3 Scary TRUE Craigslist Horror Stories

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number one a few years ago now when my wife was pregnant with our first daughter she was browsing Craigslist when she came across some maternity clothes for a cheap price she sent an email to the seller who went by the name of Jenny and they agreed to meet at Jenny's place to do the exchange we were supposed to go and pick up the clothes together but on the day of the deal my wife was suffering with some extreme morning sickness she sent me out to pick up the clothes and me not being a complete idiot asked my pal beg Bernie to come along with me he's six foot four hence the nickname I wasn't expecting trouble but to safer them one and you can never be too careful Bernie agrees and even offers to drive us down in his truck on the condition that I pay for the gas and a six-pack of beer we hit the road at around midday and it should only be a 30-minute Drive we joke around sing along to the radio and discuss future plans a few minutes from the end of the journey I noticed that the closer we're getting to our destination the further we're getting from civilization the turning to the place is coming up on the left and it's an old run-down farmhouse in essentially the middle of nowhere nothing but dirt and brush in either direction for at least half a mile and even then the closest buildings are other rundown farmhouses - some people would call it horribly isolated and others would call it paradise at that moment we thought it was ominous as we pull in - what I hasten to call a driveway we both question whether this is really the right house Bernie double checks on the map to confirm sure enough this is the woman's house we're not too worried though since it's still daylight and there are two of us we exit the vehicle we're greeted by some heavyset dude who was waiting on the porch and he introduces himself as the man of the immediately I can tell there something bothering him he asks me where my wife is and I tell him that she couldn't make it he motions for us to come inside saying that his wife has the clothes ready for us to pick up my warning signals are starting to blink as we approach the house this doesn't seem like the sort of place that even has a phone let alone internet connection to post a Craigslist ad as we step inside there's a room off the hallway with some commotion going on inside standing in a room completely void of any furniture are about seven other burly men just standing around in a sort of semicircle now this is creepy as all hell what the [ __ ] would all these greasy guys be doing with a bunch of clothes for a pregnant woman they all turn to look at us as we poke our heads in all with the same expression on their face disappointment they weren't hillbillies exactly but they were of a similar breed put it this way you could tell just by looking at them that they were trouble every fiber of my being is screaming that we need to get the [ __ ] out of there right away but social etiquette is a hell of a powerful thing so when the main guy said to follow him into the kitchen for the clothes we did he led us into a decrepit kitchen again completely empty other than a few broken-down appliances you got the money I reply with a yes but I'm hesitant to get my wallet out in front of this guy he picks up some dirty rag and extends it out to me like this is the thing I'm supposed to be buying um no that's not what we came here for he stares at me with some creepy excited looking smile on his face and it becomes obvious that there were never any clothes for sale in the first place unsure of how to respond Bernie takes control and says yeah hold on we'll go and get the money an obvious lie but good enough that this guy doesn't question us instead he just stands there with that same damn expression plastered across his ugly face as we exit the farmhouse we can see that all of the men who were in the other room are now leaning against Bernie's truck some of them are even rummaging through the things he keeps on the back now we know for sure that these guys aren't gonna let us go without a fight but we're slowly walking back towards the truck and I'm hoping to God that Bernie's got a plan he's thinking the same thing I am and without words we give each other that universal look of [ __ ] my memory of all of this comes back to me in slow motion Bernie whispers for me to stay cool and approaches the guys who are rummaging through the truck we're outnumbered and for all we know outgunned so rather than confront these hillbilly wannabe bastards Bernie instead tells them about the power tools on the back seat they start crowding around and digging about back there proving just the distraction we needed we both [ __ ] dart into the nearby treeline forget the van forget the tools we just have to get the hell out of there and away from these creeps we keep going until we think they're a good distance behind us and then we lay low for a while desperately searching for cell phone signal after a while in the woods we hear people approaching and we take cover in the thicket Bernie arms himself with a rock from the ground and I follow suit we're both praying that this isn't the cost of deliverance descending upon us but rather some decent folk who just so happened to be out for a walk or something but as we hear their screeching and hollering that illusion is shattered we can't tell how many of them have chased us out this far but it's clearly them and what's worse what really made my blood curdle with unprecedented fear was the sound of something else that got louder as they got closer the sound of Bernie's [ __ ] Dewalt power drill buzzing one of those battery-powered ones now my imaginations kicked into overdrive with what might happen if they catch us and all we've got to fight them off with is a couple of rocks we remain silent long after these guys pass us by just to make sure they were long gone eventually we found a signal and called the police who take their sweet-ass time to get to the location when they finally do arrive the place was empty all of their vehicles were gone and as were all of Bernie's tools inside of the van which had taken a beating as well it still ran though so we were able to get back home thankfully Bernie kept his hands on the keys turns out that building really was abandoned and not one of those guys lived there we never heard anything else about it from the cops what I think is really messed up is that these guys lured us out there with the promise of maternity clothes meaning that they intentionally wanted their victims to be a couple of prospective parents I'm thankful every day that my wife didn't come with me her pregnant self wouldn't have been able to get away quick enough and we would have been at the mercy of those guys there's no way I could have fought them off hell I couldn't even with big Bernie on my side my daughter was born shortly after this incident healthy and beautiful and thankfully she won't have to grow up without her father the sound of power drills still brings back those memories number two my money situation hasn't been the best lately with rent and bills to pay it's been a struggle in my attempt to make ends meet though I met someone I wish I hadn't a few nights ago I saw an ad on Craigslist looking for someone to help move a few large items and boxes up from the basement the job offered 12 bucks an hour cash and estimated to be around 5 to 7 hours worth of work that sounded great to me and best of all it was within walking distance of my house I emailed the poster of the ad and everything seemed great at first he was thankful that someone had answered so quickly because he really needed to get things done after a few emails though he hits me with something I want you to know that I'm a gay man how old are you by the way that's a weird message to send his sexuality should be none of my business if you call up a plumber to come to your house you don't share that information with him I'm a 28 year old guy though I'm in good shape and I never leave the house without a knife in my boot and a sidearm on my waist I need the money and this guy's 68 if he tries anything I'm confident I can handle myself besides that I like to think the best of people I try and tell myself that maybe he's just a bit flamboyant and has had trouble in the past hiring people who turned out to be homophobic the time comes and I get to his house he comes off as a normal and pleasant dude right from the bat he's polite and friendly and has a really cool house it's your typical middle-class New England home from the early 40s not something I'd wanna live in because you're so closed off with smaller rooms but they have a nice charm he's even furnished it with antiques from the time period so wine put a little at ease with everything going so well at first he takes me down into the basement and it is a bit creepy let's be honest here most basements are even more so when it belongs to a stranger he shows me what needs to be done and I start getting to work everything goes fine for the first hour or so then I notice out of the corner of my eye he's watching me from around the corner I'd try and tell myself it's no big deal he just wants to make sure I'm not stealing any of his stuff and that I'm doing what I'm supposed to after a few minutes he goes away about 30 minutes later he comes strolling in wearing nothing but underwear and socks oh sorry he says I was just about to take a shower and I forgot to tell you a few things well that wasn't really the case as he just repeats something he told me earlier he's 68 though can't expect him to remember everything right a little more time goes by and he calls me from upstairs and tells me to come and take a break and have a glass of water sounds good to me I get upstairs walk into the living room and he's sitting on the couch completely naked I freeze a bit and he says is this okay with you I told him that I already informed him I was straight and if this is what he was looking for he hired the wrong person he starts apologizing and puts his little buddy away and begs me to please finish the job saying that he didn't mean to make me feel uncomfortable again I need the money so I agree I figure there's no way this guy could overpower me and he has no idea I'm carrying I get back to work and everything's fine for another couple of hours I go back upstairs once the job's done to let him know he tells me no problem and to have a seat while he goes and gets the money I sit down and take out my bone to browse the internet while I wait after a few minutes I just know he's right next to me he had something most people always manage to realize I don't know the science behind it if there is any I didn't consciously see or hear anything but maybe your brain picks up on little cue subconsciously either way I'd turn behind me and there he is deck out going to town on it I admit I freeze a bit from the shock of it he reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder now this is probably what creeped me out the most with this hand on my shoulder he leans in a little towards me smiles and says now don't go and tell anyone what you've just seen okay this is just our little secret nobody needs to know about it right that's not a line that should come to your mind if a 28 year old is your normal victim that's the kind of thing you get used to saying after doing [ __ ] like this to [ __ ] kids at that point I jumped up told him to give me the money he owes me and started towards the door he hands me the money while still jerking off and says again don't forget it's our secret a few hours pass and I receive an email from him thank you for what you did for me today I feel as though we bonded and connected on a very special level this was a wonderful day I'll never forget I have more work for you tomorrow maybe you'll learn to enjoy watching me share my private moments with you I didn't respond number three a few semesters ago I was teeing a class that ended around 10 p.m. after that I usually spent around 30 minutes cleaning up the lab and then had a 30-minute Drive so I was usually home around 11 or shortly thereafter one evening as I pulled into my neighborhood I noticed a large pickup truck with a trailer sitting on a stoplight on the street perpendicular to mine there was a woman standing outside of the truck talking to someone maybe the driver or maybe a neighbor this immediately struck me as odd because my neighborhood is in a tiny town of only a few hundred people most of whom have young kids this means that nobody is ever out of their house after maybe 9:00 p.m. and certainly not walking around talking as I drove past the woman walked to the other side of the truck and got in as I pulled that to the curb in front of my house I noticed the truck had followed me they pulled partly into the driveway of my next-door neighbor that neighbor doesn't have a truck and isn't usually up that late because of the kids but I wasn't too worried yet they had moved in only a month or so earlier so I bigger they must be borrowing a truck and a trailer from a friend to finish the move now I walk quickly across my yard and locked the front door behind me like I always do it was only a few seconds later that my doorbell rang still thinking that my neighbor was the one in the truck I assumed he had seen me dropped something in the yard and wanted to let me know now comes the stupid part my boyfriend was in the back part of the basement at the time and the doorbell isn't audible down there to get to the basement I had to walk right past the front door which has a pane of glass in it I would be visible to whoever was outside so instead of letting him know that someone was at the door I just answered it it wasn't my neighbor it was a woman in her 30s the truck had back out of my neighbor's driveway and was now parked in the middle of the street still running but with its lights off standing around the truck were four or five big burly men slowly walking towards me red flags went off instantly we're here to see those couches from Craigslist mind if we come in she took a step towards me but by then I knew something was up you've got the wrong house I said and I slammed the door as hard as I could and locked it at this point my boyfriend had heard me talking to someone and flipped on a basement light that was visible from the front yard up till then the house had looked dark and empty from the street I ran downstairs told him the short version and we each grabbed a weapon when it was clear that the people weren't coming back I called the sheriff and they took a full report and drove around the small town to see if the truck was still around I really prayed that they would find these guys at another house nearby loading couches into their truck because that would mean it was just an honest mistake just to be sure I checked Craigslist myself and as I feared there were no couches or anything else for sale within 20 miles I later learned that this was a common mo of criminals stake out a quiet neighborhood and wait until a single woman comes home alone have a female accomplice make up an excuse to get her to open the door and bam I don't know if they just wanted to rob the house or even worse but I'm very glad I wasn't home alone and to this day I don't answer the door unless I'm armed hey guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening I hope you enjoyed this video and if you miss my Valentines Day Horror special then it's right there on the screen just give it a just give it a little click purge your home of all demonic presences by dropping a like on this video and I'll have another one coming for you guys very very soon stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 753,469
Rating: 4.9285426 out of 5
Keywords: scary, creepy, disturbing, horror, real, true, best, new, audiobook, top 5, top 10, story, stories, nightmare, before bed, lazy, maskarade, drunk, fails, obama, trump, 2016, Craigslist, scariest video on youtube, caught on tape, ghost, ghosts, haunted, of all time, most, love, romance, baby, lyrics, song, fnaf, Freddys, dead, death, 4chan, reddit, 2chan, lets not meet, creepypasta, how to, who, internet, deep web, footage, Halloween, top, scary true stories, special, dance, banned, pizza delivery, scary videos, horror movies
Id: FP0TsHhoMyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2016
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