10 WEIRD Gaming Stories of February 2020

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the gaming world can be super weird you know this I know this and that's why we make these videos every month hi folks its Falcon and today on game ranks the 10 weirdest gaming stories from February 2020 starting off at number 10 a cosplayer by the name of won her own apologies if I've mispronounced in any way it's very well known for being both a bodybuilder and a cosplayer of popular street fighter and SNK characters she's cosplayed as both chun-li from Street Fighter and my Shiranui from king of the fighters and none of this sounds weird so far what's weird about it is actually that this person who does actually pretty darn good cosplays of these characters he's also a physician who is fighting coronavirus you no doubt heard about the corona virus on the news I'm not going to pretend I understand whether or not it's just hype or if it's a really genuinely scary thing but it's always cool to see a cosplayer in their natural habitat doing something to help the world at number 9 a very strange to say the least but possibly positive or possibly not I don't really know how to take it personally and that's I mean alright out with it a mother whose seven-year-old child unfortunately died and a Korean TV special focused on the family grieving it with one final let's say really out there proposition at the end of the experience the child was completely modeled in 3d and the mother was reunited with her in VR now the reason I say I'm not sure whether this was positive or negative is because I could easily see this becoming a problem fast I mean we talked about addiction in video games that are significantly less immersive and don't literally exist to reunite you with a dead loved one these things are real if not a little exaggerated by the media but wow this is another level at the same time no one should be taken from their child when their child is 7 it's honestly a tough call from me but who it's heartbreaking to look at the video of this you just feel awful like a parent shouldn't have lose a child and number eight a cafe for the Final Fantasy 7 remake opened in Tokyo specifically in Akihabara which is basically a total remake of the square Enix cafe that was open a couple of years ago that was significantly smaller than the location they have now it was also not themed as a Final Fantasy 7 cafe which you might expect Square Enix to do in promotion of this game which is coming fairly soon the walls are plastered with Final Fantasy 7 stuff they serve mocktails various drinks that are themed with swords and them and the swords are wafers that you can eat the food looks fairly good to me and the gift shop looks fairly cool as well it's filled with not only Final Fantasy 7 merchandise but a lot of generalized Square Enix merchandise lots of Shinra stuff though bags coats etc it's a really cool place although you would never see anything like this in the United States I don't know how could possibly sustain itself in anything other than a temporary capacity doesn't make it not cool though coming in at number 7 perhaps incredibly appropriately so a 7 year old won a Pokemon championship now I know that sounds extra weird but it was a junior Pokemon championship still a seven-year-old facing off against their teen year olds seven year old winning is I mean pretty impressive more impressive is that this particular seven-year-old Simone Lim has never competed before no one had ever seen her at a tournament no one had ever competed against her she was completely new came in and swept it the person she beat was a 21 time regional champ which I don't know if that's age limited or not but clearly it's somebody who knows what they're doing I mean it's another person who got to the end of the Pokemon tournament clearly and basically everybody loved the kid it was one of those situations where everybody was like that that's the nicest thing very good thank you world thank you for not always being bad at number 6 Activision issued a subpoena to read it because somebody leaked that there was gonna be a battle royale in modern warfare I'm gonna just go ahead and say like I don't understand why anyone would care about that the weirdest element of this is the idea that they would actually be angry about thing that generates anticipation for a mode in a game in theory they want people to eventually want like I get that they don't want people to want it now but rather when they can have it but part of that is anticipation like I said that some players were able to glitch their way into a battle royale mode was treated by a copyright law as a serious problem but again it's literally just like some people figuring out there was a thing that we all kind of suspected was gonna happen anyways like let's just say you need to create a marketing campaign and instead of having to spend money on it some other person a total random someone you've never heard of in your entire life comes up to you and hands you the entire budget for the entire project it's free advertising weird is the only word you can call this a number five sony patented a new artificial intelligence tool that would help people who are getting stuck in PlayStation games the full name of the tool is an in-game resource surfacing program which sounds a lot more sinister than it should considering its artificial intelligence and everyone is secretly terrified of the idea that AI will one day take over the world I'd have tried to find up nicer more human sounding name for it but whatever not the main point according to the patent this would help search and identify in-game resources that assist a player based on contextual data and data from a community of similar players basically the artificial intelligence would compare data from other players and how they got through the thing that you need help with and point the player in the proper direction now this is something that sort of comes along with the idea of a more open-ended type of gaming if you're randomly generating content and nothing really has a set solution then this is the Navi of the next century perhaps listen actually now I don't want it and number 4 hackers have been spawning two-headed skeletons in Red Dead online having them attack people at random now of course done via mod menus that people are installing in the game and that's not something you're supposed to do so don't seriously don't but on the other hand it is kind of funny it's not just skeletons either through the time that this has been online people could spawn and bears and various nonsense but the way that you can actually have some sort of recourse is by looking straight up into the sky because apparently the person doing this stuff is gonna be directly above you in a hot-air balloon I don't know I guess that the cheats had to be the most absurd and silly thing you've ever seen a new life with the two-headed skeletons punching you in the face and the Bears just jump out and nowhere dogs and cats living together mass hysteria the only recourse is of course reporting the person in the hot air balloon so I guess do that or become a hot air balloon cheater pilot yourself I don't know I don't I don't know what to make of this at number 3 and Xbox game studio is experimenting with low-res textures that will be artificial intelligence up scaled in real-time Microsoft acquired a company called play a fab a couple of years ago and what they do is essentially work on cloud tools for making games work better they created a tool that actually uh prez's low resolution textures with incredibly good results for instance morrowind was up scaled with textures using this thing and it really looks way way better play fab and this internal studio or studios are looking at the idea of shipping games with very low resolution textures that are up scaled on the fly because apparently they're not really able to tell the difference between a 2k texture that was handmade and a machine up scaled texture made from a much smaller version in theory this could make download times near nothing compared to what they are now on account one of the main reasons downloads are ballooning is because texture sizes are ballooning even though you can definitely compress textures 2k textures are big and you can't compress them all to hell and expect people to be happy with it what we have in this tool is a potential magic compression algorithm that isn't actually a compression algorithm but rather this totally insane thing that makes the consumer end of a download that would normally be huge way more painless at number two an interview with late Nintendo president Hiroshi Yamauchi had him really not pulling his punches when he said why he thought Nintendo lost to PlayStation in the 1990s despite having the superior hardware in the Nintendo 64 in his opinion he thought Japanese gamers wanted to play depressing games in a dark room alone which isn't wrong frankly games on the Nintendo 64 tended to make me feel more happy than Final Fantasy 7 which was kind of a story about how everything was falling apart and you had to embrace the end of humanity as we knew it in order to get everything back on track and that was like one of the better games on PlayStation don't even get me started on Final Fantasy 8 that game is not happy but I mean I think he also kind of meant it is a very insulting thing as opposed to just some sort of objective diagnosis they use calling PlayStation fans losers in a roundabout way was quite interesting to hear that opinion after so many years and finally at number one another heartwarming story has emerged regarding Nintendo's customer service which as you know from the well known well earned reputation is above and beyond what anyone expects customer service to ever be a few years ago a 95 year old grandmother who loved to play Tetris on Gameboy when one day it stopped working her son called into Nintendo customer service to see if it could be repaired or replaced and they said well we don't have the parts to repair it but give us some time they called back later having found a brand-new condition Gameboy in a warehouse and they shipped it to them and the grandma lived to be 99 and up until the end she was playing that game boy now keep in mind this would have been like 2015 2016 and they had essentially a new inbox game boy sitting around a warehouse and they just sent it to somebody you could put it on eBay if it was actually an original Gameboy and they were like send it to the nice old lady that's awesome and a couple of bonus points for you modders remade the grand theft auto san andreas hot coffee mod and Red Dead Redemption too because of course and this other weird thing maybe not necessarily the weirdest but a weird way of announcing that you're doing this CD Projekt RED announced that you won't have to buy cyberpunk 2077 for the Xbox series X if you've bought it for Xbox one already you'll just get it it'll be in your library the weird thing is that this is basically them announcing that they're making the Xbox Series X version no word yet on ps4 versus PS 5 although the wording of this was gamers should never be forced to purchase the same game twice so PlayStation gamers may be hold their feet to the fire on that that's all for this month was this month sufficiently weird enough for you for me it certainly was leave us a comment let us know what you're thinking if you like this video please click like if you're not subscribed now's a great time to do so we have brand new videos every day of the week best way to see them first is of course a subscription so click Subscribe and don't forget to click the notification bell as always thank you very much for watching this video I'm Falcon you can follow me on Twitter Falcon the hero and we'll see you next time right here on game ranks
Channel: gameranx
Views: 759,477
Rating: 4.8947043 out of 5
Keywords: weird gaming stories, funny gaming stories, mysterious gaming stories, japan gaming stories, video game culture, gaming news, crazy gaming news, video game news, gameranx, falcon
Id: DxuJ_y2Lw-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 21sec (741 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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