Magnus Carlsen vs. 20 Chess Prodigies

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magnus carlsen is widely regarded as the best chess player in the world but we frequently see him only challenged by other super grandmasters what would happen if you put magnus carlsen against one of the best chess prodigies in the world or what about 20 of them you see chess 24 organized a tour where they took some of the best chess prodigies uh aged anywhere between like 11 12 and 21 years old and they put them on separate teams to compete against each other and then what they did is they made like a challengers match where you have one designated target super gm and all of these players just go one by one david vs goliath in three minute blitz games so magnus carlson played 20 of them a few weeks ago and in this video i'm going to take you through some of the most fun games showing you different elements of his playing style as well as some of the games where he lost and we'll look at the final standings at the end um time stamps on the video player you guys know how this works so first game against yala sokolovsky 24 rated prodigy this player is from israel and we have a sicilian defense by magnus carlsen magnus was playing everything uh he was playing e4 e5 he was playing the scandinavian defense mixing it up so we have sicilian knight f3 e6 and we have the khan this is e6 uh a6 setup and oftentimes uh white will put the queen on c7 play a knight to c6 uh or play b5 and bishop b7 it's a very very good sicilian defense but white plays c4 and so c4 immediately kind of tells black like look i'm looking to put my knight behind the pawn and really suppress a lot of your pawn movement in the center so normally what ends up happening is black changes the setup black plays knight f6 and then still plays the queen to c7 but then plays b6 because obviously you cannot put the bishop here i mean the pawn here you obviously will put the bishop here that's exactly what we have and white plays this in a in a very unique pawn structure style right with with b3 uh c4 e4 f3 light squared blockade completely shutting down everything here um but folks when you put uh six pawns of your seven pawns on light squares that means that your dark square complex is going to be a little bit soft and one of the knights should be able to go here and in many of these positions if black is still able to successfully make this pawn break white is going to be in trouble so magnus plays bishop to e7 and white normally has either played rook to rook to c1 uh or has a queen on d2 but since white already played queen d queen d3 white is obviously not gonna go back to d2 white decides to play g4 basically saying well if you castle i'm going to attack you and magnus carlsen says i'm magnus carlson dude bring it on short castle g5 what's worth more than a knight a queen knight e5 and uh and i'm sorry if you were like me well you two queen d2 knight d7 f4 what is magnus doing i mean he's kind of gone headfirst into the fire the knight has no forward moves so then i decides to go back to c6 but as you bait more and more of white's pawns forward white has to be very precise like right now white's best move is probably to just retreat from the action and just continue to very slowly build up an attack and the computer likes this position very much for for white um but then it starts to think a little bit and it's like black actually has some pretty good opportunities even though white has set up everything to suppress these breaks black will be able to make them because white is so over extended that's the uh that's the term that we use and you see that in action right here this is a very bold move long castle so counseled on opposite sides what do you do folks i've been setting it up the entire video b5 a move that is covered fi four times by white pawn two knights and bishop doesn't matter because after takes um i i can take but that allows this knight to come here so i throw in the switch i take on d4 and then no matter what you do you have a problem i can play a takes b5 uh and magnus carlsen decides not even to do that he decides to take here and this just shows you the problem with going long castle into the con set of the paulson con very very dangerous rook g1 to get the rook out of the way now we take back on b5 now in many cases like this the right decision is not to take because even though i mean you you can take with the bishop the best thing is probably to just get out of the pin king b2 king well king b1 ideally but you can't do that uh instead he does this and magnus does not need another excuse um it's a really nice move here from magnus it's actually kind of funny how powerful this one simple move is you can feel free to pause here and try to find it uh this move is is is like uh you know in kingsman the movie where the the guy walks to the end of the bar and like shuts it and like locks the door and says manners maketh man and then beats beats everybody up um yeah so that's what magnus does here he basically plays this move and now everything is locked the bishop is open the queen is open the knight is going to jump in in one of these directions and it's over no matter what black does and the execution is very swift and it's very deadly and yali probably needs medical attention after this bishop to a3 checked the king rides uh rides away to the corner um and and i mean magnus plays a decent move but he has an even better one he plays knight c5 uh knight c5 is the best move uh with a really nasty threat knight takes b3 ab3 and b shut up c1 just winning the queen um you can block but it's it's it's it's so it's very bad it's all over um instead he plays uh bishop b4 which is also fine white has you know a counter shot to take the knight to just ignore the entire attack and take the knight and um yeah instead he goes back uh and now knight c5 bishop c2 queen a5 everything rolls forward rook b8 the the final piece like hey what about me i'm the only one not playing the king the king doesn't care he king's lazy he's like y'all go do your thing and um now the entire house collapses we throw the molotov cocktails in man magnus carlson had everything this game the molotov cocktails the medical attention bang bang take it all down bang take on b3 you can only take with the rook he plays king b2 i mean if you take like this i play queen a4 you're gonna lose no matter what uh you know what i i should show you all what i mean by that because it's actually like if king b2 um you you you play the very nice queen a3 and i mean you can also play like queen a2 and go here and just be up a rook uh for the bishop but with a lot of pawns you have this very nice move and then you have this and they they go here you have mate it's all covered so knight b3 king b2 and yali decided i've had enough i've i'm calling it a day right here so a very nice win magnus with the black pieces beautiful sicilian he doesn't even play the con against some of these you know super gm's but it doesn't matter uh he executes that in very nice style now his next two games uh are are magnesian as i like to call them which is not a word but uh i might as well patent that word because i'm kind of the only one that i've ever heard use it i think um magnesian means just surgical like so this is an e4e5 and he's playing jean say abu malik uh who i made a video about recently she's the world's newest grandmaster and he plays this d3 so a6 knight f6 is one of the main ways to play against the rulopas but d3 is a bit unique normally white is playing for d4 uh and magnus plays like this with an early a4 whatever i mean it's blitz right like you you play anything bishop b7 uh because if otherwise you allowed this capture you would have lost the rook so now the rook is protected both sides set up bishop d2 is designed to counteract knight a5 uh and now castles knight c3 and you allow it uh but now the knight is a target so black needs to worry about different knight jumps to the middle that would then target the knight on d5 which is why black plays this move and then this move you see chess is a very logical game however in making this decision to counteract this black has now put a bunch of pawns on the dark squares and just like last game that means that light squared weaknesses in the center of the board right but magnus rotates the knight around over here to fight for this light squared weakness so that bishop goes back to fight for the light squared weakness that black has it's just a logical game so what does magnus do it goes back to this bishop d2 situation play c3 makes a little oops i knocked over one of my i've got these kings here that i use for a thumbnail uh knight goes back to c6 now previously there had been a game uh 21 years ago i didn't just know that i it's in the annotations for the game that went like this uh but we have this position now and now we begin we begin the magnesium play okay now is where it gets impressive first he makes this trade now we say don't trade bishop for night unless you have a good reason well he removes his dark squared attacker but he gets rid of one of the two pieces that night except this bishop right the knight knight and the bishop that could fight for the light squares now magnus has three pieces that could fight for the light squares two knights and a bishop this bishop cannot fight for the light squares now he plays rook c1 bishop e6 and he takes so we both remove a light squared attacker but you have a target i am now going to get that target and when you go defend i can go knight g5 but then you will go d5 and you'll block out my queen um and by the way you might be wondering why didn't magnus take this pawn well magnus this pawn is actually a nice shield if he takes this pawn he will have to absorb a ton of counter play on the b file he's going to get rolled here and maybe he's fine he might be completely fine but it's a little bit more human if you will to play this move d4 uh and uh the point is again that you you're you're just crashing through down the middle like this pawn will stay a weakness so magnus keeps the weakness there and instead cashes in on the more immediate weakness in the position magnesium yeah you have to make this trade for black otherwise you'd get taken so take stakes hello who guards this oh d5 oh d5 okay great well now i'm gonna go full magnus knight jumps into c6 pressuring this threatening to jump back to e5 uh pressuring this pawn but not always because again this pin is still there um the best move is probably to try to kick me out but it's not easy to do that so i play a5 to lock up the position now i play e5 so i've made a bunch of forward moves right okay h3 kick your knight back and now knight e2 to rotate around the knight this way glue the knights together and pressure the e6 pawn also f4 g4 in the future like if i can get knight d4 f4 g4 black just has no play forever so shansaya plays knight f5 she's trying to prevent knight d4 uh knight e7 again a timely trade a timely trade because if you play knight e7 maybe i will transfer my queen over here uh maybe i will play rook c5 rook c1 it's a very difficult decision maybe i'll end up going to d4 after all and trying to get in over here because you removed your knight from the center takes on e7 that grants access to the rook now to pressure knight h4 knight d4 and we go over here okay and now again if you if you run this through machine it's going to be like well you know uh uh actually magnus didn't play this perfectly dude because you know there's like yeah there's a move rook c8 here and if like rook a6 then like you know queen c7 and like i i hold the pawn i can somehow give up e6 because there's queen c2 with counter play it's a blitz game it's a three minute blizz game in classical chess you know sure but it's a blitz game and it's about creating practical threats and magnus ends up transferring his queen over to not get mated takes the damage to his pawn structure but black is left with all the weaknesses and uh bit you know i really liked how this simplified again another layer to the to the rook end game magnus plays takes takes doesn't cash in on any pawn doesn't take this and then like move his king like no and no he takes and he's not he's not even a pawn up in a rook end game but black is dead just based on activity plays e6 so black can't get close brings his king he doesn't even move his rook just keeps it all there and now the game is over like you've won the pawn you have the pawn and the active king it's all about activity simplify at the right moment black obviously can't trade i check you i check you to kick the king out that's it now your rook is glued to the defense of the promotion square and i just run over to f8 and black resigns um i mean that couldn't be more clean it's crazy because like he just makes it look so simple so that takes us to game number three um here this game had a lot of different elements so first of all uh here uh this is india one of india's newest grand masters uh leon mendonka um and he he plays c6 so he he's trying to get magnus like we have like a a london with a c4 and a very early queen b6 no central pawns this kid came to fight like he he's like i'm going to get magnus out of his comfort zone i'm going to get the initiative early so let's see magnus stabilize the center and if you're confused by the way why this wasn't taken the knight is lost so you can't attack you know a fully set position with only two pieces unless it's like scholars mate so d5 and now magnus kicks out the night the knight doesn't go it gets black checks a little night trade but now now we have a normal looking position we have like a slav defense right here except the knights got traded and white just has a development lead so of course white is going to play e4 um or not white is going to play long castle magnus castles long then proceeds to open up his queen and his rook but he's smart because he knows that before the bishop and the rook get to the c file like this he is going to go here and develop how's he going to block everything oh with his knight and then he's going to play e5 because the only way that this is going to be dangerous for him is if the position opens so he keeps it closed black develops now he moves his king out of the way and what's funny is that if black castles you know magnus's move would have been here folks it would have been g4 h4 and h5 and actually white is attacking black white is attacking black despite having some weaknesses now position's still very complicated h5 played by mendonka f4 bishop g4 rook c1 and here rather than engaging in a in a bloody affair because black has actually done a pretty good job like mendonka played the pawn moves before castling because he anticipated that something could happen over there he anticipated something like this so what does magnus do um he kind of advances a little bit on the queen side moves his king out of check and here does what he does knight e2 you know what the point of 92 is folks knight g3 he just wants to take the bishop he just wants to take the bishop wherever it goes goes to g4 i will kick it out and he does he trades black has no good option if he takes with the e pawn this is weak forever and if he takes with this pawn this is weak forever so now boop quick rotation oh g3 uh no queen trade no queen trade if we trade queens this is this is maybe still okay for white but okay is the best you're gonna get because you just help black solve his problems what are you doing queen f2 you should help your you know to help people solve their problems just not in chess takes takes takes takes and now just bring it all back bring it all back we go and isolate that one weakness magnus plays a creative way in the opening freezes up the position and then just very very slowly look at this he comes in from both sides comes to the left down the middle to the right with his bishop picks up the pawn trades but levy he undoubled his opponent's structure you're helping your opponent no because this is now a weakness and your pawn imbalance will allow you to infiltrate on the light squares over here we've talked about these complexes right so he just backs up now he trades you said levy you said not to trade earlier right i said not to trade queens because the queen on black side was going to be used as a target to then win the pawn in this case you have a bishop versus knight with an extra pawn and all of your opponent's pawns are on the same color as your bishop that's amazing this is a perfect end game he brings his king just like last game cuts off the knight now the only way to get you out is going to play a6 and if you play a6 all your dark squares are weak right so now you got to play b6 but now your a pawn's weak again and now the knight can't move so i just play no h4 mean donkey plays here and he takes care of the weaknesses i'm right back there buddy not getting anywhere a3 and now your knight gets trapped so he didn't have to do that uh he could have like you know went here and tried to go here but you know how magnus would have won this game on this side of the board because after something like this like let's just say black tries to pass moves like knight b7 knight d8 forever i will go here you cannot prevent me from going to b5 and then you cannot prevent me from taking your pawn and then i will promote my a pawn so i also can at any moment just sneak around that way and get you from you know this side so very nice game for magnus um this went on for a little longer actually mendonka didn't resign he didn't trust that magnus would actually be able to win this end game it's not every day you get to play you know maybe he was also trying to beat him on time i don't know how much time magnus had totally viable if you're playing a three-minute game but here he resigned because he expected that the world champion would be able to defeat him with an extra 13 points of material and he chose not to continue the game now the last three games are going to be magnus carlsen not beating his opponents and if you skip the head to this moment what are you doing go back and watch the rest of the video i need the ad revenue and second of all uh these games were great so yeah i i don't know why you would skip ahead first game against vincent keimer this is the one of the prodigies of germany very very strong player they played in grenke a tournament that i covered in 2019 that was a very long game that ended up with magnus winning but it was equal for a long time nimso indian magnus chooses to play a3 and then play f3 uh this is kind of poopy um it's normal but it's a little poopy because it's just very slow and if black takes the full center uh let's put it this way in the hands of magnus carlson no opening is poopy but i would never recommend one of my students plays like this for white because it's just so difficult to play in in a lack of space position where you have long term prospects of expanding with very small pawn breaks but he's magnus so he could do what he wants plays e4 plays knight e2 plays knight g3 like what are you doing like why you what is this right but he's magnus he could do it right so e5 very normal black traded off the dark square bishop puts a bunch of things on dark squares um now magnus plays takes takes and trades the queens and i guess his point is that i have d5 so in the future i will go boop and boop and boop and boop which totally understandable but black has no weaknesses i mean black will play b6 like black is completely fine so b6 and bishop a6 and this is very standard in the nimso uh to take care of your opponent's c4 pawn you you trade like this even if it means losing the bishop pair which in this case it has and you'll notice that while kymer is doing exactly that they both move their kings out of the way and now it's going to be an arms race for the d-file um so magnus plays knight d5 with check looking to solve his problem like this so of course kymer doesn't help him solve his problem but that results in a damaging of his own structure right so he's gonna have this double pawn he trades rooks and then he takes back and this is weak and if magnus can play like h4 and h5 um he will be very happy but the thing is if magnus were to play h4 khymer's best move would not be to allow h5 although folks lost in all of this can we just like address something lost in all this is just the c4 pawn like it's just gonna be lost so he plays this that allows kymer to get just a clean pawn up position versus magnus kymer's completely winning here but his opponent is magnus carlson in case you've forgotten and magnus just defends stubbornly plays bishop back to c1 a5 also you know i can't speak for kymer i know that i personally would get quite nervous if i was just totally winning versus magnus carlsen and um you see you see kind of kymer kind of backing up targeting the pawns i mean this literally could not get any worse for magnus down a pawn with three pawn islands three pawn islands so bishop back to f3 he defends the position bishop slides into b3 g4 bishop c2 i mean how is magnus just barely hanging on here everything looks to be falling apart but one thing for kymer why is he playing without a rook dude it's move 30 move your rook move your rook vincent you have a rook oh thank you except he moved it in a passive way like now it's a defender i mean it should be over here somewhere okay by the way that's just the free pawn like that is ready to be taken okay so what i would do now is i would play knight h3 knight f4 okay bishop e6 is fine roon g2 now i would play knight h3 knight f4 okay bishop i don't know what that does oh now i know what it does but you're just too slow okay oh oh but the bishop can guard both it's not it's not a super simple position you would think oh b5 and bam bam make a queen actually no that results in counter play immediately so you actually just give your opponent some activity if you try to play this too quickly and keep that in mind because uh by you're gonna see knight h3 knight f4 there it is um somehow magnus just sat back and defended everything and all of a sudden started turning vincent's dark square targets against him even in the face of total adversity because kymer has all his pawns on the same color bishop as this lurking lurking guy over here right um right so knight h3 now we have to go back to g5 of course this would be a lot different in a classical game but um so here here here here and uh kymer basically was like i've had enough let's make a draw after it takes takes and bishop takes c5 except actually after rook d uh seven kymer loses the game he doesn't but he could have how very nice move very nice move yeah i mean you can think this nice move c4 rook takes results in a check and the loss of a rook anyway and if bishop here you have this and bishop b5 you take the bishop i mean you can take both i guess but bishop is a lot better and then you're just upper rook but you know magnus sat back and got tortured for a while in this game so they just decided to repeat moves i i don't think they repeated moves i think they took a draw um really nice game from kymer uh kind of an opening experiment gone completely wrong from magnus but okay i mean that's what happens when you know you play good players they're going to play uh you know they're they're gonna guard everything right so um all right so here we have this kind of situation with c4 c3 and and that's why kymer was able to get this nice attack now that brings us to the two games that magnus carlsen actually lost and the first one is against the wonder liang who's uh he's a very very strong junior player i i don't know at what point you're when does your prodigy status run out in chess like i think a wonder is like 17 you know can you just be a strong 17 year old grandmaster with like hot you know high aspirations like when do you stop being a prodigy i don't know if he's a prodigy anymore i feel like if you're like 14 13 then you're prodigy but anyway very good player uh i've played him um i got lucky i got to beat him before he was a grandmaster and then i think since then he's beaten me twice so we have a king's indian attack from magnus and uh liang breaks the symmetry he plays c5 now we have knight b to d2 knight c6 e4 so like the totally standard king's indian attack position um and basically what white will want to do in some of these cases is either play c3 a4 as magnus does in this game uh and transfer things over here uh and get you know some winning attack okay so b6 e5 punishing the opening of this diagonal the hidden opening of this diagonal with takes we have takes and liang here can play the very simple bishop to b7 and just kind of be solid but he sacrifices his rook and this is a very common idea when the light squared bishop that's fianchetto has to go take a rook it's actually extremely common to get a position that looks like this where white loses completely the light squared uh attacker defender everybody light squared light you know lighthouse over there um and here probably liang had to play like his rook to the middle or his knight to d5 to open up his bishop and said he did this and this is just a mistake after knight e5 but his logic was that okay even though i'm also losing my light squared bishop uh i have an attack and even if this is magnus carlsen this attack is not so simple to stop because my bishop will come to d4 with pressure not so simple computer's sitting here like plus two plus two positions plus two but immediately i mean queen e2 is the best move bishop d4 rook f1 so magnus finds the correct defensive coordination rook d8 and now c3 to kick the bishop out bishop leaves magnus plays king g2 which the computer doesn't like the computer likes bishop f4 uh which looks like it just allows g5 but then you would play h3 it's like how does that make any sense knight h6 now the bishop is hanging in this yeah bishop c7 attacking the rook and then when the rook counter attacks well then you don't move then you go here hitting the queen away and then you go back and this is your perfect defensive coordination that is why computers are so scummy because they're like it's plus 2.5 but only if you find this really ridiculous sequence of moves like no one's finding that bishop on bishop pawn and then bishop back like stop no one's finding that magnus plays king g2 giving away d3 but now now liang's attack looks like it makes sense because he has four attacking pieces all targeting this i mean this rook on a one's a drunk guy just fell asleep he didn't show up for battle so knight back to c6 rook d1 he's coming in but c4 just in time holding it all together takes takes queen e4 no queen trade queen comes back to d3 magnus has done a good job here of uh right of holding everything so here g5 bishop to e3 knight e5 queen e4 queen d7 now you say well i don't understand magnus is completely winning here how is this video going to be uh a victory for liang well just wait basically magnus is down a little bit on time at this point it's no no bonus time so he's got to finish the game off because he burned a lot of time trying to defend the position he now has to win this it's rook versus knight they both have six pawns magnus is trying he's trying but liang is just not trading pieces just defending every threat defending against queen f6 he has a little cocoon house built around his king like look at this shelter and he's just gonna beat magnus on time if magnus oh queen d2 uh oh oh oh oh oh okay i'm just going back he could take on a4 um but that's a bit i mean that's just that's hard to do when your queen needs to stay back and defend everybody so instead he goes back queen e5 check queen e7 and magnus is just he's not he's not catching up on the clock knight e5 and and by the way um i think after king c2 there's a really nice defensive move here uh for black knight c4 uh knights are so tricky and blitz like you should just never resign if there's a knight on the board knight e3 is threatened and if you take there's this so knight e3 is threatened along with this move so just don't resign as long as knights are on the board a bunch of mistakes take place now because both sides have no time we now have a queen end game liang picks up another pawn avoids a draw by repetition and ultimately results in a drawn end game but uh in this position the game ends and i think magnus carlson lost on time levy i want a refund that wasn't exciting i wasn't good he didn't beat him he was losing it's a blitz is about you don't get salty when you get flagged in blitz it's very important you signed up to play three minute right you have to make the best move that you can in an efficient use of time if you play all the best moves but lose by a minute on the clock you weren't efficient that's the whole skill in blitz can't be you know don't hate the player hate the game and that brings me to my last game in this game this was a good game uh this was not a flag so nihal sarin the pride of india he's going to be playing in the world cup plays roy lopez d3 d6 uh and people who play d6 in the rue lopez when they understand that white is not going to play c3 d4 uh are actually trying in many cases to turn this into a king's indian it's not quite a king's indian but it's a king's indian pawn structure d6 g6 bishop g7 and you can do that from a very imbalanced position and here nihal plays the move knight d7 which is already very peculiar but the thing is that if you play bishop to e6 which looks natural i'll drop my knight into d5 i mean i'll play bishop e3 there's a lot of ways to play this position and nihal chooses to actually move his knight out of the center to lock in on d4 and drop his knight in first so now if magnus were to do it he would say what are you doing get out max would say oh damn i already moved my pawn too far so bishop takes e takes bishop takes d7 and a very nice in-between move here from nihal d takes c3 so now after this move there's this move oops the little e pawn that made it to the other side of the board rook b1 rook magnus carlsen is down a pawn d4 trying to block it all up now how do you reactivate this bishop what the heck does that mean well it's easy you just go here no you can reactivate pieces without moving them what the heck am i talking about c5 pawn break right because now now now you gotta activate the bishop again there you go magnus takes on b7 nehal takes on c4 how's pawn up now he's pawn up but okay his pawns are a little bit stupid looking a6 is a bit weak the rook is infiltrated like this and we've got a knight versus bishop situation so the knight has no no say i'm sorry the bishop has no say on the light squares the knight will fight on both complexes the knight needs to reroute to you know block the light squares and fight for the dark squares by standing on a light square that's the beautiful thing about a knight bishop doesn't see half the board i got like an eye poked out or something right so queen b3 rook c3 queen a4 magnus is just vibing now here nihal sarn plays the best move sometimes it is required in a game of chess to part ways with material sometimes we teach all beginners rook is not worth as much as a knight rook is not worth as much sorry a knight is not worth as much as a rook oh my god speak better rook takes f3 except in rare cases where the queen comes in you see this is why a wonder didn't want to bring his queen away from his king last game because when it's queen and king alone in a room i mean you know we need to we need to we need to raise the uh the the the level of um for the audience the movie restriction i mean it's it's pg-13 or rated r i mean this is this is gonna get really bad now here there's an option to repeat moves there's an option to repeat moves and nihal breaks that option after queen f4 king g2 by playing this move and the craziest thing is right around here they have the same amount of time right here nihal has 36 seconds he burnt like 40 seconds deciding like do i take the draw against magnus or do i play this for a win plays bishop to e5 it would have been better to play bishop e5 here because um if something like rook d1 which is exactly what happens in the game um then you can get the same position uh but i believe in this case it's like a difference of a move like i think the way it happens in the game magnus has a defense he does yes excuse me and the game magnus plays this but magnus could have defended here with rook h1 this would have been the best move just you know in an ugly way preventing this and trying to like come back and trade queens or something but because magnus in the game played rook d1 it became the same exact thing and now again the best move sometimes you need to part ways with your king's defender just trust that your king is safe the aggressive queen and by the way you see how they stay patient the aggressive queen is defending the only weak spot so queen d7 queen f7 is nothing queen d7 queen f7 is nothing and now the rook comes in you can give some checks but king just goes to g7 and uh the threat here is queen h2 between f2 mate so we have this magnus decides to bail out and now magnus carlsen if you were mad about the flag of last game magnus carlsen is trying to flag nihal saarin nihal siren's got 20 seconds on the clock f4 trying to catch him with a pre-move rook d4 now rook c4 trying to give him some checks whoa levy i thought you said there wouldn't be a flag i mean i don't i i i didn't say anything nihal has to win this game nihal's got about 15 seconds on the clock rook 2a4 bishop takes d6 check gotta keep my a pawn apon's the biggest asset because it's the one that's guaranteed that it's going to promote rook trade nah okay bishop to b4 i'm going to push my pawn push my pawn rook to b7 i got to move my bishop and here nihal finds the most impressive tactic in all of this sequence rook to e3 if you take bishop check on c5 and i pick up the rook so magnus doesn't do that rook g3 forces the king over there now rook comes back rook comes back because my goal is to mate you if your king gets stuck over here so you go here now i take here here here and in the end i k magnus catches uh magnus gets caught i should say rook c5 by moving his king and trying to flag nihal bishop c5 and bishop a7 of course magnus would have seen that but magnus was pretty moving trying to beat nihal on time and i mean of course this is winning anyway like king c4 king b3 i mean in a game you just in a game this would have been it would have resigned a long time ago but nihal sarin very convincingly defeats magnus actually very very i mean it was just ultimately the game was actually kind of decided by uh a skirmish in in the middle here where magnus decided to take and take which was uh inaccurate and instead uh i mean he could have played this in a lot of ways he could have played like bishop takes first and maybe tried to expand on the queen side but uh in this position already if he plays knight e2 position is just not pleasant for white white does not have any space advantage in the center whatsoever um and if this bishop doesn't trade for the night like if the bishop comes here what is this this is like you know renting an apartment in a beautiful luxury building with like a gym and everything but there's no window there's not a single window in the entire building you just can't look outside you got the amenities but like what are you doing right so anyway folks at the end i told you i would show you the full standings i mean i showed you some of the best games that i thought there were um these were the final standings magnus went 19 and a half and two and a half so he played 20 prodigies and he played two uh two coaches he played two coaches uh and yeah i mean a lot of these players feel free to look them up if you're interested vaishali uh is uh i believe the sister of prague so pragnando rameshwabu he's also one of the best players of india youth players of india uh karissa yet from the united states also christopher you is here from the united states i wonder liang is here from the united states a lot of iranian players uh bella russian players chinese players ukrainian players indian denmark germany no all norway's magnus i think i just named every country on there uh kazakhstan well i mean russia doesn't need i mean rush russia's russia though so anyway i thought i would make this fun little video not a little video it's 37 minutes long but as always if you manage to persevere through all the content i mean i know it's long but if you manage to make it this far i do appreciate you very much and if there's anything that you'd like me to cover in future content do let me know till next time peace out y'all get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 732,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, magnus, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen chess, magnus carlsen challengers, magnus vs challengers, magnus carlsen vs hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen stream, magnus carlsen interview, nihal sarin, magnus carlsen nihal sarin, nihal sarin magnus carlsen
Id: wSjdbnidVo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 23 2021
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