10 Minecraft Aquarium Designs!

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hello my name is green I'm welcome back to another minecraft video today I'm going to be showing you a bunch of aquarium designs they're all over there but first of all I need to briefly talk about the new water mechanics I am sitting in one of the later snapshots that are due out the update itself is not you quite yet but I'm feeling like it's getting pretty close so when you make an aquarium it's quite simple you take your glass and you make a box and you fill it with water pretty simple the only issue is by using these glass blocks they're pretty chunky when we look at this very small one there's definitely a lot more glass than water and that's not ideal we would rather it look a lot cleaner so at the moment this is the best way to make them with the full glass block or you could even add this just in the corner to kind of make it a bit more smooth but I in an ideal world we would be able to add water to these glass panes except it leaves this bit of a gap here and the fish themselves can go into this gap so when we look at it that you can visibly see this gap so hopefully I'm guessing or hoping rather that when we place water here in the future or in the final release the water will flow up to this point and stop because then we can make really clean aquariums so please bear this in mind when we take a look at our designs here because in the future it may be best to use glass panes instead of the normal glass itself to give it a cleaner look because at the moment if we place water here it goes the other side of the pane as well and it's more than a glass pane and it made a pun guys right so let's move on to the actual designs now that we're bearing that in mind now the first one is actually a pond not an aquarium but I did need to include it because there is some that new techniques involved now we could make a pond before very very easily pretty much everything on the outside including the bridge and the tree and stuff pretty much all doable before this update but there's a few differences that I really want to go over with you the main thing is the quote coastline I know Hanz don't have coastlines but the barrier or the bit in between the water and the actual land itself we can make more intricate by adding in slabs and staircases so all of these little nooks and crannies here would have been possible or even this waterfall adding the water dripping down here not possible before so we can basically make the ponds more interesting another thing that we can do is add all of these animated flowers well not flowers kelp and sea grass and all of that kind of stuff it just it's much better than the lily pads and the sugar cane so there's some very very simple improvements to ponds lakes and that kind of thing you can make them way more pretty now I have got a bunch of fish in here and they are all called mr. fish basically if you spawn in any fish and leave it for a while they would just D spawn and I've only been you know spawning them in with the eggs so I guess that's kind of natural so to stop them D spawning I've named them all mr. fish tortoise were definitely proud of that so do do bear in mind that so different fish will be better for different things I personally think salmon and Cod will work now I do want to point out that these fish have been here a while and they are pretty stupid I've got to admit that they're pretty stupid all they've done is swum into this corner and stayed there they haven't been behaving like normal fish in a pond or an aquarium so I'm really hoping that the AI may change because I really wouldn't want to have a pond where all the fish just get stuck and over here they could have been doing this for hours you mr. fish and mr. fish need to go and swim in the open water come on I mean you're not even in the water how are you alive anyway that's not the point so apart from that this is pretty much it for the pond design the only extra thing is that you can use the pink coral as a cherry tree because of the nice pink texture but it doesn't mean you have to hide water inside the tree meaning that it does drip a bit as well but I thought it was a pretty good use of the block to show you there so let's move on to the actual aquariums now that we've gone over the pond or lakes or whatever some techniques their feed use so we're gonna pretend that this is a normal living room space obviously we've been using some of the new blocks and stuff and if you want to see some more ideas for the kelp and the trapdoors and stuff please check out my other video on the building tricks and tips anyway underneath here is the aquarium itself most people think that you will need to make your aquarium like so just above water and make a cage exactly like exactly like that and you just have to decorate it well no we can actually integrate the aquarium into the house itself so underneath here we've got a bunch of tropical fish and yes they are all called mr. fish and including the turtles I think they're called mr. fish as well but they they don't actually D spawn so I just named them for fun so by using the blue glass stained glass you can actually make it you know have the nice color variants and stuff so if you use the normal glass it might not have exactly the same effect so bear that in mind it kind of makes it look a bit fuzzy because you know looking past these glass this there's not the best texture in the world this one makes it a bit more smooth to look through the only downside with this particularly a aquarium that you look down on is it's kind of hard to actually see in inside it you don't get a good view of the fish themselves and again they do like to just swim in the corner I'm not sure not sure what's going on with the AI but you can really go quite deep with this there's another benefit if it's on the bottom floor you can really go quite deep and you can indeed have like two different ways to view it so you could have a room here but you could also include a basement that goes underneath and then you could include a viewing glass here as well so you could have a basement that almost looks like into the aquarium from two ways so you can really get creative with how you use these aquariums so the design here is nice and you need to think about the color use of your aquarium in the rest of the room so the palette here is blue brown and green and it all synergizes quite nicely moving we've got a more modern design again we're using this cactus thing quite a lot here and we wanted to show you that well this would basically be a TV but you can put an aquarium around anything even if it's quite small and this isn't even the smallest one that I've got to show you the only thing is we are using the full glass block and it does look a little bit chunky but you can fit in quite a lot here and you can see the little mr. fishes running around up there the top again again see they kind of just get stuck in one little place so I'm really hoping the AI will change there but that is technically an aquarium so you can get the idea how it wraps around things and you can really bend it because water literally now molds around so easily you can make any shape moving on we've got a more normal aquarium design not a lot to say about this other than you know you're using the spruce stairs and for the most part on all of these we're using the light blue stained glass or the white stained glass because I found that they work best with these designs so I've got a Tercel in here lots of plants again you need to use these plants as much as possible in the aquariums because they just look amazing but you can also add some like rocks with some slabs in the bottom and it will fit in quite nicely so yeah you can add rocks in and keep your turtle an official altogether and you top it off with a bunch of iron trapdoors and then some quartz slabs over the top and you got yourself a very nice looking aquarium now bear in mind that this is particularly long because if you don't make it long if you make it say half the size you're gonna run into the same problem that we went over over there where the glass looks just far too chunky for the amount of water so you definitely need like six blocks maybe you could get away with five for this to work really well next up we've got another aquarium again this is just set into the wall similarly around the TV one this is kind of a similar concept here but we've just like including chests and more plants and stuff so you can really put an aquarium anywhere you'd like and either side of the of the top and the bottom we've got some trap door decorations to make it look like it's actually sitting on shelves and stuff and you'll notice you know we're using pallets and stuff from using the new blocks and such next up is the smallest aquarium that we were able to make that was doable it looks a bit like a grandfather clock it is decorated with trapdoors as is most of these and it's just got one long kelp in it so you could definitely put this into a wall fairly easily because with most of these designs your walls have to be like three blocks thick minimum to make this work assuming that the glass itself is sticking out on this side you really need thick walls so if this is your interior and this is your exterior you really need to think about like how your exterior will fit all of this in because a lot of people don't really consider the size of their rooms on the inside when they're making their houses so that is something to consider but this one you can get away with just three minimum including the inside itself moving on this is what you might see in a more grand modern mansion or even in actual aquariums you basically make a giant cylinder and you add in all your fish around it so the only difference here is that we have used the glass panes to corner off because it creates this tiny right angle so you get a much more smooth transition and it makes it look more cylindrical it's topped off at the top with some quartz labs and it's full of mr. fish as turtles as a few tropical fish down the bottom as well but the only difference here is that we've wrapped around a staircase that goes all the way round to the top so that's just a pretty nice design for adding a cylindrical aquarium into your house now you do need a very big house I mean you own you have to look at the floor plan of this particular design to see how big of a space you need so this is definitely not for your little wooden shacks it wouldn't fit at all moving on we've got a more sort of like lonely lodge style kind of aquarium this is what you probably would expect from an aquarium design something very simple so instead of having just glass there's actually a little bit of a framework here by adding four pillars and then introducing the glass panes in between them now that does mean that there is a gap but because there is this solid block in the corners we can't actually see that gap very well at all it's pretty well hidden but you can see it from the top here so you can see that there's a bit of air there bit of air there but once once it's all together it works really really nicely and it comes together again this brown and the blue using the cyan glass is also really good so you need to be able to see into it and some of the other colors of glass just don't work as well as the blue ones so you can put rocks in again think you know actually decorating the inside of an aquarium is very simple especially as they tend to be quite small if you've made a massive massive aquarium definitely make SpongeBob's house just saying so anyway this is a very simple wooden design it's got a bit of a foundation here to box high made out of the strip dark oak and then some trapdoors as well so hopefully you got that and the trapdoors themselves make a pretty good thick overhang here that will cover up this little bit of air as well so we're really trying to hide those air pockets another little problem is the fish do tend to get a bit stuck sometimes in that little air pocket but from my experience they don't suffocate there at all so they just kind of get stuck so again I'm kind of hoping that the AI will change a little bit moving on this is a concept that I really want to work but it's just not quite there yet and I think that's more to do with the fish a.i so as you can see we've got three separate units here and each of them have some fish in them well I started by only putting fish in this giant one at the back and they are linked up by these tiny tubes now there is one full block of water in there surrounded by trapdoors it would go something like this so there's one full block in the middle for the fish to go down so all of the tropical fish and you can see a couple just went past there they can travel in between the two units meaning we can go really expansive have lots of different units for the fish to go through meaning you could have this one on one side of your house this on the other and have a tube that runs along between them however I tried to make it so that you could get into this unit up here however the fish don't tend to go upwards into here and if you're thinking using the magma to push them up into this tube it means that they can't get back down again it's it's not perfect yet the fish a.i just aren't swimming where you would expect them to so this one's actually empty now which is really frustrating because in theory they all should really head through this pipe and through up to this one and just explore and disperse everywhere when in reality they all sit in this one and go up and down really fast I don't understand there's a lot of mr. fish in here and they're not really behaving as I would expect but I'm hoping with a little AI change that this concept can be taken even further and you can have lots of units all connected up by these pipes and it'd be just cool to see all the little fish go along here and go and swap into different units and you can even have in your house one giant aquarium technically but have different themes in different rooms or it would just be mad so anyway this is a concept I'm hoping will work better in the future next up is a giant modern design so if you've got a very very large house and you can find a way of integrating or something like this into your house please give it a go so we use different colored stained glass for this and you can see that you can still see into it but using some of the darker colors you don't get as good as a view you can definitely see better using different glasses and we also introduced some of the Magnus stuff now this is a big big problem with these aquariums right so you can introduce these things the soul sand to produce bubbles that go all the way to the top and you can introduce magma that make it go all the way to the bottom the problem is the fish will always swim into these eventually and get pushed down and damaged by this and there's not yet a way or at least not a way that I know that potentially will be in the future to include these in your aquariums and cover them up and have the bubble still work so eventually that will disappear and it doesn't it still won't draw you downwards even if I open this so there's no way to protect the fish from eventually dying this this aquarium was full of fish at some point there was mr. fish absolutely everywhere but all of them have perished in the Magne so at the moment the these are not a very good way to decorate even though they look really cool with all of the bubbles so this this design was very simple with all the different rectangles put in together but by decorating them with the sole sound and the magma the fish unfortunately do not thrive in them at all so that's something that needs to be taken into account and even with the sole sound getting pushed to the top all the time they don't really swim through it very well right moving on the next aquarium is a bit of fun so this is a very very thin one it's only one block thick in the middle and you put sole sand here and essentially they don't swim properly at all just as I was saying but they just push them to the top and it's this like a bouncy bouncy bouncy bouncy aquarium so it's just a bit of fun basically but the design here is that you basically create a little overhang using your staircases and your slabs as you normally might it's topped off with some chocolate sorry I mean dark oak trapdoors and you basically just decorate the bottom and the top and then of course leave the glass open to view you do get little views of the sand and the glass but there are other ways to take care of that so it's a pretty nice design and you can have a lot of fun just pushing the fish up and that's you can really you can really mess with them as long as you name them and I assume that you're going to name the mr. fish as well moving on now this is the last design that I really wanted to work but I just couldn't figure it out so if any of you guys are able to come up with a design basically I wanted to come up with a design that was constantly circulating the fish round and round and round so like this one you've got the fish that are bouncing up and down and you can you know these fish are not in control at all what I wanted to try and do was come up with a way to have the fish go get sucked down by the magma into this tube and then get pushed up again and basically cycle round and all the time so you can keep the fish moving in a predictable way that would be pretty funny however the fish don't behave at all they don't like going down here they die when they get to the magma and they continue and then they refuse to swim down here and then they get pushed way up to the top and it's just a nightmare so if anyone's got a way of making that work it's a concept that I really want to see so please any creators out there give it a shot it's a lot of fun trying to do it but I haven't yet figured it out so once that's done I will definitely come up with another aquarium design to do that so that's it guys that is all of the aquarium designs that I wanted to show you today a big thank you to purchase all for helping me put these together and I really hope that you will start including some aquariums in your house even if they are very small ones then very unintuitive but they're a great decoration tool for filling a lot of space in an otherwise empty house and there you can definitely get really creative with these designs so thank you very very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed the video and goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,804,477
Rating: 4.9148602 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, tips, tricks, 1.13, minecraft update, aquatic update, aquariums, aquarium design, minecraft aquarium, pet house, pet house design, fish tank, fish tank design, minecraft fish tank
Id: tvgl_iAljbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 29 2018
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