10 IMPOSSIBLY Hard Secret Bosses in Video Games

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ah the secret boss a baddie that is worth both finding and fighting some of them though extremely hard hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks 10 impossibly hard secret bosses starting off at number 10 it's karstad from skyrim for being a ghost this guy can be nasty as hell he'll only appear after completing an unmarked quest called summoning karstag a very creative name of course for an unmarked quest that summons a boss named karstad where you have to go to this location called the glacial cave and get a skull then place the skull on the throne in the catholic carson ruins if done correctly the ghost frost giant will appear and wreck you if you're unprepared he's level 90 he does constant frost damage just by being close to him and he is himself totally immune to frost damage which seems obvious enough as well although also he's immune to poison and paralysis and he can just smack you across the room with a stomp attack to make matters worse he will summon three ice rates after taking enough damage and he regenerates health he does it quickly might i add oh and if that stuff isn't annoying enough the screen shakes like the whole thing it just shakes for pretty much the entire battle killing him isn't even really worth that much it'll get you a few grand soul gems and the power to summon karstag as an ally in battle which sounds pretty useful right well you can only use it three times so it'll end up like most limited use spells in skyrim you want to save it for something special so hey you probably won't use it number nine is sigrun from the new god of war on ps4 in the newest god of war there are eight optional valkyrie fights hidden around the world all of them pretty tough in their own right after beating them all though you can bring their helmets to these thrones at this spot called the council of valkyries place all eight and you'll be able to take on the ultimate challenge in the game sigrun the queen of the valkyries this boss is absolutely nuts she doesn't just do way more damage than any of the other valkyries you had to fight she's got almost all of their move sets as well i mean she has got a ton of really powerful really annoying moves she's incredibly aggressive your regular attacks only do a tiny fraction of damage to her and only takes a few hits from her to take your health down to nothing seriously she's got so many annoying and hard to dodge attacks but the one where she flies up in the air and then falls down and stomps on your head that is just the worst because of how crazy she is you're basically forced to deal with this fight completely differently than how you fight for the rest of the game you gotta be defensive and careful and mostly use kratos as special attacks as they're the only things that can actually hurt her a whole lot the only thing keeping her from being higher on the list is the fact that you can simply turn down the difficulty to easy which makes her way less of a problem to deal with but still if you want to do it quote unquote legit or just didn't know you could do that this fight is crazy hard and number eight is dark eater madeir from dark souls 3. uh the dark souls series has some really tough optional bosses in it but for our money this guy is the worst he also fits the secret boss description probably the best as his arena is literally hidden away behind an illusory wall the fake wall is just the start of it too after that you have to find this destroyed shrine that doesn't look like anything special at all but it's actually the entrance to his boss arena yep this hole that looks like a bottomless pit like every other hole like this in the game you just fall down it and for some reason this time you survive and you get the privilege of fighting one of the most frustrating bosses of the entire series being a dragon boss meteor doesn't have a lot of attacks not not like a huge variety or anything the problem is they're all incredibly damaging attacks and because he's so big it can be difficult to tell what he's even doing at least at times on top of that he's got a massive health bar that takes a very long time to whittle down especially if you hit him anywhere but the head his worst attacks are elemental in nature like his fire breath can be difficult to judge the distance of and trying to block it is basically pointless unless you've got really high flame resistance if it does hit you hopefully you've put a lot of points into health because players with lower hp can just easily die with a single hit from many of his attacks of course he's also got the patented dark souls freak out attack where he simply goes wild for a while if you're in front of him when he does this you're pretty much guaranteed to be dead really this fight is all about trying to bait out certain attacks that are counterable if you don't do that it can seriously go on for what feels like an eternity just a huge pain in the ass all around at number seven is crewmax the invincible from borderlands one he's not that secret per se you'll find it by accepting the quest off the bounty board after completing the secret armory of general knox but there's literally a sign outside his arena that says secret final boss so i guess he counts and he's crazy though way more difficult than anything else introduced into borderlands at the time many other raid style bosses have appeared in various sequels but a lot of fans still think this guy's the worst of them at the very least he's probably the most noteworthy being the original there's a few things that make him so tough firstly he's absolutely huge so even his basic attacks are really hard to avoid second he loves to summon minions and generally makes things more annoying that way and third he has no weaknesses and an enormous health bar what makes his minion summon so annoying is that each one of them has different weaknesses so just dealing with them alone can be extremely tedious the absolutely most annoying thing about this dude is the attack we're just burrows into the ground and changes positions and the one where he jumps into the air i mean these both have basically identical startups so the only way you can tell the difference between the move where he just goes somewhere else and the one where he jumps in the air and dives into the ground which is maybe the most dangerous hard to avoid and damaging attack is that it makes a roaring sound when it moves and doesn't when it's actually going to attack that's basically the only cue so good luck sure many argue some of the later raid bosses in the series are tougher but they pretty much stop being secrets or a surprise in any way after this guy and either way he is still incredibly difficult and number six is super mario rpg's call x it's easy to forget how weird of a premise super mario rpg is like it's a role-playing game about mario rpgs are mostly known for in-depth stories and mario games pretty much don't have them but somehow square made it work and made one of the great all-time rpgs for the super nintendo these days there's a ton of mario rpgs but this is the game that started it all and in the grand tradition of square games it even had a super secret boss secret super boss one of the two maybe both mario rpg is pretty light all around never too hard most the time but this dude callex is different he has got a ton of hp a lot of very damaging spells and worst of all he has four crystals that assist him in battle finding him not too tough you have to trade fireworks for a seemingly worthless shiny stone in moleville which in turn unlocks the sealed door in a monstro town go inside mario ends up in the strange swirling abyss collects ask if you want to fight or not and if you accept you better be ready any final fantasy fans will immediately recognize that he's a big reference to the series instead of being a digitized 3d model like the rest of the characters in the game he's an illustrated sprite that looks very similar to the style seen in final fantasy vi the music is straight out of final fantasy as well it's the remixed boss fight theme from final fantasy 4 and of course the four crystals are the elemental crystals that appear in most of those games at least very prominently in one through six and sometimes since then the only reason i bring this up is that the actual fight isn't a lot to talk about it's just really tough especially for this game it's a weird challenge in a normally pretty easy game so i think it deserves mention here at number 5 is lingering will from kingdom hearts 2. now if you want a secret boss that is a capital h hard in a game that's i guess technically for kids then lingering will from kingdom hearts 2 is what you are looking for this dude doesn't actually appear in the regular game he was added to the final mix version which that stuff is is it's needlessly complicated as well and it can only be fought after 100 completing all the worlds which is tough enough on its own but once you've done that a portal appears in disney castle that takes you to the keyblade graveyard which is where you fight this guy there's a whole convoluted backstory to this whole fight but none of it really matters for our purposes and it's kingdom hearts i said it's a game for kids but like i don't understand what's going on half the time i just know it's a lot of fun main thing to know this guy is tough you got the prerequisite huge health bar you got a ton of attacks where he just whips around the arena like crazy like just trying to keep up with this guy is huge challenge then he starts summoning these little drone things that are possible to escape from they just shoot at you once in a while and they interrupt your combos yay he transforms his sword into a whip even a motorcycle it seems like just trying to get a hit in sometimes is a huge pain there's so much going on with this guy it is it's nuts if you thought these kingdom hearts games were just for kids this dude exists to suggest otherwise he is not just one of the hardest secret bosses in the series he's one of the toughest bosses period at number four is galamoth from castlevania symphony of the night when it comes to classic secret bosses galamoth is one of the best found in the floating catacombs this guy is totally optional and only becomes available after unlocking the reverse castle it's not particularly secret anymore but finding out that there was an entire other castle basically hidden in symphony of the night was mind-blowing at release sure it's basically just the regular castle flipped upside down but all the new enemies and bosses make it definitely worth exploring and galamoth is tough significantly tougher than the last boss he's basically harder than anything else in the game and nothing comes close what makes him so difficult is really simple he's got this lightning attack that basically hits the entire arena and destroys you in seconds if you don't have some kind of protection his other attacks are not much better he is just so big and takes up so much of the arena that just avoiding him touching you can be a pain even with some of the best weapons in the game the damage you can do to him is pathetic like look at this we're doing like three damage a hit to him and he's got 12 000 hp according to game faqs the only thing that keeps this guy from being basically impossible is that there are a few ways to cheese him like tricks that you would have no idea about though unless you look him up and number three is the psychiatrist from katana zero katana zero's kind of a game it just came and went feels like it's only been a few years but it's not one that we hear about a whole lot it's actually really a great game and one of the coolest things about it is the fact that there's a crazy secret boss you can unlock but actually doing it is incredibly tough katana zero is basically a side-scrolling hotline miami with more of a focus on story a big part of it involves talking to the psychiatrist character who's clearly manipulating you somehow it doesn't seem like there's anything you can do to get rid of this guy but actually if you do a lot of very specific things to piss him off he'll get so mad and you have to fight him and the fight's completely nuts by the way completely nuts in his first farm he attacks you with these giant hands if you're stuck long enough in them he blows your head up remember this is normally pretty down earth game the only really out there sci-fi thing is that there's a drug that makes you feel like you're slowing down time now you're fighting a psychic who can create copies of themselves and throw energy balls at you but then the eyeballs appear and the screen starts to get messed up that's when things get really weird the boss goes like full akira at the end and the difficulty goes into the next level the only saving grace is that you don't have to start the whole fight over from the beginning if you die because death is just constant in this thing even though on the difficulty scale there's definitely harder things out there if this were craziest secret bosses this thing would be number one period and number two is osma from final fantasy ix this weird ass sphere thing is both well hidden and ridiculously difficult it's arguably one of the hardest bosses in the entire final fantasy series while most super bosses in these games are just in the open or found by completing hunts this guy is hidden away in a literal shadow to find osmo you first have to get to the chocobo air garden a place that can be only reached if you've got a flying chocobo you have to follow some cryptic clues that lead to some possible locations at the floating island which is only marked on the map by a slowly moving shadow that can randomly appear in a few different locations to get to the island you have to position yourself over the shadow while riding a flying chocobo and then use an item called the dead pepper if the stars are aligned and everything works you end up in the air garden from here accessing asma is actually really easy just go to the eidolon cave and you get the option to fight it it's brutally difficult though it's got multiple ins and death spells it can cast curse which inflicts confused poison slow mini and darkness all these statuses at once osmo can cast meteor which if you're unlucky can hit the entire party for 9999 damage and it'll even steal your mp if it starts to run low but the absolute worst thing is that it will cast kiraga uh the powerful healing spell as a counter attack which will often just totally restore all of its hp and it is more likely to do it when it is almost dead so it's not just incredibly hard it's also really annoying like it's possible to lose all your progress just before winning and when that happens it's probably better just to reset and finally number one is the demi friend from shin megami tensei the digital devil saga the shin megami tensei series and to a lesser extent the more well-known persona spin-off series is all about two things japanese teenagers dealing with mythological beings and some crazy hard bosses out of all of them this guy the demi friend probably is the worst in a series that has some of the hardest bosses of all time this guy's maybe the hardest of all of them he's so tough the only way to even face him is to start a new game plus considering he's the protagonist of shin megami tensei 3 nocturne it makes sense that he's a challenge but they go way overboard with it first of all if you've got certain forbidden moves he'll just instantly kill you on the first turn basically any ability that can nullify his attacks is forbidden so eventually you're gonna have to deal with the most devastating attack called gaya rage an ability that will pretty much always kill you only sure fire way to avoid being killed is by using a normally useless spell that makes it so your characters always dodge while they're asleep and hope one of the boss minions uses a sleep spell before he kills all of you seriously that's pretty much the only way to survive this fight and just to really piss you off he always restores his health to full when you take half of his health off which means that he's basically always got one third more hp than you think and that's only scratching the surface of the bs this dude's capable of it's complete nonsense and near impossible as a secret boss can get and a quick bonus is sans from undertale we've mentioned him before but the secret boss of the genocide route sands is crazy hard you know it's gonna hurt when the guy pulls out his ultimate attack as his first move there's no really no way to actually fight him it's basically just an endurance round where the only way to win is survive long enough and that's all for today leave us a comment let us know what you think if you like this video click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course the subscriptions so click subscribe don't forget to enable all notifications and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter at falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 583,172
Rating: 4.91432 out of 5
Keywords: Hidden Bosses, video game hidden bosses, bosses you have to unlock, very hard bosses, bosses you can't beat, hard secret ps4 bosses, hard secret xbox one bosses, hard secret pc bosses, hard secret god of war bosses, hard secret final fantasy bosses, hard secret skyrim bosses, gameranx, falcon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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