Prime Rib in the Ninja Foodi

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hi there and welcome to the salted pepper where we cook for real life using real food and we keep it real simple and today I have to be honest I'm a little bit scared what I have here is two boneless prime rib roast and 26.5 ninja foodies and I'm going to compare two different cooking methods so one we're gonna pressure cook and the other one we're gonna use the tender crisp lid only so I'm afraid because honestly these are so expensive I did not test this out we are gonna learn this together which one is better which one is right for you to do which ones quicker and most importantly which one tastes better so we're about to find out so I've been cooking prime rib for years and years and years and I always use my oven and I always use the closed door of an Method it's the one that works the best in my opinion and it's kind of like set it and forget it so to do that it's super easy just pre-heat your oven for about 15 minutes or so at 500 this is a regular oven at 500 degrees and then put your prime rib in after you seasoned it up let it cook for five minutes per pound at that high temperature and then just turn the oven off don't open the door and wait about two to two-and-a-half hours and your roast will be perfect and it works for me every time but now I'm gonna see how well the ninja foodie matches up to my tried-and-true oven method and we're gonna use pressure cook for one and tender crisp lid for the other one but I'm gonna prep them exactly the same for this recipe or techniques I should say it's not really a recipe I am NOT gonna see her either one and ordinarily if I was gonna cook something under pressure I would probably sear the meat first that's my preferred way of doing it but for this I'm not going to because after I pressure cook I do want to use the crisping lid to crisp up the fat on the outside and get that crust at least I'm gonna try so that's all I'm gonna do it but you can certainly sear your meat prior to this and then you know proceed with the recipe so what I'm gonna use to prepare this is garlic cloves that I'm gonna make slits in the fat and kind of insert them down into the meat I'm gonna use some onion some rosemary and just salt and pepper and that is all I'm gonna use in the pressure cooking one I'm gonna use some beef broth you could use a combination of wine and beef broth you could put all your aromatics in the bottom and not worry about you know getting the cloves into the meat but I want the preparation to be as identical as I can for both cooking methods so we can see at the end which one did a better job which one tastes better and we don't have so many variables all right so what I have here is one bowl of garlic that I just split in about two equal portions and then I'm just gonna take my knife here this is a fillet knife and I'm just gonna make some slits into the fat here it goes down maybe about a half of an inch or so and and if I need to cut these I will but usually you can just push them right in and that's what I'm gonna do they're whole cloves of garlic I didn't smash them or anything and again this is totally optional you do not need to do this now this one's kind of big so I'm gonna I'm gonna cut this guy in half here see if I can get him in there I don't think I made my slit big enough for this one anyway push it in there sometimes that happens I could I could read you the slit but I'm not going to worry about it I'm just gonna go to another spot so I'm gonna put probably about I don't know five or six here in the top and what this does is just some infuse some flavor into the meat it is totally optional though that one actually could probably fit too but I'm not gonna there we go that'll work out now these are boneless prime rib roast I would have preferred to have the bone-in but they are so hard to find where I live that I just basically had to take what I could get so this these are boneless I prefer the bone-in though the technique and timing would be about the same but you might need to increase the time just a little bit for the bone-in alright that looks good all right let's do that for the other one that's gonna be pressure cooked just go into the fat here okay all the garlic is in and I did want to mention that these two cuts of meat are about three pounds each you would want to use this timing for anything that's three pounds and I will try to work up a little formula so that you could use it if you had a bigger roast or not probably four to six pounds would work okay in the ninja foodie anything bigger than that and you're gonna run into some issues I think so if you want to do a small rib roast or this one was actually one rib roast that was about about six pounds and I just cut it in half so you could do that too so you could end up doing if you had a larger one you could do them at separate times and do two of them alright so now that I have gotten all the garlic in I'm gonna go ahead and season liberally and I'm just using salt and pepper and what I'm using for this is one tablespoon of salt and a half of a tablespoon of pepper and the pepper that I'm using is a restaurant grind pepper so it's a little bit coarser you could use fresh cracked pepper or you can even use just regular black pepper whichever you prefer is fine and I do the two to one ratio a lot when I'm doing rubs on meats I think it's a nice balance of the salt and the pepper you don't have to use this much I may not even use this much the idea is to get it liberally all over the meat so so that you flavor everything and I encourage you to rub it in and you can even do this the day before and leave it in the refrigerator overnight works really well and the other thing that you can do is when you get your rib rows home from the grocery store and you know you're gonna cook it the next day you can unwrap it and leave it in the refrigerator unwrapped that helps to dry out the skin and really does help to develop a nice crust now I'm gonna season all over in the front and the back and the sides with this rub little bit less on the sides of the meat because that's where you're gonna be serving it and you don't want a whole bunch of that in every single bite then when you do it this way it kind of goes it doesn't concentrate it but I am gonna season it just a little bit but lightly on the sides heavier on the top and the bottom all right that looks good and I used almost all of it don't do the same with this one these are beautiful by the way nice marbling going on nice bit of fat on the top I did not trim them at all you want the fat on the top all right so I'm gonna clean up here and then we're gonna get both of these in to thin in two foodies to cook this one's gonna go under pressure and this one I'm gonna use the tender-crisp lid alright so the first thing I want to do is get the ninja food he preheated so I'm gonna turn it on and we're gonna go to broil and ten minutes is fine and we're gonna let it preheat now I don't have the rack in ordinarily I would say preheat with the rack in but I don't have it there because I want to lay some of the rosemary and the onions on the rack for the roast to sit on and so I'm gonna do that right now get that already so I just have a few sprigs of fresh rosemary and I'm just gonna put them on the rack here so that they lay under the meat and they're gonna infuse some flavor into the meat but they're also going to infuse flavor into the juices these that I actually cut too small I won't use on this rack here and that looks good and then some onions these onions and stuff will probably end up falling through the racks but that is not going to matter because there will be some juices that come out of the prime rib and those we will use to make some ooh all right so we're gonna let that go and heat up for the ten minutes and let's get our pressure cooking one we're ready to go so I'm going to open this up here and what I'm going to use for the broth is one cup of just beef broth not even beef stock just beef broth not even beef bone broth just plain old beef broth but you could use bone broth that would be fine as well and then we also have a rack here and I'm gonna do the same thing with this one we're trying to keep things pretty even now you could also just throw all of this in the bottom of the pot but just because I want to compare as much you know apples to apples so to speak I want to do the preparation about the same for both both of these roasts so no more falling through and that's fine then they can go right into the broth no big deal all right is there alright you know what I'm gonna grab another sprig of rosemary just to work more even here because I have a little bit more under this one so I'm gonna grab another sprig put that on we'll get this on the rack and then we'll get it in to the ninja foody to pressure-cook alright so a little extra rosemary there and then we're gonna get this on the rack too then we're gonna put it into the ninja fruity to pressure-cook and I'm only gonna pressure cook this for three minutes and that is amazing right three minutes but time to pressure it's probably gonna be about eight minutes time to pressure three minutes cook and then we need to leave it alone for a full natural release and then we will crisp up the top and we'll see how it works because if you would have asked me about a month or two ago if I would have ever pressure cooked a prime rib I would have said no way but you know what I just got to thinking about it and thought you know if you do a short pressure cook time and you really like infuse all those flavors into the meat it could actually turn out better than just the air crisping or broiling or whatever you choose to do using the tender crisp lid so I thought I'm going to give it a try and see how it goes if it's horrible I'll let you know and that way you won't waste your time or money trying it let's get the pressure lid on and we're gonna turn the ninja fruity on and we're gonna go to pressure we want high what we want to go to three minutes and hit the start button make sure the valve is on seal in the back all right so we want this to pressure cook for three minutes and then we're gonna let it completely natural release now depending on how long that takes I may actually leave the prime rib in the pressure cooker for a longer period of time and I will certainly let you know after I time how long it takes to natural release this alright so in just about a minute I'm gonna get this prime rib in and we're gonna broil for 20 minutes then I'm gonna bake roast I'm gonna drop that temperature all the way down to the lowest setting of bake roast which is 250 degrees and we're gonna go another 20 to 30 minutes and I will be temping it because I want my prime rib a perfect medium-rare alright let's get it in now we don't need any liquid in the bottom at all for this but you could put some in but I think it would just steam a little bit and it would end up evaporating so we're not gonna worry about that alright so broil and we want to go to 20 minutes and hit the start button alright so let me clean up and then we won't find out which one worked out better I don't know yet I can't wait to find out though alright so we just have about 30 seconds to go on the prime rib that we are using the tender crisp lid only for we've been boiling for 20 minutes and it smells so good in here I can't even begin to describe it it is wonderful now what I'm gonna do is resist the urge I want to open the lid but I'm not going to I'm just going to switch functions to bake roast and take it down to 250 degrees and I'm gonna go 10 more minutes and then I will check a town [Music] okay all the way down to 250 and the time is gonna be ten minutes and hit start don't open the lid resist the urge yes I want to check a temp right now but I don't want the heat to come out and so I'm just going to do this and just cross fingers and hope that it turns out perfectly now as far as the one that we're pressure cooking it took about nine minutes to come up to pressure now I used room-temperature beef broth so if you're using beef broth right out of the fridge it might take 10 or 11 minutes to come up to pressure that is not going to make a huge difference in this recipe so don't worry about that but I did use room temperature so after that we cooked it we pressure cooked on high for three minutes and now it has been releasing the pressure which that has completely happened the pin is down that only took about ten minutes and now we are just on the keep warm and I'm gonna leave it like that until about 15 minutes goes by so just another couple minutes and then I'm gonna open up the pressure lid and then we're gonna start to broil it to get that crust developed on the top and we will take a temperature so I'll know how long we have to broil it so right now I say these two are kind of neck and neck as far as time goes this one will be done about the same time so there's doesn't seem like there's really much time savings either method so it's all gonna boil down to which one tastes better and I cannot wait to find out all right so it has been 15 minutes of natural release or keep warm because their pin is already dropped so we can definitely open up the lid now and I'm gonna give it a quick 10 well it smells amazing now as far as the way it looks not as pretty as I'm used to so let's see if we can fix that let's go ahead and get it time right in the center and the template now is only 57 degrees that is low guys so out here on the edge we're a little bit a little bit higher but that's too low so you know what we need to put this lid back on and it just needs to sit I'm gonna keep one we're gonna go another 10 minutes put the lid on just trapping that steam in there because I do want it to come up to at least a hundred degrees before we start the air crisping or we're just gonna end up burning the top before we cook the meat all the way through maybe three minutes was not quite long enough but anyway that's why I do these tests so that you don't have to make the same mistakes I do and I will give you all my thoughts about time and temperature and all that kind of stuff after we see how these come out alright so the keep warm has been on of course we don't have any more pressure we have already checked we've already temped it was pretty low temp I was kind of shocked so we've just gonna leave it alone and I'm gonna let this go to 25 minutes before I open the lid and then I will get the crisping lid down and we will crisp up that fat on top and see how it goes and then for this one we just have about a minute left and then I get to finally look and I have really resisted the urge I want to open this up in temp it so many times but I've resisted the urge and I'm just hoping that it is not overcooked but I don't think it will be so just a few more seconds and then we will get to see it and temp it and then we'll make a decision whether or not I go back under the baked roast at 2:15 or do I just let it sit in the pot for a little bit with the heat in there and let the residual heat finish cooking it that'll depend on what temperature I get so I really recommend that you pick up a meat thermometer or a thermometer like this which is an inch to read this one is like twenty dollars or less in my Amazon store and so far it's been pretty accurate and this works pretty well here we go it smells amazing but I'll tell you I'm nervous about this one I mean the last thing you want to do is ruin an expensive cut of meat like this and i if i overcook it I'll consider that I ruined it but you know what I will make it into something else delicious so it will not go to waste that is for sure all right let's do this oh my gosh it's gorgeous oh it's gorgeous and we are at 75 degrees on the way inside so I did not overcook it that is good oh my gosh this just based on what I'm seeing right now I'm gonna be I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be in the corner here of doing it just like that but we need to go a little bit longer and because it is so low I am gonna go back on the bake roast and I'm gonna take the temp all the way down again to 250 and I'm gonna go just 10 more minutes so now we've had 20 minutes of Royal 15 minutes at the low bake roast and now we're gonna go another 10 minutes so that'll be a total of 55 minutes total cook time so we may be catching up with this one this one may not take us long so then we'll have some time savings and that's why I thought it was gonna be fun to compare these two so just a few more minutes I'm gonna let this go and then I will get the crisping lid down and let's see if we can get this one to look as beautiful as this one and I'm not sure you know that's what we're trying out here see which one works out better alright so it's been just about 25 minutes total and we're gonna go ahead and take the lid off and temp it and even if it's not up to temperature I am gonna go with the air crisp lid now or the tender crisp lid now and broil it to try to get it crisped up on top so we'll see what temp we have all right oh look at that steam oh it's something good all right let's see we are at about 82 degrees you know what I think I can go a little bit longer I'm just getting nervous but you know no I'm not going to second-guess myself can I thought this out even though I'm trying it on my camera for the first time I did give this a lot of thought and because I really want to crisp up all this fat on the top I'm not gonna second guess I'm gonna go ahead and go to the boil so now let's go to the broiled function and start with 10 minutes and we'll see how that does to crisp up the top meanwhile we've got another 6 minutes now it's okay we could dump this one as well if we wanted to I'm trying to think if I want to you know what I might do it but let me let me clean my thermometer real quick all right let's go ahead and temp it I you know I probably shouldn't but I'm just so worried about overcooking it that it's the worst thing that could happen so I don't want I don't want that so I'm just gonna attempt it once really quick we're still in the 90s we need to keep going no problem but I did it really really quick so hopefully this'll work out I could probably even go up on a higher temperature I mean I'm kind of shocked at this one um I thought it would be a little bit more done by now but anyway I'm not going to rush it because I want primer to be perfect I want it to be absolutely delicious and it doesn't matter to me if it takes a little bit of time all right so we have just finished that 10 minute royal and we're gonna check it again and see what the temp is and then determine do we need to go another 10 minutes I kind of feel like we probably do but we'll see we'll see how this the fat is looking like on top - well it's looking a lot better that's for sure so it's pretty until it's really nice and juicy go ahead and get it here and we are at about 95 degrees so we do need to go longer and I'm happy about that because I want that fat to render a little bit more and crisp up and create that crust so I'm actually happy that it did not cook more than it did so we're gonna go back on broil for 10 minutes I just hit the start button alright so we just have a few more seconds left of that second bake roast that we did we're still at the low temperature of 250 and we're gonna give it another temp and see where we are and see what we need to do if we need to keep going or if we're ready to bring it out and let it rest all right let's take a temp it looks gorgeous absolutely gorgeous and I am at about 110 so you know what we are almost there I'm gonna go another 5 minutes and I'm still gonna keep it on the low temp I don't want the outside to burn and that's why I'm dropping it down so we want the center just to cook a little bit more but we don't want the outside to get any darker or any more crispy cuz it is done it looks gorgeous so we'll go 5 minutes and then I'm gonna bring it out and we're gonna let it rest for about 15 and then we get to curve it and see what it looks like inside and how it tastes I am really excited for this and I really cannot wait to see which one is better alright just about 30 seconds to go and then I'm gonna do another temp on this guy and see if he's ready to come out I'm thinking so though that's would be my educated guess is that he's ready and really if he's anywhere between 118 and 120 - I'm taking him out let him rest and it'll come back up to temperature or it'll continue to cook internally as it rest and then it'll be a perfect medium-rare because I know the outsides are already done alright here we go again it just looks gorgeous and I'm just gonna go right in there and yes I am getting about 118 so I'm gonna go ahead and take them out I do not want to overcook this and I will just let it rest there it looks absolutely gorgeous I have two tents a really gorgeous and there's a little bit of fat down in the bottom I'm not thinking that it would be anything I would really make anything out of though to be honest with you there's just not enough of the juices and it all looks like it's just that so I don't think I would really do anything with that but you could you could add you could make a little gravy for sure if you wanted to all right just a few seconds to go here and then I'm gonna do a temp and we're still kind of neck-and-neck I mean I did remove this one a few minutes ago so really if this one's done the pressure-cooked one is done I would say that they're equal times really a few minutes difference but not enough to really worry about all right let's jacket temperature and see how it see how it's coming along so it's not as beautiful as the other one but it is looking more comparable now the areas that's not crisping is this back end a little bit here but I'm going to worry about that if the temperature is what I want it to be then that is what I'm going to go with and I'm getting a reading of about 105 in the middle there and then 118 towards the end over here I'm gonna buy 150 so we're not quite ready we're gonna have to go another 10 minutes but you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna try to help this back end along a little bit if I can buy see if I can fit I can't really go see if I can lift it up so it was closer but I really can't I'm just gonna move it so maybe the fan will hit back there and start to render that fat out a little bit more and we're gonna go another ten minutes so at this point the pressure cook time probably could have gone up a little bit from three to five minutes I would say and then we would have less time doing this but then again we wouldn't get the crisp enos on the top so I'm not sure I'll be anxious to see which one tastes better as far as the texture of the meat goes so which one is more tender and that'll probably determine which method I would do again you know right now I'm leaning towards this one honestly but it is more familiar to me and what I know cuz it's similar to the oven so unless this meat tastes really really good and is a lot more tender I'm probably leaning towards this method but only time will tell so we'll wait we'll go another ten minutes and then we will bring this guy out let him rest too and then we'll get to taste it all right so we just have about a little less than 10 seconds left to go and we're gonna let it go through the little cooldown period which just takes a few seconds and then I will do a final temp but I think we're ready to come out and I'll get it out and we'll let both of them rest for at least 15 minutes and then I will cut them all right now this has really rendered much more than before but I'm also seeing that there is some burning right here just from being so close in proximity but it looks great and it's at 120 it was like 122 so I'm gonna go ahead and take it out and let it rest I would rather it be under than over you know me I always say under cook don't over cook so I'm gonna go ahead and grab this out all right it looks good looks really good now I can notice a difference right away honestly and that is the size so this one has lost more size than this one and that could be and I'm thinking it's because of the pressure cook putting more moisture into the meat and we because we let it natural release for so long that it didn't come back out so I'll be really interested to see both look good visually this one's prettier honestly but they both look good and wait fifteen minutes and then we'll cut them and see which one tastes better because at the end of the day that's all that matters which one has the better flavor and which one has the better texture all right so you know in this one we only have fat down in the bottom where we just air crisp that's not something that I would even use I don't really you I don't eat gravy with my prime rib so I'm just gonna leave that alone but because we started out with stock in this one we do have some juice there and some stock and I'm gonna go ahead and pour that out and see if it's a tasty all show so let me get this out here just put it down now on the rack of course the onions and rosemary and all that stuff they're kind of all shriveled up that's to be expected those onions though I've already tasted one they're delicious and now I'm just gonna take this and strain it out all right there we go so I'll taste a little bit of this now I can see a lot of fat that just isn't really my my thing I would probably let this cool down and get some of the fat off the top but for you guys I'm going to taste it with the one that's pressure cook since this is a little bit of an added advantage but boy you can really tell the amount of fat that came off look at that and then these oh my gosh these are so good hmm they look barn but they taste delicious yummy I'll tell you I might lay some rosemary underneath of slices of onion and roast them like this till they're nice and crispy because these are just as good as onion rings I think they're actually better they have so much flavor and they don't taste burnt at all so it's really they're yummy who knew all right so let me get this back in now for the truth this is the important part all right let me get a knife and a fork and a plate and a spoon for the LG and let's see which one is better the one that we use the tender crisp lid only or where we used a combination of pressure cook and the tender crisp lid let's see okay so I'm gonna test the one that we did the tender crisp lid on first and that is because it is it was taken out a little bit sooner so I'm gonna let that rest equal amount you can see I put a little tray down to catch any drippings cuz I was tired of cleaning up my counter all right so here we go oh my gosh I'm so afraid the moment of truth now I'm gonna cut a thin slice here on the outside I know that that's gonna be more done than the inside but I you know want you to see that definitely looks good it's pretty okay so that would be that would be medium I would think that would not be medium rare that would be medium so I'm gonna go ahead and get another slice out and go a little bit more towards the center here mmm oh my goodness wow that's beautiful that is the beautiful color that I love to say that looks gorgeous that is perfectly cooked absolutely perfectly cooked I am so excited right now wow that looks great I don't know if it's gonna stand up anymore it looks great all right Wow I'm gonna put this back here cuz I'm not gonna eat that one I'm gonna eat the one that is I'm not gonna eat this whole thing either so I'm gonna go ahead and take some of this part back here and right through here and put that on my plate oh my gosh it looks amazing all right let's get that back there mmm now if you don't like your prime rib medium-rare to rare you would want to cook it longer I mean and you certainly can there's no problems with that whatsoever all right okay let me clean my cutting board up a little bit cuz I'm gonna go ahead and bring the other one up cut that compare it and then we're gonna taste them side by side okay all right I'm gonna set this over here for now and get this other one up here this is the one that we pressure-cooked and then use the tender crust lid and I'm gonna go ahead and cut it let's see oh my gosh I think it's really interesting the different shape too so all right let's get in here now it's a little bit harder to to cut I will say that but I think it's more because it's flopping around well it's cooked nicely now it does it looks a little different on the inside it really does so that's interesting now it's a little less done on that this end side which is fine with me it looks beautiful it's cooked perfectly so I really like the way it's cooked that's gorgeous it's gonna be interesting to see obviously it's not as pretty but again I don't care if it's pretty or not pretty I care about what it tastes like so I'm gonna cut this in half now for the moment of truth let me get this onto my plate and then I will clean this cutting board bring my plate up and we will try them out they both look like they're cooked perfectly so as far as that goes no difference is this one took a little longer you could probably pressure cook a little bit longer and then cut back on the time to Chris but it took that long though to get this nice crust developed so I'm still leaning towards this one but let's find out okay all right so let's do the one that we use the tender crisp lid only and I'm gonna get a piece back here which is gonna have that really nice crust on it be full of flavor that's amazing Wow and so tender even though you know it's well done right there it tastes so good and it is so tender all right here we go Oh moment of truth oh my goodness that is so good but you know I'm not really surprised about that I knew that the ninja foodie would do a great job doing a similar process as the oven would do so I'm not surprised but it is really delicious the crispy part on the top is oh so flavorful the meat is really really tender it's perfectly cooked it is definitely a winner now this is the one that I've really been waiting to find out so let me go ahead and take some of the part here that is overcooked a little bit and you know got that little although I will tell you even though it's overcooked and it looks like it's you know well-done on the inside it's actually not interesting now I'm not one that I don't really like to eat the globs of fat that haven't rendered so I'm not going to do that but there is a little piece that is got that crispy edge on it so let's see oh this one I don't really know to be honest I would have never thought I would ever pressure cook a prime rib but let's see it's good but it's not as good so the flavors aren't as good as they are in this crust we just didn't have enough time I don't think to develop that the meat is pretty good that tastes good it's not chewy or anything so that's a good thing all right let's get down here and see it cuts cuts even I think easier honestly all right let's see Wow hmm it's super tender hmm hmm this is a hard one you know what's really interesting is that this one is cold and I guess that makes sense because we pressure-cooked it let it cool down and then we just broiled the outside so while the outside here is a little on the warmer side the middle is on the colder side even though it's cooked and they're cooked from what I can tell identically well [Music] I'm gonna try this one again here this is the one that we only use the tender-crisp lid mm-hmm it's so much better I'm sorry that outside so that wins right now especially for the outside let me see about the meat a little bit more hmm yeah I'm definitely leaning towards the air press only well not air crisp agender crest blade only alright so this is the one that we just did the tender crisp lid it just looks amazing [Music] that's good hmm all right let's see no no that's good too hmm let me try the audio because I did say I would do that now I'm gonna mix it up a little bit here see if I can get down to where the actual this is not my favorite thing in the world I will tell you but I said I would do it I'm gonna do it all right there we go see if that makes a difference maybe it will mmm it's too salty for me Jeff would probably love this it's just not my thing but it's very flavorful all right so I'm gonna have Jeff taste these and he won't know which one and then I'll let you know what his thoughts are and my final thoughts all right so Jeff tried them and I he had his eyes closed and he thought that the pressure cooked one tasted better as far as the meat go so the actual meat as far as the crust goes hands down the one that was air crisped one the bottom line is they're very close the outer crust on the one that we use the tender crisp lid only is better there's no doubt about it the fat is better rendered it just gives you this really luxurious tasty bite as far as the meat goes though there really isn't a whole lot of difference they're both perfectly cooked they both taste good personally I think the one that we use the tender crisp lid on only I think that meat itself has a better flavor but it is so close you could do either one of these techniques and be perfectly fine with your prime rib I would make a few changes which I will go over in my written post and I will link to that below in the video description because you know I have all of my recipes on my website as they can be printed out so I'm gonna really think about this with timings and things that I might do differently and write up a little guide for you guys so that if you want to make it either with a pressure cook mode or the tender Chris mode only that you can do that as well so I think bottom line what I would say is because of the time difference it actually took a little bit longer to do the pressure cook one the way I did it now there's other ways to do it you can speed it up of course but the way I did it it took longer to develop the crust and it still wasn't developed enough didn't have enough flavor so I would use the tender crisp lid and make your prime rib that way I just think it is a better end result
Channel: The Salted Pepper
Views: 229,919
Rating: 4.7552109 out of 5
Keywords: Ninja Foodi, Ninja Foodi Recipes, The Salted Pepper, prime rib in the ninja foodi, ninja foodi prime rib, how to cook a prime rib in the ninja foodi, pressure cooked prime rib, IP Duo Crisp prime rib, ip duo crisp, can you pressure cook a prime rib roast, IP Duo Crisp recipes, Air Fried Prime Rib, Ninja Foodi Christmas recipes, christmas prime rib roast
Id: Y3S25_juqDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 45sec (2625 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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