10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of August 2020

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every month game ranks puts together a compilation of some strange stuff for you hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks weird gaming stories from august 2020. at number 10 madden got some crazy low review scores and beyond that the user scores were much much worse i we're talking very low scores though reviewers were not kind to it on account it kind of just is bare and seems like there wasn't a lot of effort it's a release that just completely necessitated updates to even be on par with the rest of the series the theory is the madden developers are moving teams to next gen and just didn't prioritize this i i don't know exactly what happened people were just pissed about this game all around though and ea responded i mean thankfully i would hope they would because i don't like people tweeted these videos of glitches in this game and oh my god they absolutely have to address this stuff seriously look at look at this look look at he's like stumbling infinitely that should not be in the final product i'm sorry that what i mean so they're patching it the first patch they did was addressing the stuff that we just showed you they're just absolutely ridiculous crap but the patch they're targeting for september 18th addresses the more bare bones nature of the game that i mentioned earlier that there's just not enough they're making lots of changes to different modes to sort of well be interesting yeah the actual release this game wasn't very good at number nine a typo in user submitted information on a street map that microsoft flight simulator 2020 uses contained information that caused it to make a 212 story building now this is what happened the building itself for real in real life is two stories high however when you fat finger that you can very easily accidentally press more than one key and that doesn't actually have anything to do with having fat fingers it's just a verb like the person who did it very well could have simply had careless fingers if we really want to be clear it's really funny though because the building is in which it's obviously the tallest building on any cityscape in the game some people said it looks kind of like half-life 2 citadel and you know not entirely wrong definitely is kind of creepy because it just stands out as this bizarre structure that's just utterly impossible at number eight back in march id software's lead engine programmer billy khan said that the id tech 7 engine was actually capable of running at up to 1 000 frames per second if you were able to accommodate it with hardware now most people took this as oh yeah sure i mean if that kind of hardware even existed sure yeah i'm sure that it probably could in a lot of people's minds it was literally a theoretical point a couple of people who worked for a computer company called xcom marcin rywack and pyotr smansky put together a pretty insane pc so when they put it all together they were able to achieve 500 to 600 fps so they're like well what if we overclock everything so they did just that now keeping in mind that overclocking something at an intense speed which is exactly what they did require serious cooling and what they did for that was literally pour liquid nitrogen on it which is basically like nuking it in terms of freezing it this was the only way to run it at the speed that they needed it at and they actually managed to peak it at 1014 frames per second with all eight of their cpu cores clocked at 6.6 gigahertz like that's insane it goes so far above and beyond what's necessary to play a game but it's also really cool in more ways than one like literally minus 196 degrees fahrenheit at number seven an australian gamer was playing pokemon go and traveled 14 kilometers specifically in order to you know progress now you might not know this but melbourne australia is well onto lockdown right in a serious way they don't play around there and they find this player 1 652 for playing pokemon go and wandering around like you know someone playing pokemon go but in a lockdown he was one of 172 people fined that week but probably the only one who got fined for playing a video game also 14 kilometers that's some pretty serious dedication to catch some pokemon during a worldwide pandemic at number six that fortnight commercial holy crap all right like i'm gonna go ahead and say like them deleting fortnite from the apple app store really weird don't like that don't think it was a good idea on their part really kind of rubbed me the wrong way epic games making uh like 1984 slash old apple commercial reference is perhaps one of the most disingenuous things i have ever seen in my life not only is epic games you know also a massive corporate power that has way more control than they should but hey that kind of imagery should really be reserved for something maybe a little more serious like i said i i don't agree with what apple did in in any way i think it's weird and frankly messed up if you believe in the quote-unquote free market and how everything's supposed to work this is a blatant like intervention in what people want people want to play fortnite on their iphones that's i think obvious so supply that demand apple thanks also epic don't don't do don't do commercials like this just like yeah it's fine to be indignant about something stupid that a bigger company does but like man no uh-uh and number five there is a phenomenal phenomenal video it's not as though people haven't done these before like people acting out grand theft auto in real life that kind of thing but this one goes ahead and combines a bunch of tropes from gta yakuza and mgs and it just consistently made me laugh the whole time from the running up against walls to recruiting an npc to follow you around to the boss fight oh my god the boss fight this video has just got it all betrayal badly lip sync dialogue overly video gamey sound effects very obviously dubbed in ambient noise i mean it just reeks of a synthetic reality but at the same time it's also a really cool look at shibuya at night like the real shibuya and wow does it look a lot like yakuza i'm i'm not even joking like just because of the way that the camera moves around basically the same as a yakuza game it just it makes the real place look like a video game at number four a japanese child a schoolgirl a girl of school age met up with a 44 year old man she was talking to over social media and guess what got kidnapped i mean very unfortunately that is not the weird part it's actually fairly common at least the way they actually cover this kind of story it tends to be that kind of story she actually got away thanks to a video game console he took her phone from her and also tied up with a wire when she didn't return home that day her parents called the police and obviously reported her missing but no one knew where she was so she used a video game console that the man had to connect to the internet and actually connect the online help desk of the police department and they were able to figure out where she was being held and they arrested the guy like not cool guy at number three this is the type of thing that makes it kind of hard for gamers sometimes when people hear about these kinds of stories like gamers need to get their priorities straight and you know it's not the vast majority of gamers who do stuff like this but one gentleman absolutely refused to evacuate in southern china when there was extreme flooding because he was in the middle of a game now one might be able to say that this is truly a game or die moment this guy really really takes gaming seriously and from a pure gaming perspective that is to be commended to some extent the dedication it's definitely there and it's worth giving a little bit of credit however the police had to get involved to evacuate a guy who was saying i can't betray my teammates and leave in the middle of a game which again very good attitude just a bit extreme when there's flooding that is equally extreme going on it's maybe a little too much of a good thing right but i also think this is the type of story they always used to be like gamers are nuts did you hear about that gamer who wouldn't leave the house when it was flooding and he had to be dragged out by police oh they're so weird those gamers that's why i feel a little bit obligated to defend the man even though i definitely don't agree with what he was doing leave the house your life is definitely more important like live to game another day guys at number two and this is kind of a sad one bill english one of the co-creators of the computer mouse died at 91 years old basically what happened was he and another gentleman by the name of doug engelberg were talking where and doug englebert had this idea what if you had a thing that you plugged into the computer and when you moved it around it would move the cursor around bill english was like that's a great idea but how do we do it he ended up building the first mouse which was a piece of wood with a very rudimentary button on it that had what looked like a monitor cable attached to it i mean it's a very specific looking device but you can tell it's a mouse it's ugly as hell but it's a mouse these two guys basically paved the way for so much in gaming because as you know pc gaming is superior as mouse and keyboard is the most luxurious and accurate means of control ask anyone i'm of course exaggerating for comedic effect but mr english you will be missed thank you for your contribution sir rest in peace and finally at number one the chinese government has created a real name verification system for video games yeah they legalized them a few years ago and you know they gotta regulate them in some way because that's what a huge vaguely authoritarian government might do this is the public solution there are actually a couple of similar systems in place which corporations have implemented themselves but the point is to stop kids from playing quote unquote too many video games yeah chyna is basically like an annoying parent you're playing too many video games you stopped that but i'm literally in a two million dollar tournament dad no you stop it and go outside son submit your biometrics to continue playing that's that's that's my impression of china they're like a very strict yet ignorant father until they ask for your biometrics which is something a father typically does not do i hope but what do you think leave us a comment let us know plenty of weirdness this month interested in your input if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all those notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 442,465
Rating: 4.8148303 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories, crazy gaming news, new gaming news, video game news, crazy gamer news, gamers not stopping, gamer news, top gaming news, gameranx, falcon
Id: sgtPyL_Wgo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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