10 Signs She Never Really Loved You

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today we're  going to learn about 10 signs she was never really   in love now let's begin number one missing an  idea does your ex actually miss you or does she   miss the idea of you hmm in many relationships  partners realize they were never in love with you   as a person they had actually just fallen in love  with a concept they like the idea of you instead   of loving you for who you are now on paper you  probably check off all of their boxes you have the   job and the car they find you attractive smart and  funny they like your facts and figures but when   it came to your actual personality they just kept  trying to change you they wanted to make you into   something that you're not at first she may have  said things like hey you're the perfect guy for me   or i've been looking for someone like you she  was looking for someone like you but she wasn't   looking for you if your ex didn't like you for  who you are then she was never really in love she   was infatuated with an idea instead of falling  in love with a real person number two constant   stress what was the mood of your relationship  were you and your partner happy and playful or   was your relationship stressful and argumentative  when love is not there partners tend to suffocate   each other everything annoys you about them  and everything annoys them about you this   ever-present stress and tension especially early  on means that there's no love in your relationship   so it's no surprise that you're constantly  fighting creating distance and taking breaks   now if that tension is coming from one partner and  not the other it means one partner is unhappy with   a relationship as a whole in other words if she  was always creating conflict if she wanted to   fight more than she wanted to make up there's a  good chance she was never really in love with you   number three familial distance one of the hardest  parts of a breakup especially in long-term   relationships is leaving behind family and friends  when you become intertwined in each other's lives   you build bonds with your partner's loved ones you  establish personal relationships with these people   even outside of your partner when the relationship  ends you feel like you've not only lost a partner   but several friends too however if love isn't  there she may have never bonded with the important   people in your life she may have avoided your  friends and family or just never tried to get   to know them when you do finally break up your  friends and family may not miss her in the   slightest because she never really bonded with any  of them now on the flip side you may never have   connected with her family either she may have kept  that portion of her life a secret from you she   may have made dozens of excuses almost like she  was hiding you from the other people in her life   but maybe you only met her friends and family  a few times during your entire relationship   now if this sounds familiar to you there may have  been something missing from your relationship   number four total ambivalence when strong couples  break up romantic feelings will linger for weeks   months or even years afterwards if you truly  love another person those feelings will not   immediately disappear when the relationship  ends there's an unavoidable amount of grief   sadness and frustration that comes with any  serious breakup but what if your ex is ambivalent   to your breakup as a whole their feelings for  you seem to have vanished completely and in their   mind you're just a stranger now almost like your  relationship never even existed this reaction is   common among people who were never really in love  that love never blossomed in the relationship so   the fallout is far less devastating but how do  you know when a partner is ambivalent towards   your breakup well after breaking up many couples  continue talking they may regularly express their   lingering feelings for each other even though the  relationship has ended you keep using nicknames   you preserve the same inside jokes and in a lot  of ways you may talk like you're still together   now if your ex was never in love she'll talk  to you in a completely different way she   will suddenly change your tune treating you like  you're not an important part of her life anymore   she may even ignore you not because she's grieving  but because she was never really in love with you   number five refusing to fix your issues many  partners after a tough breakup find ways to   rekindle their relationship they take some time  apart to think about what went wrong and then they   try to solve their problems that way they can  maintain a stronger relationship in the future   when two partners love each other they don't  want to stay broken up they find ways to be happy   together they're willing to make sacrifices and  work hard on the relationship but what if your ex   isn't interested what if she refuses to work on  the issues that broke you up in the first place   now if she has no interest in problem solving then  she just doesn't want to get back together she may   not feel as strongly about the relationship as you  do maybe her love for you was fated or maybe she   was never in love at all number six rapid feelings  did your relationship pick up steam right away   did you get too serious without any real feelings  behind your relationship many partners mistake   strong feelings of infatuation for genuine  love they're swept up in the excitement and   passion of a new relationship so they imagine  a stronger connection than there really is   they're convinced that love is the only  explanation but as the dust settles as   the honeymoon phase begins to fade away well  they realize they're not feeling love at all   these short and fast relationships fall apart at  the drop of a hat it feels like one day you're in   love and the next day you're complete strangers  there may have been plenty of things she liked   about you but after the first wave of passion  a relationship needs love to hold it together   if your relationship dies as quickly as it starts  well there probably wasn't much love to begin with   number seven sense of relief did she seem  happy and relieved after your breakup   does she say your separation was the best thing  that ever happened to her partners often feel this   sense of relief like a weight off their shoulders  when a stressful relationship comes to an end   why is that well because her feelings for you  were never really there maybe she felt like she   was forcing herself to stay in the relationship  or maybe her life was simply moving in a different   direction either way if your ex felt relieved  when the two of you called it quits well then   your relationship may not have been as strong  as you think number eight's forgetting your   birthday even after a breakup many exes can't help  thinking about their partners they often remember   things like birthdays and holidays and they use  those occasions as excuses to check in to say   hello and to make sure their ex is still doing  okay even if you two are not in a relationship   anymore ah but what if your partner doesn't even  bother remembering these important occasions what   if she lets birthdays and holidays pass by without  so much as a text to check in now if your partner   doesn't mind letting these moments slip away she  may not have been in love with you chances are she   no longer thinks about you her feelings for you  have faded over time and she's completely moved on   number nine moving on is your ex already dating  someone new beginning a new relationship is a   serious commitment and requires a large amount  of emotional investment after a strenuous breakup   most people don't have the emotional capacity to  even consider a new relationship let alone invest   in one so what does it mean if your ex is seeing  someone new well it means she got over you a long   time ago she can commit herself to someone else  because her emotions weren't as invested in her   relationship with you this is especially true for  brief passionate relationships which get serious   way too quickly in the moment it feels like your  entire life is bound to this person but as soon   as you call it quits you realize how little you  actually invested in your relationship it may   only take you a few days to get over her because  you were never really in love and neither was she   number 10 searching for signs the last sign that  she never really loved you is that you're watching   this video if you're suspicious of whether or not  she loved you she must have given you a reason   when someone loves you their love is usually  clear to see they vocalize their feelings they   express their affection they make an effort  to be close to you and share intimate moments   the simple fact is you know your partner  better than any video or list ever could   so deep down you know when something's wrong so  if you're looking for signs that she never really   loved you if you're questioning her feelings  for you your gut's trying to tell you something   listen to it no matter where it comes from  there's a reason you feel this way it's easy   to go back and forth in your relationship to  doubt yourself and wonder if you're reading   everything wrong but no one understands your  relationship better than you do hey thank you   for watching top thinking be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 1,464,519
Rating: 4.8541551 out of 5
Keywords: signs she doesn’t like you, signs she doesn’t love you anymore, signs she was never in love with you, does she like me, signs she never really loved you
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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