6 Things to Make in Your Instant Pot Every Week - Perfect for Beginners

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welcome back to six history stuff one of the most common questions I get is how often I use my instant pot I use it weekly so these are the six things I cook in my instant pot every single week so what my name is Kristin and every Monday I share an instant pot recipe with you so if you're new to the instant pot or you want some ideas on what to cook in your instant pot make sure you you follow along so you won't miss any of my recipes so if you follow me on my Instagram account I just got back from an amazing conference in Dallas Texas called video marketing world and I told a pretty funny story so go to my Instagram go check it out I would love to hear your response and if you were in my situation what would you do so one common question I get from you guys is what I cook in the instant pot on a weekly basis so I'm gonna show you what I make kind of to help me mill prep or get things ready for breakfast or to have healthy snacks and the kids come home so these are the six things I cook in my instant pot every week number one the thing I cook the most is chicken I usually cook raw chicken or frozen chicken I do have a video for whole chicken I don't cook that very much because I hate dealing with all the bones and other parts I just like to cook my chicken and have it ready for my meals quickly I like to cook my chicken if it's thick thawed chicken for 20 minutes if it's thin thawed chicken for 15 but if it's frozen I don't like to go under 25 minutes just so it will cook all the way through I get a lot of comments that when cooking with meat they don't like to do a quick release because they want to let it finish cooking on this one I say you could either do quick release or let it release on its own both are just fine so I'm gonna start with three frozen chicken breasts you can use thought if you want to I'm doing frozen I'm adding one cup of water on top putting my lid on make sure that the knob is turned to sealing not venting and I'm gonna push Manuel now you can't push pressure cook button if you have that kind but this model is men button now frozen I'm gonna go up to 25 minutes to cook my frozen chicken if you have thawed chicken you can do 15 to 20 minutes now when your instant pot is done counting down and it beeps go ahead and turn the knob over to venting or quick release and then when all of the pressures out you can go ahead and lift the lid up now I'm just gonna go ahead and drain the liquid out of my pot and then I'm going to shred my chicken number 2 frozen ground beef now not just any ground beef frozen ground beef I found that that works the best because it sticks together while it cooks and all the grease goes to the bottom so frozen ground beef is so easy and then you just chop it up with a chocolate stir I'm gonna show you how I do it right here all right so I'm gonna start with the 3 pounds of ground beef yes that's a lot of ground beef but I'll show you what I do with it later so I'm gonna put my little trivet in the bottom of my pan then I'm gonna add about one cup of water because you have to have the liquid in order for it to pressurize now it's time for the meat now I've put this on my counter for about an hour it's still really really frozen so I'm gonna break it apart so I can put it in pieces in the instant pot now if you need to break up your meat into a few different pieces it will still work you just want to make sure that your meat is below the fill line so the lid will go on your instant pot now I'm just gonna hurry and go wash my hands and then it's time to put the lid on now you want to make sure that it is sealed all the way and turn the little knobs with on sealing not venting okay so I love my manual button or just a normal pressurized pressure cook whatever your instant pot says and we're going to 25 minutes now when your instant pot is done it will start counting up or it's releasing on its own I let it release on its own for about 10 to 15 minutes turn the knob over there's no steam to come out so I can take my lid off now I wish you could smell my kitchen because it smells so good right now now it looks like it's still like a brick of meat but don't worry we're gonna turn it into ground beef and it will really look ground up okay so I'm gonna take my two big chunks and if you have multiple little chunks put them all into a bowl and the first thing I did is to cut it up just a little bit now this is cooks together like a meat loaf really is cooked together so you have to split up the meat and doing this it was the easiest to use a knife then once I cut it up into big chunks I got my chopping stirrer if you don't have one of these with your ground beef I highly suggest getting one they're like 6 bucks on Amazon and it's my favorite so I just chopped up all of my meat and that really is all there is to it this is gonna be my new way of cooking ground beef and I am so excited now I just have to show you that all the grease literally dripped to the bottom of the pan which makes it a whole lot healthier number three hard-boiled eggs now if you have never heard of the 5-5-5 method you need to watch this I love cooking my hard-boiled eggs in the instant pot because it cooks them perfectly and it helps the eggs peel really well so the 5-5-5 method is that you cook it for five minutes in the instant pot then you let it sit after the timer goes off you're gonna let it sit a natural release for five minutes and then you're going to take your eggs and put them in an ice bath for five minutes it just makes the perfect texture of eggs so I'm gonna add one cup of water to the bottom of the instant pot now I have this little thing this trivet that came with my instant pot you can also use a steamer rack or something else but this one holds about six of them so I'm gonna close up my lid then make sure the knob is on sealing not venting I love my manual buttons so I'm pushing manual and we're going to five minutes now when it's done you want to let it sit let the timer go up for about five minutes before you turn on venting and take the lid off now the trick with boiled eggs is is that you want to put them in ice water as soon as that five minutes is up and let them sit for a few minutes until they're cool then peeling them is abri since it's been sitting in that ice water now if you can see cut this open it is the perfect boiled egg number four Oh Mel I love cooking oatmeal so you can cook your own meal in the morning it only takes about four minutes but I actually love to cook my oatmeal the night before so I put it in the pot it and set the timer for four minutes and then I walk away I'm gonna let it stay on the warm setting all night long because the warm setting will last up to 10 hours and then when I wake up we have delicious oatmeal that I can serve all my kids or if we have a busy Saturday morning Oh Mel is set ready to go and then you could just put whatever toppings you want so I'm going to show you how to do that and then also I made a delicious pumpkin oatmeal that you can watch so I'm gonna use the old-fashioned oats because they cook the fastest and they're the easiest so I'm gonna add one cup in here you can add three or four or however many cups you want now the cooking time will be the same but you just want a double ratio so if you have 1 cup of oats you want 2 cups of water 4 cups of oats 8 cups of water all right so go ahead and mix in your oats so they're all kind of touching or a little bit wet with the water and that's all there is to it yay go ahead and put your lid on make sure that the little knob is turned to sealing not Banting here now push the manual or pressure cook button and you're gonna go all the way down to 4 minutes so whether you have one cup or 8 cups it will still be 4 minutes now after you set the timer it's going to beep and say on that means you're doing it right so go ahead and walk away your instant palate will start pressurizing and then once it's done it will show an L and it will start counting up once you have the L that means it's done so I'm gonna do a quick release so I'm gonna turn that knob to venting and then when all the pressures out I can lift up my lid then go ahead and mix it up so this is your base oatmeal now I like to take this old meal and put it into serving size bowls so I'm gonna be using canned pumpkin it's my favorite so first I'm going to add about a tablespoon of brown sugar next about a pinch of cloves it's about an eighth of a teaspoon another eighth of a teaspoon of ground nutmeg and then one teaspoon of ground cinnamon next you're gonna add about 1/4 cup of your pumpkin puree and you're gonna mix it all together now that pumpkin will smooth out because that oatmeal is hot now if you're trying to go the no sugar out you can put agave or any type of other sweetener in there for the brown sugar now it takes a little bit of time but just keep mixing mix it all together until everything is well combined number 5 steamed vegetables okay I've always struggled with steamed vegetables because they're kind of soggy I usually steam them in the microwave or boil them on the stovetop they're just not my favorite that is until I started steaming them in the instant pot now the vegetables I love to eat are like carrots broccoli and cauliflower all mixed together you can always find packs of those at your local grocery store so I put a whole package into the instant pot add about half a cup to a cup of water and you cook it for one minute now I know it does take time to pressurise please remember that but just 1 minute timer and you have deliciously crisp vegetables that's what I love about them they're cooked all the way through but they're a little more crisp than if you make some soggy steamed ones now you can watch how I do it here all right I'm starting with actually a large bag of mixed vegetables and I'm gonna just dump them right into the bottom of the instant pot then I'm gonna put 1 cup of water on top of the vegetables and put the lid on now once the lid is on you're gonna take that little knob and turn it to see link you don't want to on venting and you're gonna push the manual button or the pressure cook buttons and go down to just one minute now if you're cooking 1 cups or 10 cups you're still gonna cook it for one minute now it's done I turn the knob to let all the steam out so I can open it up and I have some delicious steamed vegetables I like to serve these with garlic salt and some cheddar cheese number 6 the last thing that I cook in my instant pot every week is rice I love instant pot rice so much that I actually threw out my rice cooker because it just didn't cook it the same and I can cook a ton of rice if I need to but you're still only cooked the white rice for seven minutes it doesn't matter how many cups of rice you have whether you have five cups of rice or one cup of rice because it is pressurizing the cook time will stay the same now you can make your rice different ways you can use oil you can use salt but I just use two simple ingredients which are rice and water now there are recipes that call for oil and salt I'll also put those in the description below for you so you have all of your rice recipes right in the description okay so onto the recipe I have 1 cup of rice that I rinsed until the water ran clear so this is my cup of rice and I'm just gonna put it right in the bottom of my instant pot and I know I should probably use a spatula or something but my fingers are clean and it just works for me mm-hmm alright next I'm gonna add my water so for 1 cup of rice I like to add 1 and 1/4 cup of water for chicken broth or any type of liquid that I want to cook my rice with the most simple basic recipe is just water so 1 cup of rice 2 1 and 1/4 cup of water now I like my rice a little bit softer so that's why I do 1 and 1/4 cup okay we're gonna put my lid on and make sure your knob is on sealings Navon ting now if your instant pot has a rice cooker you can push that but if it doesn't you can just do manual or high pressure that's what manual is it's just high pressure so because I love my manual button that's what I'm gonna push all right so with white rice we are going down to 8 minutes now you can go as little as 4 minutes depending how you like the texture I like it really soft so 8 minutes it is then let the rice release on its own for 9 to 10 minutes then when you're done with the nine to ten minutes you switch over the knob to venting and it should let out all the rest of the steam then you can just pull your lid off and it will be a little steamy but your rice should be fully cooked now this is how I make the sticky rice I love sticky rice for recipes because it's just a lot easier to eat but if you add a little bit of oil it will make it a little bit harder so it won't stick together and I'll put that recipe in the description below for you but for me I love my sticky white rice all right you guys I hope this was helpful for you I love cooking my instant pot and so if you have any questions about your instant pot I would love to hear about them so make sure questions put them down in the comments and I'll try and get to as many as I can before you leave one more thing I don't know if some of you know that if I am on YouTube the bigger part of the company is our website we share lots of recipes and we just came out with our number 8 cookbook and I'm gonna show it to you it is called six ingredients now I'm sorry this one is not an instant pot one that one's coming out next September we're working on it right now which I'm super excited for but this one comes out next week so if you are looking for simple quick recipes you can go check out six ingredients on Amazon even though it comes out next week Amazon is already sending these books to people if they order and along with this we are having a launch party so if you live in Utah my sisters and I were throwing a huge launch party with cookbooks there with amazing free food lots of vendors it's going to be so fun so if you want to come see me I would love to see some of those that follow me on YouTube I'll put a link in the description for the party still be able to find time States all that kind of stuff alright guys that's really all I have for you I will see you guys next Monday
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 822,253
Rating: 4.8888574 out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot recipes, Instant Pot most used recipes, Instant Pot recipe, Instant Pot recipes to make every week, easy instant pot recipes, recipes for kids, dinner recipes, How to use an Instant Pot, best things to make with an Instant Pot, what to make in the instant pot, Six sisters stuff, six sisters stuff instant pot, six sisters stuff instant pot recipes, fall instant pot recipes, how to make Instant Pot recipes
Id: 1zaP0XIa1h8
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Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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