How to Use an Instant Pot - Instant Pot 101 - Beginner? Start HERE!

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hey guys welcome back to six sister stuff today we're going back to the basics and I'm showing you how to use an instant pot so if you're new to the channel welcome my name is kristen and on mondays i share an instant pot recipe with you so whether you are brand new at the instant pot or you've been using it for a while it's always fun to have recipes that you can actually use your instant popcorn so I'm gonna get down to the basics talking about how to use the instant pot how to use the Lexx and how to use the duo and then down to it how to just make the instant pot work so I could explain to you with my words how to make it work but I've decided it's a whole lot easier to show you just how to do it while cooking something so I'm going to be cooking some vegetables today and just go very slowly step by step this is what you need to do so hopefully you'll be able to understand a little bit better so I have two instant pots here this one is the seven and one duo you can see that it has a pressure cook button now don't be fooled by this this is actually just a magnet let me show you real quick it's just a magnet but I thought it was fun to decorate one of my instant pot so it's a little easier to tell them apart this one is the six and one luxe you can see that I have the manual button so this one is the older version this one is the newer version so I'm gonna be mostly working on the duo because I'm guessing the majority of you've got the duo for prime de or Black Friday this is their top seller all right so this is what the top of your instant pot looks like now when cooking anything you want to make sure that your lid is on nice and snug I'm gonna open this up real quick inside you have a sealing ring you want to make sure that this is all the way around that little metal bar if it's not if it's pulled up or not on so you see how that's like that it won't seal and it won't actually pressurize so I always check my seal put that on real quick check your seal make sure that it's on nice and snug so then it will cook perfectly oh you can see I missed a spot there we go we are nice and snug the ring okay so our seething green good to go the other important thing is to make sure that your inner pot is in your instant pot if it's not in there and you just dump food in which bless my mother-in-law's heart she did that to one my instant pots it was not a good thing so just make sure that this pot is in your instant pot you can put your food directly into this pot or you can use other things such as like a steamer basket but we're gonna focus just cooking things in this pot today so now you can cook a lot of things in your instant pot today I'm just gonna be using some frozen vegetables because they're so quick and easy this is just a giant bag from Costco on your silver pot it will tell you the max line so it says if you can read this it says keep the max is two-thirds full so this is the max line you don't want to fill anything up past that max length now if you do fill above the max line one it will take a whole lot longer to cook to it might not even pressurize and three it might not cook all the way through so it's important to make sure you don't go past that filling the nice thing about the instant pot is that I could put a cup of vegetables or six cups of vegetables and it will still cook the same amount of time that's how it is with almost everything with chicken breast with vegetables with soup almost with everything the only difference would be like a really thick roast the thicker it is the longer you'll have to cook it now because I'm gonna make these vegetables for my family for dinner we're just gonna load up the pot now one thing that every instant pot needs is water if you don't have water or some type of liquid your instant pot is not going to pressurize so I usually use a cup to a half a cup of liquid and usually you're good to go now it's time to put the lid on when your lid is on you this kind of has a little lip so you want to turn it over so it's locked and did you hear that that means you are good to go now if for some reason your instant pot is not turning on you want to make sure that you check this plug plug right here make sure it's in all the way and then plug right here make sure it's in all the way those are some of my most asked questions is how come I as debat won't turn on it's because you need to do your plugs now after you put the lid on you want to make sure this little knob is turned to see link so you want to seal your instant pot if it's on venting guess what this is gonna vent the whole entire time and you won't pressurize so you want to make sure this little knob is turn to see link now the Lexx is a little bit different the sealing position is down here the venting z' are on the side so they can turn side-to-side but the ceiling is straight down now the lux it's little pin looks a little bit different so if you think you're missing a pin you're not that's what it looks like the duo's pin does not have a hole in it and so yep that's what it looks like if you have one of those you're good now there are a lot of functions on the instant pot don't let this intimidate you now on my channel I mostly use the manual button if you have a Lux instant pot or the pressure cook button if you have the duo that way it just makes things a whole lot easier for me when I have 50 different kinds of instant pots and people using them just using the manual or pressure cook button works awesome all my recipes I use that button but if you want to use like the soup button or the meat button go ahead you're gonna use the same time that I tell you to use you can just push a fancy button so to cook these vegetables I'm gonna be pushing the pressure cook button there we go and then it will up this timer will show whatever you ended your time at but I don't want to cook them for 20 minutes because there will be nothing left of them so I'm gonna cook I'm gonna put it all the way down to one minute now usually vegetables they will be perfectly steamed all right so after you set the timer it's gonna say on guess what that means you are good to go you can go ahead and walk away from your instant pot most people that use the instant pot are terrified it's gonna explode it's not you're safe you're good to go I've used it probably 500 times and it hasn't yet to explode on me no it says on while it is pressurizing it takes anywhere from 5 to 20 minutes to pressurize depending if you have frozen food if you have meat if you have other things so just be patient it takes a little bit of time to pressurize now while we're waiting for it to pressurize we're going to talk a little bit about the saute button the saute button is your friend because it's like having a skillet on top of a stove top so you can saute all kinds of things in your instant you can Brown your meat you can cook your onions you can do all kinds of stuff with your saute button now also while it's on the on position it's gonna say keep warm there is nothing wrong with it saying keep warm don't be confused don't be scared just don't touch anything it will pressurize for you now if you have a Lux you're gonna push the manual button it's does that same little jingle then you're gonna just go down to one minute all right it's gonna do the same thing it's gonna stay on but you're keep warm button does not stay on so don't be fooled by that that's one of the differences is your keep warm doesn't stay on and you have a manual button ok when your instant pot is done it will show a little ill and it will show zero zero zero and as you can see it starts to count up so however minutes this is or hours that's how many minutes it's been done cooking now when it's done you have a few options we're gonna go back to our little knob so right now we're unsealing well now we can flip it over to venting that's called a quick release or we can just let it just leave it like it is and it will release on its own so if you want your food faster I suggest doing really wanna be careful because you don't want to get in the way of the scheme because it is hot so you can use a little spoon to turn it or a hot pad or you can just do it your finger just be careful so that little pin was up and it just fell down so that means you know when that pin is down you can open up your instant pot now also be careful as you open this up the steam is still going to be coming out so it's gonna be hot there we go and all your vegetables are cooked now if you have the duo you have those also little handles that you can actually take your lid and put it right in both handles so your lid can stay like that for filming purposes I don't ever do this but that's what they're for sorry those that have the Lexx you don't have that the vegetables are still in there it's still gonna continue to count up it's also going to still say keep warm the keep warm button is off when it's cooking but as soon as it's done cooking the keep warm button keeps turns on so it's gonna stay on keep warm for up to 10 hours but right now we're just to keep warm if dinner is almost ready you can just leave it in here and keep it on keep warm if you want it warm now the other button one of the only other buttons I use on this thing is the yogurt button and up in the corner up there I'll show you how I make yogurt you only use three ingredients it is so easy and you make a ton of yogurt now with the Lexx you don't have a yogurt button so you can't make yogurt in the lux I'm sorry about that now usually I use a steamer basket when I cook my vegetables because I can just pull it out but because I just use the pot I'll just use some hot pads take out the PAP and drain the liquid alright guys there you have it the basics of the instant pot now if you have any questions go ahead and shoot them down in the comments and I'd be more than happy to answer them for you so if you need any more food ideas you can check out some of my awesome playlists like the top things you can make in your instant pot or just my favorite chicken recipes in the instant pot chicken is the easy you smell to make and one of my favorites all right so if you want more insta pot recipes make sure you subscribe so you won't miss any when I post every Monday thank you so much for joining me I will see you on Monday fine
Channel: Six Sisters' Stuff
Views: 2,277,969
Rating: 4.8621206 out of 5
Keywords: How to Use an Instant Pot, Instant Pot 101, use an instant pot, six sisters stuff instant pot, instant pot, instant pot recipe, using an Instant Pot, sixsistersstuff, sixsistersstuff instant pot recipe, how to use, instant pot use, Instant Pot don'ts, how to use a pressure cooker, how to make an Instant Pot Work, Instant Pot how to, six sisters stuff how to use an instant pot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 18 2019
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