EASY ways to Protect your Minecraft House

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hello my name is green and today I'm going to be showing you a bunch of simple designs to keep your base safe from those pesky mobs basically if we spawn Gerald in here hi Gerald you're gonna be our test villager for the rest of this episode and we spawn any monster or zombie Gerald is gonna represent us in this scenario the zombies get in and they start eating Gerald until he's gone unfortunately this is how things tend to go in Minecraft but it doesn't have to be because we can protect ourselves using some very simple techniques we don't often have to use complicated redstone we can use some very nice tricks that can keep us safe so I've got a bunch of house designs and the houses are irrelevant it's mainly the way that we defend them so let's get into it the first one that I want to show you is a wall now nothing quite beats a wall in Minecraft if you ask me because if we make a little wall and we put Gerald inside this zombie is not gonna get him now obviously there are many different kinds of mobs spiders can go straight over the top of walls but there are different things that we can do run Gerald rough so the first one that I want to show you is this rather clever wall made of trapdoors and not only is it clever but it actually looks pretty decent this looks like a normal garden fence and you might be wondering what's so special about this because you know mobs can just walk over to this and then that's it's just why is it any different to a normal wall well let me show you so let's make it nighttime and let's put Gerald inside the garden hi Gerald and if we put a zombie here he should go after Gerald but he starts taking lots of damage Oh bye-bye gerald he's scarpered really quick so the zombie takes a lot of damage he's still after the villager in there but he just gets to this wall and starts dying and that's because we've got lots of magma blocks and now this is the really interesting thing about this design magma blocks work in Coolio ways it's probably a good time to say that most of this works in Java and I don't know if it works in any of the other versions so just a heads up but this is really interesting so if you have magma blocks all the way around here so this is the really interesting thing about this if we plop Gerald in the middle here and we have a zombie he stops he stops at the magma he doesn't want to go on it at all he's actually going for the other Gerald now so interestingly here if I plop a zombie down he goes after him but he will not walk on the magma block one bit I think he's a bit confused but anyway watch what happens when I put this here the zombie will then walk over the magma blocks which is really strange just because there's a trapdoor on it so if we put the zombie down here it doesn't work with carpets either he just stops but as soon as you put a trapdoor down he's willing to go over so that gives us a really cool mechanic here it means that he's willing to walk over these trap doors with the magma blocks and then all we have to do is put a barrier here that he can see through so these trap doors he's still going to go after Gerald even though there is a physical barrier here so they end up just walking straight after Gerald and taking loads of damage and then if you like this design and you want to keep it there is an easy way to make a door with this you just put two trapdoors here this one is irrelevant but if you have a trapdoor here you can just walk straight on through like so so you just have a little bit of a fence gate here and it looks really slick and in line with everything else so this works really really well so this isn't spider proof every single one of these designs has its ups and it's downs but this one is a fairly good place to start okay let's move on to the next one so this design is using one of my new favorite things in Minecraft and as you can see the defense doesn't include any physical barriers but as you can see there's this rigid pattern of trapdoors that goes all the way around and this is what happens if you try to get in if I put myself into survival mode and I to the house yep I just get pushed straight back and I get damaged a lot now that's because there are lots of little puffer fish all under these trap doors and it's actually quite amazing how good these guys are so let's put Gerald on the side here Gerald might even walk into the puffer fish himself because he's not a smart cookie but if I place a couple of zombies here you'll see that they get knocked back by the puffer fish really really quickly and they go down like a sack of potatoes this is a really really effective way they can still get through though if there's a lot of them it's not a completely foolproof way but if it's just the one zombie they typically just get knocked back and back and back and back but the pufferfish wall is also something that may trick players as well as the mobs maybe maybe wondering how do you actually walk over this well I actually thought about that you could make a few tunnels you can make a tunnel that goes underneath something that a mob wouldn't necessarily follow you in but that's a bit lame or you can make a bridge that goes over the top but a mob could also follow you there also a bit lame so I thought why not make a bit of a slime launcher so this mechanism is a really really simple one and it's been disguised a little bit into the house so this is like a garage area and if you hit this button here it sends you straight over the wall quick enough that the pufferfish don't even know so if I go into survival again and I hit the button you see it just launches me straight over and if you do one of these on the outside over here wherever it may be it could launch yourself back into the base as well so it's like a really clever door here this is one of my favorite designs just because puffer fish are a lot of fun this could trick people as well as mobs as well oh no I mean crazy I mean survivors going after me no go after Gerald no Gerald gerald so these are all pretty recent ideas seeing as the magma blocks and the pufferfish are very new to the game and I'm pretty sure there are even more ways that we could do this so let's keep moving on shall we so this one is an extremely simple design but I wanted to include it because it is so cheap to make now none of these are gonna keep how the mobs indefinitely but this one in particular is rather special so the only difference here is that you have a bit of carpet in front of you and then you can walk up to it and then jump into your own house now if you want to stop anyone else getting in you simply activate the lever and as you can see you can no longer jump in the way that we were before this means that mobs if we put Gerald in this house and then we put bad Gerald out here he won't be able to get in at all he just sort of will go around the house and not gonna be able to get to the door at all even if you don't activate the lever they can't get in either because they can't jump the same way look if I put bad Gerald here he can't get in he can't figure it out so this is just a really really simple way of dealing with some mobs and even players if you just don't want them to be able to get into your house very easily you could elaborate on this and make it into a ball now how does it work well it's quite simple there's fence gates underneath carpet and the redstone simply opens and closes them there's nothing really much else to it it's just as simple as that while it's open you're on the same level as this block here but as soon as it's closed it becomes one and a half blocks meaning that you can jump up as long as there's a slab here so it's a very simple way of making a house entrance moving on to the next one now this one is a bit more of an elaborate house and scheme now this is a lava house a volcano house so you might be able to see they're a bunch of dispensers around here in fact they are placed all the way around the house and once you're inside the house you will have the physical option of activating all of these dispensers which have lava in them meaning that is all going to droop down now I've actually got this house set on a daylight sensor meaning when it's night you get an automatic defense system like so there we go as soon as it hits night all of the lava comes pouring out and it should spread in such a way that pretty much everything's covered now there is a downside to this if you're not by your house by the time it hits night you also lock yourself out a little bit as well but this is a really decent way of dealing with it because Gerald up here isn't gonna mind but if you put a bad Gerald here they're just gonna walk straight into the lava and they won't be able to get to you at all so you could make this a manual mechanism or you could put it on a daylight sensor if you want just the day and night scheme so this is a pretty clever idea and the Redstone again is very simple the redstone looks way more complicated than it really is it's all basically on a switch so it's all deactivated at the moment but if you switch it off it just powers all this redstone torches that triggers it off and then the switch again if you turn it off will deactivate it it's very very simple indeed so lava is a pretty obvious one and it only really works when you put it in this kind of design but this one will keep you properly defended from most mobs and probably yourself if you forget about it let's move on to the next one shall we now this one is a very simple designed house it's a very easy starter house and it kind of goes off this similar design but it's just not that effective so let's put Gerald in his house shall we and then all we want to do is if we want to keep the mobs out is we activate this lever and it brings out a defense mechanism of water meaning that no bad Gerald will be able to get to him because they just hit the water and bounce off it does mean that they don't die in the Sun because water is keeping them safe but at least Gerald is safe in here he's not going anywhere but it means you could just take care of those it's a good way of keeping them alive long enough to hit them but again this is a fairly weak design but it is effective nonetheless none of these mobs will be able to get inside the good thing about this one is that it is reusable you can switch it off and then it will just take the water sources back in now this idea of course was able to be done at any point but because of the 1.13 update the water can go inside of these spruce trapdoors very easily and indeed these spruce stairs as well and it gets taken away again so it means that we can completely hide all of these dispensers from view meaning that you wouldn't be able to see what defenses there if it's a player and well it's just for your own aesthetic purposes if you are the owner of this house and similarly the next one is an exact replica of this house except it's a little bit more complex so there's more dispensers here but instead of being a water one let's put Gerald in there and let's put a bad Gerald out here and let's activate this one bad Gerald isn't gonna get anywhere near us this is a little bit over the top this sends arrows out in every single direction this is a good defense for players and mobs alike because you won't see it coming you know the only reason this works is because arrows can get shot through these trapdoors however they don't get shot through these staircases which is why we have to link these up to a piston which means it does need a bit more redstone in this house the Redstone underneath is fairly simple all you need to do is link up all of these in a circle where your dispensers are and it will work this one's a bit more complex because we need to put in a repeater down here now there's not a lot of space down here because it's a very small house but essentially all there is to it is there's two observers there's a piston here the lever here activates this piston move out the way Gerald and it sends off a pulse all the way round the only issue is the Pistons so it sends a redstone signal down here that activates these and that retract the Pistons just in time for the arrows to come piling out as you can see there so here's a very simple redstone design but it does need a bit more technical know-how than any of these other designs but oh boy it's it's truly overkill for this one and not even sure bad Gerald deserves this right let's move on to possibly the most enjoyable one of all of the designs that I want to show you now I can't speak for any of the other versions of Minecraft I simply haven't tested it on all of them but on the Java edition if you place stone slabs or any kind of slab above air so all of these have air underneath them the pathfinding struggles to work so this is this is gonna be great so if I place down a bunch of Gerald's this is this this is what happens they don't know where to go and they just spin on the spot like they're all dancing dance gerald dance but let's put a bunch of bad Gerald's and see what happens they basically go after them they hit this part and they don't think that they can walk on it so they just don't they just stop well the other place is spinning and this is the same first so we can casually stand on this part of the build and no bad Gerald will ever get to you of course with many of these designs the skeletons will be able to just fire their arrows at you but even they struggle if they do happen to get on they just spin along as well and it's arguably much more funny when the zombies are there too because they put their hands up and really look like they're dancing this is also particularly great if you want to have a little bit of a rave spin spin spin spin spin spin round oh here we go occasionally they do chase after them but I mean they're not gonna be putting up much of a fight at this point are they it's it's got to be the funniest thing I imagine at some point this will get fixed but for now this is a legitimate way to completely defend your house I think we're just gonna leave these guys to spin for a while eventually they will catch up to each other but they're gonna dance for the meantime now the last design I want to show you is kind of a build on most of the other ones and ideas that we've had before so this is the very simple house that we've got in here we're gonna put a couple of Gerald's in here and this is our defense so there's nothing here except a moat now moats have been used in Minecraft for generations they really have but with the new 1.13 update something has slightly changed so we now have the magma block now beforehand the mobs used to if this is just water they would just walk up to this and stop and be here that's it but for some reason when there's bubbles there they can't cross it at all they don't like it so any one of these just the fact that there are water blocks everywhere means that none of these will cross over and if somehow they do get pushed in they get pushed into the water and died from the magma so this is a really cheap and effective way of protected you Geralt well it's not not very good for jail no it's all going loose isn't it and this is still very good it might look a bit rough but these guys will not walk across here but they can get pushed and if they do there's still the water to take care of them while you're gerald's will sit inside and be safe this even works if you have carpets on top of it meaning that you as a player can walk straight over this hassle free while the mobs are still a little bit confused about where to go and if you want to look even more swish with a little moat you can make a little wall and then if you want to walk across you just lower the door bridge and you can walk across but however you will need to bring these up because if you don't the mobs will walk across like so remember they don't mind trapdoors oh there's too many Gerald's around he will just walk across because he understands trapdoors but this same mechanism is the one that makes the very first design work altogether so maybe this has given you some food for thought on how to defend your house maybe a mixture of all of these will make your house truly impenetrable so that's it from everyone let's have a quick look through so this one was the moat with the carpet which is easy to walk over this one is the dance dance revelution design where all you need is some space underneath some slabs and the mobs won't know what to do with themselves they will just spin around forever and we have this one which is the rather over-the-top mechanism for shooting arrows very very quickly we have this which is the water dispenser a very cheap and effective way however it's not perhaps the best defense in the world we have the volcano house which spews out larvae and then nothing can get in we have the very very simple mechanism of making it so you can and cannot get into this particular house and then we have my personal favorite the pufferfish wall defense with a very custom way of getting in and out of it and finally we have our magma wall which perhaps looks the best out of all of these designs but has a normal wall now like I said none of these particularly defend from every single mob they will get through the best way unfortunately of getting rid of all your mobs permanently is just spamming torches and lighting up your base so that none of them spawn at all so that's it for me everyone thank you very much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope that you learnt a few things and maybe this has given you some ideas of your own thank you very much for watching again and good
Channel: Grian
Views: 8,437,556
Rating: 4.8871155 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, ideas, creative, build, mob defense, minecraft mob defense, how to protect your house in minecraft, ways to protect, minecraft house, protect your house, in minecraft, easy, traps, protect, defense, mob defenses, no redstone, redstone, mob proof house
Id: 4twgywR0Wrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 13 2018
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