Instant Pot Duo 3, 6, & 8 qt UNBOXING - WHICH INSTANT POT TO BUY

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[Music] you can find me on my restaurant what I want hey it's Lisa child's here from tried tested and true calm welcome to this video today I am going to show you which instant pot you should buy out of all the options I'm gonna tell you what the differences are what the pros and cons are and do a little unboxing for you this is what the boxes look like when you get to Amazon that's my favorite place to order them the other good place to order them is from Kohl's if you have Kohl's cash sometimes you can stack Kohl's cash on top of discounts and on top of sales so those are the two places where I would suggest getting an instant product so this is the 8 quart this is the 6th core and this is the 3 quart you can see kind of the difference in sizes and this is how they come delivered from Amazon I'm going to open the boxes this is what they look like now after they come out of the packaging so now I'm going to unbox the 6 quart instant pot I'll show you everything that it comes with and then we'll see what they all look like side by side now that we've got our incident unbox this is what comes in the box so we have kind of a cheat sheet guide of what - all the buttons mean a little user manual and the recipe book right so I recommend reading through this just to get kind of an idea of everything that it says just to go through the safety measures you'll feel a lot better after reading this this is what the instant pot looks like first when you get it this is the lid this is the seal ring wow that is a new sealing ring has a little gasket thing right here this comes off actually for when you want to clean it like that and then this is the little knobby dude I call it this is what you turn when you want it from venting the ceiling that's how comes to pressure so this does come off - when you want to clean it lots of people don't know that one so okay so this is the inner pot stainless steel this is six quarts don't put food straight in here also comes with some of these four little plastic pieces right here first we have a little rice dirt we've got this little soup ladle I actually use this for my ice in my freezer I have like three of these so it's really nice to scoop out this is the condensation collector so you put this on the back of your instant pot right here snap it in just like that and this collects just like the water the condensation that comes off here the liquid goes into this little holes if you like sometimes forget to use this it's totally fine I almost never have it but that's what that is for it it also comes with this little rice Cup it's only 3/4 of a cup wall it goes to 3/4 of a cup I think it goes to a full cup like to the top but this is called the trivet so this is the trivet this is what goes inside the instant pot liners when you want to cook things and keep it so you want to keep this handy because you'll use it for a lot of things especially vegetables and big bigger cuts of bean if you don't want them sitting on the bottom don't lose this this is what the trip is called so the lid this here's my trick with the lid because when you can tell someone who doesn't use their instant pot very often because they struggle putting on the lid match up this black part with this black part right here and then you won't have any trouble getting this lit up I see so many people struggle to get this on but if you just line up this back part the black you're good to go so we are gonna unbox the 8 quart in the 3 quart and we'll show them side-by-side this is my little family of instant pots I actually have another 6 quart in my pantry but we are just going to compare these three models today so we've bought the 8 quart instant pot duo the 6 quart instant pot duo and the 3 quart instant pot duo now all of these come with a cord a little rice scooper a little a little cup recipe booklet and user manual I always get asked which instant pot to buy so instant pot has a lot of different model of their pressure cookers these are all electric pressure cookers and they have varying levels and they're fanciness and everything but the main thing that stays the same are the sizes they have a small medium and large instant pot three six and eight port I'm gonna tell you which one to buy so my preferred model is the instant pot duo this is the most standard kind of not their most basic instant pot but it's the one that I think has like no frills but it still does everything you need and to get the job done I personally have two six ports or two of these a 3 quart and an 8 quart because I do so much instant pot cooking testing and it's amazing the reason why I recommend the duo over the lux version are for a couple different reasons so the first reason is the lid the instant pop duo lid has these little knobs on the side that allow you to rest it on to the base like this this makes it incredibly easy when you're cooking to kind of look and stir whatever if you're keeping things warm while you're prepping so then you don't have this really hot lid just sitting on the counter it's pretty clunky too so it's nice to be able to just sit right there for serving and especially like when you go to a potluck or something you know if you have like a slow cooker lid you have to have it in a separate location you can just set this right here and it's no problem one thing to note with this though is make sure everyone in your family knows that this is not a lever because then you could snap this off and that would be really unfortunate the second reason I recommend the duo over the lux version is because it has the yogurt setting so even though you might not think you're gonna make yogurt someday I promise you you're going to make my yogurt recipe you can find it on tried tested and true calm it is one of my most famous popular or whatever recipes that I have and people love it it's only two or three ingredients it's so empowering to know what goes into your food not only is it great for yogurt but it's amazing or proofing bread dough so let me tell you why the yogurt setting is a super low heat and it's just the perfect temperature to incubate just like a ball of dough that you have so if you're making any sort of homemade bread or sweet bread rolls I even use frozen rolls to make my airfryer beignets and it's amazing I can proof dough in half the time and that's why I love using the yogurt setting not just for yogurt but also for proofing bread now let's talk about some of the differences between the 3 6 and 8 quart instant pots so right off the bat you can see this 8 quart is kind of massive my husband just says like bigger than the whole circumference of my body which actually might be true this is a monster like this lid versus the 3 portlet it's crazy so one of the one of the first things I noticed about the 8 quart is that the cord is attached with the 3 and the 6 quart the cord comes detached so you can store it a lot easier I think you just plug it in when you want to I usually leave mine plugged in like this but if it needs me I'll take it out just so that it doesn't like it broken or things like that that's one of the biggest things I just realized about this is that the 8 quart is connected another thing I'm seeing that's different on the 8 quart is that this which is the sealing pin it's actually colored pink so when your instant pot comes to pressure it will pop up like that letting you know that it is pressurized and it is pressure cooking and there's no opening that lid while that is up so this is heat to let you know about these are just silver on the 3 and the 6 quart which is interesting I do have one note to make these I purchased in 2019 but my 6 quart duo instant pots that I purchased in 2016 has a manual button instead of a pressure cook button they are the same but in recipes you'll see things written like manual high-pressure for 10 minutes but that just means pressure cook just use the same setting so you watch this video basically to find out which instant pot you should buy right so I'm gonna tell you every single person needs to start with a 6 quart I find that there's really no not know there's few instances we're starting with an 8 or starting with a 3 are recommended the reason is because the 6 is the most multi useful model to be able to get the most bang for your buck you can't do things like corn on like whole corn on the cob or larger pieces of meat or larger you know batches of soup in a 3 quart and 8 part is just really big for everyday use so if you only want to make food for just a couple people or even your family and the 8 quart is really big I'm only going to reserve this for when I do events or have large parties so the 6 quart is what I recommend for most people to start with get to know it use it all the time and then you will know if you need a 3 or an 8 quart personally I started with a 6 quart instant pot and then I used it so much and so often that I would find myself thinking dang I really wish I had another instant pot the reason is because I would have my main dish in here say I had ribs going in here and I wanted to also make green beans or mashed potatoes or corn on the cob and this was preoccupied for a longer amount of time so my family consists of me my husband and I have two little kids one and a half and three and a half so I opted for the three quart instant pot because all my sides are gonna be slightly smaller and so I would recommend and getting a sixth port and then getting a 3-quart if you have a smaller family like mine and then maybe an eighth quarter pieces a bigger family of maybe my five six seven eight plus people and then you can make larger size in here like tons of mashed potatoes or tons of corn on the cob tons of rice or a really large batch of soup per party another reason why I love having my 6 quart and my 3 quart is because I'll be using my 6 quart for everyday use when I'm making my main dish or if I'm making you know just any sort of cooking food for a meal and then my 3 quart fits a bottle of milk for yogurt perfectly when you make the yogurt your instant pops out of commission for about eight to ten hours and so it's really inconvenient if I have my main instant pot sitting on the counter doing its thing making yogurt and then I have to refrigerate it in the liner so I'd have to always wait and so that's why I really like having my 6 quart should do all my main dishes and everything I need during the day and then my 3 quart you do yogurt and sites I hope you found that video useful again you can find all my recipes and tips on tried tested and true calm and come follow me on instagram at instant pop underscore cooking you can find my free comprehensive guide on how to clean your instant pot from top to bottom on my website by signing up for my email list you are definitely going to want that after you buy your 6 quart instant pot and I'll link to everything down in the video description below and thanks so much have a great day top to bottom you're really good on not
Channel: Tried, Tested, and True Instant Pot Cooking
Views: 302,158
Rating: 4.8541331 out of 5
Keywords: instant pot, instantpot, unboxing, instant pot duo, instant pot lux, which instant pot is best?, best instant pot to buy, best instant pot 2020, instant pot cooking, instant pot recipes, instant pot tips, six sisters instant pot, instant pot 8 quart, instant pot 6 quart, instant pot 3 quart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 52sec (772 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 15 2019
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