10 Video Game Sequels THAT SUCKED

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when good games come around we always want more of them at least that's what I think but a sequel isn't always a great thing hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks the ten worst sequels in video games starting off with number 10 is star wars the force unleashed - now I'm not gonna go ahead and say that I think the Star Wars The Force Unleashed to is the worst game that's ever happened or anything like that if you like the original Force Unleashed the second is fun I mean it's a lot more repetitive and considering it's also a lot shorter those are big problems I personally enjoy both games however I do not take the second game seriously and like magicians if it were to demand to be taken seriously it would be kind of a joke sorry magicians out there just wanted to make an Arrested Development reference let's just be clear the story kinda sucks and I'm gonna spoil it a little bit it's never really clear whether you're a clone or whether you're being lied to about being a clone and it could have easily been used as a twist either way and never was it felt too much like they just press the reset button on the first gam and gave you another game that was the same except for much shorter much more repetitive and a story that makes itself stranger without making any attempt to justifying itself and the game almost ends with an and whatever so while I will admit I I probably will play that game again just out of mindless fun if you actually intellectually examine it it kind of sucks especially compared to the first moving on to number 9 is dr 3r or driver 3 or just driver or something I don't really know how to say it that's how bad it is don't replace your damn letters with numbers don't do it I don't care if it's the third one don't do it now there is a dedicated base of people who definitely like Drive 3r but I am NOT one of those people I apologize to those people for the savaging I'm about to give this game this game whereas driver one and two at least are kind of different from Grand Theft Auto because there wasn't a 3d Grand Theft Auto when they came out in the first driver you can't even get out of the car the second driver you can only get out of the car when the cops aren't chasing you but drive three are and yes at this point I'm saying that specifically to make fun of the name of the game in drive 3r it's Grand Theft Auto what happened with driver one and two were B's games that had sprawling stories and very specific missions and then with drive three are you basically had a pale imitation of Grand Theft Auto three the shooting mechanics were dull the driving mechanics weren't given the attention they should have had given it was a game called driver three sorry drive three yard it's just kind of an embarrassing game that lets started the downfall of the franchise as a whole anyways at number 8 is Medal of Honor Warfighter now let's just go ahead and say this Medal of Honor was a franchise that really helped popularize the military shooter among the real oh geez one might say and war fighter was just kind of well a tired military shooter tons of them had come out and it didn't really do anything to set itself apart it didn't have a great campaign at all to be more specific with my problems with it it seemed like it was never really able to strike a balance between two things that the developers clearly liked both of which was not only arcade stuff but also realism to give an example in multiplayer you had a little bit more of the slower paced realism oriented gameplay and yet you also had things like kill streaks which is just fundamentally incompatible with a slower pace for both mechanical reasons and the repetition of the genre the game really just wasn't anything special and it didn't really accomplish what it's set out to do which again for one of the oh geez of that genre sucks and at number seven is Need for Speed payback which let's just say of this game a swing animus Need for Speed payback kind of tries to be fast in the Furious and it doesn't fail in every respect it even gives us some interesting mid-mission character swapping mechanics for heists which actually worked really well however oof that story yeah it's pretty standard I'm not gonna say it's horrible or anything but it's executed very badly character animation voice acting these are not things to laud about this game if you went back to the reviews I'd be willing to bet you couldn't find a single one praising either of those aspects of it payback really goes for a cinematic feel and it's really to its downfall it tries really hard to give you a stylized cinematic of almost anything that would just be cool to happen in game like you're about to hit a jump Oh cinematic I don't know what they were thinking with that personally and well need for speed heat was obviously a step in the right direction they've got a long way to go to recover from Need for Speed payback at number 6 is postal 3 which at least they didn't try to replace any letters with the number 3 however it doesn't matter it's a very bad game however it at least has an excuse the developers claim the reason it's bad is because they thought they were outsourcing it to a company that had the resources that outweighed their own then the economic downturn of 2007-2008 basically kneecapped them it also made the developers vow that they would never outsource postal again what are some of the things that suck about it well aiming which is in all honesty not a problem in postal or postal - it's very strange in this game you also can't free roam while you're playing story mode NPCs don't really do anything you can't jump I mean there's a reason why they decided to go early access with the new one and they've been doing a great job with it I think they just want to take it slow and give the best game possible after the last one because even in the Steam description they have an FAQ and one of the questions is is this going to suck like the last one and they say no it's not at number 5 is Bomberman act 0 we could talk about Bomberman act 0 literally for hours if you wanted to discuss in detail what is wrong with it you could for a long time the gameplay is mmm it's Bomberman but nothing else is also every single stage looks the same I mean they use the same textures it just doesn't ever feel like anything happens but I don't understand why you would do this with Bomberman I don't know what's going through your head it's like I'll take this goofy little classic competitive multiplayer game and make this I don't know I've tried for years to figure out what went through these developers heads clearly wasn't we're gonna make the best bomberman game possible cuz it doesn't feel like they even tried instead of going into deep detail about it really the best thing to do is to say what the hell were they thinking hey it's got a crappy soundtrack the AI is horrific Lee unbalanced in a game like this collision detection matters but not to these developers apparently and oh yeah the loading times are unbearable nothing went right and it looks like this what at number 4 is Goldeneye rogue agent which is not a sequel to the game or movie Goldeneye it's that you're a rogue mi6 agent who accidentally quote-unquote kills James Bond and also you have a golden ocular implant a golden eye I mean on some level it's creative the distance they traveled to be able to say the word Goldeneye again and a large portion of the games actually not terrible sales had to have depended on the fact it was literally called gold and I as if it were a sequel to Goldeneye but hey it's not a good game and B it doesn't make any sense I don't know why you make a James Bond game where you don't play as James Bond in fact you supposedly kill James Bond like what what's the point make something else well you know the point is to cash in on the success of the James Bond franchise and particularly the success of the game Goldeneye which frankly set a ton of standards for the first-person shooter genre but you know how it goes at number three is banjo kazooie nuts and bolts which wises no square did he lose part of it did they chop off the round top of it come on rare wise is no square alright enough of that why did they do this to banjo kazooie they added so many mechanics and so many of them don't do enough to be there I'm not saying that the ideas we're bad because they actually were pretty good a lot of people credit banjo kazooie nuts and bolts with sort of inspiring ideas that Kerbal space program or even fallout 4 may have actually indulged in later but so much of this game relies on mechanics that are just not pleasurable it's just too complicated and these ideas are too new for a banjo kazooie a mascot platformer that shouldn't be too hard to screw up also his nose seriously what is up with that the hair would be a complaint - I'm not gonna lie that hair makes me think he's gonna break out in one of the songs from grease at any moment but every time I think about this game it's just what why what did you do that for at number two is dynasty Warriors 9 hey remember when I did that before you buy for dynasty Warriors 9 and I was very unimpressed to say the nicest word I can think of I mean here's the thing the premise sounds good open world dynasty warriors part of the reason dynasty Warriors is so great as these environments where you have these mass amounts of people attacking you at any given time well hey doesn't translate like you might think or perhaps we just know what effort put into it I don't know who cares it went bad dynasty Warriors 8 was just a great version of dynasty warriors they added new things to it without screwing it up in any way and it was just this endless barrage of fun whereas dynasty Warriors 9 is not I don't know how somebody could be entertained by this game the entire time they're playing it battles are still fun like I'm not gonna say that they're bad or anything but there's so much downtime and it's just this basically empty open world full of just shrubbery basically it's probably the only game on here I actually genuinely just hate it sounds like I could work and then it doesn't just not work it clearly doesn't value your time or intelligence as a video game player and at number 1 Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5i I don't know if I need to tell you the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5 is bad but it is it's so bad it's so so bad it looks several generations old like if there was a PlayStation 2 game with particularly good character models that's what this looks like everything about it sucks though the hub world sucks it doesn't go anywhere and doesn't feel like a real thing it's almost like it just forgets that it's a Tony Hawk game because it's not hard to figure out what to do to make a Tony Hawk game that's good they change things like how the special meter works in ways that just make literally zero sense I probably don't hate it as badly as dynasty Warriors 9 because I didn't really expect Tony Hawk 5 to be good it didn't have some like amazing promise about it was just the fact that they were making another Tony Hawk but even that being said this is a bad game and then a quick bonus for you in Duke Nukem Forever we've talked about this game so many times at this point there's not really to give you an in-depth explanation as to why it's such a disappointing game but it is after years of development hell it's a really disappointing game but what do you think what are some of the worst sequels you can remember are they on this list I'm willing to bet that yes at least some aren't but if you have other thoughts make sure and leave them in the comment section if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we put brand new videos every day of the week and best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to enable all notifications as always thanks very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter it valcon hero we'll see you next time right here on game rags
Channel: gameranx
Views: 929,945
Rating: 4.8802686 out of 5
Keywords: worst video game sequels, terrible sequels, Disappointing sequels, video game culture, star wars, sequels that sucked, bad video game sequels, broken video game sequels, sequel fails, gameranx, falcon
Id: Tg-6TyK_rzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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