Instant Pot Best Chicken & Dumplings

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hey guys it's Jeff from pressure luck and you've spoken and I've listened the most requested recipe that has come my way in the most recent months actually since I've been starting doing this it's addition I'm actually surprised it took me this long to make and it's a little bit bittersweet because this is gonna be the final meal I'm gonna make in this kitchen guys what better way to set it off with a bang and chicken and dumplings I know chicken and dumplings now what is chicken and dumplings to those who don't know because honestly being like a northerner or like a northeastern type dude over here I didn't really know a whole lot about it unless I went to Cracker Barrel and honestly I always never blown away by their chicken and dumplings so what exactly is it it's basically picture a chicken noodle soup that you're used to like a classic one try mine it's really good and then southern eyes it and you're going to have like a southern style chicken soup now the dumplings and a chicken and dumplings is not the kind of dumpling that you'd think like in terms of going to a Chinese restaurant or in getting dumplings it's not like that it's basically just a ribbon like a little noodle a homemade one that you make with a little bit of a flour mixture it's super easy and it basically becomes like the noodles in the soup but whatever you do do not use that canned stuff like if the biscuits and the cake don't use that just don't please make your own it's so worth the payoff and it's so easy to do so guys it's time to bring the south to your mouth because we are going to make be single-handedly greatest chicken and dumplings let's go let's begin with a yellow onion and dice it up and put it in a bowl now let's take two decent-sized carrots about this big compared to my hand and then peel them and dice them up into pieces about this big and then add them to the onion and to round out this Holy Trinity of vegetables we're going to add in three stalks of celery and then dice that up as well and add it to the onions and the carrots all right and from the bunch of celery that you have you see these little leafy tops here rip those off and reserve those as well just put them in a little bowl for the time being it's just gonna add amazing flavor to our chicken and dumplings into the broth okay so just rip these off over here and just save them let's move on now let's go to our instant pot and let's add in four tablespoons or a half a stick of salted butter all right so let's come down to our control panel on the instant pot and hit this sautee function and adjusts over on the more or the high setting and now that our butter is melted and sizzling let's add in our celery carrots and onion and we'll start that around in the pot for about five minutes in all the butter and we'll let that set and then we'll occasionally stir and after about five minutes of the veggies sauteing in the butter we're gonna add in some garlic 1 tablespoon of crushed garlic you stir that up in the pot and let that cook for another minute okay we are looking good let's add some broth to the pot I'm gonna add in 6 cups of chicken broth and give everything in the pot a good star make sure any of the veggies that are on the sides of the pot we push it into the liquid and really like I said just give it everything a good stir in the pot make sure the bottom of the pot is touched by the mixing spoon so nothing is stuck on it and of course nothing should be anyway okay you know what I think we're missing something oh that's right next ingredient and now let's focus on the star of our show guys let's get cluck and ready chicken let's talk about chicken guys I'm gonna use one whole chicken between three to four pounds now I went to the butcher in the grocery store and just have them chop a whole chicken up for me so it's already in pieces it's just easier that way or you can just take a whole chicken and cut it up yourself regardless you want the skin on there you want the bones in there everything exactly how it is just trying to cut it up into pieces beforehand okay three to four pounds of a whole chicken so I'm just gonna drop all of my chicken into the pot with the skin still on that chicken and now let's just make sure all the chicken is submerged in the broth in the pots and we're just gonna toss in a couple of bay leaves as well now let's secure our lid make sure we're in sealing position now looks at the cancel or the keep one cancel button depending on your model and now we want to hit pressure cook or manual depending on your model and we want to go for 10 minutes at high pressure that's it guys now we're gonna want to thicken up our broth just a bit so to do that we want to take a cornstarch slurry and that's going to be three tablespoons of cornstarch mix or three tablespoons of water and then stir everything together so it goes like a really cement like consistency into a nice smooth one all right perfect it's time to do a quick release and the pin just drops let's take the lid off and there's our chicken and you'll see thanks to the chicken skin being cooked in the pot on the chicken we'll have gained a significant amount of amazing flavor and volume to our broth as well so now let's remove our bay leaves you can discard those and take some tongs and place our chicken in a bowl leave all the veggies in the pot so gave a few veggies make it into the chicken bowl alright guys now let's get the cluck out of here okay and there's all of our chicken and we're gonna let this rest in the bowl and cool while we focus on turning that amazing broth in the pot into the most amazing chicken and dumplings ever not because I love sherry so much I'm gonna add 1/2 a cup of it to the broth you do not have to add it if you don't drink wine but I think it just adds a great flavor and now it's time to add in a bouquet of seasonings I'm going to add in a half a tablespoon of the following season salt black pepper rubbed sage and poultry seasoning that doesn't have any salt in the poultry seasoning that's a half a tablespoon of each of those along with a teaspoon of dry thyme and a teaspoon of dried parsley and I'm also going to add in my reserve the leafy tops from the celery from before and give that all a stir so that all the spices and everything get nice and mixed into our amazing bra now we're gonna let our broth just rest here for a few moments with all the seasonings we just edit in there while we take care of a very important next step all right guys what we want to do is you want to form our dumplings and I have a special southern guest for this everyone's favorite guy Richard Richard Richard Richard welcome thank you welcome to the set first off what I'm thinking dumplings I think of like Chinese food dumplings because I'm jus from this area I think of like a dumpling with meat in it from the south when you think of dumpling it's totally different right yeah it's like a boiled biscuit so it's basically there's no meat in it at all it's just literally Oh like a boil know it's like a boil biscuit biscuit dough usually thinner and boil or it's like a joint or whatever you do to it you know everyone makes their chicken and dumplings different I would say my mom and my grandmother make them differently so like sometimes the dumplings are they almost like a thick noodle like a chicken in a chicken noodle soup it depends it can be any kind of thing to be like a thick noodle like a broad noodle little thicker design no reference yeah broad noodle we could be kind of like a fluffier with a disc or kind of like a biscuit dough if you roll it a little thicker depending on if it's like homestyle or like if you have frozen dumpling sometimes people use those too um you can roll them up and do them to push them just like roll with them always lots of variety you can except there's no meat in them these are so there's a southern dumpling sometimes you can put some broth of them if you want to but you know doing it the slow way if you're doing an instant pod it's gonna get that anyway alright but exactly it's not like you're putting broth meat so what do you say guys let's take a dump wing oh my god come on now we're not gonna be using any of those thick cans you buy in the supermarket you know the kind you pop open none of those shenanigans no fake rolls we're gonna make fresh amazing dumplings here guys and it's gonna be worth it believe me and it's so easy to make and you likely have all the ingredients already in your apartment or your house now let's check it out I'm gonna take a mixing bowl unto that I'm going to add one and a quarter cups all-purpose flour two teaspoons of baking powder not to be confused with baking soda this is very different one teaspoon of salt and I'm gonna whisk that up for about a moment which in my head means ten seconds a moment is only ten seconds now I want to take a half a cup of milk and then add in two tablespoons of salted butter and put it in the microwave for 40 seconds until the butter is melted into the milk and there we have it now I'm going to pour this into my flour mixture and then mix it all up together with a fork and it's gonna be a dough-like consistency now we don't want to really over mix this we just want to mix everything together so it's nice and combined but don't overdo it per se and now once it gets like this we're gonna be able to use our hands alright so in the meantime let's just set this aside and then flour our countertop and just pull a little bit of here and then just smooth it out kind of so it's on top perfect and I'll grab my doubt is like this and I don't really necessarily want to knead it too hard you don't want to overmix it you just kind of want to lay it out so it's kind of like it should be some I sticky but it should be soft and it'll be warm from the warm milk and just like lay it on top right now of the flour and kind of like flip it over so it's kind of going on both sides alright just like that and now we want to roll this so it's about an eighth of an inch thick and we're gonna do that with a rolling pin let's put some flour on our rolling pin and roll this dough out it's gonna roll really easily again really make it thin we do not want this to be thick only about an eighth of an inch look about this thick when all said and done you see that barely any space between my fingers okay now we're gonna take all this dough and we're gonna slice it into a little rectangular strips which they call them dumpling which honestly I'm a little confused while they call them dumplings because they don't look like dumplings at all it's just the terminology different places different meanings so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna take a pizza cutter it's gonna be super handy and I'm going to just simply do this and then form strips here about one inch apart from each other it's okay if they're not perfect and just do it like this all right and then go in the opposite direction and we want to do about two inches in between each one this time so it looks like this like relora rectangles we're making here you see that so easy now let's just throw a leather dusting of flour over them so that they don't really stick to each other when we add them to a plate to sit on and then when we cook them inside of our delicious broth I'm gonna remove my dumplings and put them on plate and guys these are really really thin this is as thick as they are it's exactly how we want them and there are all of our lovely dumpling strips all ready to go nicely dusted in flour on a plate and we'll set that aside and we'll drop them in when it's time and we'll cover with a paper towel and now let's give our broth another stir ooh how hypnotizing and give it some heat until it bubbles now let's come down to our control panel again and hit the cancel or the keep warm cancel button and let's hit the saute button again and also make sure we're on the more or the high setting okay and once our pop against the bubble we are going to add in our cornstarch slurry and I'm going to slowly pour it in and mix it at the exact same time because that's the key to thickening it up so make sure you're constantly stirring as you're adding it in there all right and we're gonna continue to allow that to bubble and now that we're boiling let's take our dumplings and then add them in one by one do that so they don't really stick to each other then after you've added a few just give everything a little bit of a light stir in the pot and then add in the rest okay now let's give all that a good stir making sure everything is kind of separated from each other and we're gonna allow this to boil in the pot for 10 minutes with the lid on top now when I tell you to put the lid on top I mean just kind of like put it to the side don't let it fully on like this just let it kind of like hover over we don't want it to be fully on or if you have a glass lid that fits the top of your instant pop or the instant pot glass lid you could put it on top to just leave it there let it simmer and boil in the pot for 10 minutes but don't put the lid fully on because even when it's in the venting position when things are boiling in the pot which this is it could come to pressure anyway and we don't want that to happen so let's leave it in the bending position but kind of off kilter but chef why aren't we pressure cooking the dumplings with the chicken it's a great question and the reason is because they'll become a clumpy hot mess if we do they're gonna become super mushy super like all over the place and absorb way too much broth when they cook we don't want that to happen but honestly it's better off that we're doing it this way anyway because the chicken is gonna have to cool down before we shred it up anyway and in that time we prepare our dumplings and let them simmer and then it's gonna be perfect you're gonna see trust me believe me I've tried before you don't want to pressure cook your dumplings do the chicken which is gonna be super amazing and infuse the broth with amazing flavor and then we'll handle the dumplings right after so now let's take our chicken and remove all the fat or the skin off of the chicken as well as the bones and just take the chicken meat if it's cool to the touch you can use your hand it should be about this point and then you can literally just like a rip it apart and then just place all the chicken meat in a separate Bowl and you by the way you don't have to shred the chicken you can just really rip it up into coarse pieces like this you know nice big chunky pieces and then after you shred all your chicken it should look like this a beautiful mix of white and dark meat all right now let's check on our dumplings which should be just about finished by now and after 10 minutes of our dumplings boiling in the pot let's take the lid off and there they are guys looking absolutely perfect alright now I'm gonna kill the heat and now let's kill the heat on the pot completely sit the cancel button I want to keep warm cancel button and make sure it's off or you can just put it on keep warm if you want whatever you prefer if you're gonna serve it all at once just turn it off if you're going to serve it over a little bit of time then just leave it on keep warm and now let's take that beautiful chicken and add it right back to the pot and now that our dumplings are perfect I just added in our chicken and it's going to be amazing when they come together and now for my final touch I'm going to stir in 1/2 a cup of heavy cream and give that all a final stir until everything is nice and combined in there and now guys we literally have the greatest chicken and dumplings ever and so easy to make honestly so simple ok guys no man this looks so good let's lay us some of this up into some bowls and then try it out all right and here we go some chicken some dumplings in there mmm some more chicken and dumplings and some veggies to drape over our delicious chicken and just like a few more dumplings because why not now let's just take a spoon and then try this out oh my gosh look at these dumplings they're gorgeous beautiful like beautiful thick noodles oh I cannot wait to try this out so let's do it chicken and dumplings in the house here we go guys well first I'm gonna grab a dumpling because I'm so excited to try it ah that's like the most amazing like almost like a chicken noodle if you were like a thick beautiful chicken noodle but not chewy not flavell retai sting absolutely on the mark perfect because we rolled it only 1/8 of an inch thick that's critical here mmm we didn't over need or over roll the dough either we did it exactly as I did in the video follow that for it to be perfect oh my gosh and now let me try the chicken and some of this amazing amazing broth oh my gosh guys oh my gosh why didn't I make this sooner this is literally the southern version of a Jewish chicken noodle soup or mr. chicken noodle side is assume a chicken noodle soup is Jewish you know it's the the flavors in here are out of this world and it's such a comforting dish mmm we have so many different cuts of chicken in here but from the breasts or the thighs to the wings to the legs we have it all so that's white and dark meat which I love a mix of that and that coupled with our beautiful veggies like our carrots onions and celery perfect and they like butter at this point mmm again these to me are not dumplings dumplings are like you know a Chinese style or like a kreplach or something like that but more like a noodle if you will but like a really home they think perfect melting your mouth buttery noodles so good and honestly I'll tell you the truth even if you don't want the dumplings in the pot you can actually leave them out if you want completely I thought that's might be sacrilegious it wouldn't be chicken and dumplings otherwise but you're gonna get this amazing creamy chicken soup that is to die for mmm it's magnificent it's absolutely magnificent on every level guys I gotta tell you right now this is one of the greatest things I've ever made any instant pot and you have this amazingness I mean let's look at this to surreal experience is the Richard you got to try this look what I have for you I made some chicken and I could no I'm worried and nervous because this man you can't fool him with it because he is a big critic of southern cooking he still hasn't found the perfect biscuit in New York so we got to make sure that he's enjoying this what are you thinking I know it might be a little different it's my own spin so let me get good stuff dumpling dumpling mmm perfectly sir they're chewy enough without being overly chewy they're not hard them at all they're perfect okay so I fluffy and great they're like the perfect consistency though I get your seal of approval on that yeah I think so yes okay yes yes damn right it better be you're not getting any more food for a long long time so the consistency is right because truth be told I've tried it a few times and it was too doughy or it was too thick these I feel like are really are just right in terms of yeah these really are the Goldilocks dumplings a mess I like a sticker sometimes if they're fluffy I don't like them thick and dense like a hope you know this gets thrown in there so some people put like clean the chicken soup in it which I think makes it overly chicken II and it's too condensed tasting that's not theirs they're really thin dumplings that are frozen sometimes they're new to noodley I don't like that sometimes it's too too soupy so it's just to like just chicken water then you call it a sauce but isn't it whatever I've had chicken nobody's even like a Cracker Barrel of all places I do think it's soup it's more soup what is a sauce because it's like that's a lot of salt I mean it maybe it's a sauce I think it's more saucy home it's not like it it's a bowl it's a dish dish you eat them all so if you're a southerner do me a favor leave it in the comments over there below well if you consider this like a stew or a soup or you know a sauce or just chicken dumplings I guess that's what we just called chicken dumplings all right guys so as I said before this is the final video in this kitchen and it's kind of sad but at the same time not really because he's getting a nicer kitchen it's time to pack up our bags and head to a whole other world not very far but still it's time and we're excited for that so I figured what better recipe to say goodbye to this kitchen and then to make one that kind of has it tied up with a chicken soup that we're all familiar with with a southern spin on it so I'm glad you tried it guys I'm almost done give me a spoonful but I want a choice I'm just talking forget to figure oh yeah obviously I feed you all the time you are giving up mmm hot damn that's good absolutely spectacular guys if you enjoyed these videos in these recipes go to pressure low cooking calm because every single one of my written recipes is there along with the video to go with it go to such pressure low cooking it like that page for anytime a new video drops like this one I mean you don't want to miss out on that or any time that I've mentioned it's a deal on items or humor things like that check that out and of course subscribe turn on YouTube well my videos are easily catalog they're at pressure lock Twitter Pinterest and Instagram thank you so much again guys that I'm telling you like it's like the North has met the south in this one because we have two unbelievable chicken soups of different statures both equally incredible and right now guys I'm leaning towards my chicken and dumplings because this thing is a comfort food like none other and they all need a little bit of southern comfort in our lives am i right all right [Music]
Channel: Pressure Luck Cooking
Views: 775,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Instant Pot, Pressure Luck, Ninja Foodi, Best Recipes, Recipes, Chicken & Dumplings, Chicken, Dumplings, Southern Food, Chicken&Dumplins, Chicken Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup, Best Chicken & Dumplings
Id: eX2E5qT9Fjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 24 2019
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