26 Things to NEVER DO with your Instant Pot! - Instant Pot Tips for Beginners

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Wish I would’ve known about storing it without the lid haha

That bean-y smell has lingered!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/earthsbeerbottles 📅︎︎ Apr 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I wish I had known some of these when I got started. I definitely had the soup sputtering out of the valve from doing a quick release when the pot was full of a thick soup.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Berkamin 📅︎︎ Apr 15 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey you guys welcome back to try to test it and true instant pot cooking today I'm going to be sharing with you 26 things not to do with your instant pot this is going to be a great video for beginners I think it's really going to help if you've just got your instant pot so make sure you wash till the end and let's go to things really quick the first one I got a lot of comments on my last 26 tips video of that you didn't like the music that was playing throughout the video so I'm gonna be doing a little experiment to not put any music on while I'm talking and so in the comments please tell me if you like that better or if you don't care second thing is this is my third week on youtube and it has been so amazing after I launched my channel thank you so much for all the views the likes the comments it means so much to me just make sure you subscribe to my channel so you don't miss a single video I'm starting out this year with an instant pot 101 series and I'm going to be sharing new content every single week so make sure you go and subscribe number one don't put your instant pot on the stovetop don't put your instant pot on the stovetop especially if you have a glass one like this because I cannot tell you how many people and pictures I've seen of people who have destroyed the bottoms of their pots because someone mistakenly turns it on number two don't make a full main dish as the first thing you make in your instant pot I just want you to try something really simple something low risk so you don't destroy dinner time and you lose confidence in your pot just make something super easy like eggs or broccoli or potatoes just do a side dish don't do the main thing the first time you do it because you might get frustrated number three don't do a quick release when you make soup or anything that has a lot of liquid in the instant pot if you do a quick release when you have soup or something that has a lot of liquid in your instant pot it will start spurting out there is so much pressure in there and there's so much liquid that's really close to that ceiling knob so stuff will come spurting out and you might get freaked out and discouraged and it's not safe so just don't do it number four don't pick up your instant pot by the handle what I mean by this if you use this little handle right here to pick it up and move it that's just not super safe instead use the sides right here and lift it up like this if you lift up your instant pot by the handle the lid can rotate off like this and everything could fall out and that would be really bad so don't do it number five don't cover your ceiling knob with anything like a rag or anything like that I see a lot of advice on the Internet about covering this as something but don't do it it will void the manufacturer's warranty and it could just lead to some safety issues number six don't cook in your instant pot without the liner don't put anything in the base without the liner this is the heating element and if you dump food in there it will not work it's basically like just dumping food on top of your stovetop without a pan number seven now this was my most popular post of 2018 on Instagram and if you haven't already followed me on Instagram take out your phone and follow me at instant pot cooking okay don't store it your instant pot with the lid on if you keep the lid on while you're storing your instant pot when you're not using it all these smells will just trap in here and it will just stink so this is my tip just store the lid upside down like this and these smells will all dissipate and it will be so much better number eight don't use too much liquid if you use more liquid in your instant pot than a recipe calls for it takes longer to come to pressure it takes longer to depressurize and since there's more steam and moisture in there it overcooks your food number nine don't go out and buy a whole bunch of accessories right after you buy your instant pot if you've watched my best instant pot accessories to buy an avoid video you know that my advice is to not buy anything until after you've used your pots a lot and you get used to it and you know what to buy number 10 don't expect anything that comes out of the instant pot to be crispy fried baked light or airy even baked goods will be dense because everything in the instant pot cooks with steam and moisture it's not ever going to be baked like in an oven number 11 don't store your ceiling rate in the lid so you know how I already told you to put your lid on top of your instant pot like this when you're storing it but on top of that take this out Oh take this out when you're storing it and just put it somewhere else or you can even just set it on top like that because if this is pressed up against the lid that will also trap the smells in the ceiling rig number 12 don't fear anything in the instant pot without deglazing it after you know about the saute feature is the best feature on the instant pot because you can sear stuff in the pot before pressure cooking but if you take a piece of me and you sear on each side to try and lock in that flavor but then you don't deglaze that pot with some liquid and scrape to the bottom of the pot off you will get a burn error and you do not want that number 13 don't put your face your hands your shoulders knees and toes nothing don't put anything over the ceiling pin when you're releasing the pressure so when you do a quick release when you go from venting the ceiling oh no from ceiling to venting it will go like don't put anything over it you will burn yourself number 14 don't move your instant pot while it's pressure cooking if you have your instant pot on the counter let's say and you want to take it on a road trip or something don't do that just leave it where it is because if you move it this can like depressurize it can just let the pressure out and it's just not safe number 15 don't try to take off your instant pot lid before the pin has fully dropped on its own it can be tempting sometimes like after the pressure comes down most of the way it kind of loosens up and you can kind of wiggle a little bit or it can be tempting to push the pin down but please don't do this because I have actually tried this myself and like the little will come off but that doesn't necessarily mean that the pressure has all come down that means that if you take the lid off before it has depressurize it's going to still be boiling it could out over the edge and that is not what you want number 16 don't get hung up over all of these buttons these buttons on here are mostly just preset and the only buttons you really need are the saute button the pressure cook or manual button depending on which model and make you have and that's pretty much it so don't worry about the other buttons are just preset so some models have them and some models don't number 17 if you're following an instant pot recipe don't expect your food to be done based on just the cook time the cook time on an instant pot recipe is just the time that it is actively pressure cooking a recipe also takes time to come up to pressure and to release the pressure so if a recipe calls for say a five minute cook time it might take about five to 10 minutes to come up to pressure and then depending on if it has a natural pressure release or a quick pressure release it can take anywhere from two to ten minutes to release the pressure number eighteen don't throw away your food if it's undercooked I see this all the time on the instant pot community on Facebook a ton of people say I cooked my chicken or I cooked my potatoes and is totally destroyed because I opened it and it was undercooked so I just had to throw it away and I'm like don't do that just put the lid back on make sure there's enough liquid in there and just cook it for like an additional five minutes or so just add a little bit more cook time and it will be just fine don't throw your food away number 19 this is not a slow cooker so don't leave food in it all day long a lot of people think that you can just use the timer to delay the cook time until like they get home from work because they're used to a slow cooker which cooks all day and it's done when you get home from work but if you put some food in here in the morning and just set the timer for it to cook eight hours later your food will not be safe to eat so don't put food in your instant pot on the timer setting unless you know that the food is not going to go bad in that time that you said number 20 don't forget to turn your knob from venting to ceiling every single time you cook it will never come to pressure and it will never tell you that it's not on ceiling if you don't turn it to ceiling so don't ever forget I've actually seen people who use like metallic sharpies have you seen those metallic sharpies they're like gold or silver and they'll outline like the open and the close and the vent and the ceiling and so it kind of stands out a little bit more don't forget to do that number 21 don't use dairy as your cooking liquid when your pressure cooking this is because when you use dairy like milk or cream or anything that has dairy in it if it comes to a boil it can curdle or burn number 22 don't forget about this little thing back here called the condensation collector make sure that you clean this out occasionally because this will fill up with all sorts of cooking liquid and they can start to mold so don't forget about it and don't forget to clean it out number 23 don't touch the top of your instant pot while it's pressure cooking when your pressure cooking the size of your instant pot get warm but the top gets really freakin hot so don't touch the top of it number 24 don't think of the slow cook feature on your instant pot is the same as a traditional slow cooker or crock pot the slow cook feature on an instant pot actually cooks at a much lower temperature so a recipe that calls for four to five hours might take up to double that amount of time number 25 don't preheat your instant pot for foods that cook really quickly unless the recipe says so I always tell people to preheat your instant pot so it comes to pressure faster but for foods that cook for about eight minutes or less I don't recommend it that's because the preheating time will take away from the cook time and your food could be undercooked for example broccoli only cooks for zero minutes but if I preheat the pot it'll come to pressure too quickly and it will miss out on that cook time while the pot is warming up number 26 this is our last tip don't use an extension cord with your instant pot unless you have extra time it always takes longer for my pot to come to pressure for the saute to get hot when I'm connected to an extension cord okay if you like these 26 instant pot don'ts make sure you watch my next video I'll link it right here which is 26 instant pot tips great for beginners okay see you next time
Channel: Tried, Tested, and True Instant Pot Cooking
Views: 915,820
Rating: 4.8882847 out of 5
Keywords: instant pot, instant pot recipes, instant pot for beginners, instant pot cooking, lisa childs, tried tested and true, pressure cooking, instant pot recipe, instant pot tips, instant pot don'ts, instant pot burn, instant pot 101, new instant pot, pressure cooker, insta pot, instant pot how to, how to use instant pot, instant pot fail, instant pot rice, instant pot chicken, six sisters instant pot, instant pot lux, Instant Pot duo
Id: DhSW3GcfarU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 14sec (734 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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