3 More Real Life YANDERE Horror Stories from 2CHAN (Vol.2)

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[Music] [Music] the number of stalker cases in Japan has been rising sharply these past few years last year alone there were well over twenty-two thousand incidents reported I'd like to tell you a story about a stalker which was told to me by a friend of mine who works at a private investigation company I'm not going to reveal its name but let's just call it the Japanese private eye Service creative I know I can't comment on precisely how true this story is but my friend isn't a sensationalist and you'll just have to take my word that is not the type of chap to just make a story like their son the company specialized in finding evidence for husbands and wives who thought that their partners were cheating on them but they also gave advice to help solve stalking issues it isn't uncommon in Japan for people to be reluctant to get the police involved in January 2013 a young man who will call mr. Ichi returned home from work as he approached his apartment door he found a woman just standing there waiting for him the woman's name was Keiko mr. Ichi had seen her at a friend's house party a few weeks prior but never got around to introducing himself once the party was over the two never saw each other again at least that's what mr. Ichi thought unknown to him Keiko had become obsessed with Ichi ever since she first set eyes on him had the party she had stared at him completely transfixed she had started following him around ever since she didn't do anything rash but once she found out where he lived she continued to visit his apartment without asking sometimes she'd be standing in front of his door sometimes she'd be outside just staring from afar up at his window she wasn't causing him or his home any physical harm and she left as soon as he told her to there really seemed to be no logical reason behind her actions I mean yes she was obsessed but what was she hoping to achieve by just appearing and staring creepily sick of the creepy uninvited visits but not wanting to blow the problem out of proportion mr. Ricci called the Japanese private eye service given that caicos actions weren't malicious my friend who worked at the company suggested he didn't do anything rash and just continued as he was before generally speaking this type of obsessive stalker tends to lose interest if you simply refuse to engage with them but if she did do something strange he told him to contact the company straight away mr. Ricci followed my friend's advice and sure enough caicos visits became less and less frequent a week passed without Keiko showing up at all then two weeks a month it seemed as though the problem had blown over relaxed mr. Ichi entered his apartment after work about two months after the stalking had stopped it had been a long day it was nearing the end of the financial year and he had a lot of work to be finishing off it was roughly 10 o'clock at night at that point after taking off his shoes he waddled over to the kitchen to fetch himself a beer he was about to switch on the light to the kitchen when he froze illuminated by streetlight seeping in through the window was a shadow within a few brief moments as his eyes became accustomed to the darkness he realized the shadow was of a human vigor quickly understanding what had happened he took a deep breath and flipped the light switch standing in front of him was Keiko mystery jeez first reaction was to look around the room and see how she had broken in there had been no trace of a forced entry at the front door as if reading his mind Keiko said the landlady let me in' stunned to hear her speak for literally the first time mr. Ichi stood like a statue completely taken aback it did make sense though she had visited the apartment so often after all it wasn't surprising that the landlady thought they were a couple or something she must have lent her the spare key the second a motion to strike mr. Ichi was anger he bellowed at her to get the [ __ ] out of his apartment she didn't budge just stood there staring each he told her that he got himself a girlfriend and that she should stay away from him unless she wanted a visit from the police this was when everything suddenly started to go insane after mr. Ichi had stopped fuming Keiko reached into a handbag that was sitting next to her without a flicker of emotion she brought out a flat object it was a knife terrified mr. Ichi backed away from her but he needn't of bothered without a word she slowly brought the knife up over her head and swung it down on her wrist slicing away at the flesh repeatedly taking out chunks blood splattering all over the kitchen Ichi carried her to the hospital straight away half thanks to the fact that the hospital was relatively close by Keiko survived that's all that he stuck around to find out after that he split more months passed and due to a mix of financial problems and a strange sense of guilt about the whole situation mr. Ichi eventually ended up moving away from Tokyo and went to live in his hometown with his parents that's what a lot of these stalkers are good at making their victims feel like the whole thing is their fault people asked but he never told a single person about his reasons for moving back home not even his parents or siblings the only other people who knew about Keiko were one or two friends from his old job as well as the guys from the PI service who he had kept in contact with he just wanted to put all the madness behind him pretty scary story right but that's not how it ends the real insanity happened after he moved away from Tokyo it had been around six months since he moved away maybe a year in total since the rest incident since then he had managed to find a new job without too much trouble mainly thanks to having many contacts in his profession it was one late evening and after finishing work mr. Ichi walked into the house to hear his parents talking to his brother he had rarely seen or even heard from his brother in about two years due to the difference in their age they weren't really close siblings and his brother lived and worked far away in Nagasaki regardless mr. Ichi put on a smile as he entered the living room to greet his brother but there was also someone else talking lively to them that voice it seemed somehow familiar as soon as he entered she stood up absolutely terrified mr. Ichi stood there open mouthed gasping for breath his mum broke the silence with a cheerful grin welcome home dear this is Keiko she's going to be your sister he turned and looked at Keiko with wide eyes she smiled nice to meet you itchy Keiko had somehow found out more information about Ichi she worked out to his family was where he now lived and crucially where his brother lived his brother and Keiko had ended up getting engaged it also turned out that she was two months pregnant mr. Ichi did eventually end up breaking the news to his parents in private who actually ended up taking his brother's side the favored eldest son he even pointed out the scars on her wrists no dice he never talked to his brother about it knowing that it would likely lead to blows mr. Ichi ended up moving to the USA and working abroad for his company at his own request as far as my friend at the PI company knows Keiko and Ichi's brother are still together but then again he hasn't heard from itchy in a couple of years so who knows what kind of love drives a person to those sort of extremes I still wonder if this is truly what Keiko had poor guys I think I [ __ ] up I could use some advice it all started when I broke up with my ex one year ago her name was Haruka Haruka was really kind which was why I started dating her in the first place but she was also really pessimistic and as such it was no fun to hang around with her she was the kind of low spirit that made everyone around her depressed too including me you know the type of person I'm talking about I think she had a borderline personality disorder I only really noticed her weird traits when we started dating every time I'd finish talking on the phone she keep asking me who might been talking to if ever I didn't respond straight away she had asked me over and over again and wouldn't stop querying me until I answered most times I said it was my parents and it really was I could see it in her eyes that she didn't really believe me though during the weekends it was a given that I would have to spend my time with her I'm talking every minute of it when I was away from town due to work she called me up every hour on the hour she had also request evidence that I'd actually been at work essentially Haruka was a control freak she made sure I had no privacy whatsoever I think she would have controlled the way I [ __ ] and piss if she had the chance she also started saying really disturbing things to me things like if you ever leave me for another girl you know that I'd kill you right I realized that this wasn't normal but I was still in love with her at the time at one point though I decided enough was enough I went to see her parents without telling her to try and sort out her problem but before I could even discuss it with them they started saying things like our daughter's been really depressed over the past few years she's been in such a bad place ever since she was dumped by her last boyfriend and glad she managed to find a good young man like you she's in a much better place now I hadn't even seen her laughing until these past few months thank you so much her mother was seriously in tears before I could bring it up it was surreal I ended up saying everything was fine and left with a newfound enthusiasm to make it work with her but it didn't last her need for control got worse as the days passed by towards the end any conversation with other girls became completely forbidden when I mentioned I was arranging a work get-together with some female colleagues she deleted their phone numbers off my phone even casual greetings with neighbours was disallowed if they were a female at restaurants if the person bringing out the menus was a waitress Haruka would be the one to order she wouldn't even let me look in the girls direction I couldn't do this anymore it didn't matter if she had come from a bad place or not this just wasn't how human beings were meant to live I think I would have gone mad if I stayed with her any longer I went to Haruka's apartment early one weekend maybe you'll think I'm a freak when I say this but I actually scripted out how I was going to break the news to her I made sure the break-up would be as kind as possible I sighed a breath of relief when I finished talking I looked up to see her staring at the floor I couldn't see the expression on her face at all not wanting to make her cry I turned to leave with an I'm really sorry but as I got up she suddenly reared her head upwards and with a massive shriek shouted how dare you her face had contorted into a devilish sneer it wasn't sadness in her eyes at all it was fury she looked at me as though she was looking at a cockroach her contempt for me as clear as day before I had a chance to even open my mouth she grabbed hold of my shirt and threw me to the ground with an almost otherworldly strength she then ran off into the kitchen shrieking all the way terrified and lost for words I bolted out of the door leaving my shoes behind all the while hearing her shout things like you don't deserve to live you disgusting degenerate I'm going to cut your [ __ ] throat ma'am the ever reliable if I can't have you no one can I realized that the situation was dire she had entered the kitchen to fetch herself a weapon she most likely just wanted to threaten me but of course I couldn't be sure biting my lips in the hallway I waited for the elevator doors to open but as they were about to with a soft groan I saw Haruka burst out from her room just ten meters away her door opened with such speed and force it was almost as if she had broken right through the damn thing without opening it the intensity in her eyes she was like a woman possessed as soon as I saw that I knew that she didn't simply want to threaten me with the knife in her hand she really did want to slit my throat crying out in shock I left the elevator and stumbled for the stairs to my left her apartment was on the fifth floor but I had no choice she would have killed me if I waited there for the elevator open I know that much for certain I ran down the stairs as fast as I could but somehow her voice behind me seemed to be getting louder and louder screams of I'll kill you mixed in with unintelligible shouting I got to the ground floor and was about to bolt for my car when I stopped I looked behind me and back at my car me in a split second decision I instead hid behind the shadow of the stairs and waited for her near a decision that to this day I believe saved my life we instinctively I realized that by the time I got to my car open the door and turned on the ignition I would have been pounced on she had been catching up with me and I could tell by the volume of her screams that she was only one floor away so terrified I waited I heard the screams and thumping of feet getting louder and louder i bided my time I am wished with all my heart that this plan would work I then jolted my leg forward in front of the stairs I felt my leg connect with her shin with a painful crack with a yell of surprise she tripped or more accurately flew into the air in front of her she crashed face-first into the ground with a resounding thud which seemed to echo around the foyer my god I didn't think she'd fall into the trap that will she must have really lost her mind so much so that she wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings I quickly shuffled to the safety of my car AM peered at her cautiously she was still on the ground maybe I should call an ambulance I thought to myself I could see her moving however and I distinctly saw other doors opening as the neighbors peered out to see what the commotion was No doubt that if she told them what happened they had now take her side honestly I didn't want to have anything to do with her at that stage I just wanted her out of my life as soon as possible I know it was a dick move but I left her there I drove to the entrance and flawed it I moved apartments after that I told all of my colleagues at work not to give my new address away to anyone and explained the full details of what had happened I didn't notify the police though I was afraid she might sue me for what I had done or even press criminal charges of her own no doubt hard come away looking like the bad guy but you have to believe me when I say I know she would have killed me in that building if given the chance anyway all's well that ends well right wrong a few days ago I got a letter in the mail there was nothing written on the envelope and there was no stamp it was clear that someone had posted the letter by hand I opened the letter to find a single folded piece of a4 paper on it was only one sentence I will always be waiting for you at the bottom was a kiss mark in red lipstick and there it is she's found me what do you think I should do was that letter a threat a promise I know it's her and I'm scared this is a story given to me by a friend of mine he's a psychiatrist in Tokyo and has helped or at least tried to help a lot of truly disturbed people we were at a school reunion when he told me about a case he was working on his subject was a woman who had recently been charged with assault she was locked up and it was my friend's job to analyse her mental condition I think he only told me because we're really close friends ma'am because he was very very drunk I won't be revealing any names or anything you know confidentiality and whatnot but he didn't technically say to me that I shouldn't tell the story to anyone either maybe it's because it's rather unbelievable honestly I didn't really believe it either but I asked him about it again when he was sober and he confirmed that everything he said was true now I've known this guy for 30 years and he's never lied to me before even when we've both been intoxicated out of our minds but I asked for some written proof which she actually provided me this story comes from a written account that the woman made she was either unable or unwilling to talk at the time so had to write down her side of the story it's highly unethical but regardless I've transcribed as much as I could as best as I could here what in that instant I was stunned I couldn't understand what he was saying break up what did he mean break up I devoted the last few years of my life entirely to him but why I asked him you're too heavy heavy what do you mean by heavy that I'm fat I asked him no you're not fat I mean you're emotionally heavy you're a mental burden a mental burden everything I did with my time was for him my cooking my money all of it was for him how could that be a mental burden on Emma I don't know how to say it you're so clingy so overprotective you don't let me do anything myself sometimes I think you'd wipe my ass for me if I asked you to what's wrong with that doctor so many people would dream to have someone like that in their lives a second mother someone who will always look out for them and provide them their every need it was all for him everything was for him I'm sorry darling I cried I'll do whatever it is you want me to do please all right then get out of my sight what then get out of my sight as fast as possible I was astounded is that what he wanted now I'd do anything to grant his wish but then I wouldn't be able to see him ever again no no that can't happen I don't want that to happen I thought to myself I couldn't bear it anymore and ran out of his room crying i sat outside in the park swinging aimlessly on the swing set I'm not very smart but I racked my brain as hard as I could to work out how I could avoid the break-up and the best thing to do would be respect his wishes but that would mean I'd have to leave him that just couldn't happen so after some deep thinking I came up with an idea this was the only solution no time like the present I went to the local convenience store to buy what I needed when I pressed the buzzer to his apartment he almost immediately opened the door for me what do you want he asked I want to make it up with you I told you to stay out of my sight he bellowed at me I know I'll fulfill your wish I'd do anything for you and with that I quickly drew the screwdriver out of my pocket and plunged it into his right eye at that point he was rolling on the floor with agony the poor little thing I didn't want him to suffer for too long it was easier the second time he was on the floor after all I perched on top of him and brought down the screwdriver again he had narrowly missed his left eye and slid into his left cheek but it wasn't too difficult to slide the tool along his face and into the socket squelch is the sound I think it made a cute sound just like him so that's her account not all of it quite a lot of it was uninterpretable according to my friend difficult to believe right like I said I didn't really believe him either not until I read this at least then again the fact he showed me this doesn't mean it's a hundred percent true either this could have just been the ramblings of an imaginative but insane woman but like I said my friends not much of a liar either way I can kind of see her logic the man asked her to get out of his sight and technically I suppose she did hi guys lazy here and thank you very much for listening I come bearing good news I've got my October playlist sorted out and all scheduled out so the lead-up to Halloween should be pretty good this year I think I'm going to be dropping a special on the 31st and I've got all the I've got all the topics figured out before then as well but that being said if you like these to chance sort of videos and you'd like to see more then make sure to let me know and I can probably throw one into the mix as well and we'll get another one then before Halloween yes this was a fairly long video so I won't ramble on for too much longer but just make sure to smack that like button around a [ __ ] hander I'll have some more videos for you guys coming very very soon so until then lazy Legion you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark damn Japan you crazy
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 990,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, scariest video ever, on youtube, disturbing, scary, creepypasta, horror, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, lazy masquerade, maskarade, corpse husband, mr nightmare, audiobook, long video, relaxing, study music, new, best, most, top 10, learn english, british accent, japan, japanese, reddit, 2chan, 2channel, 4chan, meme, posts, real, true, dead, death, ever taken, be busta, Halloween, yanderes, yandere simulator, romance, love, deep web, weeaboo
Id: Bhz6rzo4wwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 50sec (1670 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2016
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