5 Must Know Instant Pot Tips For Beginners

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did you get an instant pot for Christmas or you've had one but are still a little intimidated I am gonna share my five must know tips for beginners to really dive into knowing your instant pot [Music] hey guys my name is Vanessa and today I really just wanted to go over the instant pot I know a lot of people were gifted it for Christmas or you've had it for just a little bit and are still kind of scared I owned mine for three months it's sat in the box I got it a couple years ago Black Friday no not Black Friday I got it on the Amazon Prime day that's when I got it and it sat in the box for three months and then I made my husband use it the first time just like if anything's gonna happen it's gonna happen to you I know I'm horrible but I have been using it for well over a year now and I love it it is very very easy so I wanted to share just my top five there are a lot of tips and tricks the learning is never-ending with this thing but these are the top five that I really think everybody should know before really diving into using the instant pot so let's get into them so tip number one is to understand the real cook time so most recipes even when I'm sharing a recipe here on the instant pot I always tell you how long it takes to cook but there's a few things that go along with that cook time there is how long your pot takes to come to pressure usually it's 5 to 10 minutes max just add that on to your cook time so let's say you're cooking chicken and the cook time is for 6 minutes on high pressure it has to come to pressure so that's 10 minutes so that 16 minutes total time so far and then you're gonna want to let it release naturally to let it cook a little bit longer for another 10 minutes probably so it's 26 minutes for your chicken total instead of just the 6 minutes but still I love this thing a lot of recipes are cooked a lot faster in here typically it's meats now rice is one of those things that don't necessarily cook any faster it's the same time adding in the coming to pressure and the release time then cooking it on your stove in a pot but I for one just love that rice comes out perfect for me every single time in the instant pot versus on this there are still times where I will cook it on the stove and it doesn't come out not as good as in the instant pot so even though the time is still the same the insta pot just does a better job at it so I wanted to make sure tip number one is to understand that the cook time isn't the real time the instant pot does have a few other times added onto that to go with the cooking time so when you're cooking just make sure you realize how much time you really need for all of it tip number two is your instant pot always always always needs liquid don't ever close your instant pot and try to cook anything in here unless it has liquid because that is what your pot needs to come to pressure you're going to get a burn notice or it just won't work you might mess up your pot just always always always it needs liquid and depending on the size my instant pot is a 6 quart it's a 7 and 1 and it needs 1 cup so if you have a 6 quart you need at least one cup of liquid for this to come to pressure tip number three is to really know how to use your pressure valve and buy pressure valve this is what we are talking about this little nozzle right here so when you are cooking you always want it to be on ceiling so you just need to make sure that that is the first thing you do when you close the lid is automatically make sure that this is turned to ceiling otherwise if you leave it on venting you are wasting a whole lot of time because your pot is not going to come to pressure all the pressure is just going to keep really easy releasing as the time goes on and your food is not going to cook thoroughly so make sure it is on ceiling then when your timer goes off so your instant pot is going to show the time here when it beeps it'll have an L here and it is automatically going to go to keep warm and then it will start counting up how long it is on keep warm but that's also what a natural release is and that takes us to tip number 4 understanding the difference between natural release and quick release so like I stated and natural release when your timer goes off your instant pop beeps it has an L here and then two zeros it'll start counting up one two three however long that is a natural release you are letting the pot release the pressure naturally you are not touching your nozzle you are keeping it on ceiling however the pressure is still releasing on its own typically it's about ten minutes and then you'll do a quick release and most recipes that's what it calls for sometimes you will do a complete natural release and that takes about 15 almost up to 20 depending on how much is in your pot how much pressure your pot needed to make to cook all the food thoroughly quick release however is once that bell goes off that beep sounds and you see the L that means your pot is done everything is cooked that is when you're going to come over here and press your nozzle to ceiling and all of your pressure is going to come out right here so this is kind of where I'm I set up when I'm cooking when my pot is cooking I have it comes back because this does get a little warm and I don't want my kids I still have some younger kids and they are curious I don't want them touching it however when I'm ready to release the pressure I pull it out because I don't want the pressure going up under my cabinets I haven't heard anybody having problems with that but I don't want to be the first so I make sure it is in a nice open area then I press it to venting and all of the steam releases it just goes up in the air there's a bunch of accessories that you can buy for your instant pot to make things easier I'm going to be sharing that in an upcoming video and this one is definitely for beginners tip number five is totally a focus on that manual button because it knows everything this is my manual button I don't even think I've ever shared a recipe where I pushed anything else we are going to change that this year but for the most part this manual button just automatically puts your pot on high pressure and then you can just do the up or down the plus and minus and however long you need to cook time to be but all you do is press a manual put it on the time you want and your pot goes on and thing no matter what you're cooking this manual you're just allowed to mess with the time these buttons they're just preset buttons the soup is either it's a high pressure and then it has a time same thing for the meat the bean poultry these are all the buttons steamed porridge multigrain rice but for just beginners all you want to do is just focus on manual set your own time it's automatically on high pressure and it's gonna cook your food up in no time so those are my five tips that I think as a beginner using your instant pot I think you should know just starting off it definitely helped me knowing those things ahead of time some of them I didn't know ahead of time and I wish I would have I personally have never gotten a burn message I know there's a lot of people out there who have but just make sure you have at least one cup of liquid and you should not have that burn message on your pot I have never gotten a burn message I always make sure that was number one that I had enough liquid I didn't want anything going wrong and I knew ahead of time that liquid is what the pot needs to come to pressure so if you guys like these tips if you want more if you love your instant pot can't wait to use it you already use it and you want some recipes give this video a big thumbs up and subscribe it because every single Wednesday for this year 2019 I am going to bring an instant pot video so this one no cooking was involved but that's not necessarily going to be the case going forward I have a lot of yummy easy quick and delicious meals that you can cook in your instant pot coming up this year I'm super excited so I will see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: LemonadeMom
Views: 1,740,908
Rating: 4.870151 out of 5
Keywords: lemonademom, lemonade mom, 5 must know instant pot tips for beginners, instant pot tips for beginners, instant pot, instant pot for beginners, beginner instant pot tips, instant pot tips, how to use the instant pot
Id: 9b0JktJsWmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 02 2019
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