also got to be careful that this board isn't filmed in the background of videos because then that is gonna put out our new videos that we haven't shot yet in our our current ones so we got to really we got to be careful don't release any top-secret information you know what this dry erase board might actually just cancel everything I just told you we're not doing any of it alright there's a big waste of time but now we're off to David's to film some videos and that's usually a waste of time to do we order food to bear yes what would you like she's giving a few ice cubes to chew what are you guys in here we got like a nice salad with chicken yeah yeah I'll take that is where I take time out of my extremely busy schedule to go film a silly date with David but it drives everything that I do he's probably on the phone with David probably honestly if we face I'm David right now and he sent us the voicemail I'll quit everything and go right back to selling weed go right back to the gym work out so much people think oh this guy loves himself he goes to the gym all day I work out so I'm not a psychopath yeah that's good though but you know that it wasn't till about a few years ago that I realized this is what I need to live a good happy life how did you learn that like one day you worked out you're like I want to keep doing this you want another truth that sounds so like cliche yeah but jail jail was when I realized like okay working out gives me a little boost of happiness and sense of like productivity you're working towards something good mm-hmm so that day was productive in the whole end goal of everything which is life like you know your existence you want to better yourself as you go I see like what you're saying for sure even even like just doing the hike this morning like wow I feel like a better person like I feel like I can do so much more well Jail they strip you of everything your freedom and anything that is enjoyable yeah well Cody got a phone in yeah to be like to work sure like the world they'd even take your name away you know like they call you an inmate and a number yeah so that's rock bottom that's crazy you don't have a name yeah you're just inmate in a number I didn't go to jail for that long and I never went to prison I just had quick little visits and it was just enough to get me on the right track all right guys we're here what do you think we're doing here for work another day at the office David's gonna show us something and we're gonna be hangry yeah oh my god come on apart over here go give this Thank You Joanna dude we can't get Joyner to do one thing right now well are you surprised Jeff with another exercise yeah it's time we're following Jeff around today yeah is it good it's quit walk jealous I wish I was with you guys we've already done two workouts yeah yeah well we didn't botch to that height yeah you did run your hike with the weight vests you know what boxing I carried nerf for a minute how's this going did it come out good I mean no it's great I've been in here for 10 minutes yeah no you know what this is fun this is cool somewhere we're not posting really come on okay we got some healthy meals thank you guys we're gonna input them into our lightsome app and along with all of the exercise we've done so far today and see where we're at if you like Jeff so now we're gonna log everything into lights on we're logging your lunch now you can just type in what you had or skin a bar code so it's super easy there's also a feature to log all of your water intake which we love stay hydrated kids and last week we're gonna log all of the calories that we burned on our hike and then after you log you can check your daily progress and make any adjustments as needed it's really really simple oh I'm not gonna eat it yeah other than fine still know though make sure yeah I want to eat it oh I don't know what do you know okay workouts never stop I guess looks like you're about to rob the block Jeff needs his midday pick-me-up so he doesn't strangle us [Applause] whatever they want I'm okay yeah I'm good I know I think medley goes that's it yes for me yeah well it's your day can we put under Frank you gotta use an alias yeah because I don't wanna draw attention on that seller they say Jeff and then you know somebody's like oh good Jeff and I look up on Instagram fish Jeff they know everything [Laughter] sure what's up okay you ask him who his best friends are oh you watch my videos yeah oh he started listing people and we weren't he listed I think you know I know you've been closest like we hung out was named like every day when I first moved here Jeff want something about you that you wish people knew or something that you don't think is like obvious you want people to know about you you know what's funny when I first started dating my ex-girlfriend we played that game like like you asked me anything and I'll ask you anything and I her question to me was have you ever killed anybody and she was yuria she was dead serious and I'm like what you think I'm a murderer you think I would murder somebody no I would never I would never kill anybody I could never hurt anybody especially her like an is an innocent person if I was at war and I was fighting for sure all of our safety and I was killing a bad guy I could do that but I guess I just admitted to it I am comfortable killing if it was a bad guy you would kill a bad guy protect parlor sure self-defense totally what's something that people think about you as a true I'm not a murderer I'm actually a good dad to nerf and I sometimes when there's no cameras on I try to you know play up this tough-guy persona and I'll never be nice to nerf on camera but my best friend and I love him from the start he's a cutie pretty honest and open about everything but I feel like you do have this like persona people think you're just like are you a softy no yeah like when you're in a relationship oh stuff like that or you yeah I guess so when I'm in a relationship I'm full fully in that relationship and it takes up a lot of my brainpower I'm always thinking about that person that I always want to be there for them it's hard don't ever send us the other will pick up some freaking board why you guys would even talk the whole way like you're cold I gotta go film kick rocks so you send me on missions with this dude even somebody else yeah oh my god well you don't have time to cut peoples here no more stop giving that him like that okay you're right we're not coming to you no more we're gonna need to go to the gym again I'm stressed yeah why stressed out because I don't know where to put this board know why we got the board anymore you bought it rip what they stole that's what you said on the phone yeah I wanted to do like a cool thing where you know we do this video and it looks like we've got a whole bunch of stuff going on but my day off we're just here for you you don't have to act busy we already did so much or that I think you need some coffee maybe this will help you get your mind right I just saw Pony Parties where'd you get a haircut from oh oh just curious yeah oh and other friends do you like it how'd you get a cheap board Oh No what's this Old Spice for own my soul are you just writing down things that have to do with your life or do yesterday's Old Spice concept know you don't want to line up right here seriously yeah have you ever caught that before yeah yeah let's do it but not like it's you I'm talking about right yeah like just around here do you seriously want to do that yeah have you ever yeah [ __ ] okay let's do it why are you saying it like it's a bad thing cuz I know I've never done that before I have done it you guys but don't you picture err exactly like all the boys Erin's hair look like he's done I only want a trim on the side it's like every time you get your hair cut just as just an inch sorry Oscar we're filming this one do you want to come out of the door okay I will hey what's up guys today in the show we have a very exciting episode because we're gonna be doing the first woman ever in Jeff's barber Wow yeah it's a big deal a big deal about it because you know everybody's equal Jeff needs to work out again we got a hurry all right we're ready yeah this is like the Walmart version of your show okay feeling so great I'm so excited happening today no I did not I did not plan for this bring it out come on out we got a surprise for you no no we're not doing any stupid tricks today we have a surprise for you Oh who's happening what is that a tasers tasers not working thank God well it's one of the police ones that like attaches to you yeah I thought David is at his vlog don't even put shot-callers around our necks um and realized it was probably not a great idea yeah Erin how'd you get your start Wow he's getting really like shaved things off that need to be there let me clean the Zane off of this buzzer first disinfectant we never know what I did oh so professional this is what I do you know I work out multiple times a day and I hang out with David come a little bit with him brainstorm some ideas and then I come over here in the barbershop and usually film the video Oscar usually shoots it but today you're shooting it but it's okay because we're not gonna give her too much of a haircut just so long here right yeah you're not shaving this off right no no I'm trimming the baby hairs off yeah the same thing Ariana Grande does she does yeah oh my god well I can't believe I'm like Ari how do you feel doing this to a girl I put girls hair like this I just don't know how to cut them all yeah like layers and stuff like that that's tough you have to like go to school for I feel like her I don't know I figured out how to cook guys hair without any school just there we go there's Aaron talk to you everyone's gonna be like what's that tattoo so what is this tattoo Aaron I don't even know is that the Celtic heart is our heart or not looks like a heart with a knot in the middle but I might just be seeing it wrong it's a Celtic heart so it likes a couple Celtic things so I never notice but she's in signing that never see that ever but me and my best friend taught it actually after a night of drinking we were drunk really we have to do this and then the next day you know you're sober but like we've made this pact yeah we just have to go seem to get it while you were gone Holmes said it while you were drunk yeah but a sober promise a drunk promise is a sober I don't regret just can I hire you for my wedding day you want to do this no all right you're all done I see that was so fast yeah nice and quick wanna give me bangs I was younger when I was like 16 years old and I work in a barber shop we had a receptionist and she was always hanging out with the guys and stuff but she was like a real girly girl one day she just decided that she wanted things and one of the barbers is like yeah I could do it whatever I'll figure it out how hard can it be and he wet it and combed it down straight like how you know you nozzle to do that and then when she blow-dried it it was like just it blew all the way up here and it looked like somebody just took a razor like yeah right on oh my god she was just so devastated no I feel like that's our freak on you she used to be naked all the time like not in a sexual way just like funny well you're almost married yeah it's okay he's fine with it yeah you want her to get naked now oh wow Jeff look at that I'm right you're Pro Jeff I think your documentary is coming to an end it's all it's over we're sick of you do this and then he's gonna go to a movie premiere and then and then who knows what you do at night maybe we'll come back cuz we're always like what do you do at night everyone always wondered sometimes we all text you know remark well I'm either writing for like videos like this but which I'll probably continue doing because this video needs some structure now just film you didn't show that part on your watch can I help you in a brainstorming session uh-huh let me show that okay it looks so weird not knowing what they're talking about you'll see soon though yeah the first part doesn't make sense but second we're gonna take down a major corporation because they're being mean to dogs yeah I mean we don't like that and we're all animal lovers over here and you guys helped out you did great I couldn't have done it without you I would have had no video idea you know what I do and I have no video idea that's pretty cool too I got nothing yeah the hardest part about being a youtuber is being able to just not stress yourself out with trying to one-up here last video or your best video trying to do so much is we all become perfectionists do you care about views yeah of course hmm that just shows you like how good your video did like there's a number on it which is [ __ ] because you could have a great video that just no didn't have a great title and thumbnail and that sucks yeah work hard on these videos and just a stupid thing that decides on how people rate your success with YouTube but we keep it going when we have nothing to do so we have a good fallback on strategy that's actually become the thing that blew up the channel these stupid haircuts no never but we're I'm gonna show your back look at our sunburns from like an hour and a half and the Sun look at that - I mean Carly you could tell where the Sun is pretty much like yeah yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video we hope you liked it following geoff around was very fun and entertaining it was definitely a very busy day yeah I feel like with Jason we had a little bit more downtime and Jeff was very a go go yeah which is good I like that yeah and also thank you so much to life some again for sponsoring this video you guys can click the link in our description could download the app for free and if you want the premium part of it you can use the code see e34 30% off a 12-month subscription and put some aloe vera burns yeah shoulders like feeling it now like she's hot hot let us know if we want us to follow anybody else maybe in our friend group or someone we're not friends with maybe a man that you're interested in because yeah it's just interesting be fun yeah make sure to LIKE and subscribe and we will see you on Sunday [Music]
Channel: Carly and Erin
Views: 3,892,254
Rating: 4.959599 out of 5
Keywords: carly and erin, erin and carly, jeff, jeff wittek, vlog squad, fitness, fitness plan, carly incontro, erin gilfoy, vlog squad girls, carly erin jeff, carly erin and jeff
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 14sec (2174 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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