12 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship

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hey everyone and welcome to top think today we're  going to learn about 12 warning signs of a toxic   relationship now let's begin number one feeling  ashamed of your personality your partner loves   to go dancing they go with their friends almost  every weekend but for some reason you've never   gone together so that weekend you asked if you can  tag along dancing with your partner is supposed to   be fun right but they don't seem very excited in  fact they try convincing you not to go so what's   the problem your partner might be ashamed of you  they're worried you'll embarrass them in front   of their friends this kind of shame is a huge  problem but not because there's anything wrong   with you shame is a sign of something much  deeper your partner may be avoiding a piece   of your personality they find something about you  embarrassing so they pretend that it just doesn't   exist many people will say oh it doesn't matter  but it does it matters a lot it's especially   important for your self-esteem shame tells you  there's something your partner can't accept but   how can you feel confident when your best friend  isn't proud of you if this sounds like your   relationship it might be time to make a change  but before you do keep this in mind everyone does   something embarrassing every once in a while you  might say something stupid or trip over your own   feet hey it's okay if your partner's embarrassed  by some random thing you did that happens to   everyone but shame is a whole different animal  your partner should never be embarrassed about   your personality if they are your relationship  might be more toxic than you realize number two   belittling your responsibilities a good friend  of yours runs his own company it took off a few   years back and you've been nothing but supportive  one day he calls you while you're at work he says   he needs a favor you tell him you can't because  you're at the office but he doesn't take no for an   answer he tells you to blow off your work and help  him instead this is a classic example of a toxic   friendship because of his recent success your  friend starts belittling your job in his mind your   work is less important than his the problem is  he doesn't respect your priorities he thinks your   friendship is all about him so he starts acting  like your boss you can't let these disrespectful   friends control your life these relationships  get incredibly toxic incredibly fast so either   face the issue head-on or spend your time with  someone else number three reckless oversharing   every couple has their own private world you have  your own jokes you have your own secrets you tell   each other things that no one else knows but what  if your partner spills all those secrets to their   parents or their friends most people don't realize  how toxic oversharing really is every time they   give up a secret they're betraying your trust  you told them something in confidence and they   chose not to respect your privacy this is a huge  warning sign in a relationship if they can't keep   your secrets how can you trust them down the road  number four making you the last to know in any   relationship communication is key but some toxic  partners will make you feel like you're always   the last one to know do they take trips without  giving you a heads up do they make major life   decisions without even asking for your opinion  sometimes it's on purpose they may not care about   your opinion or maybe they feel indifferent toward  the entire relationship other times toxic partners   don't realize what they're doing wrong but if you  tell them and they still don't change well that's   a big red flag couples need communication and  it has to be a two-way street if your partner   won't communicate your relationship probably won't  survive number five settling for unhappiness let's   say you buy a new pair of headphones you take them  home you open them up and you find out they're   broken do you pretend everything's fine or do you  try to get your money back when a relationship   starts falling apart people get scared to ask for  their money back you claim you're fine with the   way things are yeah you could make a change  or even in the relationship but instead you   settle for someone that doesn't make you happy and  that's never a good idea people settle for a bunch   of different reasons maybe you think your partner  is the best you can do you might be terrified of   being alone but the most popular reason is you're  scared of breaking up no one wants to be the bad   guy but settling isn't the answer settling means  the relationship has lost its magic it isn't based   on love anymore you're not there because you care  for this one specific person you're there because   you're avoiding something else unfortunately  it isn't always an obvious problem unhappy   relationships may look strong on the outside while  crumbling on the inside but over time settling   will lessen your investment in the relationship  and damage your partner's self-esteem so if you're   unhappy do something about as bad as breakups are  stuffing down your feelings is never the answer   number six overwhelming emotional stress does  your partner make you feel emotionally drained   you might be in a toxic relationship every  conversation shouldn't push you to the limit   emotional extremes like sadness and anger should  never be everyday occurrences you want to spend   most of your time feeling relaxed being in each  other's company should almost always be a positive   experience and if it's not there's something wrong  in the relationship the hard part is it may not be   anyone's fault sometimes you can be healthy as  individuals but a disaster as a couple it could   come from pent-up anger or maybe you both feel  unsatisfied whatever your reason is emotionally   exhausting relationships do more harm than good  number seven diverging priorities your partner   has always been a hard worker they love their  job so much so that it gets in the way of the   relationship if you're the same way than you to  sound like a perfect match but if not you might   have a bigger problem one person shouldn't be  putting in significantly more effort than the   other it creates a vicious cycle of neglect  and frustration so when it comes to your   relationship make sure that you and your partner  have similar priorities number eight barbed humor   there's nothing wrong with teasing your partner  as long as you keep things light and respectful   it's almost like a game you poke fun at them they  poke fun at you and then you both laugh about it   you're not seriously criticizing each other  but toxic partners cross that line they use   something called barbed humor it's when someone  makes jokes to tear people down barbed humor is   especially painful coming from a partner or close  friend they know you on a very personal level so   they know what you're sensitive about the best  thing you can do is stand up for yourself now   of course that doesn't always work toxic partners  often pretend that it's your fault they might say   why are you being so sensitive or why can't you  take a joke but you're not the this kind of barbed   humor means your relationship has gotten toxic  so don't sit around and wait for things to get   any worse number 9 identity fusion couples should  be close just not too close you're not the same   person you should always have your own separate  passions and goals for example if they really   like sports that doesn't mean you have to lots of  insecure couples make this same mistake they get   scared of falling apart so they merge their lives  together they share everything likes dislikes   hobbies even their opinions but these couples are  volatile a tiny disagreement can easily turn into   a massive fight you're working so hard to stay  together that you're driving each other away the   truth is differences are healthy the best couples  can enjoy each other as the individuals that you   are number 10 two faced complaints let's say you  do something that annoys your friend instead of   telling you they pretend everything's fine but  right after you leave they immediately complain   to someone else they can't stop talking about how  annoying you are until you come back then suddenly   everything's fine again chances are they're not  interested in fixing these problems they're just   looking for attention even if it comes at your  expense number 11 relentless criticism is your   partner hyper critical of everything you do some  relationships are so toxic that people are scared   to act like themselves there's a constant air  of judgment and tension you're always worried   about what they're going to say next but that's  not how a healthy relationship works you should   rely on your partner for support you need them to  build you up they should give you the confidence   to embrace who you are and not the other way  around number twelve insecure manipulation   relationships should be a choice you have the  freedom to stay just like you have the freedom   to leave but what if your partner isn't letting  you choose emotional manipulation is a surefire   sign of a toxic relationship your partner might  be insecure so they make you feel guilty or they   attack your character even if they're just scared  of losing you manipulation is never healthy it   shows that they don't trust you otherwise they  wouldn't worry about you leaving so don't let this   kind of manipulation slide not only is it toxic  for you it's toxic for them too hey thank you   for watching top think and be sure to subscribe  because more incredible content is on the way
Channel: TopThink
Views: 123,084
Rating: 4.91539 out of 5
Keywords: toxic relationships, signs of a toxic relationship, warning signs of a toxic relationship, signs of a unhealthy relationship, signs you’re in a toxic relationship, how to recognize a toxic relationship
Id: y2AcONxYgyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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