Garry Kasparov's INSANE Calculations (Explained!)

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ladies and gentlemen i have an amazing video for  you today we will be taking a detailed look at   the 20th game in the 1990 world championship  match between gary kasparov and anatoly karpov   but there is a twist one of the most popular  videos on youtube is this one from gj chess and   it's a detailed analysis that gary gives of his  calculations toward the end of this game i reached   out to gj chess to show the footage in our video  today but i'm also going to show you the game from   start to finish essentially i'm going to be the  gary kasparov chess translator for all of you   so let's get into it so this is the fifth  world championship match between the two of   these players in five years time and we have yet  another rue lopez with bishop b5 on move 3 in the   king's pawn opening here karpov plays a6 bishop  a4 knight f6 castles by white bishop e7 so far   we are we are following what is known as the main  line of theory we have rook to e1 b5 bishop b3 d6   c3 castles h3 now if we just back up a few moves  here let me slow it down well there's one big   question in all of these lopez's where is black  going to push this d-pawn is black gonna play d5   and enter the marshall or is black going to play  d6 and in this game black plays d6 and we get   c3 castles h3 at this point in time black has a  choice black can go back playing the briar system   play knight to a5 with c5 playing the chigorin or  play something that karpov played a lot including   against kasparov and something that was pretty  popular at these times bishop to b7 this is known   as the zaitsev system and zaitsev has a great  last name because it literally means rabbit   or bunny for my russians who are watching now pay  very close attention to the next few moves we are   playing cutting edge theory as far as 1990  is concerned we have d4 rook to e8 knight d2   bishop f8 so black activates the rook and drops  the bishop back now black plays a prep you know   preparation move just stopping anything from  coming to g5 in the future while white is trying   to instigate on the queen side bishop back to c2  and now black really wants to put this knight on   b4 so they take and play knight b4 and white does  not want this trade so plays this strange-looking   move bishop b1 but as crazy as this looks and the  fact that we're still on move 15 after the move c5   this has all been seen before including by these  two players just three years prior to this game   now to the uninitiated the next few moves  look very strange but please bear with me   because the meat of the video is yet to come black  plays the move knight back to d7 fighting for the   dark square in the center and wanting to advance  this pawn and jump into c5 because then the two   horses are on the loose and they're gonna wreck  havoc and try to get to d3 so now again to the   uninitiated this next move looks like it doesn't  make any sense the move is rook a3 almost looks   like a five-year-old who doesn't know how to  develop their pieces so they bring the rook up to   bring it over but there's a deeper idea involved  first of all white wants to double up on the   e-file preparing for the later stage of the game  and that rook if this knight were to move would go   even further and line up to the king so there is a  point behind this and it has been seen in the past   here black is a choice between c4 immediately  and f5 karpov plays the immediate lashing out   f5 now again it looks like you're just losing a  pawn but you are destabilizing your center if you   do that and so for that reason after f5 we just  got the rook rotating over this has all been seen   still we get knight to f6 by karpov knight h2  king h8 b3 takes stakes and you would think okay   we're 21 moves in up until this moment it's all  been seen before in the same year that this game   was played but now after c4 we officially have a  brand new game again trying to use the pawn as a   decoy to destabilize the center but gary finally  activates the dark square bishop putting it on   this diagonal all right now we have a very complex  middle game karpov decides to take in the center   gary recaptures and now karpov grabs the pawn so  he's taking the pawn but at what cost well white's   bishops are very strong but karpov is definitely  going to rely here on this move c3 to kind of   block things or jumping in the way of the of the  bishop to try to get it to trade with that pawn   gary finishes his plan of playing rook g3  remember that plan from a long time ago   karpov plays rook to e6 the point of this  move is to stabilize things on the sixth rank   and bring the queen maybe behind the rook now  gary plays knight to g4 activating that knight   that he dropped back there a moment ago that was  the entire idea of playing the move knight h2 in   the first place to have rook coming here and this  and that's exactly what we see a few moves later   and now ladies and gentlemen let us begin  watching the footage of this amazing video   no the moves that karpov was so unhappy with  queen e8 he felt this was a critical error   so the intro to our entire clip of kasparov  calculating begins with the move queen e8   which i did just mention was karpov's idea  karpov reinforces the rook along the e   file disallowing kasparov's knight from moving  because the rook behind it will have no guard at   the same time karpov targets this pawn potentially  for the future and fights for some sort of real   estate of the light squares on the king side  but karpa thought this move was a critical error   because gary now uncorks this knight takes  h6 he so he did not see this move he didn't   i didn't calculate it i i knew that it should  it should won i saw you playing very quickly   it's just several lines white's winning because  it's i have seven pieces in the attack two bishops   two knights two rooks and brooks is attacked queen  he has some pieces protected okay rook two pawns   and bishop and maybe queen okay we can change you  know it's it's an equal it will change i change   one attacking piece for one defensive means  but i have enough pieces to make him so there   you see kasparov's first thoughts he first of all  doesn't calculate this next move because he feels   it on instinct but he explains his justification  now some of you might have heard me say that you   shouldn't sacrifice unless you have two more  attacking pieces than they have defenders   and this is a perfect example gary plays knight  takes h6 now that move cannot be that knight   cannot be taken with the pawn but it can be taken  with the rook that's where everything begins at   the same time we have other moves black can play  for example black and jump may be in the way again   this idea or black can push the c pawn but gary's  whole point is that he's got two knights queen two   bishops and potentially both rooks involved in the  attack right he's saying that all his pieces are   going to get involved including this one which  seems kind of insane right now at least with   the queen it makes sense but enough for me let's  listen to what gary has to say about this position   namely what happens after rook takes h6 why  didn't he take okay if he takes here it's very   nice i took knight takes d6 now i can show many  good interesting lines number one if he's trying   to escape with him queen 27 then i played kung g4  means if he takes here then bishop takes g7 nate   so bishop takes which queen takes this is made  mate yes if he takes if he takes your questions   and check and he cannot because of his check  check and this is spin the pawn is pinned   and the king g8 is made in several moves bishop  h7 bishop g6 and queen a7 so the first thing   that gary shows here is what happens after  rook takes h6 now he shows knight takes pawn   essentially that first night sacrifice gets  the rook out of the way and so this knight can   move with an attack on the queen now two things  attack the queen so he says what about queen to   d7 and here gary shows this very nice move it's  not a follow-up of some sort of deathly shot   it's actually the offering of a queen trade what  what do you mean you're going to offer a queen   trade i thought you just sacrificed tonight but  more to come on that but first things first gary   says what about queen takes knight then the queen  stops guarding this and the queen the rook and the   bishop on b2 stockpile and it's just made in a few  moves takes and this but but what if you take like   this if you go back and take and reinforce your  queen well now after queen g4 i sneak this way   i disallow your king from escaping you can't block  because you're not actually guarding because of   the pin and now we have king g8 bishop drops  in king to h8 and now you cut the king's escape   and you disconnect the rook and this  is checkmate but we have only looked at   taking that knight and we've only looked  at this and then followed with queen g4   let's see what else there is like for example  after queen takes queen if she takes my queen   then it's a very nice combination check the only  move check check finger seven bishop g6 check   king g8 the only moves bishop of five visual e6  england bishop takes e5 check and bishop takes b7   and so you you have a nice investment which  is a rook up if karpov takes the queen gary   says there's a nice combination first of all  you don't take back the knight jumps into f7   and now it's a sequence of only moves king to g8  because one bishop cuts now you take like this   black goes here you take its check and the king  cannot go to the corner because of those bishops   so we have king to f7 we have bishop to g6 the  king cannot go to the e file because the rook   king to g8 now we drop back here bringing the king  back so we use a little boomerang technique to   go here now the king can go to the e file because  the rook is blocked but now we take its discovered   check the king moves bishop takes and at the end  of a massive sequence of moves white is a rook up   which they call a nice investment but ladies and  gentlemen this stuff doesn't even have to happen   there are far more layers to the move knight  takes d6 and that's why gary says it's not the   end of the story so gary tell us what is the end  of the story in this position he could go to an h5 here i played rook g5 you cannot take here  because knight f7 check and take the queen   if you take here it's interesting you know  knight check check king rook takes d1 and   c3 and looks very good for black because  it's now the pawn is closed captioning not gary says he available even spot this next part  at the board but he saw it after so gary said what   about queen h5 right trying to trade queens with  me and here is just an absolutely beautiful move   rook g5 now gary says it so nonchalantly  that if you just watch that video you'll   be like yeah whatever you know no look at rook  g5 appreciate this move that is just a free rook   but you can't take it because you get a family  fork it deflects the queen just the right way so   then gary shows this what if queen takes queen  now this is probably if you made it this far on   the video i love you and it's going to be worth  it thank you so much you're about to witness   something absolutely beautiful belongs in a museum  knight to f7 anyway king to g8 because again   you can't go here knight takes rook you can't  take because you're pinned and king goes back   and now you take the queen and we have this moment  where black would like to play this move but can't   because of the bishop so black plays the move  c3 which looks great because now you've blocked   the bishop and now you're just gonna win something  but here is something so gorgeous the knight goes   back the king moves over and you create a tomb  and black cannot prevent rook h5 rook h8 cb2   rook h5 rook h8 and that is why gary smiles an  absolutely beautiful entombment of the king on ga   now one small detail black doesn't have to  do this black could theoretically go back   and prevent rook h5 but then you would take and  now white just has an overwhelming advantage and   is just completely winning but of course c takes  b2 with this whole idea just this whole idea of   finding this is i mean it's just beautiful so i  wanted to translate this part let's keep going   and final final i can show you the final if he  sacrifice queen i mean just in this position   if he sacrifice queen by playing queen takes  c1 queen takes c1 rook takes d6 then i played   queen e4 circuit mate 93 one h4 check king  g8 bishop takes g7 bishop to h7 and queen g4   now for this last calculation gary says well  what if karpov realizes that all the other   stuff doesn't work and he just sacrifices  his queen takes and rook d6 if you actually   look at this and you're just on the board  black is up a point if you count everybody   up black is up one point of material but  here white has to find the move queen to e4   lining up the queen with the bishop to go to h7  there's very few ways to stop this if you play   knight back to f6 you open up this and then you're  gonna lose the entire house on the queen side   so in this position black might play knight to d3  which is an interposing defense but now white has   queen to h4 check king g8 only move and you just  bulldoze the house with this beautiful bishop   sacrifice why because after bishop takes queen g4  black has all these pieces but not a single piece   can protect the bishop on g7 from the queen in the  rook battery on the g file rook d7 is the only way   and the queen takes an absolutely beautiful  geometric sequence and as hikaru would say it's   the classic right triangle it was just try to to  close this bishop you know it's fine but now this   bishop is a very strong city so first of all you  gave one piece now you are sacrificing another   piece another piece okay he killed this bishop  but this bishop now he cannot close it anymore   and he gave you some tempi which is important  in chess yes absolutely and i have okay i still   have six pieces so seven uh six instead of seven  this is not a big big loss no there's no point but   one defender less as you said before so instead of  five now four defenders yes and that's not enough   people bishop ca trying to to have some play check  yes if he goes king james and simple king h2 and   no defense in knight g5 knight g5 and then queen  h7 mate so for this last part gary moves to the   actual moves in the game karpa played the move c3  karpov's idea was to disconnect the dark squared   bishop from the attack entirely and kasparov backs  the knight up to f5 and we have c takes b2 and   you're the interviewer says well you sacrificed  one piece and now another it's not quite this   the story because gary offered the knight for  sacrifice it wasn't taken and now he backed up   and you would think well he lost a very powerful  orange piece and this pawn so close to promotion   but as gary said by making the c-pawn move you  are never closing my bishop remember that knight   jump in the way of the light squad bishop it was  supported by the c pawn now this bishop is alive   forever and here gary just kind of says well  you know the idea is that after queen to g4 out   by the way only move only move activating  the queen and trying to get over here   um black has to be very careful because the threat  is just to go king h2 with knight to g5 um and   what that means is for example bishop c8 which is  what got played in the game to try to come here   check and now if king to g8 kasparov would  play this move why because if he just goes   here this is with check so kasparov in a very  very re just calm way would have played king to h2   and in the belligerent attack that he is  launching on his opponent he makes one king move   and black has nothing to stop knight g5 and  queen to h7 mate h6 take take h2 very strong   move an important move you know now my knight can  go because rook is hanging without check queen e5   knight g5 f6 rook e8 now i have five only five  pieces intact but you know just string defenders   left and so my friends we are now nearing the end  of the game since king 2 g8 would lead to this and   this with mate karpa plays rook 2h6 now obviously  kasparov takes it and here we have g takes h6 and   we have the move king 2h2 gary says i played the  move king h2 because now i can move my knight   and it will not be checked my rook is unguarded  but the queen departing will be devastating to   the position uh of the of of the black king and as  long as it doesn't come with check i'm good again   we see a calm prophylactic move karpov plays queen  to e5 gary plays knight g5 right hitting this   and if the queen were to take this rook for free  knight to f7 is literally checkmate it's an attack   and every square is covered from a distance right  so karpov plays queen back to f6 and gary plays   rookie 8 and before we cut out from the video  he says there are three defenders remaining this   knight is lurking but it's not defending and one  two three four five versus three is significantly   more dangerous for the person with three than  when it was seven five seven five is not the same   as five three you're slowly losing all guards of  your king your king is running out of room let's   see how gary finishes it off yeah but five threes  is much more dangerous than seven five you know   and uh for instance any move bishop b7 here  then it says i have the same combination but   nate immediately immediately he made the only  move just to avoid the mate uh in in three but   anyway it's here i i play this  is very nice when queen takes h6   this is fantastic because in a world championship  it is very unusual to have queen sacrifices   yes this is true queen takes a6 knight f7 check   into six and here it's um unforgivable mistake  you know you should take with zero yeah i know but   so essentially after gary infiltrates with  the rook there is a very beautiful threat and   he shows it by showing bishop b7 there is a  beautiful queen sacrifice the point is that   the rook is pinning the bishop to the king so the  only move is this deflecting from the defense of   f7 and knight f7 would come with checkmate which  is what we saw earlier and now we see the value   of this bishop on b1 but kappa played bishop to f5  which infiltra which interferes with the bishop's   control of h7 now here gary still uncorks the  same queen sacrifice because why the hell not   but it's funny because the computer here gives  a much more savage evaluation it wants you to   play knight f7 and apparently it's a force made in  six but if you can sacrifice a queen and still win   you should knight f7 and now bishop takes f5 comes  with check there are no moves for the king but the   queen can block it's pretty funny because here  gary says that he made an unforgivable mistake   and it's because he took with the bishop and  you would say how does that make any sense   i mean he just followed a natural follow-up  because apparently if gary had played rook g6   it's not a check but any rook move is made so for  example let's say like knight c2 just go back and   it's mate and it just there's nothing you can do  it doesn't matter even if you come and attack the   rook it's going to be made in a few moves because  you will just go back this and you'll just do the   same thing you're just going to move out of  the way your rook is hanging it doesn't matter   but gary you know wanted to be thorough wanted  to be forcing and for that reason he took   on g6 uh with the bishop we got this and let's  not forget there was a rook hanging and again   there's no promotion so gary plays rook takes  bishop to e7 rook b8 a5 bishop e4 check and he   takes because after knight takes he would come  back and gary kasparov would have had two rooks   and two extra pawns versus knight and bishop and  very soon he will pick out the rest of the pawns   so it was after bishop takes d5 check on move  41 that karpov resigned and here are the final   seconds of that game and karpov concedes  what an incredible game by gary kasparov and with that ladies and gentlemen our  deep dive of game 20 in the 1990 world   championship match between gary kasparov  and anatoly karpov has come to an end   shout out once again to gj chess for  allowing me to use some of the video footage   and if you enjoyed this and you want me to do  this for other videos that might be on youtube   or other footage of games do let me know in the  comments below as always i do enjoy reading them   and i will happily take many of your suggestions  as always if you're new welcome and if you're   returning welcome back i've got tons of  playlists for you to enjoy on openings   middle games end games puzzle solving guess the  elo you name it i will see you in the next video
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, garry kasparov, kasparov, kasparov karpov, karpov vs carlsen, garry kasparov vs carlsen, garry kasparov magnus carlsen, kasparov calculations, kasparov calculation, garry kasparov calculation, garry kasparov calculations, garry kasparov anatoly karpov, garry kasparov deep blue, kasparov deep blue, kasparov interview, garry kasparov masterclass, garry kasparov interview
Id: Ty-16QZubRA
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Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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