7 SHOCKING Video Game TWISTS That Changed Franchises

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video games are full of twists and turns but sometimes they just do something in a series that shocks the fans hi folks it's falcon and today on game ranks the seven most shocking gaming fandom reveals and just to quickly expand on exactly what we're doing here we're talking about franchise games like games where the twist may have ramifications outside of the game that it's actually in also just a quick disclaimer this video is going to be absolutely full of spoilers all that out of the way starting off at number 7 when you find out that big boss is still alive in metal gear solid 4. now this is a big one throughout the first two games there is a specter of big boss particularly in the original metal gear solid gam because there was a reference back to the old times when snake actually defeated big boss i mean knowing that history and a lot of people who played through the entire series including the original metal gears thinking that's when big boss died and then actually being big boss and metal gear solid 3 snake eater when you find out in metal gear solid 4 which is ostensibly a ways into the future that he's not only still alive but he's got something to say to solid snake it's actually a pretty sad scene too in all honesty it wraps a lot of things up and frankly really endears you to big boss who was i mean for all intents and purposes of villain in the series at this point in time even though you did bond with him in snake eater you knew that things went south so having this gut punch that just basically makes him into a sympathetic character it was a lot for fans of metal gear solid at number six is bioshock infinite where there's a big twist about elizabeth now fans of the bioshock series are obviously aware this is a series that likes to have big reveals that totally change the entire story and make everything much more grand and confusing elizabeth in a lot of ways basically causes all of the problems of the game and possibly all of the problems in the bioshock universe she is booker dewitt's daughter and pretty much everything that happens in the game centers around the fact that comstock is also booker to win which is in itself a pretty big twist but when you get into the actual story that's where things really start to get insane it would probably be kind of difficult to explain it in depth but generally speaking what happens is that comstock buys her from booker dewitt through an interdimensional rift booker dewitt regrets it and sort of forces himself to remember it differently and ultimately what happens causes problems for the fabric of time problems that actually echo through the entire universe of bioshock into rapture and affect the events of the original story and number five is glados and wheatley in portal 2. now obviously the first game involves beating glados you killed her she's dead however that being said you and wheatley wake her up wheatley complains the whole time too he really does not want to wake her up he tries to talk you out of it trying to sound brave for a while and he just levels with you and says yeah i i be careful i don't i don't want to wake i don't want to wake her up this is quite a moment like they really do some pretty good stuff with their characterization here but it continues to get more insane as wheatley ends up taking on the machinery that glados eventually occupies basically what happens is this long continually more convoluted exchange between the two happens and shell and glados actually have to team up which is the very last thing you would ever expect from the first game still it really works well like as a story and as a game it's just as far as i'm concerned a really good piece of work and number four is knights of the old republic and revan alright so this is a massive twist one in that it has ramifications that go well beyond the initial gam i mean it's star wars so it's a huge franchise but the knights of the old republic and old republic games are all very much affected by darth revan and you're him or her you're darth revan you're that person you don't have a memory at the start of the game and you go through a gradual process of discovering who darth revan was and then figure out it's you for one darth revan had plots that were utilized in some ways by other characters a lot of what happened in the very last star wars movie is not dissimilar to one of revan's plans it obviously didn't happen on exigol and there were elements of it that were different but he was amassing the same type of sith fleet and getting ready to go on a rampage and that was you it wasn't the emperor it wasn't some random that you needed to go and stop it was you you were doing that and that is a good twist because the whole game you're just like i would totally stop somebody from doing that that's not cool oh right it was me and number three was the mass effect 2 intro now what happens during the course of this intro is pretty significant you really enjoyed mass effect 1. you played the hell out of the game you got through the story you got to know the characters you got to know the events it's a big deal and then the very first thing that happens in the second game is this ship gets destroyed and shepard dies i mean it's frigging insane you're like what but this is the second game and it's the start of it i mean you end up pretty quickly resolving the situation but still it's like a gut punch and a surprise and a shock and you don't really know what to trust like did it really happen and then there's a lot of people who theorize about the rest of two and the entirety of three actually happening that the actual last canonical event in the story was the normandy being destroyed in shepherd dying there's actually speculation like that look into it i certainly don't buy it myself but such an iconic event is bound to create lots of discussion and lots of discussion can often lead in interesting directions i just remember my jaw completely dropping at the start of mass effect 2 because i mean it's a huge popular game you never expect him to just kill the main character first thing and then the way that you come back is also kind of a shock too it's fun it's interesting it's intriguing and at number two reznov is actually dead in call of duty black ops now the character of reznov was first introduced in call of duty world at war he's pretty memorable he was played by gary oldman who is a fantastic actor and tends to do things that end up being very memorable as he loses himself and his characters and i mean you could go on about gary oldman a while he comes back again in black ops helping the main guy mason escape a russian work camp in vorkuta and also helps you hunt down the bad guys of the game repeating their names constantly dragovich kravchenko and steiner the big twist is though however that he actually did die escaping from the work camp the dude you've been seeing ever since that is just a vision and you'd been talking to yourself the entire time reznov actually brainwashed your character at that work camp giving you the objective of killing the bad guys of that game the reason reznov wants them dead is because they use poison gas on resinov's friend the character you played as in world of war by the name of dimitri he later shows up in black ops 2 saving your guy in afghanistan but it's not even clear by that point whether it's the real hymn or an illusion i mean when you consider that call of duty is generally looked at as a pretty straightforward military shooter there's actually a lot going on in the plot and reznov i think is one of the more interesting threads in that respect and finally at number one assassin's creed 3 has you play as a templar for a while and they hid that from public view for literally the entire development of the game and it's not just that it's that they actually had a couple of leaks which could have very easily given things away and they managed to squash them before they caught on which is borderline unheard of as it is now the motivation behind having you play as a templar was to actually humanize who is generally the villain in the assassin's creed games it's essentially assassins versus templars pretty much all the time in the entire series so the idea that you would take on control of one of them is perhaps one of the most unexpected events that could happen in an assassin's creed game it's not templar's creed it's assassin's creed and then adding to the fact is that you really don't spend a lot of time talking about being a templar they just kind of drop you into it and i think that that's the coolest way they could possibly do it because they don't like go oh hey you're a templar now they just make you do everything like he's really skilled he's got basically all the assassin skills you could be lulled into the idea that you're not a templar that you're just being some other assassin but that's not the case and that's all what do you think what was your favorite sort of fan surprise that just totally blew a franchise out of the water for you leave us a comment let us know if you like this video click the button if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we upload brand new videos every day of the week and the best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click subscribe don't forget to click the notification bell and as always we thank you very much for watching this video i'm falcon you can follow me on twitter falcon the hero we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 712,403
Rating: 4.9216533 out of 5
Keywords: video game twists, best video game stories, shocking video game scenes, surprising video game scenes, best video game twists ever, gaming twists, assassin's creed twists, metal gear solid twists, bioshock twists, portal twists, story twists, gameranx, falcon
Id: rfD6SnKDV40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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