How To Break Up With Someone Who Loves You The Right Way: A Relationship Experts Shares A Few Tips

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hi I'm coach Natalie thank you for tuning in to our YouTube channel this video I wanted to focus on how to initiate a breakup with your girlfriend sometimes most of our clients tend to come here looking for answers on rekindling we forget to provide information on how to actually effectively end a relationship so I wanted to shed a few pointers on that I think that many a times we get so wrapped up in our own emotions that when it comes to triggering a breakup when it comes to initiating a breakup we're only thinking about how we're gonna take it it's so important to put yourself in their shoes I really want you to spend at least 24 hours before initiating the break-up wondering how in the world you're gonna do it men women both of you trying to break up with your girlfriends I encourage you 1 to make it in person 2 to make it quick at the end of the day the day you decided to break up with your girlfriend was not the day you started to want to it's just the day you decided to follow through with it it's important to have very couldn't concise clear answers as to why you're walking away I wouldn't leave them in the blue and I know that that seems frustrating because you want to walk away you're tired you've had it maybe you're almost in the middle of an argument and you you impulsively decide to break up that's not the way to go because at the end of the day I want you to behave in the way you would like to remember how do you want to look back on this how long is a relationship in could be a couple months it could be several years you don't want the final moments of your relationship to amount to frustration anger sadness guilt make it as clear as you can I would also go straight into no contact the moment it's over it's important for you to let them heal for you to distance yourself and not to flip-flop with your decision a lot of people we break up with our partners hoping that they chase us because we want the validation that's not fair it drives your partner crazy and then they actually give you the respect that you asked for and they they honor the break-up and then you try to reel them back in a little bit that's not fair it's selfish at the end of the day there are so many samples we have on our website geared toward breakup verbage if you'd like to tune in I think it could really be unofficial for you also before you do it in order to make sure you're not flip-flopping know for certain that you want to do this wait if you don't know what to do then do nothing until you are 100% certain that you want to walk away I would encourage you to continue waiting it out because you can't take back that kind of decision and something I really want to tail off of that is once you for breaking up on the table it never goes off the table if you break up with them and immediately take them back the next fight the break-up card comes back and that's what determines that's what creates these on-again off-again relationships that you probably see a lot of people in your life have they're together they're not together they're together they're not together it's because the break-up fuse has lost its blow its lost its effect and that's something that's so critical for you to understand because I don't want you to sacrifice the weight of your decision because the second your partner starts but stops believing it and you stop believing it you end up in this horrible cycle when it comes to breaking up with your girlfriend make sure to take all of those things into consideration think about how she's gonna handle it think about the temperament make sure to provide her with answers as to why don't leave her in the dark she doesn't deserve it even if she did something horrible she likely doesn't deserve it if you need help with tailoring based on your specific situation how to break up with your girlfriend please feel free to reach out to me leave a comment in this video reach out to my partner coach Adrienne we can help you facilitate that conversation we do help a lot of our clients prepare mentally and psychologically for that commitment because it's hard needless to say right after you do it you're gonna feel horrible you're gonna feel horrible the reason I want to tell you that is because you are only overcome by things you could not predict when it hurts don't find it weird you may think I'm gonna break up with her I'm gonna feel relieved that is tremendously unlikely you might feel relieved for a moment you might be proud of yourself for having done it shortly after that you're gonna go into the states of withdrawal because your girlfriend like anything else is a habit you have to break the habit with her and that's going to hurt you as much as it will hurt her and so I want to prepare you for what that means if you want to support system I'm here get yourself a great circle of friends prepare for it emotionally psychologically don't make rash decisions that you can't take back I really hope you got some insight on this video I don't know what state you were in in terms of how ready you are to break up maybe you're about to go do it right now or maybe you're really far from it but you're wondering how best to go about it I encourage you to calculate it correctly don't be a jerk don't make a rash decision don't break up amid some massive argument at the end of the day you this person serves such a tremendous value to you even if it was just for a handful of moments they deserve to feel honor in the end and needless to say you might want to restore a friendship with them later on you probably can't even conceptualize that right now but chances are you're get it's gonna die down the dust will settle and you're gonna want to have the opportunity of having them in your life even as basic friendship don't sever that by walking away in a bad fashion again if you have an idea as to what to do but you're not really sure you'd like some coaching feel free to book a session with Coach Adrian your I we would love to help you out and help facilitate this conversation thank you so much for tuning in and I'm wishing you a great one best of luck
Channel: Love Advice TV
Views: 467,029
Rating: 4.9133191 out of 5
Keywords: how to break up with someone who loves you, how to break up with someone without hurting them, reasons to break up with someone, how to break up with someone over text, I don't love my husband anymore, I don't love my wife anymore, I don't love my boyfriend, I don't love my girlfriend, Not happy in relationship, not happy in marriage, unhappy in relationship, moving on, tips for breakup, break up, breakup, breaking up, how to breakup, broken heart, break, how to break up, love
Id: BaNEjSuyMfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 37sec (337 seconds)
Published: Fri May 26 2017
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