Top Ten Instant Pot FALL Soup Recipes

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hey everyone welcome back to sick sister stuff today i'm sharing with you my top 10 fall soup recipes [Music] so my name is kristen hills and i am the second sister or second oldest sister out of all of the six sisters now every sunday we share an instant pot recipe with you guys but this week we're sharing our top 10 soup recipes now you've probably seen a few of these but i just wanted to give you a good selection because fall is coming it is soup season and that is one of my most favorite things to cook an instant pot so if you guys are ready let's get cooking so the first recipe i'm making is broccoli cheddar soup now i've got a few suggestions to make vegetarian meals this is a vegetarian if you use vegetable broth it is amazing either way so you're going to start with a small medium onion but because i didn't have a normal onion i used green onions so i put those in the bottom of my instant pot next you're going to add a fourth a cup to a half a cup of shredded carrots just make sure you don't add more than a half a cup next you're gonna add four cups of broccoli all chopped up and then on top of that you're gonna add three cups of chicken broth [Music] now for the seasoning you're gonna add 1 4 teaspoon of nutmeg and then one tablespoon of hot sauce i'm just using red hot hot sauce it's my favorite all right and that is it for now so you're going to put the lid on please excuse my dirty lid i made something right before this and you're going to make sure that little knob is turned to sealing then you're going to push the pressure cook or the manual button and go down to three minutes now after you set your timer you're going to wait a few seconds and then your instant pot is going to beep and it's going to stay on that means you're doing it right so go ahead and walk away from your instant pot now when it's all done cooking it will say l and it will start counting up so this has been done cooking for about three minutes i'm gonna switch it over to a quick release take the lid off and my soup smells absolutely delicious i'm going to use a potato masher and just kind of mash up my broccoli because i don't want huge chunks in my broccoli soup next you're going to add one and a half cups of cream well that's what the recipe calls for but i'm actually gonna add one and a half cups of milk so it's a little bit healthier if you want this to be a creamy soup make sure you use cream if you don't really care and it's a little thinner you can use just normal milk and the last thing to add is two cups of cheddar cheese this soup is still really really hot so i'm just going to mix this around and the cheese will melt into it now if you want to thicken it up a little bit you can push cancel and then saute and get rid of that extra liquid to have it more chunky but obviously i used milk so it's going to be a little thinner if you use the cream it will be a lot thicker for you now on top i added a little bit more cheddar cheese and a few more green onions all right number two is our loaded taco soup now this is one of my favorites and one of my kids favorites they like it because they can choose which toppings they want to put on top of the taco soup whether it's tortillas or cheese or sour cream or whatever they want this recipe is super easy to make and because it's my loaded taco soup it will fill you up you're going to first start by pushing this saute button we're going to brown the meat now i'm using ground turkey because that's one of my favorite things to cook with you can use ground beef if you want now i have this little thing called a chop and stir it's a game changer when cooking your meat when your meat is browned you're gonna add one seven ounce can of diced green chilies one 10 ounce can of rotel tomatoes one can of corn and i left most of the liquid in there one can of black beans which i did rinse and then one can of garbanzo beans then we're gonna add one can of diced tomatoes now it's time to add some of the spices i'm gonna start with a half a teaspoon of pepper and i'm kind of just eyeballing this and a half a teaspoon of salt same just kind of eyeballing next we're gonna add a half teaspoon of onion powder one half teaspoon of oregano one teaspoon of onion powder now i had a half teaspoon so i had to add two here and one packet of ranch dressing mix now i know that sounds weird but it makes it taste so good then you're also gonna add one package of taco seasoning i like to use mild then we're gonna add four cups of chicken broth this is soup so now we really need to make it into soup so four cups so i just mixed it up just a little bit before i put the lid on just so all the dry spices will be moist now it's time to put the lid on make sure that it's sealed all the way and you're going to turn that little knob to ceiling not venting then because it's the saute button you have to push cancel first then you're gonna push pressure cook and you're gonna go all the way down to five minutes because our meat's already cooked we just need to make it warm when it's ready to go it will stay on that means you've done it right all right when it is all the way done i did a quick release to let the steam out pretty quickly and it was all perfectly heated through and delicious i like to add cheese sour cream even some tortilla strips on top of my loaded taco soup number three is our instant pot chili now halloween is coming i know it's a few months away still but fall time and halloween is like the time for chili and so you guys are going to love this recipe now just a word of warning beware of the burn notice so you might want to add just a little bit more liquid if you get the burn notice a lot my mom loved making instant pot chili when the weather cooled down a little bit you needed some jackets and she didn't have a ton of time so she could throw everything in and cook it now if you want to cook your hamburger in your instant pot you can all you have to do is push the saute button put your meat in there i would also put your onions in there and you'll cook them together i cooked my meat in advance i'll put a link in the description for you on how to cook it inside your instant pot now onto the chili i have one pound of cooked ground beef i have three stalks of celery that i chopped up and then one whole onion you don't have to use a whole onion i just like onions so i like to do the whole thing on top of that you're gonna add one can of kidney beans i used dark kidney beans and i drained them rinse them and drain them then you have eight ounces of tomato sauce and two cans of diced tomatoes just thrown right on top now with one of those cans of diced tomatoes i just filled up about half a cup of water and dumped it in the pot now the next thing is 1 4 cup of ketchup you can measure if you want i just always eyeball my ketchup this next step is optional but my mom always does it so you add one tablespoon of sugar then two tablespoons of worcestershire sauce where's to shire worse to share lots of comments about that one you can say it how you want i call it worcestershire sauce so you can mix it around a little bit if you want to but it's all pressurizing together so i just put the lid on make sure your little knob is on ceiling not venting then i'm using of course the manual button so if you have a different instant pot you use pressure cook just anything to make it pressurized just normal and you're going to cook it for 10 minutes now you can turn the knob and let the pressure release or you can let it release on its own now the chili is all the way done you're going to just mix it up a little bit and when you serve it add your favorite toppings i love cheese and corn chips recipe number four is our chicken noodle soup now i love this recipe because if you need a fast recipe it only takes about five minutes to cook and about 10 minutes total from start to finish so i'm going to start by adding two cans of canned chicken now you can use rotisserie chicken you can also use just thawed chicken or frozen chicken i'll tell you how to do that in just a second so right now i'm just gonna add my two cans of already cooked chicken into the bottom of my pot next you're going to add one pound of carrots i just use the bag carrots but you can use other carrots too the recipe called for a can of corn so i just cut up two ears of corn and then also one half onion and i'm just gonna dump that on top of the carrots next i added six cups of chicken broth so i had a carton which is four cups and then a can which is two if you feel like you need more chicken broth you can go ahead and add one to two more cups of chicken broth then i'm gonna add about a half a cup of green onions all chopped up now for the spices i'm gonna add about a half teaspoon of garlic powder and a little bit of salt and pepper just for taste now if you have pre-cooked chicken you're going to add your egg noodles right now and everything's just going to cook together so i added a whole bag it was a lot of noodles if you don't want that many noodles i would probably do a half a bag or three fourths of a bag so right now i'm just mixing it a little bit before i put the lid on the noodles don't have to be covered alright so my lid is on make sure it's on sealing not venting and i'm going to go to five minutes now here's the trick if you want to cook thawed chicken that's not cooked yet you're going to take don't put your any vegetables in yet and you're gonna go up to 20 minutes and just cook your chicken broth and your chicken then the last five minutes you're gonna put everything else back in and cook the rest for five minutes if your chicken is cooked you're gonna cook it all just for five minutes at the same time i did a quick release there so i let all the steam out then once all the steam's out you can open your lid and your chicken noodle soup is all done i love that if you have pre-cooked chicken it only takes five minutes to throw this recipe together number five is our sweet potato soup now i love sweet potatoes so that's why i decided to put this one on the list because it is amazing it's a little bit sweet but it has an amazing taste so you're gonna start with one onion chopped up and two large sweet potatoes peeled and chopped and they're gonna go right in the bottom of your instant pot next you're gonna add about one cup of broccoli i added about two cups because i love broccoli okay then you're gonna add one to two cups of carrots i just added the whole bag now to add the seasonings you're gonna add one teaspoon of parsley then one teaspoon of thyme leaves [Music] and on top of that you're gonna add about one teaspoon of pepper then add one to two teaspoons of salt now if you're making this vegetarian you can add vegetable broth but i like chicken broth so you're gonna add four cups of chicken broth now it's time to put the lid on make sure that it's closed all the way and that your knob is on sealing not venting now because it's mostly vegetables you only have to cook it for five minutes i pushed manual for five minutes and because there's no meat you can also push it over to venting as soon as your five minutes is up again if you want this vegetarian don't add the bacon bits but if you do like bacon you can add as much or as little as you want i just added a small package of it so now we need to make the soup creamy so we're going to add two cups of whole milk you don't have to add whole milk you can use skim if you want but whole milk will make it nice and creamy after i added my milk i pushed the saute button so i could mix in the milk and the bacon and so everything is cooked together and the milk will warm up i only had to saute it for about two minutes before everything was heated through this is a perfect meal for a really busy night because you only have to cook it for about five number six is our minestrone soup now this is again okay these are all my favorites but this one is so good my kids love the little minestrone noodles and just all the meat and all the flavors together makes it taste amazing so i'm gonna start by pushing the saute button because i need to cook my meat now if you already have pre-cooked meat that's going to make this go by even faster so right now because it's sauteing i put my meat in and i have this little chopstick i will put a link in the description for you because this is my favorite tool in the kitchen well other than the instant pot of course so i'm just going to brown my meat just right inside of my instant pot now once it's almost all the way cooked i'm going to go ahead and add one whole onion and then mix that all together just so the onion can brown a little bit while the meat finishes up cooking now i'm gonna leave that there for just a little bit and stir every few minutes but while that's finishing cooking i'm gonna chop up one zucchini two stalks of celery and then pour those into my instant pot with my meat and my onions now i also chopped up two cups of small potatoes and about two cups of carrots on top of that you're going to add about one teaspoon of chopped up cloves um you can use whole cloves if you want to then you're going to add one can of diced tomatoes now i'm putting those in now because my saute button is still on and i need some liquid on the bottom of my pan all right i'm going to just mix these up a little bit and then continue adding more things all right so right now i'm gonna add one tablespoon of italian seasoning and three cups of tomato juice next you're gonna add one can of dark red kidney beans now these i had rinsed and drained so they're ready to go and then one can of cannellini beans the white cannellini beans rinsed and drained also all right then you have one can rinsed and drained of green beans now as you can see my pot is getting really really full so just be careful as you're stirring now you're gonna add one cup of the little tiny minestrone noodles these are my most favorite and my kids love them you can add different noodles if you want to it's totally up to you so you're just adding one cup and then i'm going to add about a cup and a half to two cups of beef broth now i don't want to add too much more because it's going to overfill so put your lid on make sure your knob is turned to sealing not venting now you're going to cancel what you have going so you're going to cancel the saute button then you're going to push pressure cook or manual now you're going to go up to 6 minutes that's going to cook your noodles and your vegetables everything else when it's done i let it release on its own for about 10 minutes or so you can do a quick release as soon as it's done but i was running some errands real fast all right now we're gonna open the lid and see how it is oh it is perfect the noodles are done perfectly everything is cooked all the way through now here is the hard part you have to mix very very carefully now if you have an 8 quart this recipe is perfect for an 8 quart but a 6 quart will still work all right i need some more liquid in there so i'm actually going to add about one to two cups more of beef broth into my soup now if you noticed i didn't add a lot of salt and pepper you can add that sparingly or you could put it on your table and they can add it to their own bowl of soup number seven is our seven can tortilla soup now i love this recipe because for the most part you probably have all the cans in your pantry so it's a quick i don't have anything to eat meal so you just grab what you have in the pantry dump it in your instant pot and you're good to go so first you're gonna start with one can of chicken and dump it right in then one can of pinto beans one can of black beans now my beans have been rinsed and drained next is one can of corn but don't drain that you're gonna dump that right into your instant pot then we're gonna have one can of diced red tomatoes dump everything in you don't want to drain that either and then one can of enchilada sauce now i usually use mild enchilada sauce because my kids don't like it spicy next we're going to add two cups of chicken broth and i have a little helper she really wanted to help and then for the seasoning you're gonna add either one packet of taco seasoning or about two to three tablespoons however much seasoning you like you can add a little bit more then you're just gonna take a spoon and mix it all together now you don't have to use canned chicken you can use normal chicken breasts just make sure you cook it accordingly if you use canned chicken you're gonna cook it for four minutes on manual if you have raw chicken you're gonna go up to 15 minutes now when i do freezer meals i don't whip up a ton of them at one time i make one recipe and then i make the same exact recipe and stick that in the freezer so my trick is i like to use a water pitcher and put a plastic freezer bag just right inside of it so i'll just do my same steps a can of chicken two cans of beans that are rinsed and drained then you're gonna add your can of corn remember leave the juice in there can of diced tomatoes and then one can of your enchilada sauce now it's gonna get a little bit full it will seep down just a little add your taco seasoning and then you're gonna add your two cups of chicken broth now if you are making this meal to go in your slow cooker you're gonna cook it for three to four hours on low now you can cook it frozen or thawed it doesn't really matter now once all my ingredients are in there i'm going to slowly wiggle it out and zip it up now before i put it in my freezer i'm going to mix it a little bit then take out any excess air that i possibly can get out of there now i like to store my freezer mills so they will lay flat and then i can stack them on top of each other but if you want to freeze it so it will fit inside of an instant pot put it back inside your pitcher and go ahead and freeze it just like that inside your freezer alright my soup is done cooking i did a quick release just to make it a little bit faster and then i mix it up i like to serve this with sour cream cheese green onions pretty much everything you have on tacos that's what you can put on top of it number eight is our instant pot stew now we had stew growing up all the time so this is my mom's special recipe at the end you'll notice that i love to add ketchup on top of my stew i know that sounds so weird but i'm telling you you just have to try it here are all the ingredients you will need so i'm going to start off with the celery i have three stalks of celery or one cup that i just chopped up one cup or one whole onion chopped up four or five small red potatoes then we have one pound of carrots i just did a bag one cup of frozen peas now one or two cups of beef broth the recipe doesn't call for lipton onion soup mix but i love it then you have one tablespoon of worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper to taste that's it okay so i'm gonna start by adding my meat to the bottom of my instant pot then just you're gonna add everything on top so i had my celery my potatoes my onions i did all my big things first so next i'm gonna add my carrots right on top and then my peas are gonna go right on top of the carrots now as you can see i'm getting pretty close to my fill line so i'm gonna try and spread it down as much as i possibly can then i'm adding two cups of beef broth just because i want a little more liquid in there so it will pressurize a little bit better because this instant pot is full to the brim next i'm gonna add one tablespoon of worcestershire sauce the recipe actually calls for one teaspoon but i love worcestershire sauce so i'm doing one tablespoon all right and then you're going to add your lipton onion soup mix right on top i probably should have added that before i added my beef broth but that's okay so i'm just gonna put my salt and pepper on top too you can add more when it's done cooking but i just added a little okay now i'm just gonna mix in my seasonings a little bit you don't have to get too crazy because it will all pressurize okay i kind of made sure everything was flat so the lid would go on make sure it's on sealing not venting i'm going to go manual all the way up to 30 minutes now i did a quick release because we were starving but you could let it release on its own if you wanted now i'm going to take the lid off and you'll see just how amazing this stew looks it smells so good now growing up i don't know about you guys but we always put ketchup on top of our stew and i still love it with ketchup today number nine is wild rice soup now my husband loves wild rice and so that's why this made the list this is one of his most favorite soups if you're kind of worried that your kids might not like it i'm telling you just give it a try it's so delicious i'm gonna start by cutting up half of an onion now if you choose to use a whole onion that's totally fine i love onions so the recipe calls for half but i'm going to use a whole onion next i have five celery stalks and you're just going to cut them up into thin pieces if you want your celery thick you can but i like it thin so my kids really can't tell that it's there next i'm chopping up some carrots now i used a one pound bag of carrots i'm just chopping up into bite-sized pieces you can also use about five normal carrots chopping them up now on top of that i'm adding about three cloves of garlic or 2 teaspoons of minced garlic now the rice that i like to use is a wild rice blend you can use just straight wild rice if you like so we're going to add 1 cup of wild rice and as you can see i did not rinse this rice and it was still just fine now you're gonna add four cups of broth so i'm using chicken broth you can also use vegetable broth if you want it to be vegetarian now it's time for the seasoning so i'm gonna add one teaspoon of poultry seasoning now you can find poultry seasoning at almost any grocery store i found mine at walmart so you're gonna get a teaspoon and just dump it right on top next you're gonna add one teaspoon of salt now i'm just using table salt if you have other salt you like that works great too just you need to add a little bit of salt or it won't have a lot of flavor and the very last ingredient is mushrooms now if you don't like mushrooms you don't have to add them but i love mushrooms so you're going to put your lid on make sure that your little knob is turned to sealing then you're going to push the pressure cook button or the manual button and you're going to go up to 45 minutes because it's wild rice it takes a while for it to cook now when it's done i switch the knot over for a quick release once all the pressure is out you can go ahead and take the lid off and your soup is gonna smell delicious but you're not done yet you need to make it a creamy soup so on my stove top i'm going to take a pan on medium high heat and add six tablespoons of butter let it melt a little bit then add half a cup of flour and you're just gonna mix that around until everything becomes nice and smooth now you're gently going to pour in your milk mix as you pour so it will become nice and smooth the goal is not to have it chunky now once it's all smooth you can go ahead and pour that right into your instant pot now i just took a whisk and slowly started mixing that in if you do have some chunks of flour that's okay it will be smoothed out as you whisk in your instant pot and number 10 this is our disneyland copycat clam chowder now i can't be in disneyland right now because obviously it's closed but i do have dreams of just sitting there in the middle of disneyland eating my bread bowl with clam chowder so this is the copycat recipe it tastes very close so if you're missing disneyland this is the perfect recipe for you to make first we're going to start with the vegetables so i have a red pepper a green pepper about three stalks of celery and two cans of clams then we have half an onion and four potatoes now i'm just gonna go ahead and chop all of these up i'm sure you would love to see me chop but for cooking steak it's a lot easier now i'm just going to dump all of my chopped vegetables into the instant pot now that all the vegetables are in the bottom of the pot i'm going to go ahead and add my clam juice now you don't want to add the clams yet we're going to add those at the very end so keep the little lid on so you can just pour the juice into the instant pot then i'm going to add one cup of water into the instant pot to help pressurize all right now that everything is in for right now go ahead and put your lid on make sure your knob is turned to sealing not venting and we are gonna cook this because it's just vegetables we're going down to seven minutes so now we're going to make a little ruse to thicken up the soup so i have five tablespoons of butter that i'm putting over the stove top and then i'm going to add in five tablespoons of flour so that's easy five and five so once the butter's all melted go ahead and mix that together now you'll leave it on the stove top for about oh two to five minutes or so now when it's all done it should look like this this is the perfect time to add in your milk so you can add milk or cream so i added one and a half cups of milk you can't add cream but we're making it a little healthier here and you're just gonna continue to whisk that over medium high heat until all of the butter and flour and milk are all mixed together all right so now my instant pot beeped so i'm going to take the pressure out of the instant pot with a quick release and then pull the lid off so all the vegetables are done cooking so i'm just going to add my butter and flour and milk mixture go ahead and mix that around a little bit and then it's time to add the seasoning so i'm going to add about a half teaspoon of pepper a half teaspoon of dried thyme and about a half teaspoon of salt you can add more if you'd like then this is the secret sauce tabasco sauce hot sauce something to add just a little bit of kick and then go ahead and add your clams very last and that is pretty much it to this recipe you go ahead and just mix it all in and i just keep in my instant pot on the warm setting until i'm ready to serve so using the instant pot and the stovetop at the same time this recipe was done in 20 minutes now you can also serve this recipe with a little bit of parsley on top if you would like all right guys i hope you enjoyed these top 10 super recipes now if you want more of our top 10 recipes you can find those right there and i will see you guys next time bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 308,279
Rating: 4.9252987 out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe, Instant Pot, instant Pot soup, six sisters stuff instant pot, Top 10 instant pot, instant pot recipes, top 10 instant pot recipes, fall soups, instant pot fall soups, six sisters stuff soups, easy instant pot soup, instant pot chicken recipes, healthy instant pot soup recipes
Id: cAsZrDl2FbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 48sec (1668 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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