MOST WEIGHT LOST WINS $10,000 | Beefy Boys

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I love the weight loss series that Jeff does, if he doesn't like doing the haircuts in the Barbershop he could definitely make this a more regular series

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onyajulian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Showing Alex Warren when he said he cut David’s hair is the subtle humor I appreciate him for

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/blueholeload πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jeff is the gift that keeps on giving, his content has been πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’―

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cheekyg- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jonah really looks like an asshole in this video

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JarisDDP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Now I have to wait a week for episode 2

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ilikepstrophies πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jonahs haircut ain’t it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lemonfanta55 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
i'm jeff whittick deranged internet personality talk show host barber to some of the web's biggest stars such as casey neistat and even david dobrik but most importantly i believe in helping people i take the knowledge i've learned throughout the many mistakes i've made in my life to help people my friends family and sometimes people i just find interesting i've scoured the web to find some of the most interesting funniest kind-hearted beefy boys on the internet they will compete for a life-changing ten thousand dollars to see which one of these beefy boys can lose the most weight in one week i needed this i eat like 25 pounds during like quarantine i kind of let myself go i spiraled into depression and i thought the only solution was to eat eat and eat but i ended up turning into a whale oh look who it is oh hey man gotta be all flashy do we how are you doing today doing great i'm on top of the world the suspension system nothing look like it's on the bottom you're a car screaming for mercy our car's good baby you're slower airsoft has kind of an ego to him kind of put us off on the wrong foot when i first met him throwing out these fat jokes and these fat insults and stuff but whatever it's not i'm not letting it get to me this guy looks skinny already man would you get the biggest shirt you own yeah man i'm not like you bringing a bunch of fat people to make fun of them okay don't start beverly hills don't start this is not what that is you know what you're doing first things first we had to do the weigh-ins this time around we're gonna do things right so i brought them to a top-of-the-line health and wellness facility you get them weighed this is the same scale the kardashians use to weigh their fat asses so it's perfect for these beefy boys so we scan their full bodies for body fat percentage water weight muscle mass and of course weight i'm gonna [ __ ] die if i don't do something i'm not gonna die because we're starting this today jonah a previous contestant and winner of the first series was once cancelled by the internet for being too fat and after winning the last series with covet hitting causing mandatory lockdowns for months along with his channel dying it caused him to fall into a deep dark depression that he tried to eat his way out of which turned his one small problem into a much bigger one next up we got lincoln lincoln is a comedian who rose to fame on tick-tock his original comedy style delivery of one-liners and mysterious accent is what originally caught my eye but after flying him out to hollywood and spending time with him i realized lincoln is battling much more i'd like to share a little bit more about myself i grew up in a stressful household my parents were always fighting and i was homeschooled up until the fourth grade i didn't know how to talk to people i wanted to make people laugh but i lost myself into addiction i didn't know how to handle the thousands of hate comments i got i wanted to end my life what kept me going was love if you got a problem with the way i look talk or m you're the problem stop hating on people because they're different and don't fit into culture i'm trying to overcome severe social anxiety and depression and inspire people along the way oh man oh he's got a tick-tock tattoo oh yeah okay that's a badass dude you went all in that's only been around for like six months airsoft fatty is a youtube star that rose to fame after a popular youtuber idubbbz made a documentary where he doped deep into fatty's interesting lifestyle fatty's vulnerability and desire to win is what made me realize he was the perfect beefy boy to compete in this challenge i'd like to just not have to buy two plane tickets it gets expensive after a while oh what to say want to just point foreign myself 50 body fat i thought i was going to look better than that that'd be more along the lines of 45 46 it's 50.23 all right boys let's hit that freeze tank and start freezing this is in this tank it gets up to negative 150 degrees it speeds your heart rate up and in turn speeds up your metabolism come out early oh man didn't think it was going to be that cold unfortunately fatty's blood pressure is too high to be allowed in the tank we'll have to find some illegal meat locker or something to stick them in later okay i would have expected it somewhat you know being that i kind of consistently have had a blackboard we got to get that blood pressure down the good news is it's not too late you know it's never too late well it does it is too late when when what this is julian he's up guys personal trainer i'm excited i mean we got our work cut out for us [Music] where's nick nowhere to be found i don't feel like hell but i'm making it i was playing in the first place go through hell feeling good [Music] these guys you could tell they really want it i'm inspired i'm proud i'm just pissed off jonah didn't show up dude they're out here putting in the work and jonah's just laying down stairs not doing [ __ ] i'm gonna go tell him he's out of the competition i'm not looking for a goddamn screaming award you want me to go chase down the fat guy i'm gonna work out yeah i'm just finished you can make the last of the workout 20 minutes left i'll need you guys up there just come now i don't trust that you're going to come what is this [ __ ] airheads you're a [ __ ] airhead this is the fat cow on the logo you are what you eat all right boys look who finally decided to show up he showed up late so they're going to run through some of the stuff he missed out on but feel free talk to him insult him make fun of him let him know how mad you are that he showed up late i'm not mad i'm just disappointed oh i told you how i'm worried about my health man now you're not going to see me in five years if i don't change my habits right now i'm not the one who showed up 40 minutes late for a workout [Music] worked out fairly uh tired but that's how you know you did it right today i'm gonna eat good i just feel weak i'm gonna throw up but i gotta keep going it's day two i took the boys on my favorite hike took them the short version and once again jonah was nowhere to be found jonas over there in a jack in the box like he's a [ __ ] here i am 380 pounds how about asthma heart pressure blood pressure diabetes i've got every reason to [ __ ] you're playing how you doing i'm good yeah yeah do you want to call it nope sure let me keep going you know what jonah i was going to encourage you today but you just couldn't even show up and here i am over 100 pounds over you get out of here you can eat that up like nothing you come run with me and todd i feel bad i don't know about running i don't want to say i doubted you but after seeing jonah come up here and quit over and over again and he has 100 pounds less than you i didn't think it was you're possible serious about the weight loss bro this guy just racked up the melon you did that's more than nick has done in four years so good job go in there go [ __ ] it oh i'm trying to do my own video you're kind of hearing intruding right now you skipped the workout i'm doing a video too bro i'm doing something that trying to do you're not going to respect me you're talking about respect here this kid just almost died he stared death in the face and he overcame it he showed up 40 minutes late yesterday we didn't even show up today we just [ __ ] put our work in we did something this is unbearable and why are you stressed out you're sitting here clown chasing adam w to be on the [ __ ] tick tock you're not going to be i'm late i have to go it pisses me off i can't stand i can't be around them bro it's a competition you should be lincoln is fine well of course you like the guys you aren't going to point out the ball you don't like what it's pointed out to you all right now he's coming you want to replace jeff no [Music] look at this guy dude give me those memory cards water trust me i know it looks weird but what the heck is that it's got kale spinach protein chia seeds it's got a lot of goods i hate to say it now that you got it i hate lettuce and stuff like that okay but we're trying new things here just bear with me these things are gonna make you feel good they don't taste good initially right off the bat but at the end of the day you're gonna feel better cheers be optimistic how is it no it's not that that is bad it's not that it really is the lettuce makes me puke what's going on i called you this morning yeah i know i didn't pick up i was asleep yeah well i don't know if i should tell you now or tell you another time but i'm doing another weight loss series okay do it with your brother my brother yeah yeah because i'm worried about it yeah he's very obese brother's a piece of crap he's been a loser again he's been a lazy [ __ ] loser okay he's stressed today though let him let him chill susie dubai nick's having a fit he got mad that we came in brought the competition to his video shoot no i'm being serious no dude i'm not [ __ ] around it's not about that what do you mean we're just filming we're just vlogging i just came i just want to go say what's up guys i know you're gonna you're coming here doing this he's your brother he's gonna hug you what the [ __ ] your problem no curse at me i didn't ruin your shoot we're filming bts don't threaten people dude jonah ever since he's moved out he's got to a dangerous weight yeah i think he's really sad the other day i was at his house and i went through his cupboards and it was like all sweets everything was sweet me and my mom always talk about were just afraid of him going into like like having sicknesses jonah is the type though that if he puts his mind to it he could do it yeah for sure he can do it he just he doesn't he doesn't put his mind to it but i think this is weak right yeah here we go yeah airsoft got the helmet on it's tight on the shoulder yeah we got a 4x it may be tight but it works never give up never give up that's great your eyes look like it's gonna explode everybody's got high blood pressure how does your blood pressure be yeah have you at least been tested with that stuff done i have i'm fine dude i'm [ __ ] healthy as a an eagle starving yourself just won't work take it from someone who's done it for did it for four months at what point you lose 30 [ __ ] pounds and it comes right back it goes back 30 pounds 30 to 60 pounds turns to 600 pounds he's gonna try one more thing i think first he was told he couldn't do it because the helmet wouldn't fit because his head was too fat and then he finally jammed the helmet on and squeezed his skull in there and he gets in the car and then the seat belt doesn't work you think just being fat you got to deal with people calling you fat but you can't raise goat cards you can't do fun [ __ ] there's a lot of things that you don't get to do and i don't know that i've been skinny my whole life sometimes i think i'm fat dude maybe i have body dysmorphia how was it you have fun go to traveling the one airsoft one right oh airsoft one i think yeah airsoft one yeah let's go all right we're good success i'm so happy we made that work i can't believe i actually pulled it off we actually pull it off dude holy crap this feels amazing to do and then the unexpected happened what's up lincoln how you doing i'm done doing okay you're not feeling so good i know it's been a great time here why did i live early because i'm just a shy knocker guy yeah next time on the beefy boys weight loss challenge lincoln had to go home doesn't say goodbye i know you want this definitely this fat right here [Music] oh damn sorry guys they got their laptops out over there i just wanna go to burn them in and suck my own dick i just wanna go to burning man and stuck my own dick on a spaceship
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 2,486,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, Antonyans, vardan antonyan, nick antonyan, weight loss, 1000 lb family, 1000 pound family, workout, biggest loser, lose weight fast, airsoftfatty, idubbz, fatty, shyandawkwardguy
Id: bwRcmGgJ9oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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