10 Signs You Should End a Relationship

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hey everyone and welcome to top think  today we're going to learn about 10 signs   you should end a relationship now let's  begin number one abandoning your goals   every relationship requires sacrifice if you  aren't willing to make compromises well your   relationship is going to suffer however there's  a firm limit to how much you should compromise   in your relationship many people get absorbed  into their relationships they let their partners   needs take over their life and their goals begin  to suffer they put their dreams on hold to make   their partner happy but a healthy relationship  should never stand in the way of your ambitions   many people forget especially in a long-term  relationship what the place of a relationship is   your partner should not give your life meaning  your partner should not be the only thing that   you care about a healthy relationship is like  whipped cream on top of a sundae the sundae is   good without it but the whipped cream just makes  it better so don't let your relationship interfere   with your goals yes sacrifices are necessary to  keep your relationship going but your partner   should never force you to abandon your ambitions  if they do it's time to find someone else   number two consistent complacency your  relationship may not be as fun as it used to   be to some degree complacency is a natural thing  as you and your partner grow closer you get more   comfortable with each other you settle into the  same routines you learn each other's habits and   the excitement begins to fade when that happens  it's important that you and your partner find ways   to re-ignite the passion you had in the beginning  get creative try new things go on fun adventures   together but what if your partner isn't interested  what if they've gotten bored of your relationship   well you'd be surprised how often this happens  you stop connecting learning and experimenting   together and suddenly you realize your partner  just doesn't care about your relationship   now if this sounds familiar you can try to  reignite those old feelings but if your partner   doesn't care anymore well it could be time  to end your relationship number three faking   your personality do you feel like yourself  around your partner or do you catch yourself   acting superficial many budding relationships  face this difficult stage at one point or another   you've made a connection you start to explore the  deeper parts of each other's personalities but   suddenly you find yourself pulling away and your  partner stops trying to get to know the real you   you stop bonding on that deeper level both you  and your partner may raise emotional walls so your   true personality just fades into the background so  why does this happen to so many couples sometimes   one partner is afraid to push deeper they put up  walls because they're scared of being vulnerable   luckily time and communication can slowly bring  down those walls and create a lasting bond   but only if your partner is willing to put in the  effort many relationships grow superficial simply   because your partner stops trying they don't  make an effort to connect emotionally so you   and your partner feel like strangers if you  find yourself faking your personality around   your partner your relationship may need  to end number four fear of inconvenience   have you ever asked your partner for a favor or  are you afraid of inconveniencing your significant   other this is a very common sign that two  people are not a good fit for each other   you may hesitate to ask anything of your partner  why is that because you're scared you'll appear   needy this fear is natural in the beginning stages  of a relationship but in a long-term relationship   it's a symptom of a larger problem you don't want  to bother your partner because you're worried   they're going to leave you're scared to be needy  because you don't actually trust your partner   it's not healthy to suppress your emotions  comments or concerns you should never be afraid   that your partner might reject or abandon you  but if you are it's time to end your relationship   number five seeking replacements your partner  may not meet your emotional needs well let's   just say you had a really stressful week at work  after five long anxious days you want to talk you   want to complain and you just want to rant to your  partner you want them to listen to you and to show   you that they care about you but what if your  partner tells you no hmm what if they criticize   you for complaining too much these emotional  rejections create a rift in your relationship   and often drive partners to seek help from a  replacement a replacement is anyone who fills   the void your partner has left behind you may turn  to a new friend at work or someone from your past   you may rely on that person in place of your  partner now it may seem harmless at first but   that separation will push you further and further  apart if your partner doesn't listen to you   if you rely on others to meet your emotional  needs you may be with the wrong person   number six fading blindness in the beginning of  any relationship love is blind you're mystified   by how incredible your partner is you can't think  about anything but them you brag about them to   anyone who'll listen but over time the veil may  disappear there's nothing wrong with love fading   away sometimes what feels like love is just  temporary infatuation and that's okay but it's   never a good feeling realizing your relationship  isn't as deep and lasting as you thought but it's   important to recognize when your relationship  is strong and when it's hanging by a thread   number seven negative change have you become  a different person during your relationship   would your past self feel unhappy  with the person that you've become   in the context of a romantic relationship we call  this negative change relationships play a major   role in your life they affect everything  from your lifestyle to your mental health   so it's common for partners to stimulate change in  each other's interests and personalities you may   take up similar hobbies you help each other grow  emotionally but in a healthy relationship these   changes are positive and uplifting you're growing  together because you love and support each other   in a toxic relationship change moves the opposite  direction instead of lifting each other up you're   tearing each other down one partner may  drag the other lower and lower or maybe   your dynamic is simply destructive anytime you're  together either way take a hard look at yourself   examine the ways you've changed since your  relationship began do you express yourself   less has your mood worsened as your anxiety  increased do you like the person you've become   if you've experienced negative change it may  be time to end your relationship number eight   familial opposition your friends and family know  you better than anyone they've spent the most   time around you so they usually understand  what kind of person fits your personality   but what if your friends and family don't like  your new partner when this happens many people   sink into denial they tell their friends  and family to give their partner a chance   they justify their partner's behavior saying  they're nervous or just need time the truth   is if your friends and family don't approve  there's a good chance you pick the wrong person   obviously this isn't always the case not  everyone is close with their families not   everyone agrees with their friends but make sure  you listen to the people whose opinions you value   most because those people may open your eyes to  something you couldn't see on your own number nine   relationship equality do you do all the work in  your relationship many toxic relationships force   one partner to carry the load you text  and call every time you plan every date   you start every important conversation a  healthy relationship creates an equal balance   sometimes you take the initiative other times  your partner does the same that way no one   does all the work think about the last time  your partner stepped into the driver's seat   when was the last time they planned a date night  or made a compromise when was the last time they   called to tell you they missed you if you can't  remember you may be in a one-sided relationship   but before you break things off remember this  everyone expresses love differently some people   want to spend large amounts of time together  others buy gifts give compliments or show their   affection physically your partner may express  love differently than you do but that doesn't   mean they're not trying so pay attention to the  ways your partner expresses their feelings and   that way you know when they're putting in effort  and when they're not if your partner makes a   big effort in their own way then give them credit  but love languages are not an excuse to slack off   number 10 unacceptable behaviors over the course  of your relationship your partner may pick up new   habits they may change and you may have trouble  recognizing the person you fell in love with   in the beginning they seemed like your perfect  match but over time they grew into someone   different someone you didn't like or understand  now if this sounds familiar it may be time to   end your relationship you shouldn't tolerate  unacceptable behavior just because you're in   a relationship if someone crosses a line you  have every right to stand up and take action   if you want to save your relationship confront  your partner and communicate your concerns   your partner may not realize what they're doing  wrong and they may make an effort to change   but if they don't listen well it's time  to find someone who will hey thank you   for watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 232,468
Rating: 4.8996797 out of 5
Keywords: signs you should end a relationship, signs you should break up, signs to leave a relationship, end your relationship, signs it’s time to end a relationship
Id: 4i42eoJbW6g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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