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Jeff continuing to be the best

👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/nptaylor 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is S tier content

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/ItsAmplifieddd 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like that they acknowledge that Jeff is the same person as Todd but without feelings lol

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/Cleo_su 📅︎︎ May 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I can't believe I never realized this but just realized Mike and Sam Scheffer are brothers. They share some physical similarities but where they share the most similarities are in their speech/how they talk.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/supabrahh 📅︎︎ May 14 2020 🗫︎ replies
barbers and stylists all around the colony are finding themselves at lamb work the county's maintained that all hair and nail salons close to slow down the spread of the corona virus getting your hair cut or styled will no longer be as easy at least for the next month during the global shutdown Jeff Witek the number one stylist in the world according to famous birthdays was forced to create videos from home videos about nothing and turn this began to reveal his hatred towards fellow bob's bad memory matt is a rat cake favorite and then as the feud between the two of them began to build it resulted into Jeff struggling with his mental health and nearly killing his dog nerf the two men were forced to live under the same roof leaving them no choice but to put their differences aside that started on the internet will now end in the barber shop you want to sit in I'm doing a barbershop episode you're in the you're in the chair right now you're in your spot I know it's not the ideal first guest back but I'm doing Matt King Aerys I can do yeah he's here he's over there just sitting sitting down with his manager Jeff are you Mike a fat piece of a glassed night 48 hey Nick Nick Nick Nick I mean I'm just messing around I'm trying to be like Jeff be like so but if you have any kabobs spring some kabobs over hey you know I never thought I'd say this but I miss you man I miss you too Jeff aside from all the [ __ ] it's good to see you let's get on with the haircut all right everyone we're back we have Jonah here on the iPad cover up those nipples we don't want to we don't want people to mistake them for girl boobs today on the show we got Matt King he is my new roommate we have had our differences but today we were gonna get to the bottom of all of that we're gonna give him the huh all right come out just come on out Matt what just walk out of this yeah just walk out what how do I go behind there you go just go in Jesus do I do the movie Scott and Dave it out of the way I just I'm taking this off these things kill more people and they save anyway oh no that's seatbelts or no airbags don't walk here to us cover those nipples okay everybody Matt King hey thanks for having me we don't need this know we all know you've been 65 and weigh as much as an infant I'm six oh thanks for trusting me to do this I know you didn't want to and I had to have to beg you well the first time you ever gave me a haircut it was an all right cut I thought it was fine and then I went to a barber and the woman was like who cuts your hair before and I was like my friend Jeff she's like well I can tell this guy didn't know what he was doing now she disrespecting my work I'm not disrespecting your work but your crap okay well I like her name and address it wasn't super cuts I don't I don't remember it so that's why I never been back for you to cut my hair we were off to a good start and he [ __ ] blew it with this oh okay see I thought you wanted this know the rest you all know the lady from super cups yes this is why you brought your manager my teammate Matt to make sure you don't say anything stupid he just keeps me in check those you're wearing a wire to be Mike Mike it's okay you can come out here we're anti-semitic hey it's asymptomatic I gotta stop Nixon up that word man do you don't wanna look me in the eyes are you kidding me you know what time I got here you win did you say this was happening four o'clock yeah I'm a little waiting on your couch for like the past 45 minutes okay not once did you say like look at how nervous nervous chuckle we've done to him what type of haircut do you want to do uh the haircut yeah like short on the sides a little long on top the Internet's portrayal of you people think you're the whitest guy alive I am the white I am show tonight why are your most popular work college baby it's you know it's gonna get be monetized right as you're playing Beyonce's song you know I'll double over okay sure I'm Zane sing it you can dump it over well there's rumors that you don't like anybody but white people know we are you you guys are like kind of considered white why are we even talking about they're armenian they're armenian so their ethnic this ah what are you talking about i know mandarin you don't this isn't about me I'm good um yes I'm pretty white okay that doesn't mean I only like white people I'm a Democrat so let's just get one clear answer you're not racist correct no I'm not okay he's just extremely white we did some digging we found this picture of you and your family yeah we hid what was really great is during that photo shoot all the other like families like my cousins and stuff all have different colors so there was like the red family there was a purple family there was a green family yeah the yellow family thank you looking like picking grass I mean it's a nice photo good little photo session I don't see what's wrong with it so this is definitely you this that's me yes okay with a little chili bowl haircut yeah okay now that I just wasn't sure because it doesn't look that much it's hard to tell that that's you under the underneath the hood but hood what's going on with the rest of the episode oh you're talking like I love what you're doing here though it's really great you've really found your groove and you're a place to express yourself this is awesome we've come a long way you and I and I know people at home are wondering do these two guys actually hate each other and this is our opportunity to clear it up yes we do no we don't we don't we don't we don't hate each other no from did we yeah we come from very different backgrounds we have very different reference points opposites attract clearly like look at me and I mean this guy this guy's one of my best friends now and also I have another best friend that is exactly the same as me just again slightly one little DNA sliver off what is kinder nicer that's the missing chromosome I am the perfect version of Todd without feelings yes no you're the least sentimental person I know Jeff at the end of the day talking like man that was a good day you're like are you happy I mean we're in a pandemic a global pandemic people are dying by the second if you're happy with that then and if something's wrong with you bro you think it's cool Rana some people who die no I don't think it's cool can you get on with the haircut there's this a bunch of dilly-dally go yeah I came here for a hair tie this should be called the dilly-dally salon call Jeff does is dilly and dally with it I thought it was a tattoo wait hold on a second I completely forgot Jett like you you pissed on me virtually and what did I do nothing I know so I'll give you an opportunity right now just share your part of the story I didn't ask to be a part of your video I didn't ask to be roasted by you I didn't ask for you to come after me oh and the thing is I would never do that to you because I thought we were like family we're friends and it was just like solo of you and I know you've apologized I've accept your apology I can't believe I'm sitting right by the door where you virtually pissed on me okay I agree with you what I did was wrong and I apologize for it I I mean the rat thing your name rhymes with rat and that rat just that's it it's unfortunate your name rhymes with rat so what's the worst apology I've ever heard of one time well I take a class bro that was so let's get this straight matt has his manager here Mike chef for you you manage him correct I'm his friend what does he do what does he do for work nobody knows yeah let me piss on this guy Kim what do you do if this guy does nothing what does his manager doing what are you managing nothing oh can we go get officer haircut oh really so we're just going with the traditional white men what number are you giving me right now is enough or do you need like cleaner strokes you're just like flick of the wrist back there also shouldn't afford have like one of the plastic caps and not just the buzzer [ __ ] I don't the hair up on the show everybody knows that got any upcoming projects uh yeah I have my own podcast that's coming out all right I could get into that hit a great voice so Jeff has moved across the hall from Matt how does it make you feel you can hear masturbating he's alive and then I've been jerking off a lot of horned up in this quarantine real horn does I take my clothes off completely in Jericho actually I've really enjoyed having you as a roommate because I feel like there was a lot of tension and since we've been roommates we've been just kind of getting old getting to know each other I wouldn't say getting along we've definitely been getting to know each other I saw you cook that meal prep thank you and that is a good chef he could have a nice bowl of Texas chili was really like Texas chili it was like a burrito bowl mix but if you want to call it Texas chili and give my state a shout out my boy be careful with those then no it is dangerous there's no down here Jeff what are some things that you've learned about math and he didn't know now that you live with him great question he's not actually a rat because I had an inspector come by and sprayed him down and he was he didn't die he sprayed him down with it with actual Road and spray spray that was actual spray - dude I have psoriasis I learned he had psoriasis how tall are you 6-4 6-3 6-3 I'm 6 4 no you know you're not that's a lie so now you're a liar lying to your audience this is 7 foot door oh no we're not 6 and a half feet tall oh your self then you're lucky to be a host on my show a guest house you're a guest here you're a guest host get it together show some appreciation to be here we don't have to call you I could leave you right behind and you're gaining weight I saw you out your tick top you look about 40 pounds heavier I'm coming to take that money back from your family if you didn't eat it all up yet that's acceptable whatever it takes to keep you skinny this is what you do this is why people like you because you're a [ __ ] bully Jonah why why do you want to be record as being a part of this show Jonah all you need to do is press the red button and you're done this guy just sits here and bullies you and you just want to memorialize it in the newspaper LeBron James isn't even a barber he can get the haircut ha I think at the end of this haircut Matt and Jeff should hug for a minute I don't know I don't even hug you regardless it only gonna be organic yeah and also you suggested that we as influencers tell people it's okay to they believe the weapons at home we're a new color this is so interesting like what that's dangerous yeah there is a blade in there well you know what this reminds me of you don't do this research Jeff you loved Sweeney Todd oh I heard about it nobody's like swing your raisin yeah this is dangerous though I've never tied the blade out to the blade out oh that's how it works hi you just said you're roasting dog look at that nothing I feel really anxious how I come across in this video would you like a very cold and crass would usually be or not to be that is the question whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them yeah this bloob disinfectant yes to kill the virus Barbossa everything it kills everything about humans we're good I'm sorry nurse I love you you're a good boy you're my son you come from my body I'll never let anybody hurt you okay it's cold whoa stop Jeff no my hair soaked yeah it's forget it look like a newborn chick give it a little trim god damn tallest I've ever had on the show besides myself how much you want off the top just a little bit just a little bit actually none I'd already told you once Jeff have you ever had like an enemy that you've had to cut their hair for you just thought about murdering them with a knife on the spot yeah Tom I sabotage his hair cuz he was too good-looking yeah he did he got to go he sabotage my hair oh wow just to give himself an advantage is the only time I won't mess somebody's hair up as if they are better looking than I to give yourself a handicap didn't work though Matt you've nothing to worry about you'll be fine and we'll give you the best of my abilities I know what you're doing you're trying to look like a politician yeah you're you're giving me the widest haircut ever a specific no why is I you know I thought you're gonna make me like look pretty cool can you guys say the batteries comes from China just one time just one I'm not saying I'm not saying no can you say fake news can't just say that fake news oh my goodness again and on the scale of one to ten um you made it just you were so close I give it an eight and eight all right I think it's pretty good this is like wrong answer no it's fine Mike it's a girl called you an eight you'd be happy right I just wanna go to Burning Man and suck my own dick that is one baby it's you you're the one I love you're the one I need ooh baby it's you you're the one I want you're the one I can't help
Channel: Jeff Wittek
Views: 3,011,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jeff's barbershop, Jeff wittek, vlog squad, David Dobrik, barber, barbershop, haircut, interview, podcast, matt king, jonah, todd smith
Id: rbblWl2It9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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