Breakfast Freezer Meal Prep With Me! Fill Your Freezer!

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hello party people welcome to another freezer mail video today I'm focusing on breakfast mostly I do share with you a chocolate chip recipe because you can't start your morning without chocolate chip cookies I've been falling in love with my freezer you can freeze basically everything so let's get started I share with you some recipes so let's just get into it so we got our game plan here I plan to make breakfast burritos with eggs cheese sausage onion peppers you know the huge Pope spread a delicious treat oh my goodness my mouth is drooling already chocolate chip cookies can't start the day without those baked oatmeal breakfast sandwiches and then baked french toast casserole which I have the recipe for right here the other recipes I have in my book that is just overflowing right now it's just a mess it needs a lot of TLC but we'll get to it another day we are going to start off with breakfast what are these called oh ho it's a great start English muffins sandwiches you call them whatever you want rose by any other name I started off by making a bunch of these it took me 14 hours exactly to make a bunch of those I used this mini it's a dash griddle it is the coolest thing guys and I love using this I like how it makes the egg in like a circle shape nice and uniform it does take a couple minutes but practically if you're only making a couple sandwiches at a time it wouldn't take you that long and I love using this in the morning it's just awesome so I've already made a bunch of eggs I have a couple more to make and I have this Canadian bacon right here nice circles I have 40 of these and then I have a ton of English muffins I got these from Costco there's two nine packs in each of them and then guys if you have an unlimited budget will you go ahead and use this Dave's killer bread I bought these the other day they're healthier for you they have whole grains and like good stuff in them and they taste terrific however one of these packages of for a six count was nearly five dollars so wait for a sale or become a millionaire that's my suggest for now since I am NOT a millionaire and I already bought these I'm gonna use these nooks and crannies and we're gonna whip these guys up Oh first though I'm gonna cut these up I did not keep track of how many eggs I use I know there's at least 30 but I also did more than that yesterday and I kept them in the fridge overnight but we also ate some for breakfast so it all works out I just spray some Pam and I crack the egg yolk you can keep it whole if you want I don't know you do you add salt and pepper if you feel like it I am just going to cut these English muffins in half and toast them and I did a little bit of research before I started this and I wondered like oh should I toast them before I freeze them and I came to the consensus that it's probably a good idea so that's what I'm gonna do it only takes a couple of minutes and I think the outcome will be much better [Music] okay beautiful that is so simple I love this machine so much I got it from Amazon and the best part about it it's like 10 bucks so I'll link it below if you're interested in it oh man I'm so distracted I forgot the Pam it's okay I'll get over it you know what I'm a mess but that's nothing new I knew I would forget something and of course I did it's someone screaming I think I have a child who's either screaming or singing we don't know melted butter you're supposed to put melted butter on these just help some Brown and look nicer so that's what I'm gonna do we're just really quickly plus butter is delicious you know what I mean so we want these to taste the best that they can oh and if you want to when they're assembling these oh really you can add cheese I don't do that I also did not melt enough butter i melted two tablespoons and i thought that'll be plenty it's not melt like a whole stick maybe to turn the bait around nice and bubbly here got to tell you there's something about real butter that just smells like home to me you know what I mean it smells like Sunday morning breakfast that's for sure back into the oven when they come out again they'll be brown and I'm just cutting all of these up so I have them prepped for when it's their turn on the pan I just hope I have enough eggs I really don't feel like cooking any more eggs I'm so glad I'm finally doing this I've put it off for as long as I can and then I keep thinking gosh all my carbs are gonna go moldy you know what I mean but breakfast is one of those meals where I don't necessarily skip it because I always eat a banana but if I don't have like this ready 80 percent of the time I just skip right to lunch and I eat lunch at 10:00 a.m. when I get home from the gym or 9:30 whatever it is lunch is just as delicious at 9:30 I tell you what okay let's assemble these once well once they're cooked okay we have to wait a little bit patience is a virtue nice and brown golden brown and toasty just gonna flop the texture of hockey pucks right there all right we're gonna do the same thing about how many of these do we have thirty what's 9 times 3 27 more times oK we've got this good old Canadian bacon did I call it hand before or Canadian bacon whatever it is it's delicious the perfect size for these English muffins look how easy this is once everything's prepared it's just a matter of slapping everything on top of one another [Music] my gosh I'm about to eat all these right now [Music] all in the [Music] when you've lost everything [Music] [Music] [Music] I can't figure out a good effective way to do this I'm burning my hands but then the other way if I do it the other way I wasted time you know these are probably the most time consuming like meals if you will that I put together man dude oh if you want it maybe save some time and don't want to cook the eggs this way I should also mention that you can scramble them and put them in like a 9 by 13 dish and then cut those in squares or holes if you want to be fancy and waste some eggs do it that way and I would probably be save you a lot of time oh my gosh okay one two you good to go oh crap not good to go any butter you gotta have some butter [Music] when my mama used to say [Music] since we only have six left I definitely made way too many eggs there's there's so many more than six in there which means this is my breakfast go on Apple feet and just like that 36 breakfast sandwiches are complete all right we'll just put the vent fan on we're gonna open the back door everything's gonna be fine we're just gonna work through the chaos okay I'm gonna shove all of these sandwiches you know everything that I saw people were individually wrapping them in plastic wrap and I just don't think it's necessary or cool to do that some of the shove as many as I can in these baggies and then freeze them [Music] [Music] okay with the smoke alarm going off and everything I don't know if I properly told you how to cook these what I do is I just take them out of the freezer wrap them in a paper towel and throw them in the microwave for a couple of minutes I gauge how long I don't know maybe a minute first check it flip it over another 30 seconds just use your common sense it's just breakfast okay it's no big deal moving on to baked oatmeal if you've never had baked oatmeal before you are in for a treat here's the recipe if you want to screenshot that crap I think it's a perfect time to bring Big Bertha out I could use my KitchenAid which is what I normally do but why not I've got this awesome bowl let me use it so now it's just a matter of dumping all the ingredients in and you know what I have this awesome bowl I don't have a garbage can because we're cleaning it out oh boy and you know what else I don't have a whisk I have a baby whisk but we're gonna get through it oh I almost cracked that one if you have never had any kind of baked oatmeal before you're in for a massive treat and this is a special recipe because it's Amish I got it from a couple of my relatives who live literally next door to the Amish they're the coolest to this you had a lot of oil a half a cup of oil but since we're doubling this recipe I like to substitute half a cup of oil with half a cup of applesauce I've always wondered how much applesauce is one in one pouch is it a half a cup or a quarter cup it looks like it's almost half a cup so we're gonna go with that keep it nice and moist well since I opened a second one and we're a little shy I'm just gonna pour some in we make our own rules here hmm eggs oil and applesauce not much is better than that now we have the good stuff the sugar the recipe says one cup for one batch Lord that's a lot sugar but this is also a really delicious recipe I'm using 1/3 cup measuring I'm gonna go a little shy on the sugar just because I feel like it's not necessary so I'm just leaving out a third cup which is still a on of sugar but that's how the Amish do they don't care they just love life you know everything they make is so delicious and this is why they loaded up okay here is the secret ingredient are you ready for it I don't think you're ready I don't think you're ready for this jelly it's almond extract everybody so the recipe tells you to add 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon almond but I don't measure and I just really love almond extract and that's what makes this dish extra delicious I need add more there we go oh my gosh just the smell of that the almond extract is what really sets this dish apart from anything else am I saying dish a lot breakfast oatmeal whatever now for the dry ingredients we're going to add the oatmeal 3 cups of oatmeal oh so good 2 teaspoons of baking powder and I have to tell you I don't know if it's correct in the culinary world to add dry to wet but you know what oh crap we're doubling I need 4 teaspoons but it's like whatever you know that's what the recipe tells me to do that's what the Amish do and I'm just rolling with it okay someone called Food Network because this needs to be in everyone's household okay mix that all together but wait we're not even finished with the wet I don't know why the recipe says to you know mix it in this way but I don't deviate because it ends up being delicious and I don't want to mess anything up last thing 2 cups of milk 1 cup if you're not doubling and then mixed it in to the best of your ability I use almond milk and I find that it works out just fine but you can use whatever milk cut you like or have on hand next to my favorite part filling in the pain not really my favorite part is eating but you'll get it I'm just gonna spray some pan so it doesn't stick oh great I have run out of pans we'll make it work you don't need that much I'm gonna get high on the fumes the recipe says to put this in an 8x8 dish which is great and I know I just said we don't deviate from it but we're gonna do that because if I pull this out of the freezer to eat I'm not gonna eat a whole 8x8 dish you know I'm gonna eat it individual servings so I think this is gonna be what's best [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what I was just thinking well one I have to preheat the oven and - dang girl you're a mess in the kitchen and then the three final thought most important thought is I should have tripled the recipe so I have some breakfast but you know what whole a crib what is that you know what I always say everything works out as it should because I have just a little bit left well it doesn't look like a lot in this huge bowl but I'm sure it'll be plenty once I scrape it all down to Funkytown and I just have a little one portion dish here one portion how do I say that one poor self portion I don't know words are hard and 6:00 in the morning semi portion what's what's the term for this one portion single portion is that what I'm trying to say did I already say that I don't know we're gonna cook it and eat it okay this is going in 350 I don't know how long's I've never cooked them in pans muffin tins before I'll let you know here it is baked to perfection nice and golden brown on the edges I'm gonna try to pop these out I don't know if it's gonna work because this is like a cake like consistency it's why I like them so much they taste like cake really but I have seen people make like oatmeal pucks and then freeze them before they're cooked so maybe you can try that I don't know we're gonna do it this way and cross our fingers I know you're all dying to know what my single serving looks like so there it is delicious and ready to devour so now these have cooled for quite some time I'm just gonna cross my fingers that they just flop out of here like butter like it's no big deal oh no I don't feel anything happening well there's that oh you guys what are we gonna do what are we gonna do would these look really good the ones that did come out look at that alright bag these up just have to take them out uh-oh are they stuck it's not flying take them out one by one here these are gonna hold up just good in the freezer [Music] well we made it okay well look at that doesn't that look even more delicious outside of the pan yes it does of course now just like any other oatmeal you can take this and put any toppings that you want it's very versatile I like to add walnuts you could add brown sugar if you really like sugar add some more what else blueberries are great anything maple syrup slivered almonds anything that you want really I don't have to sit here and explain what's good on it meal because you already know so let's move on and you could make it in a casserole dish if you you know are planning to make it for your breakfast on Sunday morning or whatever like for a large family or if you have guests over oh it's a crowd-pleaser I'll tell you that one time we had a guests over and they literally ate like half the pan is it so good I mean really I eat half the pan when I make it so there's that all right into the freezer by the way I filled up this bag and then this bag good to go here we are with a ton of French bread it is technically one day old loaf which is what this recipe calls for I've never made it before breaking the rules again you know of not making something before you make a lot of it and freeze it whatever everything has worked out thus far because everything has been delicious so I crusted this yesterday and then just kind of left it out it's still pretty soft so I don't really know how that's gonna work out for us I might cube it and then throw it back in the oven to crisp it up again so as far as I can tell this recipe is pretty easy you just take your low and make some cubes well you know what the outside is crispy but the inside is soft and they said that makes for soggy french toast bake I'm probably gonna throw this on the sheet pan and just toss it into the oven one more time cuz no one likes soggy french toast am i right oh man I should probably get a cutting board it's okay I've granted and today [Music] how many times have you guys watched frozen [Music] I'll tell you what this is challenging my muscles giving me a nice little workout here I just love french toast but I can never make it as good as like restaurants make it you know like homemade french toast is great but have you ever been to like Denny's Cracker Barrel French toast oh my gosh it's like the best one time I went to this really nice like old in town it's called Mount Dora oh my gosh I cannot believe I remembered the name of that and like nothing else in my life I went there and had french toast oh my gosh it was so delicious it's like the best french toast I've ever had and nothing compares to that so I just don't even try even when I buy like the good brioche bread and go out of my way to get you know all the good stuff it's just it's different you know when someone else makes it for you I think that's true with all food it always tastes better when someone else makes it for you oh wait did I say I was gonna get a cutting board oh well we're almost done we've gone too far [Music] talk about one big pile of happiness right there carb overload yes please I decided not to that's the gfg we made chimichangas last night I decided not to chop this one up mostly cuz my wrists hurt mostly because I've lean has been asking for some bread so we'll make some sandwiches delicious all right what's next oh my gosh I just want to eat some I'm just gonna put it right back onto this sheet come on and into the oven for I don't know just like five minutes just to crisp it up a little bit at like I don't know three hundred degrees hello Big Bertha again we are going to make the filling for the French what are we making french toast french toast oh you guys it's been a long day Meredith is finally sleeping amen I don't even know if you can see her on there she's been giving me a run for my money that's for sure so for the topping it's not the topping you know the stuff to make the French toast taste good we have some eggs we have some milk we got some half-and-half wait what's that song we got some huh huh we got some mebut uh pretty sure they're talking about drinking we got a whiskey drink we got a drink we got some cinnamon almond that's a vanilla extract you guys I should go back to bed and just start all over and sugar the good stuff alright so we're gonna whip this together is that a sugar ray song I don't even remember I guess before we start cracking these eggs we need to see how many pans the bread is gonna fill oh did I show you the bread nine is sin toasty out of the oven and it is super crispy if I get a fork on here oh yeah alright you know what I think it's gonna make two pans we don't need to bring them out quite yet we're gonna do what we can well we have two hands so six eggs oh gosh but we need 12 eggs we're doubling that's a lot of eggs let's try to crack two at a time can she do it yes I can the real test is that I can do it twice Oh Oh got a shell in I wasn't thinking I was rushing I was rushing you know when the baby's sleeping you just try to rush around and see how much you can get done you know that's me every day how many eggs is that two four six eight is that accurate is this one oh gosh one two three four five six seven eight nine is this one I mean one two three four I think it's eight but even if it's not I don't think one egg is gonna make a difference can she do it again dang it I'm off my game I'm gonna blame the eggs I got these from Target a long time ago they're old and crusty okay two more this is the final countdown got it oh my gosh two cups of milk which means four cups are we making a custard is that what this is I've won three and the rest of the carton is a good 'inna for just got half-and-half on my shirt that's gonna smell 3/4 cup of half-and-half 3/4 cup doubled is a cup and a half I'm gonna say yes oh my gosh a tablespoon vanilla extract and you're supposed to use the good stuff holy do you know how much money that a tablespoon costs all right bottoms up that's good enough I didn't measure but like my heart can do more than that well maybe maybe a little more maybe a little more you know how expensive this stuff is the pure vanilla extract you know means a tablespoon is it necessary is that what sets this apart from normal everyday french toast we're gonna find out okay a teaspoon of cinnamon you know cinnamon just reminds me of breakfast so teaspoon my dad used to say keep going cuz I really like cinnamon so I'm gonna use that mentality right now Oh No and then half a cup of sugar on to the fun part mixing you know what I cut up a lot of bread this might make three no it won't - we're gonna make - yeah we loo perfect perfect perfect have a couple left over but that is for munching cinnamon never wants to stay mixed so I'm just gonna pour it well we're gonna do our best to make sure it's half that's there okay and then half into another just gonna get them all coated in that mixture okay now you're supposed to cover this and put it in the fridge for at least two hours or overnight and then the recipe also says that you could bake it immediately right at the bottom so of course that's what we don't do but before we toss it in the oven we need to make a top coating with you guessed it even more sugar because nothing says healthy breakfast like a pile of sugar okay you need brown sugar for this one some butter cinnamon and then if we need more flour than this I'm not getting more we need one full cup of packed brown sugar a teaspoon of cinnamon whoo that was a lot but we're gonna keep adding more half a cup of flour oh boy that's good and then three tablespoons of butter cut into cubes because we're gonna cut this in you know what oh you know what I should have put this in my food processor dagnabbit too late it's not gonna wash to things you're planning out your life maybe you use a food processor can also say I've never in my life cut butter like this this is ridiculous don't do what I'm doing this is like no a big no-no it's so many all right now the recipe says to use a fork maybe a pastry blender if you have oh wait I do have a pastry blender you can also use your fingertips when you do I have my pastry blender still here we go and then you just mix it until it's like a crumbly consistency this is called cutting in the butter one of the only cooking terms I know I'm gonna be proud about it this is something that you're gonna make for breakfast on a special occasion this is like if you have a special guest or maybe Christmas morning I can't imagine doing this like often just on a normal Tuesday morning you know a lot of effort for some french toast hopefully it will taste as gourmet as I feel making it things aren't going well with this pastry blender it's gonna go in and wash it just with your fingertips like so shut just push it it's a technical term shushing shushing what movie is that from that's like Julia Roberts I think it's stepmom man so many good movies out there you know don't give up just keep going it's like the number-one rule in cooking don't give up just keep going unless it's burnt and then that's when you call it quits throw in the towel the reason why you want to use a pastry blender and not your hands the whole time is because the warmth of your hands eats up the butter man I should teach a cooking class or something totally kidding okay we're gonna have this up right down the middle nice half of the mixture on one casserole oh wait do I put it on yet oh I'm gonna do it anyway halfway there we've gone too far dang this is a lot of topping this better taste delicious I swear how can it not though carbs and like 17 cups of sugar I mean come on should save some of this and put it on some ice cream oh maybe add some walnuts oh that would be divine too bad my picky kids don't like let's there's that I'm gonna pop them in the oven I'm not gonna wait two hours I'm not gonna Pasco and I'm not gonna collect $200 did that make sense no but that's okay but wait do you know what I am gonna do cover this up with foil you bake it at 350 for 20 minutes while the foil is on and then you uncover it and bake it for another 25 to 30 minutes can I tell you something hold on this recipe doubles as a hand exfoliant when you wash that brown sugar off your hands i sat there scrubbing I'm just I've got calluses here is what they look like hopefully all completed I have them in there for about an hour I want to say that's still a little liquidy right there well about that I'm gonna stick that one right back in just for a little bit longer don't even like an hour in ten minutes is what it takes but they smell divine maybe we can call this like some monkey french bread just pick it apart like that going in for a taste test well it's too hot next up we are going to make breakfast burritos probably one of my favorites to make if I'm being honest I just like burritos in general so these are super simple we're gonna whip right through this I hope you just need some eggs we're gonna scramble these up we're gonna cook up some bell peppers and onions sausage I'm not sure how much we need but I'm just gonna cook up two pounds and we'll see how far that gets us some cheese I'm running low on my cheese's and then I have these whole-wheat tortillas which I really enjoy alex is not the biggest fan of wheat tortillas or anything healthy for that matter so I've got some good old white ones for him so we're rolling with that let's get going we've got three things to cook here the sausage the peppers and onions and the eggs and I'm trying to think logistically how are we gonna do this the most efficient way the fastest way cuz that's how my mind always works like how can we get through this the quickest while also not having to wash 17 dishes so I haven't figured it out yet well surely that's not enough onion so I'm gonna grab another one got the good stuff right here but I figured while we're cutting all this stuff we could be cooking the sausage what are we wasting time for right into the pan and normally I would cook the sausage and then cook the scrambled eggs in the sausage fat oh my gosh the flavor are you kidding my gosh I'm sitting here doing this it's not even on come on Kim get it together let this party sit while we finish the veg veggies are my favorite part of any dish really that's the truth I'll tell you what though that sausage smells good all right we're cutting we're seeding we're mixing oh god we're burning you got a head like a medium you don't want that smoke alarm to go off again we're rinsing don't forget to clean your veggies we do that here sometimes what do you like to put in your breakfast burritos I know they can be very versatile I just like the basics that's how I am with pretty much everything everything in life I'm just basic oh my gosh you remember last time I put this through a food processor when I was making the quiche yeah how about don't do that again a lot of you told me there's a blade attachment you know what I just I don't care enough to figure it out and I just like chopping stuff by hand it makes me feel like a true homemaker like you know call me Suze call me Martha plus it all smells so good oh my gosh you know what I think I have a red bell pepper in my fridge let me go see oh my gosh I do should I cut that up too or should I save it for a dinner should I eat it now or eat it later ooh maybe I'll eat it for a snack ooh that's a good idea growing up I only was familiar with green bell peppers oh my gosh there's a whole new world there's red ones and yellow ones yellow ones are my favorite the big yellow ones the Sun Brian as an adult I've opened my eyes and tastebuds to a plethora of vegetables and I'm happy about it okay all of that looks good we're gonna cook this up once the sausage is finished looks like it's taken a while so I'm gonna crank the heat up again when will I learn my lesson okay well I guess I could crack the eggs I've got my nice big egg cracking bowl here it's not big Bertha but it's big enough hopefully oh man shells again these target eggs I'm gonna blame the eggs need to hone in on my skills I've got the skills to pay the bills now if you can name that movie you will be my best friend it's my left hand I need some work need some work on my left hand [Music] okay how many eggs is that like a hundred we're gonna use my freakishly small whisk to whisk all of these eggs up these 75 eggs will salt and pepper you got a season every layer so my dad taught me and whisking eggs just aerates them makes them nice and fluffy does that matter since we'll be freezing them I don't know but it's we have to wait on the sausage anyway so I think it's time for me to buy a normal-sized whisk awkward hand the sausage is done so I'm just gonna oh my gosh Kim don't bring your face oh all that grease I'm just pouring right in there hold on the whole point of me using one pan is for that delicious flavor now we're gonna cook up the veg in a nice hot pan since it's gonna take a while for my peppers and onions to cook I'm gonna cook the eggs in another pan I'm taking one for the team does enough butter probably not it's never enough butter oh gosh my microwave is in the way who's gonna win the race peppers eggs oh gosh that pepper is getting to my nose well they've pretty much finished at the same time I burned the eggs a little bit we're gonna get over it and the peppers look like mush but that's just how they're supposed to look right so let's fill the tortillas up so here's my lineup oh wait cheese but I'm gonna use these to divvy them out the big one for the eggs and then the smaller ones for the sausage and peppers and I'll just use my hands for the cheese because it's not piping hot [Music] I wanna dance with you what it is you do I try to figure you just wanna make smile handsome man you're looking good tonight I wanna kiss you before the Sun Goes Down it's what [Music] [Applause] [Music] funny set my wheels in motion I'm going crazy the ocean change before the Sun [Music] made 24 burritos that I'm going to freeze and then I have these four that will probably eat before they make their way into the freezer so there's that I don't know I just ran out of peppers and onions basically ran out of eggs plenty of sausage oh and I forgot to put cheese on a batch man why didn't you tell me that's fine I don't even like cheese on mine anyway so what's next cleaning I guess next up we are going to make Pope's bread I know it's a weird recipe if you're looking at those ingredients and want a screenshot you go ahead just bear with me okay it's gonna be a good one you know what this might be one of those recipes that not many people have made but I grew up on it so I think that's why I think it's so delicious so we have a bunch of nuts apparently I have two bags of walnuts and zero bags of pecans so we're just gonna deal with that I have almonds slivered almonds nonetheless not even whole almonds I have raisins chocolate chips pitted dates I'm supposed to have some kind of dried fruit other than raisins but you know this is what my pantry has so we're working with what we have we also have some honey this is a weird ingredient but it works for it this is the liquid juice concentrate in the grape form delish and then also some grape jelly guys I don't know why this recipe is so delicious it just is it's it also called an Italian dump bread so just like the recipe suggests we're gonna dump a bunch of stuff into a bowl mix it together and it's gonna taste delicious so you need four cups of nuts listen the measurements have been passed down through generations into generation really they're like a handful of this a handful of that kind of thing so trying to equate that to cups years and years later just hasn't really worked out oh I also have hazelnuts back here good thing I do I love hazelnuts it's a fancy nut you know no you know what the fancy nut is Brazil nuts because good lord those things are expensive that's why I don't have them I always add way more nuts than it calls for because I just like a lot of nuts in my bread John you said the whole bag I don't want to waste it you know oh my gosh hazelnuts I keep my nuts in the freezer keep them fresh what else do I have oh I have a little bit of left in here I like to eat this as a snack I think I'm gonna keep it as a snack but I will add some more walnuts to this because why not so this is probably closer to 5 cups I might add more oh that's amore that maybe some more walnuts peeled walnuts are really good Omega threes good news you need a cup and a half of raisins I got to tell you guys this is one of my favorite breakfasts to eat it's not even really breakfast I don't know what people eat it for I eat it for breakfast on those days where I feel like not making anything for breakfast this is what all eat at this point I don't know how much I'm putting in just enough to look good it's one of those recipes you know you just you cook with your heart how I do it I have these pitted dates but do I really feel like chopping them up no no I don't so I'm just gonna add a few more raisins there we go it's looking good you know what this is it's like a trail mix bread yeah add whatever you want to it I don't care you have marshmallows dump those in Eminem's would be fantastic 18 ounces of jelly so it's about half of this really large jar I've got the oils on my hands from the nuts come on everybody's watching you know sometimes I think I'm strong and then situations like this occur prove me otherwise oh my gosh what's happening yeah you can open it charge yeah oh this is getting ridiculous gotta loosen that seal right pop right open ah my fingers hurt oh this is a joke it's a joke not a joke it's not a joke because I can't get it open oh my gosh I swear to God my palm is gonna fall off oh come on who would think this whole video jellies gonna give me trouble come on gosh you guys I saw one of these got it open half the jar I am woman hear me roar remember that song from the 70s were you alive in the 70s oh wait does that have the chart you're getting carried away I don't really think it matters too much alright that's good enough and then you need 12 ounces of the grape concentrate oh gosh great now I have to get this off are you kidding oh yeah okay yep there it is right inside join the party stain my hands why don't you okay and then honey are you ready for this how much honey do we need I don't know cuz I've never measured it 1 pound 8 ounces like God does my family think I'm put together enough to have a kitchen scale I just spilled the darn honey Oh give me a break there's five pounds in here so about a fifth of the container we're just gonna dump it like so maybe a little more a little more won't hurt a 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 dude I don't know maybe a little more now the fun part mixing this recipe is so weird it smells weird but once you put it in your mouth you're oh my gosh it's just so good disclosure no one in my husband's family likes this more for me I say more for me the only part of the song I know I don't know the rest now we have to measure out two pounds of chocolate my dad gets real fancy and uses the good chocolate like real dark chocolate and makes the bread taste even more amazing however I bought this enormous bag of Tollhouse about seven years ago so we're gonna use this up two pounds I don't know how much two pounds is I'm gonna gain two pounds a day eating this bread will tell you that it's definitely not gonna help my diet out two pounds or three cups sounds good we're melting the chocolate chips in the microwave and stirring them every 30 seconds guys burning chocolate in the microwave it's a real thing use a double boiler if you feel like doing dishes which I probably should because every time I try to melt chocolate chips in the microwave it's a disaster I always burn it we're gonna cross our fingers this time okay OOP chocolate chip in my mouth oh yeah that's looking good oh my gosh look at that heaven hold me close to Tony Danza got a look at this yeah take a look at that oh yeah perfection oh my gosh she didn't burn the chocolate and look my microwave stayed clean oh no I wasn't recording that whole time I dumped the beautiful chocolate in here licked the spoon because guys it's worth it well you missed the magic but I'll tell you what it's not over yet but I do know what you're thinking Kim chocolate and jelly that sounds delicious I can't believe I didn't record that magic moment that magic moment now is the hard part are you ready for it you're gonna need some flour it's a hot commodity these days I hope I have some okay now what we do is add some of the mixture to the bowl mixing bowl unless you have like some kind of hand mixer which I'm sure you do I don't so I use my KitchenAid this stuff is so hard to mix on its own like with my huge muscles that I have so I have to elicit the help of my KitchenAid so I'm just gonna dump some in here and then add some flour until I get to the right consistency who knows what that means but I for now I'm gonna add like 2 cups of flour and see where that gets us might add another spoonful of this you our Lord looking good looking good it's a good consistency though so it's supposed to be where you can mold it let's just mold a loaf and I'll show you okay wet your hands and then take a bunch of this so with wet hands you just take it and you mold it into a loaf we're just gonna cook it like this I told you you can't mess it up so I mean if I can't mess it up you can't mess it up so here's a crazy before shot and here's the after you guys couple things I want to say I love this I used a whoopie pie pan I think I'm gonna use it for ever and ever from now on I just put it in the sink but you can see it's like a whoopie pie pan don't you know what a whoopie pie pan is second thing I want to say is the Wentworth is a super scoundrel and he dug his hand into it and said mom it's done and I was in the other room doing something I was actually in the garage cleaning it out cuz that's my life cooked to perfection it was nearly an hour probably 45 50 minutes but these are super large but yeah delicious delicious oh my gosh tastes so good breakfast lunch and dinner for days the last recipe I'm sharing with you guys I've shared with you before but I feel like it needs an honorable mention because so many of you asked me for this recipe it is the best the delicious chocolate chip cookies Eleanor and Wentworth are gonna help me there they're so excited they can't contain themselves so let's get going these are all the ingredients that you're going to need plus four eggs over here let me get a bowl you need four sticks of butter which seems like a lot but I'm doubling the recipe as usual one and a half cups brown sugar but really three quarters if you're not doubling quarter cup of white sugar or half if you're doubling then you cream this goodness up what makes these cookies so delicious is the fact that they're so fluffy and airy but I'm gonna be really honest with you guys I'm just scraping the bowl down these rarely get into the oven but when they do it's when we have guests over or it's Friday night and that's why I love having them in my freezer because it's just an easy way to always have them on hand or just pop the dough in my mouth when I'm having a hard day you pop that in but the secret ingredient what makes them so great is this vanilla jello okay four eggs and then a little bit of vanilla extract so this is nice and fluffy we're gonna get the dry ingredients ready for us five cups of flour you can put it in in here five cups you can come closer on the counter you can sell the counter that's fine my help four and a half cups of flour or if you are just doing one perhaps like a normal human being do two and a quarter cup and then one teaspoon of baking soda I'm doing to feel like I need to explain that give that a good whisk and then add it to your other bowl here's the part I always regret doubling the recipe not having a big enough bowl but you know what it worked last time so I think it's gonna work just fine this time oh my gosh you could just eat the dough two cups of chocolate chips unless your heart tells you to add more then you go ahead and do that scoundrels are already picking away at the dough I can't blame them no this is not edible obviously it has eggs in it but if you search on Pinterest they do have edible cookie dough that you could freeze oh my gosh or you can spend like five dollars on a little bag of it at Target or your grocery store which I do not suggest doing because that's just a waste of money and you can probably make it with ingredients that you already have in your pantry for one sixteenth of the cost and Lenore's gonna put the cookie dough's in the bowl so you can put them as close as you want okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] I wanna kiss you before the Sun Goes Down I wanna kiss you before here's what the cookie looks like all cooked up because obviously we can't freeze all of them we have to eat them they don't spread out a ton why don't you crack that in half check out the insides oh oh magic scoundrels all of you did what you oh my gosh even the big kid oh it counts us too I snuck these Eleanor rolled him out we stuck him in the freezer and now they're solid so I can throw them into a ziplock bag and they won't stick together and we're gonna throw these in the freezer to stay in there for probably a day until they all get eaten well thank you so much for watching and hanging out I hope you enjoyed baking with me or cooking with me freezing with me whatever if you did subscribe put a little happy in your day and I'll see you next time bye
Channel: THE WADS
Views: 778,448
Rating: 4.8653865 out of 5
Keywords: Freezer Meals, postpartum prep, fill your freezer, freezer meal prep, meal prep, large family freezer meals, cook with me, large family meal prep, easy freezer meals, new mom freezer meals, the wads, thewads, breakfast freezer meals, breakfast freezer meal prep, freezer cooking, freezer meals recipes, freezer meals before baby, breakfast freezer meal ideas, freakfast freezer meals, postpartum freezer meals
Id: oabNMQ52naM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 12sec (3192 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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