7 Habits That Make You Irresistible

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Hey everyone, and welcome to TopThink. Today, we  are going to learn about 7 habits that make you   irresistible. Now, let’s begin.  Quiet Confidence Not every kind of confidence   is attractive. Arrogance, for example, is  a common turn-off for both men and women.   It’s difficult to take someone seriously  when they’re bragging about their success   or boasting about their accomplishments. You  don’t want to hear about how much money someone   makes or what kind of car they drive. But you  do want them to be confident in themselves.   You want them to be proud of their  achievements, and secure in who they are.  This is called quiet confidence. If  you are a quietly confident person,   other people can feel your confidence,  even if no one puts a label on it.  Because you don’t need to be recognized  or praised to feel good about yourself.   You’re not desperate for someone else to validate  your choices, achievements, or triumphs. Instead,   you supply that validation all on your own. In other words, you’re happy with and secure   in the person that you are, and that happiness  creates a strong aura of confidence around you.   So keep your humble-brags and success stories  to yourself. The most irresistible people are   confident without saying a word. The Social Leader  Irresistible people are leaders, not just in  the workplace, but in their social circles.   They’re not afraid to make the first move.  They’re not afraid to talk to a stranger,   try something new, or take a risk. In other  words, they believe in themselves. They believe   in their ability to do what others cannot,  and that makes them incredibly attractive.  If you want to be irresistible, overcome  your fears. Don’t sit on the sidelines   wondering what could go wrong. Don’t  hide inside your comfort zone, hoping   someone else will make the first move for you. Because they won’t. If you don’t take the lead,   no one else will. If you aren’t willing to make  a change, take a risk, or create a connection,   there’s a good chance none of  those things will ever happen.  This is true in all aspects of your life—in  the workplace, in pursuit of your goals,   and in conversations with strangers. Irresistible  people are trend-setters and path-pavers.   They don’t wait for someone else to give them  permission to do something they want to do.   It may be asking another person if they’d like  to dance. It may volunteer for something when   everyone else is too afraid to step forward.  In every environment, attractive and confident   people believe in themselves, no matter who  is watching. And that mindset is irresistible.  Imaginary Rejection Before you can take the lead,   there’s one bad habit that’s going to stand  in your way. You may summon the courage to   cross a boundary, overcome a fear, or take  a risk, but do you believe in your ability   to succeed? Or do you expect yourself to fail? Irresistible people don’t expect to get rejected.   They know it’s a possibility. It’s always a  possibility. But, if they are going to try   something new or risky, irresistible people  believe they can overcome any challenge.   That belief empowers them to be  confident and secure in their decisions.  You may not have the same faith in  yourself. You may anticipate failure,   but that mindset leads you down a destructive  path. If you don’t have faith in yourself, you may   accidentally bring your worst nightmares to life. In other words, when you expect rejection, you’re   more likely to be rejected. When it happens, you  might think, “I was right to expect the worst.”   But the problem isn’t the rejection  itself. It’s your mindset. It’s your   negative expectations. When you expect to fail,  you lower your chances of finding success.  People can tell when you don’t believe in  yourself. It’s written all over your face.   On the other hand, if you believe you’re capable  of anything, people will find your confidence   irresistible. But this attractive and confident  mindset starts with you. It’s your responsibility   to empower and support yourself. So make a habit  of believing in yourself, and others will follow.  The Heart of the Conversation When you approach someone you like, you want   to make an attractive first impression. Right off  the bat, you want the other person to think, “wow,   this is someone I want to get to know.” But how  do you make such a strong impression on a complete   stranger? How do turn those awkward opening  lines into an irresistible first impression?  What do you do when you meet someone for  the first time? You engage in polite,   surface-level conversation called small talk.  Many people complain about how much they don’t   like small talk. They say it’s rigid, formal,  and uncomfortable. You introduce yourselves.   You talk about the weather. You exchange  formalities back and forth. And that’s about it.  The kind of small talk might work in the office  or at a conference, but if you want to make   an irresistible impression, you have to step up  your game. Because standard small talk is boring.   If your conversation is boring,  people are going to lose interest.  If you talk about the weather, you’re not going to  leave the kind of impression you’re looking for.   If you’re awkward and formal, you’re not  going to capture someone’s attention or steal   someone’s heart. Instead, you’ll have  a forgettable conversation and make   a forgettable first impression. If you want to be irresistible,   and unforgettable, you need to turn your small  talk into big talk. In other words, you need to   use those opening lines to your advantage. Don’t worry about “what you’re supposed   to say,” and create a real connection by  opening the conversation on a high note.  Irresistible people leave attractive  first impressions by creating those   intimate connections in seconds. They talk to  strangers like old friends, and they give you 100%   of their attention. In that moment, you  are the only person they care about.   And that makes you feel heard and special. If you’re connecting with someone new,   skip the awkward small talk. Don’t talk about the  news or the weather. Instead, get the good part.   Establish a meaningful connection right away,  because that connection can make you irresistible.  The Irresistible Listener Irresistible people lead   almost every conversation, but they don’t  spend the whole time talking. In fact,   irresistible people often keep their mouths  shut. They don’t control the conversation   by talking the other person’s ear off. Instead,  they direct the conversation from topic to topic.  Irresistible people ask good questions and  prompt the other person to tell stories,   because best conversationalists know how powerful  a good question can be. These people are fun   and engaging to talk to, because they devise  interesting, personal questions that lead   the conversation in exciting, new directions. If you want to be irresistible, practice coming   up with great questions. You don’t have to talk  for hours. You don’t have to transform yourself   into a bubbly or passionate storyteller. But  you do need to take a real interest in the other   person and listen closely. If you’re actively  listening, good questions will pop into your head.   Ask the other person about something you didn’t  understand. Or let them elaborate on something   that they’re excited about. Irresistible listeners  use this foolproof strategy on a regular basis,   because a handful of good questions can make  you the most attractive person in the room.  Expressing Vulnerabilities Do you honestly express yourself   around other people? Many of us neuter  our personalities in social situations.   We tone down our excitement, stifle our  happiness, and pretend like nothing phases us.   But your cool, calm, and collected demeanor  doesn’t attract others that you think.  Instead of attracting other people with your  go-with-the-flow attitude, you’re pushing people   away. The truth is… people want you to care. They  want you to get excited. They want you to show   your feelings, because your vulnerability  opens the door for a mutual connection  Irresistible people aren’t afraid to be  vulnerable. They show their emotions.   They express their genuine concerns, and they  take a real interest in the people around them.   They aren’t always the coolest person in  the room. Or the most level-headed. But   they’re often the most attractive, because they’re  vulnerable, approachable, and honest. They’re the   kind of people you can be yourself around,  because they act the same way around you.  So express your vulnerabilities. Stop trying  to play yourself down. Irresistible people   let their emotions show, because it’s  those emotions that make you attractive.  Shifting Your Perspective Can you read people’s moods, body language, and   vocal tones? You might think this a complicated  thing to do. If you’re trying to decipher tiny,   subtle details, it can be; however, most people  send pretty obvious signals that anyone can read,   as long as you know what to look for. A friend or partner may not vocalize   their feelings, but those feelings are  often expressed through physical signals,   facial expressions, and body movements. For example, let’s say you ask your friend   how they’re feeling. They say they’re doing  alright, but the bags under their eyes, the slump   in their spine, and the anxious shaking of their  leg tells you otherwise. While it’s important to   listen to what someone says, you should always  consider the messages their body is sending.  But why does this make you  more attractive? What does   body language have to do with being irresistible? Paying attention to other people’s body language   gradually changes your perspective in a way  that’s irresistible to others. Before you pay   detailed attention to someone else, you have  to shift your attention away from yourself.   In other words, paying attention to others teaches  you to look outward—to observe the people around   you and understand how they’re feeling. Irresistible people are some of the least   self-centered individuals you’ll ever meet. They  rarely worry about the things they say or the   way they look, because they’re more concerned  with others. They’ve changed their perspective.   They’ve learned to read, understand, and  connect with the world around them. And that   skillset makes them irresistible. Thank you for watching TopThink,   and be sure to subscribe, because  more incredible content is on the way.
Channel: TopThink
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Keywords: habits that make you irresistible, how to become irresistible, habits that make you more attractive
Id: lPxYP5aUsYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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