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Dude Jeff's dry delivery is so amazing. Jason, Alex, Jeff are some seriously under-rated talent.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 34 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/nowhere_near_home ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I feel like Iโ€™ve been waiting so long for this video! Itโ€™s just hilarious!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 28 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/skiddyspud ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 03 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Why does Vardonโ€™s snowboarding attire look like he just landed on Ellis Island?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 15 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hypekillsJNSQ ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Vardon is still crying in public at age. Also lmao at the butcher telling them that the lake at which they fish at is polluted and them being like "Well everything in the world is polluted". WTF is wrong with this family.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 20 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Vanskyl ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Jan 04 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
a month ago I partnered with life some to give my friend and his overweight family an opportunity to lose ten pounds and win $10,000 unfortunately we fell short by four pounds I promised them I'd give them a second chance where we double the weight loss we double the money and we double the production team huh this family specifically we're gonna be working on the keto diet plan because they love eating kebabs and I don't want to take that away from them it's part of their family tradition to indulge in kebab meat we'll also be working on the sugar detox which is something I need because I am a sugar addict if you guys want to follow along life some is a great app for health and nutrition you log everything you eat it gives you healthy recipes too free to download app I'll be using the premium version which unlocks additional features it's a new year and you guys it's time to get you fit together [Music] no not today you like anything nothing but you're lucky your family's here okay I'd kiss you right now we have a very special host he's going to change your lives again we don't want to be happy yeah we don't want to be in it if it's not a david bog surprise surprise Antonian we're back at season two now we tried this once already and we felt we didn't lose the weight well all of us except for one my man here you look great you are a true hero to this family you're the man of the house your inspiration to me we got a second chance to get this right that's $20,000 ladies and gentlemen oh my god don't you pick it up once you check it out most of you look great some of you look like you've been doubting me you know there's been a lot of rumors surfacing that I ran off with the money and I was gonna abandon you guys but that's not true I'm here now you and me have bonded a lot over the past month or so this time around you think you're gonna be treating me with the respect that I deserve how have I not I know that when my production team comes on in here you like to use this as kind of an opportunity to treat it like it's a talent show to maybe use this stuff for your acting demo reel or something like that but this is a weight-loss show or and we're all taking this very serious to be frank with you I hate being on a channel this isn't the only surprise I brought I have another surprise for you guys [Music] look at this I've gained 10 pounds I couldn't put myself in your shoes mentally the first time around because I didn't know what it was like so I went method and I gained as much weight as I could okay it's very hard for me have a fast metabolism but I was eating like crap I'm gonna lose weight with you guys this time around now I know the holidays have been rough I saw you guys as Thanksgiving Instagram stores very nice but that's all right ah that's all over now we're gonna do weigh-ins right now just see we're at just check-in last time we were almost at the 50 pound mark this time or aiming for a hundred pounds we doubled it and we doubled the money actually I even threw in another five thousand there top of it you sir you did great I know you're down at about eighteen to twenty pounds now you I know you've given up completely and we're back at square one part on you're doing your own videos I saw you doing your own weight loss transformation you took my idea and you started doing it while I was on vacation it's my intellectual property that you're stealing your shows cut off or my team will hit you at a cease-and-desist and you'll all be done I'll own this house Susie well we all know that you have a boyfriend now you've been you've been dating which he knew she knew bod that you've been working on and we're all very happy about that we also are a little skeptical on your boyfriend I did a little research on his Instagram account and we saw that he was hosting pictures with you which is really nice we also noticed that he had used hashtags the Antonian family david dobrik vlog squad there's only one person that can profit off of this family that's me okay and Vanessa I'm here okay so the first time I came here wage you guys were at 1,000 31.9 pounds for the entire family that's where we got the title thousand pound family why don't we pop you up here first hey he might be down the hundred pounds himself and then you guys could keep the cash in the backpack right now so 1 95.7 was his initial weight 183 point - okay so you're at the same weight when we left off pretty much down 0.1 pound you've been almost like a father figure to me and and Vartann here I'm looking forward to really diving in deep with you maybe going on some fishing trips and do some hunting I hopefully no I wanted to be everybody gonna come with me and I'd be happy yes specially Jonah I want him to lose a lot of weight I never seen he didn't come on the last few fishing trips with fart on he really wanted to do that stuff huh now to cloud chasing cloud chasing why don't you go ahead and fish it off young man well I don't know this guy if you follow me I let him down like 2030 pounds next up Vartan Vartan was at 179 point for 162 for Don's down 17.5 pounds I'm proud of you stop bullying people in school now that you have muscles you were at two oh two point nine when we first started and then we weighed you in you were down eight point eight pounds very impressive 195 have you been eating good honestly I've been eating like good but the only problem is I haven't been having time to go to the gym I did go like a few times but like we haven't filmed in like a month and a half realistically speaking yeah and gaining two pounds like that's not like that bad is it no it's fine when we first started this you were the inspiration behind all of it okay what do you got in here yeah we're starting with this crap already what is even the point of this you trying to be a big big star show off what you did all right so last time we were at two forty two point one Jonah was the one to fail us all but he is back hopefully this time is taking a bit more serious Wow to 36.8 you gained a lot of the weight back that we lost what is gonna be different this time around are you gonna stop treating this like it's some sort of talent show or you could show off your acting chops and put some of these these clips into your demo reel a very distressing like that are you gonna play come into my house you can tell me that I'm putting on an act for your video are you gonna put are you gonna play a character this time around if that's what you think if you think I'm gonna use this in a napkin grill and not the Marvel movie I just did then you're on drugs he's doing it again mom last time you were here we were at two 11.9 down 11.1 pounds since we started I love you I'll be back we start working out tomorrow whoever can show up shows up if you guys aren't there then the viewers at home will know that that person was lazy that day the guys were all really excited we're gonna be some outdoor sports just stay active have a good time spend some quality time together you got to get down it nice but I'm for hun it's my first time - I'm sorry I'm annoyed here's man I feel terrible you got a Concord gears you got to be great you got to be perfect at everything first try I think for the competition I think it's safe to say that the atony ins are not built for skiing or snowboarding or burning mountain sports at least part on and bond they tried Jonah tried the bunny hill on his own skis and he had to get emergency lift it down the reason I wanted to take you guys up here is because I noticed that you like fishing hunting outdoor stuff so I think it'd be good for us to all spend some quality time together there's some male bonding and bring home some meat you know and we eat clean fresh out of the earth we take the fish out of the ocean or the lake in this case and we put it on the plate and we eat it right there you know nice healthy fish baby so we went to the lake that part on and his father usually fish at we fished for hours we spend some quality time together but unfortunately we were unsuccessful in catching any fish but we still had to eat so we stopped by a local supermarket where the butcher informed us that the lake that Martin and his father have been fishing out up for the past decade is completely polluted and contaminated it's a miracle that they are still alive the lake is so contaminated anything that like please go bond argued and said that everything in the world is polluted even taking like that the ocean is so we agreed to disagree we've bought our salmon and we went home okay eat a nice healthy meal man whoo that's some good-looking fish and let me tell you something and put up a hell of a fight you open up a hell of a fight straight from the earth mother nature do do late we have settlement I've been eating radiation my whole life look at me go to Burning Man and suck my own dick right is one goat at Burning Man and suck my own dick on a spaceship yeah kinda Burning Man are you a foul or war
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,154,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zKHow42Ylwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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