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this is my third day today which was my trainer oh wow yeah I'm really third in four weeks sir no third in one week trainer do you want Christmas right yeah all right let's go back what's up baby yes I was supposed to do the fitness documentary on this guy but I watched his video podcast that's now available on YouTube and I noticed that he hired somebody else guilty so now I'm doing it on somebody way older and way fatter and way less potential than you and he's probably not gonna lose any weight from this okay but it looks like you missed out here check this out wow that's your killer you actually haven't started yeah yeah but I can feel it already it's no tingling Jace you want some cake oh yeah thank you sure Jayson spit it out nice we're gonna do a one-week transformation on you I know this sounds like a horrible idea cuz half when we get results in one week worst case Kevin's able to Photoshop video so won't even matter I'm gonna make you look great great like that Ludacris video ya face is about to go on his first hike I really respect you for not giving a [ __ ] about how you look in public yeah wow this is I've never been up here I didn't know we were really getting in shape I'm gonna let Oscar get ahead Oscar is getting a little sensitive up there I plan on replacing Oscar anyway once we get this new guy working for us full time but hey you know what fire a minute embarrassing way I'm gonna fire in front of everybody do you drink alcohol or smoke weed no need no alcohol I'm gonna be totally honest with you I will get into not just a bag of M&Ms not the share size the big bag that has the vacuum seal this seems to be the problem Planes he's not seeing results it's for your own good Jason yeah I didn't say I'm the smartest personal trainer but I know how to get things done you know man you look at that city and you think to yourself there's a lot of money out there it's gonna say there's 20 million people out there and you have to remember that you're just one and that we're all together here you got a weight your time wait for the opportunities to come to you don't go out look and stay home I really like him but he has a serial killer vibe like no one else I've ever met in my life it's all worth it huh nerf we come up here we take like two three hundred Instagram photos we're good for the year Photoshop [ __ ] and talk my dad to strangers it makes me really uncomfortable why talking about your following and stuff oh did I mention it there 1.3 million this WisdomTree Jason yeah this is actually the only thing that survived a big forest fire and it kind of reminds me of you in a way like you're the only one that survived vine and stuff like that all the stuff that burned to the ground and you're still just lingering around so I think we get a nice picture in front of it cool remember what a nice spot nice thing to say [Music] yeah I think he's got a lot of potential it's definitely more difficult than transforming David or somebody younger because he's so old and he also has a lot of weight on him already I think I'm kind of in over my head because it's not really a realistic thing to get him to lose weight in one week only I'm starting to doubt the whole idea for the show we're already here so I mean whatever you know Jeff said to me he goes why don't you just do one video a week you know quality of life you know okay why don't my kids live in a cardboard in downtown LA stupid [ __ ] I'm a warrior I got those two kids at home I won't quit until they're in private school you good man I'll never let anything happen to you okay where's Jason the whole weeks gonna be like this Oh God we're doing martial arts you need to understand that I'm not a personal trainer I trained myself for bar fights to be able to run from the cops you don't run from cops you never know oh I know it is it's the shoes it was a 40-pound shoots you 215 okay no [Music] looks good right one-two-three that works in bar fights it works Street bites snow from their ex I'm about to fight you this will work now what do you do somebody comes at you with the gun kill me I had nothing to live for that's not right you don't want to do that okay is this what Roberts way when they practice robbing yet okay give me an Instagram account okay I'm just gonna reach in my pocket okay Wow yeah when I agreed to this I didn't even do the math of like oh this is gonna suck I was like oh cool shoot a video with Jeff nobody said this was a good idea hike was bad this is family you're not complaining over here or never not to the camera never metering with this guy it's so [ __ ] scary I'm 45 this is preparing you for life I've gone through life it's kicked my ass every step of the way well life goes on and you got to be ready for the rest of it just go ahead punch at me [ __ ] what do I do treat his punches like YouTube comments use your college is really awful I was expecting this talk to come I just didn't expect it to come this soon mmm be straight with me I wasn't always in such great shape I've been through a lot of ups and downs in life but when you hit rock bottom that people come arrest you and they take everything from you yeah at least they'll be in good shape they can't take your body and what you worked for well your prison stories are this guy's not in my weight class we're done for today great I love it just don't eat anything until tomorrow okay my name is Carl get out of here Jason come on we got to do this trying to hide from you what's the weight of an average ten-year-old probably about 60 or 70 pounds we'll go with 65 pounds say you're on a hike you see a kid you know saying help me hanging off a cliff sure look at this that kid's life no problem damn how many kids have you saved that was three right there talk to him give him a little we're gonna get someone to come help you are we saving the kid or I'm in a bar fight I don't know which one we don't know everything hit the rooftop bar party start the bar fight big muscle man bouncer comes over grabs you throws you off and then we got to pull up on the okay pull-up bar first save the kid you go you're safe kid save it started to put the bus yeah my girlfriend no I didn't know I didn't wrong guy now he's gonna chopper bouncer throws you off the roof you're hanging and you gotta get off and get yourself back into the rooftop party yeah what's up guys you're in better shape than I thought David would have had his ass thrown off that rooftop bar formative to his death I don't really think he knows that much about working out per se but his hearts in the right place Jason and I are the oldest guys in the crew you know we got to look out for kids we got to look out for David most importantly we got to look out for each other you know could be able to do that if you don't do this type of training a few little bicep curls and make you look good at the beach but it's not gonna do anything for you when someone's kicking David's ass on a Friday night at Buffalo Wild Wings where did that getting your subway order from your assistant [Music] we're here in Venice Beach little D etat you don't forget about Jason 150 yard Sprint's that's sprinting back to me oh yeah I just don't explosive that's great Todd there you go lower get lower into I know you talked about this in the vlog that I left yeah hey you never want to climb the rope yeah it's time to find the rope Jason dad you've been added to get down you've been out of giving your all for seven days this is the finale show how it's done look at that he doesn't even use his legs look at this hold on I'm coming up [Music] we got a little audience now this is gonna be embarrassing please turn your cell phones off you got this Jason we got it I went up just make it like I did it no this is something that means a lot to you I sat through your 30-minute unedited vlog to find that out okay so is that good enough no no a little hot Jason believe in yourself you've been through a lot of hard [ __ ] in your life rock bottom's stand-up comedy it's the hardest profession to get into it's okay there's always a part like this in the movie well you never think it's gonna get better but it does unless you're watching like Scarface or something they just get killed at the end if you die we will get demonetized Jason it's all in your head you're fighting against yourself bro you could do this and arms are out it really really gets me where's the Jeff my dad used to beat the [ __ ] out of me for no reason ha ha hell yeah keep those feet locked ah ha ha I can't do it I know but how many video kill me I'm proud I'm good I can't talk Jeff's really great I wish I wish we had like more time so we didn't have to go so hard right in the beginning thanks for having me Jeff it's good just do a haircut instead let's scrap this whole thing you're gonna use is there was some good stuff what is next for you I'm gonna get down to 210 I think we might be close to it yeah dancer today I thought I lost too no more water no water for the rest of the day hello boys welcome to my humble abode there's one last thing I wanted to do just the tie the whole video together we could get you on the scale and we can see how many pounds you dropped and hopefully this inspires others all right no miniatures all right um scale I don't want bears my friends and I feel like anyway the lady kicked out of the group Oh keep go it's not a big deal all that matters did you feel better about yourself okay Jeff Lee gave me I was too 16 when the start of it I don't know smacking at night I mean even have a thyroid condition it is possible you gained a lot more muscle you said you are sore and we did work our asses off yeah I definitely see a little bit mostly Jeff I really feel like a link down it's not your fault fine I'm not a trainer I'm just always going to be that barber guy from YouTube you've got a whole lot of hair on your body there I just got an idea [Music] hey Todd can you come out here and take your shirt off so I can see what apps yeah yeah like time whoa it looks like time yeah we did it guys hey all that matters is how you feel on the inside mm-hmm yeah you look on the outside right Todd yeah even though we didn't shed as many pounds as we expected I had a great time with you this week I look at something we're gonna do a little shirtless stuff for our demographic go I'll sit this one out [Music] you got to fight off the drone leg up on that knee right above your kneecap and now kind of just sit into it nice Todd I forgot about the breath guys are getting married on Saturday
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 8,341,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff wittek, jason nash, vlog squad, jeffs barbershop, david dobrik, todd smith, workout, transformation, fitness, comedy, training, vlog, weight loss, how to, abs, muscle
Id: W8u7xZoQQD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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