8 Freezer Meals in ONE Hour! Instant Pot and Slow Cooker!

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hey guys welcome back to sick sister stuff today we are making eight freezer meals in just one hour so i'm kristen and i'm camille and today we are sharing some freezer meals that are near and dear to my heart these are actually the very first freezer meals that we posted on our blog really back in 2012 and i was pregnant with my third baby she was actually i was like 38 39 weeks pregnant ready to be done and i thought well maybe i will get ahead and make some freezer meals that we can make for dinners and if you google freezer meals or you look on pinterest there is a whole slew of freezer milk and many of them are like huge casseroles and spend 10 hours prepping your entire month and i thought i have one hour so i put these together and timed myself and it took me one hour from start to finish yep so simple ingredients yep literally simple recipe and yeah and these are dump and go's that you can put in your instant pot or slow cooker some are one or the other but um just really simple things that you can stack in your freezer so they're not gonna take up a lot of room either all right so if you guys are ready let's get cooking so the first recipe we're gonna make are these barbecue spare ribs now you might have seen these before because we make them a lot they are our tried and true favorite freezer meal yeah my favorite one right so we'll just jump into it so you're gonna get these country style spare ribs i'm gonna use some claws here so you can get them boneless or bone in whatever you prefer and if you watch at the grocery store these go on sale all the time and they're really inexpensive this is a great recipe to double as well yes um because you can do it for so cheap and if you're making it you might as well make two too uh-huh so usually i know you use like anywhere from like two to four pounds this is actually six pounds but i like it because that will feed us for two meals oh yeah for sure exactly okay so the next thing we're gonna do is one and a half cups of ketchup i'm just gonna kind of eyeball it but for this recipe this is gonna be the base of your sauce yeah and you really can't go wrong with the ketchup in this recipe add as much or as little as you want exactly on top of that we're just gonna add one half cup of white vinegar now i know that sounds weird but it makes it taste so good what you're doing is kind of making a homemade barbecue sauce yeah so then we're gonna do some brown sugar this is a half cup brown sugar you want to do equal parts brown sugar and vinegar then this is a half teaspoon of liquid smoke yep i love liquid smoke sometimes i'll even do a full teaspoon because it just gives it that extra flavor it does it really adds like a depth to these that your if you don't use it it won't be quite the same yeah so okay so then we're going to do one and a half tablespoons of old base seasoning this is a recipe that our mom has made for years and that's always what she's used however if you don't have that on hand seasoned salt works just as great so you can use that too there we go okay so if you're gonna cook it in your instant pot i would add either a half a cup now or a half a cup right before you cook you just need a little more water in there if you're going to use it in your slow cooker you can just close it up right now yep so you can mix this around a little bit squeeze it so if you're cooking in your instant pot it's going to cook for 30 minutes now slow cooker i go a little bit longer how about you yeah i i prefer the low and slow do six to eight hours on low three to four hours on high yep yeah simple and easy okay let's move on to the next one okay our next freezer meal is one of my very favorites it's also my go-to meal when i need something fast and i don't have a dinner planned this is our black bean taco soup so you're gonna start with a pound of ground beef or ground turkey or ground chicken or shredded chicken this is the only recipe where you do need to pre-cook the beef just because um it's not going to completely cook and crumble like you need it it will have a weird texture if you don't it'll be like a meatloaf yeah so let's so do that ahead of time and then just add it in nice and i'm just going to add a bag of frozen corn so that's for like about a cup but i like corn so we're gonna add add as much as you want if you don't have a bag of frozen corn a can of corn works great too okay and then because it's a black bean taco soup we've got a can of black beans they're rinsed and drained so go ahead and dump those in all right then just one can of tomato sauce now this is what 15 ounces yeah so big can big can and then we've got a can of green chilies so these don't add heat you'll look on here it says mild i'd buy the mild yes because obviously we want this to be kid-friendly but they do add a lot of flavor so don't skip this if you want heat go ahead and add jalapenos like a can of jalapenos yeah but not definitely has a kick but yes okay okay next one is so the recipe calls for stewed tomatoes but my kids don't necessarily love stewed tomatoes so we're gonna do diced tomatoes today instead so just two cans of diced tomatoes you're gonna leave the juice in there because it's a soup we want we want the liquid yep yeah i've always used stewed tomatoes in this and then one time my husband was like hey these are such big tomatoes can you use a smaller tomatoes like oh my gosh i didn't even think of that yes you can you can do whatever you want and then the last thing is just a chopped onion so if you want to save time as you're prepping these meals you can actually buy pre-diced onion all right and then of course we do need some taco seasoning to make this taco soup so this is just one packet you can use homemade taco seasoning or to keep it simple i just dump in a packet nice yeah love it okay so that's it now if you are going to do this in your instant pot basically all you have to do is heat it up you just want to heat it through the meat's already cooked so it's just five minutes um in your slow cooker because it's already cooked really it's only gonna be like two to three hours on high yeah you could do it on low for like five to six or if you want to throw this in a big stock pot on your stove top and just heat it up it will take maybe 30 45 minutes yup just want to make sure those onions are cooked so yeah hard and that was it if you are doing an instant pot you might need a little bit more liquid yes just because it's it's a thick soup so i throw a half a cup cup of either broth or water and it will still taste great so okay done with this there you go let's move on to the next okay our next freezer meal is french dip sandwiches now this is the easiest meal that we are going to be making the easiest freezer meal so this recipe has been on our site forever and it used to call for two cans of beef consummate which we have learned they don't carry any more especially defined coronavirus exactly um so we don't know if they make that anymore but we're going to share with you a substitution so instead of using two cans of beef consummate you can use one can of beef broth and one can of condensed french onion soup so all you have to do is put your rump roast in there one huge um rum process this is like what three pounds two to three pounds depending on what your family family needs um you can also use a chuck roast and then you just pour the cans right on top and that's it super simple super easy okay you go you go no no no it's just good to say this one you want to cook low and slow so if you have a slow cooker great throw it in there we're talking eight to ten hours like put this in right when you wake up in the morning we'll let it cook so all day what's your house will smell good right and then when it's done shred it up there we go i love i still love using the instant pot for this one because you can cook it for like 90 minutes and it's going to fall apart just like it would the low and slow so depending on what you like or what you have either one works yes so all right guys done with this one let's move on to the next all right so the next freezer meal we're making is our hearty beef stew now my mom used to make this all the time and growing up i didn't love it i didn't like please do no but now it's one of my favorites and there's nothing better on a cold right i agree i agree so yes hearty beef stew okay so we had about a pound of stew meat i love buying at the store that's already cut up ready to go so you can just dump it up then we just start adding our ingredients so we have one onion all chopped up there we go next yeah so this is red potatoes i'd say like three to four depending on the size um this is going to fill up your bag very quickly it's a very big freezer meal so if you need a bigger bag feel free to grab it exactly now we do get a lot of questions about potatoes do they go brown when you freeze them they do a little bit sometimes but guess what your stew is brown so it doesn't really matter it's gonna they're gonna be brown anyway yep yeah and to prevent browning too like the longer it sits in your freezer obviously the more brown these potatoes are going to turn so i would recommend eating this one within 30 days it'll probably be good for up to 60 days yeah after that it starts to get freezer burned but exactly yeah okay then we're gonna put the seasoning in now over the potatoes yep because i love it so this is just one package of lipton onion soup mix which is one of my favorites yeah do you want to carrot snack sure the big things yeah then it's it's about four carrots cut up but i'm taking the lazy route and i love doing baby carrots and just throwing them in it's going to cook so long and yeah it's okay if they're not chopped up exactly yeah i'm just going to layer it and not add all of them yeah what do you think about four it's perfect perfect okay okay then i'm gonna add a bag of frozen peas i love the layers i know huh right okay okay yeah super soft okay yep so it's so simple all that it is is two cans of cream of mushroom soup and two small cans of tomato sauce or one big can and a lot of people will be like i don't like cream of mushroom soup there are so many recipes online to make your own but for convenience sake i just love using the can stuff right so we're keeping it super simple and this makes you can't taste the mushrooms at all it just makes such a creamy sauce yes for your stew kids love it okay and then to it's about 15 ounces in total of tomato sauce like i said it fills this bag up top yup okay all right so when you're cooking this you can cook it in the instant pot we would just suggest maybe doing the slow cooker slow cooker would work better for this because you're going to have to add a lot more liquid and it burns a lot more so slow cooker is the way to go or you could add a cup of water first and then your stew or i guess beef broth or whatever you wanted to add yep and then your stew on top to do an instant pot but i just found hearty beef stew yes i like it thick so if you do instant pot it's gonna be a lot thinner so yeah anyways there you go instant pot about 30 minutes and then slow cooker i like low and slow six or eight to ten hours to ten hours this is another one you can put in in the morning before work when you get home from work dinner is done serve it with some rolls or like some good crusty bread or if you're like me put a little ketchup on top and weird weird secrets from kristen's life so good all right guys we're done with this one let's move on okay our next meal is cilantro lime chicken and i love serving this in tacos but you can also put it on salad or nachos or burritos or whatever you want make it into enchiladas so we started with frozen chicken breasts we already put them in there um i mean raw chicken breasts work great as well you can usually just get frozen chicken breasts for so inexpensively right and then you don't have to deal with raw chicken you know dump it in throw it in okay so we've got like a pound and a half three to four chicken breasts however many yep you need for your family okay then i'm just gonna do this one first right cilantro lime chicken the best part of it so a a whole bunch of yep cilantro just chopped up so literal bunch yeah now there's some people who don't like cilantro and have asked what's a great substitute for that it's cilantro lime chicken so without the cilantro it doesn't it tastes the same lime chicken so you can can't use it without but it's going to cook down so small and all the other flavors just kind of accentuate so just try it you might like it okay so then the next thing we're going to add is a can of black beans they're all rinsed and drained just throw those on top nice i'll do my garlic yup um two cloves of garlic or what teaspoon or something there we go yep and then we've got one red onion just chopped up well about half depending on this depending on what you like sometimes they're humongous i found it on the other day that was literally the size of my head and it's just not normal it's kind of nice i know okay i'm gonna go ahead and dump in just a bag of corn um we love corn it's a great way to get in another i agree all right then we just have one teaspoon of cumin that you want to have in there okay and then we just need the juice from two fresh limes now if you don't have fresh limes lying around which i usually don't um or if i do they're for something else but you can just use about a quarter cup of lime juice nice and then pour that on top perfect and then we just add a little bit of salt and pepper kind of just for taste you can also add more when it's all done cooking too so yeah we're just adding right now perfect so if you are making this in the slow cooker you don't need any other liquid because you're going to get liquid from the chicken and you're going to get it from these vegetables and so just go ahead throw that in your slow cooker i would say five to six hours on low three to four hours on high however in the instant pot you're going to need a lot more liquid to make this happen yes i would probably put in a cup of chicken broth when you cook this just because the chicken broth is going to really accentuate that flavor if you don't have chicken broth go ahead and use water that's good i highly recommend chicken broth for this one frozen 25 minutes in instant pot nice or thawed 20 minutes so okay done on this one all right the next recipe is honey sesame chicken now i think it was you that introduced me to this right one of my favorites and my family favorites actually a little known fact this was our very first recipe on six sisters to reach one million free pins on pinterest really yep one of the first ones that went viral and kind of exploded us into helped us well we did a little that's so so there you go i went through it yeah it hit so many because it's good okay all right should we jump in let's do it all right so we started like what two to three pounds of chicken breasts in here we just used frozen because simple easy and you don't have to you can also use chicken thighs if you do have those on hand it works really good for this recipe that's very true okay first we're going to add just a cup of honey this isn't quite a cup good but it's close but it's my local raw good stuff so good we're just going to pour that right on top okay and then we do have a half a cup of soy sauce you can use light soy sauce if you're worried about salt but either one will work great nice just the combination of those two smells so good so good then we have like two cloves or about a teaspoon of garlic yep the more garlic the better in this recipe i love it okay and then we have one onion or just a half onion depending how big your onion is yeah about a cup or so that's true okay and then on my side i'm gonna do this salt and pepper kind of to taste i believe it's like a teaspoon of salt and a half teaspoon of pepper but it really is just you can add more when it's done too if you totally you're gonna get a lot of salt from the soy sauce so it doesn't need that much but the pepper is important speaking of pepper we're gonna add some red pepper flakes now you can add as much or as little as you want however i do recommend adding some it's not going to add very much heat but it is going to add a really good flavor that you need for this yeah okay so then we're going to add two tablespoons of oil i did not measure this out as well as i should have so we're just gonna be guessing two tablespoons and then the last ingredient we're gonna add is just a half cup of ketchup just to kind of make it a little bit more of a sauce add a little bit of sweetness yeah there you go perfect okay so this recipe you can cook in the instant pot you just need to add a little bit more liquid yeah whether water or chicken broth i would say about a half a cup um put this in the instant pot pour in your half a cup um or you can go get in the slow cooker slow cooker what would you say i would say low five to six hours or high three to four hours with chicken breasts they tend to dry out if you cook them much more than six hours on low even from frozen so keep an eye on it because you don't want to be all dry you want to be perfectly moist chicken thighs actually work better in the slow cooker because they have a little bit more fat content to them so they're going to be a little bit juicier a little more moist so that's an option so when this is all done cooking you're going to take four teaspoons of corn starch and then six tablespoons of water and kind of just mix it together in a little bowl yep then you're going to dump it into either the slow cooker or instant pot let it just like simmer there for about 10 minutes or so just to thicken it up a little bit that will give you a really good sauce to drizzle over everything and then i like to serve this over rice yeah i would say rice is the best me too and then it is sesame chicken so just go ahead and add a little bit of sesame seeds on top now we have this recipe down below in the description for you so if you're looking for those instructions at the very end that's where they're at all right okay okay let's move on okay our next one that we are making is salsa verde chicken basically just green salsa so started with chicken breast we just used frozen chicken breast but like in other recipes you could also use chicken thighs and we're going to start with a whole jar so like 16 ounces 14 to 16 ounces of salsa verde grainy salsa depending on what you like i got yeah my mild i like mild a little bit more i like the heat the hotter ones because it does add heat and flavor so whatever your kids need yep and then we have two teaspoons or about four cloves of garlic yeah so a lot of garlic a lot of garlic you want that for the flavor and then we're gonna add in uh just like a whole onion half cup or half onion depending on the size of your onion nice then half teaspoon of cumin just give it a little flavor there i feel like too i sometimes double that cumin just to add a little bit more flavor so depending on what you like okay and then we have one can like a 14 15 ounce can of chicken broth we have a big box so we're just gonna kind of eyeball it until we get about two cups in there nice sometimes we eat we guesstimate is what we call it so some people get like is it two cups or is it a can and so i mean it really doesn't matter absolutely that much yeah it just needs liquid but it's okay all right and then just one can of diced green chilies i'm going to leave the the juice in there too so yep and like we've said in other recipes these are mild if you do want the heat go ahead and add jalapenos because that's going to add a lot of flavor too okay and then salt and pepper to taste did you add those no you can go ahead and you can season it after it comes out as well yeah um another yummy thing to add to this is some chili powder but it's yummy it does kind of turn it a little bit more red and this is green chicken there you go okay so when you cook this in your instant pot it's going to take 25 minutes do you think you need more liquid i think you might have enough with your with the salsa the salt and the chicken broth okay and then in the slow cooker anywhere from let's say five to six maybe seven hours on low yep just kind of watch it so that chicken doesn't dry out exactly we like to cook in our slow cooker always low yeah we never do i don't do high it doesn't shred as easily and then we just serve this on like soft tortillas like a flour tortilla corn tortilla put some sauce on there some cilantro um just any fresh yummy ingredients avocado sour cream so perfect yep perfect okay none of this one we have one more to go so our last recipe is swedish meatballs now we didn't really have this growing up but as i got older and adults i i tried it and i loved it and my husband loves it so do your kids love it kids love it they're not they love meatballs anything meatball right starting with our trusty bag of frozen meatballs i love frozen they're pre-cooked if you're feeling super domestic you could make your own you can next we're just going to add two cups of beef broth on top now this is the container so we kind of just kind of measure it it's about half half the container so perfect our next ingredient is a can of cream of mushroom soup now like we said before if you want to make your own you can but um i just like the convenience of using condensed soup already made in the can there you go creamy that's swedish meatball yeah perfect gravy right then we have two tablespoons of steak sauce so you can use a1 um i'm gonna eyeball it here yeah that's how we roll totally just to add a little bit of cake to that okay so the next thing we've got is a half teaspoon of garlic powder nice you want to add that yeah and then a half teaspoon of paprika is that how you say it i i'm using paprika smoked paprika which i love me too yeah okay and then it calls for fresh mushrooms but sometimes you forget ingredients and so we're just gonna use using what you've got two cans of just mushrooms so you can't have swedish meatballs without mushrooms yeah i guess you can but i love mushrooms and these cook up just fine in the in some ponds so right here can't tell a difference exactly yeah and then we're just gonna add one onion on top of it good yeah okay it's good add a little bit of salt and pepper if you want again you can add seasoning and yeah and then when this is all done cooking you're gonna stir in one cup of sour cream so we don't add it right now because if you were to cook it with the sour cream it probably will curdle yeah in the instant pot and so quicker so save this until the end and then you'll stir in the one cup of sour cream it makes it all creamy all thick and delicious so good yeah and then we like to serve this on top of like egg noodles or mashed potatoes so both are delicious whatever you want it'll be so good all right cooking now in the instant pot you can cook this if it's thought i would suggest thawing it 24 hours in advance so you have that liquid so it won't burn we just don't want the burn notice going on but meatballs only take seven minutes to cook so you can literally cook this in seven minutes and have an amazing meal yep okay so and then slow cooker you can cook like six to eight hours on low or about three to four on height i feel like you can do meatballs on high and it will taste good okay that will be fine exactly all right i'm gonna mix this in just a little bit and yeah we're good to go eight meals freezer meals 60 minutes or less and that includes all the prepping fish the chopping just everything from start to finish this should take you 60 minutes all right guys now if you want more freezer meals you can check out our favorite freezer meals right over there and we will see you next week bye
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 312,353
Rating: 4.9488387 out of 5
Keywords: SixSistersStuff, Recipe
Id: 1UlLb_6ta74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 06 2020
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