10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of September 2020

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every month game ranks puts together the weirdest gaming stories we can find and september was no exception hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the weirdest gaming stories of september 2020. starting off at number 10 somebody made a scorpion chair yeah it's weird looking yeah some people like it and yeah i i don't i'm sure it's comfortable yes three monitors is nice but it's a three thousand dollar chair that well you look like you might be part of the borg i seriously worry that the chair would somehow assimilate me into itself because it comes off as some sort of a singularity oriented device i don't i'm not gonna lie and tell you i think that it doesn't look comfortable like it does does it look three thousand dollar comfortable no and the rest of it the aesthetics make me think like oh like i would not look cool having that in my house and obviously that's not what it's for it's for i guess comfort but i do feel like a lot i mean look at it they're trying they're trying very hard and number nine call of duty league which is a professional esports league of course which is previously played exclusively on the playstation 4 has moved its platform over to pc obviously the superior platform to be playing any esports on period because of the mouse and keyboard however uh they're maintaining exclusive use of controllers which is alright you're doing some puzzling stuff here sorry what let's just let's let's just lay this out you're moving your first person shooter esports league to the platform that has the most precision possible controls for first-person shooters but you're restricting it to controller usage for reasons like there's no reason given they're only going to be using specific controllers which are approved by the league which again what i just i feel a lot like there's no chance this is permanent because it just seems like such an utterly bizarre move to me like if you move to pc like the whole reason to do it is not the graphics despite the fact that the graphics are better on pc it's the input it's entirely the input at number eight fall guys had a secret cheater island that they had to shut down now that's not the most unique thing that you've ever seen certainly lots of games do something like this they put together servers where the cheaters get sort of tossed and it's fine but since they slowly rolled out the cheating detection that they had created for the game there were a lot of people who got sent to the island and never had enough players to join a game so they would just basically be falling forever when they tried to start a game this of course is not ideal when you're trying to make a seamless experience even for the cheaters yes even when you're trying to cordon off the bad people so that they can compete against each other for a cheater's crown yes they called it that they said it was literally just a normal crown with the hollow feeling of guilt and regret but because the cheaters weren't allowed to play it's not even that they got suspicious they were just annoyed they couldn't play and started cheating the cheat island and figuring out a way to join the normal game whether it be by having a party full of non-cheating players or exploiting a family sharing vulnerability they ended up with people double cheating and they had to just stop they were like alright whatever and they shut it down and number seven somebody got doom running on a pregnancy test and wow that is a weird sentence isn't it as it turns out an electronic pregnancy test is a lot more complex than you might think apparently they have 8-bit microcontrollers in them that were actually more powerful than like early pcs from ibm which if you ask me is pretty crazy and even though the display on the pregnancy test is only two colors black and white it actually does a really good job of showing you doom like it looks like doom to me it looks most like doom when there's an enemy up in your face and you're trying to dispatch of it with a shotgun and all of that's going on but even when you're just walking around like you think oh he's doom on that pregnancy test the answer is of course yes doom is on their pregnancy test which is again just a bizarre sentence i never in my life thought ah you know what i'm gonna play doumon a little stick that women pee on to find out if a baby's coming out of them and then throw away genuinely was that was just not a thought for me at all at number six zynga is finally closing farmville at least the original game and this is because of the big changes in the adobe flash platform namely that adobe is no longer going to be supporting it and therefore facebook has also made the choice that they're not going to be supporting it all flash games will be gone from facebook at some point in the future and zynga decided that they were going to simply shutter farmville now they'll be shutting down microtransactions on november 17th and shutting the game specifically on december 31st and that's it no more of the original farmville now farmville 2 and the various spin-offs and the eventual launch of farmville 3 on mobile is going to be stuff that if you happen to have a hankering for some farmville you will have the ability to play but a lot of the experience of farmville is actually kind of just nostalgic because that was a big thing on facebook 11 years ago when it launched in 2009. the weird thing is just the idea that it's gone i kind of forgot about it i assumed it probably would go on forever because there are people that are really invested in it but then again adobe flash it's really gonna screw a lot of archiving of internet history at number five the xbox boss phil spencer actually ended up revealing the xbox series s very early by total mistake of course he had it sitting on his shelf as he put up a video message to youtube or maybe it was on purpose i don't know i'm not gonna pretend that i do i mean the real question is did he do it on purpose that's sort of the thing that we're all sitting here asking ourselves and if he did do it on purpose did he actually think people would notice i mean nobody knew what it was of course but it's interesting to go back and see something that wasn't revealed was technically top secret just sitting out in somebody's house like it's nothing but that's exactly what happened phil spencer's just like you know what let's do this i don't know phil phil was it on purpose or not at number 4 a 55 year old man went viral playing apex legends for you know being very good at it the self-described boomer a guy by the name of duncan mcleod going by boomer gaming on twitch is better than i am at apex legends he just went on an absolute kill spree became the kill leader and went viral on reddit he had over 30 000 upvotes due to being the most awesome boomer at this game and our man isn't playing around although he says there's a group of older folks that he plays various games with the youngest person being in their 40s and weirdly enough doesn't really get trolled by anybody for being old sounding he chalks it up to his australian accent and sense of humor which let's just not lie boomer humor is actually pretty funny maybe not for the same reasons they think it is but it makes me laugh every time good job duncan at number three you know how the xbox series x has a name that is confusing yeah let me just go ahead and say like lots of times at this point i've had to re-record things for this channel because i can't say the right name that's not really that big of a deal though it takes a few seconds out of my day this is going to be a big deal for some folks though you see microsoft launched the pre-orders of the xbox series x and the xbox one x's sales went up 747 that day it went up from a rank of 2804 to 331 which is an insane jump and i also love it because like i mean you know i work in gaming i'm making fun of this name thing to everyone like it's not good they've done it bad seriously this is exactly what like so many people have said would happen and it's just right there right in the open you can find it right in the amazon sales clearly people are mistaking the xbox one x for the xbox series x why did you do this microsoft at number two electronic arts decided hey you know it's a good idea not to put ads in our 60 game at its launch so that nobody talks about it in reviews and then a month later putting full screen ads that cover up gameplay into the game so all these people that spent 60 on a game that was reviewed as not having ads in it in this way now have a 60 game that has ads in it in this way as you might be able to expect people got mad why wouldn't they that's annoying i don't think that ads are like the most evil thing on the planet or anything but when you sneak them in as to avoid scrutiny in reviews it's not cool ea pulled the ads and apologized for them and retained the 60 that everyone had paid and would have done it whether they had apologized or not because hey they've already made the money i love the economic system that we live in love it because if we're honest like i can't even blame ea for trying to make more money off of it that's literally what they're supposed to do i hate it but i also get it good on everyone for complaining though cause seriously come on and at number one the man who liked runescape a lot paid a hacker from inside runescape runescape money to hack into email accounts of guys that were talking to his ex-girlfriend i do not know what is weirder the circumstances that he hired him in or the fact that a guy who was deep enough into runescape to know how to find the hackers to hire had a girlfriend i'm obviously just joking runescape players i imagine plenty of you have girlfriends yeah but still this is weird and you shouldn't do stuff like this right i think we can all agree on that also why is that the method that he did in all seriousness that's not the first place i think of to find hackers not hackers of things that are not runescape anyways and you know what he did beyond just doing the hacking part of it which is already very illegal he also used the emails to threaten one of the people that was involved which is not good that's blackmail right yeah it's that's and a quick bonus point for you a prototype of the playstation phone showed up in the wild and a lot of people are talking about how intriguing the 3d button is on it but i just want to say like it looks great like honestly if somebody made this exact phone nice and thin like this for you to play games on i'd play games on it that's just great looking i like that somebody do that anyway that is all for this month so leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now is a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 445,887
Rating: 4.9012623 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming news, weird gamer news, creepy gamer news, funny gaming news, funny gamer news, true gaming news, bizarre gaming news, video game news, best gaming news, funny ps4 news, funny xbox one news, funny pc gaming news, video game humor, gameranx, falcon
Id: VjlbrzBA4Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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