Antonyan Family Best Moments of All Time

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your feet on the pedals or 49 yes you don't look a day over 35,000 how much States out of the United States name one star one star name one star I said I checked off the canisters before the blog's have ruined my [ __ ] life I never jerked off to you because I was making a joke and this is not good for every time anything happens that you're not even that [ __ ] hot like I call Shotgun you're not even that [ __ ] you so full of yourself you think every girl wants to [ __ ] you all the data crush I for the longest time so these are your friends did you guys all mean I don't believe you guys are [ __ ] real nice straight up out of a sitcom they do I like the movie this is like $200 if you can catch it using your head it's all your hair going great two one [Laughter] time's up guys and we took the back back to my place and slipped in a trip to Vegas and a few thousand dollars for gambling and we were ready to go how are you since last night good yesterday we had a surprise some of us liked it more than others do they ever surprise for you close your eyes keep it close the pocket check to see if the pockets are good oh my god it's a couple thousand dollars great read then spin it there's a note in there open the note what does it say when ready yeah go get ready okay put this in your bag every single thing you wear at the casino and I really gotta film here so I'm gonna film like this we gotta keep it super low-key I gave Jonah's mom two grand and she's gonna put it all on color if it's black she's would think $2,000 [Music] why are they so against piercings in your culture I don't know anything your mom's reactions gonna be like I brought this up to my mama a year ago I'm like hey I want to get my ears pierced [ __ ] I think if you walk in with pierced ears I want you to walk the [ __ ] out serious kebab huge earlobe you know why Jonesy loves like personal pan pizza rolls right no Krispy Kreme surprise three two one surprise you good mood today would never be mad at me right no no it's not possible because we love each other sure the surprise yeah can you guys close your eyes so I could show you the final surprise what does she bus log Airport I'm gonna tell you guys to open your eyes in three two one turn around we're going to jail needs to take that out now because his nipples were too small for you are you telling me to follow you on Instagram yeah but don't use your mom they do in Armenia someone passes away you give them a phone you got better you love it you got mail I heard there's a ghost in here yes he had ghost I know that's what I said I brought you something forgot that I said it and then it looked like you came up with the idea hey there's ghosts in here yes you know there's a ghost in here Thank You pops it I think it's a great concept [Laughter] okay have you guys met try to set me up with some chicken Russia you're trying to give Jonah an arranged marriage in Russia gosh I should marry for gosh I don't want a russian girl respect your Armenian culture and you marry a woman [Laughter] there's no way keep in mind she's stuck in Russia Leonardo DiCaprio over there [Laughter] I ever think I'd be [ __ ] here what'd you say what why'd you say well you live with your parents shoot your mom's folding it looks like she has a big baby yeah my kids 400 months old Jonah is that a ceramic face and Josh smash this for the bit please picking up from school which could be chaos because I'm Josh with me Josh I'm drinking shots our kids really love yep yep Tim its Josh back baby yank it all in did you recently rub a genie lamp there's a kid here that makes fun of you what's the name Chris what does Chris do when he bullies you basically dignity that's the same thing you do just without a camera you found the green shirt we found Chris there's a green jacket right there he just took it off you realize we're not going to school with you tomorrow and I feel 300 pounds we heard Chris picks on Bardock Chris to stop picking on bard on that's my job at the YMCA you want to be on the blog no for an Savage no time to win friends over don't say anything Chris please I don't want him to hurt me or anything we're done Chris push you yeah all right can I handle this are you seriously no principals coming actually you know Chris yeah he's bullying me come chat with me tomorrow if you want won't solve it thank you you know tell Chris that we tattle to the principal no ass-whooping we just hold on Chris everybody sleep when it's 3:00 a.m. the kebab enters the grill house is about the sample this fruit apparently it's Mexican and it makes you cancer-free right here we go oh by the way it smells disgusting yeah oh my god feels like the inside of a horse's ass well no interest in the fruit before all of sudden now suppose it tastes like David did you get me come looks like frozen comedy what's so funny okay what's up guys so Alice's ought to get here any second now I put frozen coming [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] Wow Krispy Kreme with the cat or with the woman 2018 2018 haha I was happy to stop in 2018 I want to let everybody know I'm officially adopting Varadhan into my family Jonah Jonah use your ID card yeah why does he use your prank Jonah by giving a fake movie role was your guys's first reaction I liked it I'm not joking I walk into the house and she's playing it while she says the second he found out he was like I never I'm never filming with you again this whole thing was so calm down Jonah's ego he's like yo David thank god you're recording that so people could see what a good actor I absolutely he called me right after he's I bro watch the video it's a prank but I freaking killed the game's off my brother literally went to the manager he's like you walks up to her if you like [Laughter] you want to see what happens when you put this upside down on your first time trying hey you guys finally you're officially cool oh here we go here we go I've never thought I would ever sit in a random Armenians family's house doing hookah with Josh that's the truth did you send your girlfriend a nude from the family living room would you send our picture of your penis that ass yeah swear to god guys I'm taking Jonah to New York tomorrow I just found out Susie likes New York my dream time it's your dream to go to New York and be dreaming ever since I was a kid what yeah what do you do for a living I just school for now it's not a bad thing no no she's going for college oh she's going to college you mean she's dropping people off at college Susie's been wanting to go to New York since she was a little girl so the next morning I decided to go over to her place wake her up and surprise her with tickets to New York City a hospital person right now it looks like you're on the side of your bat is that thing right there no huh lift is very popular okay so this is your backpack you're gonna take let's put the most important step back to outlet adaptors just in case and we're good let's go just remember to eat a lot of bread over there don't get you hydrated you know Jonah hurry we're gonna miss our flight here we go - Jonah's got his airport costume ready [Music] we time we go too far Don's house all he does is talk about the pink pony that I have in a bunch of my videos and I figure that's about time I surprise him with the pink conference this is Christmas time I have a little surprise for you today leave this room let's pull it out we ran into some problems hi guys come on out keep your fight don't open til I said ready to open your eyes [Applause] [Applause] it's okay if you're embarrassed sorry David I didn't get him you're the only one that can I can get on him because you're small no horse squeals and dies legs go there you go Eric enjoy your Armenian why are you wearing lipstick why'd you put on lipstick because beautiful that's nice that's how my favorite color is purple my changes there you go I forgot something hold on come up coming let's leave you two grab something you guys ready I'm surprising your dad was cool with it really yeah [Laughter] he's on the market she's single I think if you want to be out on the market you got to make some life changes okay okay I think a hot pickle bedside is a little bit that's funny because I think that's almost funnier than us pretending it Sedova a couple days prior plans their snack for alive looks like a gorge really an oven Marines birthday [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] we haven't seen Alex in three months just waits for birthdays hi Alex I'll see you in July what's up guys so we just set up to speak meeting with bard on where we're gonna offer him a two million dollar movie deal now if he takes the deal the only thing you can't do is film with me anymore so we're gonna test this loyalty hey how are you done we just absolutely know we're recording this for Warner Brothers we do this with all the talent that's okay oh yeah there is a big movie role for you at Warner Brothers we're willing to pay two million dollars the catch is that you can't film with david dobrik anymore no I'm fine already sorry it's not about the money but more did their sad face that he's helped me do so much he works really hard and he does that all for me you could give me one billion dollars I would still do it but I'll buy your family a lot I'm sorry it's just it's kind of rude Oh without your guy's help I could still help my family and I could get a real offer are you gonna be sitting here [Laughter] pilot impression you supposed to [Laughter] introduce do you guys are watching who's line is it anyways yes yes Wayne Brady come on in we should try some piano stuff right who plays in the house not a nice bread woman caller should we tell you some about everybody in the family Susie for a while she told us she was in the music industry but then she confessed to us that she just drives for a lift you came here quick this is bread woman [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] now tell her you guys hold hands when you come is a really big fan of basketball so right now we're picking them up from school we're surprising with tickets up or down what's your favorite sport what's your favorite team Lakers I love Lakers for a long time they've always been my favorite team we'll check this out we bought you jersey your very own Lakers Jersey well you know when you should wear it what you should wear it tonight cuz we're going the Lakers game are you excited about the game you know he says every time we see him I love basketball don't even [ __ ] listen the other night you were saying like [Music] should tell peach not to have the baby the only thing I've ever wanted for the basketball game is Xbox one for Christmas for you thank you very much you annoy my boots um JC give a speech about how we've known these guys and how to change our lives well we come here it's nice because you guys are so funny it's like we have a little family here in LA and me and David our families are not here yes your family's here damn off cards no carbs for him yeah I'm trying to get skinny skinny pause good one so take a B in the mid no bread woman I'm off carbs no carbs yeah trying to get skinny in like hot cheeto I [ __ ] I'll probably punch you in the face you just see tonight [Music] [Laughter] the best idea we come up with all aboard guys get in there go Susie jump on my Weiner bar down from school I got in this favorite check this out Susie fresh batch baby open up up here healthy Vardhan starts today when you revealed that you're a virgin to my last blog a lot of people DMing you have a quick surprise for you close your eyes okay fine I trust you David open your eyes this is the vegetable I've never heard of [Music] [Applause] aren't you birthing you too drunk we got to get you home when is your actual birthday good Marie took four mile run all your mints and a breadstick every time you come is your birthday she literally bought your entire album you're the one Suzy to creep me out so I'm leaving let's bounce
Channel: Snatched
Views: 7,808,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: antonyan family, antonyan family best moments, antonyan family best moments of all time, antonyan family funny moments, antonyan family funniest moments, best, funny, funniest, moments, david dobrik antonyan family, david dobrik antonyan family best moments, david dobrik, david dobrik vardon, david dobrik vardan, david dobrik jonah mom, jonah, vardan, vardon, suzy, suzy antonyan, vardon antonyan best moments, vardan antonyan best moments, jonah antonyan best moments
Id: SF5m-bn5mu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 45sec (2025 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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