The Greatest Chess Winning Streak Of All Time

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in the history of elite chess grandmaster  tournaments there have been few streaks of   absolute dominance in the early days wilhelm  steinidz famously defeated like 25 people in   a row but that was like the 19th century then  of course bobby fischer had his famous 11 out   of 11 in the u.s championship and later on he  won 20 games in a row so in today's video i'm   going to feature the games of fabiano caruana who  in 2014 in the singfield cup went 7-0 to start the   tournament his opponents were magnus carlson  hikaru nakamura maxime vasheila grav veselyn   topolov and levan ranyan the format is a double  round robin so there's 10 rounds because you have   to play everybody two times so just do the math  seven wins three draws eight and a half out of ten   fabiano started the tournament with a 3600 level  performance so we'll kick things off with the   first game who he was playing against vessel in  topolov who was a former world champion and vessel   and started the game with a symmetrical english  trying to get fabiano out of his preparation   big thing of these games is his opening  preparation and his ability to adapt   and topolof plays this move g4 and a few moves  later plays a night jump into fabiano's territory   kind of maybe trying to reroute the bishop over  here here fabiano attempts to what his opponent   is trying to do and completely reverses it onto  vessel and so he makes every right trade first he   trades the knights and then he defends the threat  of the bishop when the knight comes to attack the   bishop he gets the bishop out of the way and  targets the pawn on b2 vessel in plays queen d2   and now fabiano realizes that by swapping off all  these pieces and by the way if you're confused   that is not a free bishop there would be a knight  fork of the king and the queen he trades the right   way he trades the bishops and then he trades the  knights and activates the queen he's able to kind   of adapt to his opponent trying to take him out  of his comfort zone and watch as he converts this   game we get bishop f2 and rather than swooping  in you know even though you're defended fabiano   might not might not want this simplification  because topolov's got this watch what fabiano does   he switches the play action to the king side  forces the king away and then plays c4 so rather   than taking and threatening a mate he finds this  nice idea c4 getting his pawn out of danger and if   this trade were to happen he would take back and  his rook and bishop would team up on this pawn   so for that reason topolov plays queen to  c2 and now fabi gets the rook out of the way   and kind of threatens the fact that the bishop  might move out of the way in the future and the   rook and the queen will team up great players  play on one side down the middle and on the left   or i guess in this case the left would be the  king side on the left is not a side of the board   queen h5 he does not address the pawn instead of  lining up the queen and the bishop to threaten him   mate uh topolov really doesn't have much way to  stop this so he plays h4 and now fabi just goes   back see he faints the attack the pawn goes up and  then he just goes right back because by doing this   he's made the pawn come forward the pawn cannot go  back whereas the queen could shuffle and that's it   i mean we have queen d3 stopping queen h3 but now  we see that idea trying to deflect the queen again   and fabiano finished this finishes this in style  with the move bishop to b2 why is this so strong   it covers the c1 square and you've laid the red  carpet for your pawn to poly resigned here just   completely lost position for white even if  you try to get this to an end game i just   push and you can't stop my pawn so a nice win for  fabiano and he begins his campaign just like that   let's go to game number two so his next opponent  is maxim vashay legrov who's a frenchman uh the   best player in france and this game is an  example of fabiano's opening preparation   mvl plays c6 the karo khan and we get the  most challenging variation objectively at   the top level which is the advanced bishop f5  and now white plays knight f3 and bishop e2   variation named after nigel short literally  called the short variation there's a few ways   to play this position with black nowadays the  grandmasters are maneuvering more but here mvl   plays c5 immediately striking back in the center  the problem is that white can play bishop to e3   and has a lead in development is pressuring to  take your pawn and if you just kind of like allow   white to get faster play white gets a very  pleasant position so mvl played a move here queen   b6 very aggressive move and fabiano says okay  come and get my pawn buddy want it come take it   mvl doesn't for a second plays knight c6 and  now he takes so back then um this had been all   seen before and throughout this video i'm going to  introduce something to all of you called novelty   and basically that's the first move of the  game which is new so fabiano plays queenie one   defending his knight cd4 by mvl bishop takes back  we get takes takes bishop before all seen before   all seen before the knight is hit right queen is  hitting there's a pin here so what does white do   here plays knight db5 with the idea to kind  of jump in and in and also defend the knight   all right we get bishop back to a5 covering knight  c7 allowing knight d6 fabiano here plays rugby one   asking the queen where it's gonna go the only  thing it can do is take and at this point in   history everybody had played rook to b3 with the  idea of kind of boxing in the queen and adding   another layer of protection to this knight before  deciding what to do next like trying to get in   here to you know so that united at least has some  guard but fabiano plays a novelty he plays rook c1   which makes the queen move and here he plays g4  which had never been seen before this is this is   a brand new situation right so now we have to  get bishop back to g6 and fabiano just goes for   it like his prep was literally just force the  queen to this ugly square leave all of this as   a potential infiltration and just go punish your  opponent the thing about preparation is that often   times your opponents have to follow the best moves  or else they're going to get in serious trouble so   mvl played bishop e4 which so far so good you know  you don't want to get trapped if ivy plays rook f2   and now it's like wait a second where's this  queen going this queen it's the queen's very   uncomfortable i mean is it really going to try  to get out like this so we get knight to h6 and   i think this was the first move out of the  preparation of fabiano up to this point he   knew all the best moves so what do grandmasters do  they have to adapt to the situation on the board   and he finds the best move he calculates and he  plays bishop to d3 showcasing why you put your   rook here but this isn't over i mean this isn't  somehow winning of course black just moves back   but we get rook b1 and rather than taking you  play one more rook move kicking the queen out   once again back to c5 and now you take in the face  of danger of your queen you hit this queen right   back we get takes and now takes and castles and  you say why didn't he take well he didn't take   because knight d6 check comes with check and you  lose your queen so after the dust settles fabiano   is just up a bishop he has a bishop his opponent  doesn't have a bishop but his opponent has two   pawns so okay it's a little bit complicated  still e3 hitting the rook rook comes back to f1   rook c8 and fabiano just brings everybody back  that's the thing about the top level you gotta   use your prep to get to that point and then  convert the game and he does that i mean he just   plays very solidly a couple of solid moves making  sure everything's accounted for no infiltration on   the second rank that's why he played this move  to stop the rook coming in or the queen coming   into the second rank everybody guards everybody  a little bit of a simplification he picks up that   pawn now it's bishop for one pawn and uh knight f7  and knight comes back to c3 if you take take take   i take b7 i just have an extra bishop and so  for that reason after knight c3 mvl resigned   he made it look easy he made it look easy  fabiano kind of uh shows this new idea makes   it very difficult and then just goes wild pushes  these pawns and mvl's mistake was playing knight   to h6 uh he apparently had to evacuate fast  immediately or else it was going to be bad news   um and computer here also gives a move king f8  but my web browser computer is not as strong   as whatever fabiano's preparing with so he came  prepared with a new idea two-and-oh let's keep   it moving now in game number three he's playing  magnus carlson at this point rated 28.77 this was   magnus carlson's one of his highest ratings of  all time magnus was like 28 81 officially 28.89   unofficially so crazy and back then they  had not played a world championship match so   magnus plays the it kind of looks like the italian  but it's called the bishop's opening and here is   another example of fabiano's preparation this is  actually fascinating listen up so the players kind   of play this mainline position the design is  that black has not played knight c6 so you can   play d5 and this is all theory you can't take this  pawn because white would play knight g5 attacking   kind of like in fried liver style right bishop's  opening is pretty tricky now fabi plays bishop b4   to force this move and then come back so  that's already the first kind of wrinkle   in the position you can just play bishop d6 but  then your opponent would be able to play knight   c3 later so you force the pawn there and then you  come back and this waste of time doesn't actually   change the position too much the bishop pins  the knight to the queen bobby takes to kind of   clarify what's going on in the center attacks the  bishop and magnus goes back we have queen to e7   he's he's doing this because he wants to get  out of the way of the of the queen here maybe   bishop e6 in the future to trade drop out with  his knight notice that he doesn't castle right   he plays queen e7 first knight d2 knight d7 and um  bishop g3 bishop c7 and castles now at this point   the only other game in the database is a game  where rustam kazam janaf very strong grand   master world champion contender back in the day  uh was playing with the black pieces now at that   point this the game ended in a draw here here  in this position after black plays knight h5   you know who rustam kazam janov is  he's on the team of fabiano caruana   so rustam and fabiano they work together so you  see the idea being used now so he plays knight h5   h3 very instigating whoa why would he okay so  now the rook is open the week at night see wait   a second why isn't fabi castling this is bait this  move is bait because he wants the bishop fabiano   wants the two bishops versus the two knights and  he wants an advantage he makes magnus carlsen   sacrifice well it doesn't make him sacrifice but  it looks damn good because now anywhere you move   the knight it's a double check who would turn down  a double check now fabby has to go king jay looks   like white has something he's got a big attack but  even with all this with the queen and the knight   kind of coming in and rook fade oh my god it looks  terrifying when the dust settles it's actually   fabiano who's got a better position magnus carlson  has four points of material here but his pieces   are paralyzed i mean they went in but actually all  of a sudden look at this move attacking the rook   hitting the queen magnus plays queen f1 because if  you take then i'm gonna take take take and bye bye   also you have triple pawns so queen f1 by magnus  if he plays knight d3 look at that move that that   could just be taken he could just take it if you  take it you lose the guard of the rook and that's   what happens and i say well why not just take  the rook first why not take the rook first check   and now the f2 square is covered by that  knight so you can't block with the queen   and if king h2 i check and i mate you  if king h1 i made you with knight of two   i win a lot of your material so magnus with  this knight just jumping in has to take it   rook f8 knight is still trapped and now again he  delays recapturing the knight and that's not going   anywhere right so magnus plays knight f3 queen  he's still delaying recapturing e5 now he takes   now when the dust all ultimately all of the  dust settles i've said that multiple times   material is equal but it's magnus carlsen who's  gonna maybe lose this pawn and ultimately maybe   lose the game to his king and that's kind of  exactly what happens i mean he he hunts down   the pawn he wants check also on the king queen to  d6 rook d8 attacking the queen magnus drops back   fabi chases the queen down hides the king e7  but the problem is that white is too passive   and here magnus carlsen just blundered rook d1  and maybe he thought that uh he he had something   uh but here you know queen h2 was necessary but  ultimately uh he plays knight h2 rook d1 and uh   we get queen g1 and he resigns because anywhere  the king goes it's a check and you lose your pawn   and again fabiano made it look easy he made it  look easy against magnus carlsen when magnus   carlsen was rated 28.77 nice opening idea his  coach's preparation his you know teammate his   preparation three now now this game was also  impressive he's got the white pieces and he's   playing levon ranyan who back in the day is 28.05  leveling has one of the highest ratings of all   time not at this moment but in his career like 28  30 fifth or sixth highest rating of all time this   one was something we see a lot nowadays and this  one is impressive because levon always plays e4 e5   he plays the rulo pass all the time now in the rui  normally white is trying to expand with c3 and d4   this is just classical rue lopez it's the way um  that's actually not how you pronounce it it's how   i've been pronouncing it my whole life but um it's  it's uh it's rule lopez it's not rule lopez it's   rule lopez so he plays d3 and eighth and knight  c3 and a3 this setup with d3 a3 knight c3 is   was in 2014 was not very popular at all now it's  very trendy it's a new way to play and basically   you you fight for d5 with pieces and then you try  to play bishop g5 and maybe take and you get like   a positional approach nowadays it's quite well  known that bishop g4 is completely fine for black   but levon plays this which back in the day had  been seen all the way kind of up until this moment   right around here when after queen  to d6 fabiano plays knight a2 what   so fabiano again introduces a novelty uh and  the point is like what the heck is the what   is this now if you plug this into engine zero  zero zero it's equal gotham you idiot why are   you showing the viewers this it's equal here's  the idea very tough for black to make a move   like in the game levon at some point played d4  he shut down the center but what this does is   it creates a terrible positional weakness if  this d-pawn ever trades this these are doubled   isolated frozen pawns okay that's very bad  and now we see the other idea of fabiano's   preparation look at this his idea is to put  the rooks there move the queen out of the way   and rotate the knight to control the queen  side so he plays knight c1 and knight b3 and black can't really move like at all now he  plays rook c1 it's like wait a second is this   dude about to play c3 no he's going to the other  side of the board just the constant threat of it   happening look at that the constant threat of the  advancement of the of the opening of this file   is enough to keep black confused and this knight  can't move because you'll jump in here with the   knight so levon has to respond with h6 knight back  to f3 targeting this not threatening to take it   and now we get rook f1 so this rook is doing some  dances but the idea you want to move the knight   again and you know f2 was going to be a problem  rook f7 but because he got levon to over commit   so early with his pawns levon killed his pawn play  so now the queen side and the center is completely   locked that was the point of this entire idea and  now fabiano switches the play just like he did in   the topology game he completely rotates the rooks  to the other side because there's nothing levon   can do and levon is at the mercy of the kingside  onslaught so g6 queen back queen back to g3 say   what's so impressive about this well here levon  gets hit with knight a5 and in trying to defend   his king realizes the e pawn doesn't really have a  good guard fabiano can take this and this and this   and uh instead of going for the rook he actually  just sacrifices a piece for two pawns forces the   queen to move and look at this look at what he  does i mean he just makes it look so simple knight   is gonna come back and take this or you just  move the queen and trap the rook with a pawn   he sacks the piece ultimately because lavon's  what's this knight doing that horse has wandered   off onto the highway somewhere it's just gone  right so c5 live on stream do what you want   over there live on i don't i don't really care  yeah yeah come on all right now i take now i   bring in my queen and now g4 is coming and this  game took a little bit of time to convert but   he just bulldozes just that he he basically made  it seem like lavon was playing without two pieces   like that's how dominant the queen side bind  became and just marches down the board just   all the way down yes finally the knight comes  back into play and they make one more move   and and then they never made another move and  here the game is just over because even though   levon can prevent the pawn from promoting i just  check you and then i just go and get the knight   and even if this knight could magically become  a rook or a queen and just go here and guard   then i just push my pawns and you just you just i  mean like that's there's three games in a row that   he just made it look so simple against guys who  are 2800 that's 4-0 let's go to game number five   so this game is against hikaru and hikaru at  this point sees the locomotive right he's like   all right i'm playing with the white pieces we're  looking at it from fabiano's perspective because   it's a video featuring him but what hikaru does is  he plays him to a slav defense and he plays knight   d2 what's the idea of knight d2 well let's get  fabiano out of preparation and he does that he   plays knight h4 which actually is a popular move  here um as weird as this looks and they get a very   non-standard structure out of this out of the  beginning of the game so already no games in   the database you can see that hikaru came with the  intention to get fabiano out of his preparation so   now in this game we kind of have to see how does  fabiano adjust to the change in the fact that he   has no real advantage from the opening the problem  is that when you take a guy out of his prep number   one you can take yourself out of prep because  you're not comfortable in those positions and   number two sometimes to get someone out of prep  you got to play something that's not great and   very risky it's risky for both parties so fabiano  doesn't have the bishop pair hikaru does but in   these positions if black gets a very solid bind  it could be very tough to break so fabi plays e5   not some maneuvering move not castles but intends  to punish immediately with e5 we get castles by   white castles by black queen b3 and queen c8 you  could argue here that queen b6 is playable to try   to trade the queens bobby not interested because  it's really difficult for white to develop so   hikaru drops the knight back and wants to play  bishop d2 now we take take and knight back to b8   whatever you do i can do better right so bishop  e3 queen d7 very solid structure everything looks   good white is happy kind of got the position that  he wanted from the opening uh both rooks come to   the middle it's kind of normal and now fabiano  plays 98 with a couple of ideas behind this   move well first of all you know maybe he wants to  rotate the knight and target the center like that   he also might want to play bishop to f6 um it's  a relatively close position i mean there are some   openings but it's it's relatively closed which  allows you this kind of ability to maneuver all   of that is now happening and then here is the the  kind of the most impressive moment of the game   fabiano pushes upon one square now i'm not saying  that it's impressive because he pushed this pawn   i'm saying it's impressive because with one  move he made it significantly harder for white   to improve his position for example if black  plays the move a6 here white is gonna play f4   dominate this side and bishop g2 will just line  up into this and no one's getting in the way of   that bishop bombiano sees that that is coming but  he plays g5 it's all about these moments in these   games these small moments right so b4 and now  g6 he kind of re-solidifies what whatever was   missing moves his king up one square and says  hey you know maybe in the future i've got my   own aggressive intentions coming but he's so  impenetrable here he's so solid and now he car   replaced b5 knight back to e7 and there is a bit  of a concern with the over extension here maybe   bishop e396 just like how do you how do you break  this guy i mean he's playing so well coordinating   his pieces really well long-term planning without  killing the short-term flexibility of the position   after it takes takes we have this structure but  because all these pawns are on light squares   versus all these pawns on dark squares this bishop  is not happy and black is happy and fabiano look   at that snuff that out right and now he plays rook  c4 and you can't really take on f5 because knight   d4 comes and if you check if you take here i'm  gonna check you and take back and i'm bulldozing   you down the center of the board i'm just i  mean you all everything opens up in my favor   so cucaro plays 92 and now he's on the defensive  and um well fabiano and you know he tries to   create a little bit of counter play here but  favi takes the queenside pawn which overextended   earlier immediately punishing his opponents kind  of like i said overextension brings it back and   just slow improvement sacrifices the queen  for the two rooks it's a borderline sacrifice   right even a flashy conversion here queen for  two rooks is normally equal but not in this case   because black controls the only open area and  even here you know calls kind of this bluff and   rook c2 comes and this looks actually a little bit  scary to hikaru's credit he did create some very   nice counter play here with this queen h7 but  after king e8 f5 like he's trying to go all in   bishop d4 that there is there is actually  nothing so queen g6 king d8 the only move   so that if this pawn is taken it's not checked  very important this stays pinned takes here you   say well why didn't you just keep checking him  well yeah i mean he would have ran his king away   you can't check cause you're pinned and  the king just hides and the game is over so   you know we get queen e6 and the rooks come in  attack and even this uh very late stage of the   game he finds this way to just consolidate all  his pieces and um on move 67 he coral resigned   because the king is completely safe and the  pawns are going and there's just nothing i   mean f7 you just take it it doesn't it doesn't  matter i mean it was a it was a longer game   um but the most impressive part of this game was  adapting to the opening clearly being uh you know   deliberately taken out of your comfort zone and  just playing solid chess trading at the right   moments maneuvering in the right ways being solid  coming up with this idea g5 g6 king g7 all up on   the g file and um i mean what to say even when  he's not in his opening he's still able to win 5-0   so now that fabiano has confidently defeated every  single participant once it's time to go again he's   got the white pieces he plays vessel in topolov  and we have a timeout open sicilian with the move   a6 more popular is queen to c7 but okay we have  a6 mainline stuff takes takes making black kind of   block in this bishop and ultimately the position  from the main line opening is one where uh the   light square bishop is a little bit a little  bit cramped but nothing that chess theory hasn't   seen before knight f6 fabiano goes to challenge  his opponent in the main line with this move e5   knight goes back to d7 we have queen to g4  hitting the uh pawn on g7 and here black   has a decision do you play g6 or king to f8 the  polit plays king f8 so now i mean maybe like 40   of overall games i think g6 is more popular unless  i'm mistaken uh and knight a4 so knight a4 uh is a   it again takes the game even further down into  the rabbit hole uh and here really tapallov plays   a move that is shocking queen a5 um attacking the  rook threatening me uh it doesn't look so shocking   on the surface uh but it's uh it's it's like  buried i think quite deep maybe like i i checked   the database before i was making the video but  uh this move is like astoundingly rare it seems   but even here fabiano playing the move rookie  2 adapts to the situation gets the rook out of   the way not the politic plays the whole idea  h5 punishing the setup of where the queen is   okay queen f4 whoa getting a little out  getting a little aggressive there are we wow   well here fabiano has a nice little idea bishop  d2 you attack my queen i attack your queen   you can't take my knight by the way because the  queen is always guarding it wherever it's standing   so we get queen back and queen gets out this  way as well really white's entire asset is e5   this pawn is a thorn for black it takes away some  very important squares and even if it clears out   by a trade it opens up my rook it's not going  to get any easier for black so black needs to   counterbalance this with this pawn attack like  tapollov isn't tilting and playing some weird   stuff this is actually one of the best ways for  black to handle a position and now topolov plays   rook g8 here fabiano brings the only piece that's  not yet playing into the game and solidifies the   score on e5 ready for kind of his next plan  to paul plays c5 the idea to maybe play c4   isolating this bishop so fabiano responds with  c4 of his own right takes takes bishop b7 and   now a useful move h3 this move is useful because  it freezes the structure completely now the queen   can move and this pawn can't infiltrate and  just for the future king has a left so it'll   never get checkmated black activates his only rook  bishop c3 and now goes knight b8 kind of rerouting   activates the rook knight wants to come here  and we get rookie three the idea of rookie three   is that fabiano wants to show his opponent  that he knows that rooks move up one square   in reality there are a few ideas for the future  maybe you want to leave this as an option also i   understand the bishop is there i'm just saying for  the future you might also just want to trade rooks   like or rook d1 for example and trade like this  but it's just a flexible move it's a waiting   move it's kind of seeing what black is gonna do  and black plays knight to c6 and fabiano here   detonates bishop takes e6 prep and finding the  clutch moments where they're there sacrificing   a bishop to give this check now we see the idea he  anticipated knight c6 so that he could sacrifice   and go here king he ate now queen takes pawn  black can't do anything black is threatened with   the rook and the check here and black just has no  moves rook g7 queen h6 who's guarding this rook knight d4 trying to counter attack bishop  comes in knight comes in attacking the rook   e6 look at this move not even taking locking in  the king from escaping you can take my rook with   check i don't care pawn takes i'm down what looks  like a full rook right now and you can't defend   yourself bishop back to f8 check king e7 and now  i'll take because if you take back i have check   king moves out to d6 and i push you got nothing  i'm gonna take this i'm gonna mate you queen e6   is made in one move and uh that's why  topalov resigned after bishop takes g7   fabiano had good prep got a good position and  sacrificed the bishop and absolutely tore his   opponent to shreds seems to be the theme of the  video no let's take a look at the seventh game   to win the seventh game maxime vashayla grav with  the white pieces took fabby on a little bit of a   of a weird kind of twist in the queen's gambit  decline normally just like hicario tried to do   he's trying to get him out of you know any sort  of preparation by not developing the knight or the   bishop actually really finishing the queen side  development fabiano came prepared immediately   instigating with his knight in the center of the  board and after bishop d3 he plays this move f5   and he he creates kind of what's known as a  stonewall structure saying all right man good   luck getting rid of my horsey we get knight to  f3 from white c6 that structure is now complete   and mvl jumps in because he wants to dominate the  dark squares knight takes bishop takes should f6   let's trade bishops we get take stakes now knight  back to e2 fabiano says all right e5 you want to   continue to delay castling i'm going to start  bashing you in the center of the board what am i   doing i'm gonna start bashing you in the center of  the board so we get queen out to a4 i was like are   you good you good like what what what's going on  over here man nvl plays this and finally says okay   maxine what are you doing like i'm gonna i'm you  sure you want to play this game max team rook f1   okay knight to g5 hello you say what is maxime  doing i'm not gonna lie to you i don't know i   don't really know i mean sometimes it could be  that your opponent is is is playing this well   so you really try to take them out of their zone  but this ain't the way to do it and fabi just   takes the pawn because it's free and then fabi  just backs up you know uh he's got ideas maybe   to take in the future maybe bring the queen back  to stop the infiltration of this queen takes it's   exactly what he does takes on e5 and he's just  a clean pawn up clean pawn up and white's king   is on c3 now b6 comes shattering everything you  say what's so good about that i just take yes c5   i wasn't gonna take back and lose my  rook that's why he brought his queen back   this whole idea to bring the queen back was  that in the future he'll be able to play c5   and then he'll play bishop b7 defending  his rook threatening to take the pawn   now comes d4 check and hello how  easy does this man make it look   he just completely chops down everything  now watch what he does to mvl's king check come on come on come on come closer don't be  scared don't be scared come closer don't be scared   i care about kind of it's kind of funny like if  you if you take it looks a little bit scary but   it's not he gives a check he gives one more check  and he he does this so that he can actually make   the 40th move so in this position um it's move 38  and on move 40 they gain the extra time so he gave   a couple of checks and there's i mean there's  really no reason not to because then on move 40   you get your 30 minutes and you'll just figure out  how to win this position probably by taking this   looks scary at first glance it's like oh my god  it's gonna no just check here and check and it's   over and and i mean fabiano is just 7-0 that's  how he did it 7-0 he drew his next three games but   if you stick around until this  moment i would like to reward you   thanks for sticking around you're amazing love you  very much in the eighth game of this tournament   he was playing magnus again and the game was an  accelerated dragon that led to this position and   here fabiano carowanna when you're 7-0 you run hot  what are you going to do you're going to go attack   you're going to go attack the world champion and  you're gonna play g4 he just took the fight to   magnus and magnus created chaos sometimes when  you're under pressure the best thing to do is to   create chaos just try to attack your opponent from  all angles make them make the critical decisions   and here you know fabi took took opened up the  lions to the king was a very wild game there was   a very legitimate chance for him to be 8-0 with  two wins over magnus carlson knight a5 and uh the   thing that that magnus did very well he shut down  the center and he was able to kind of save guard   his king so knight a4 takes takes castles and  you know the position here is very much in the   balance but he didn't have to really like there  were moments that that fabiano could have taken   a bit more risk to kind of bring the pieces over  this way but the biggest moment came on move 29   when in this position you know magnus brought  back his knight and had pressure here he's not   actually threatening to take which is why fabiano  played this move because it takes there is check   right there is check but magnus played king h8  and since he never took this pawn the h file never   opened so his king is safe and actually black is  okay black is gonna play rook g8 in the future   and black is gonna be fine which forced the  mass simplification and led to an end game which   ultimately was a draw fabiano in this position  had a moment he could have played uh rook rook fd1   targeting the pawn and for example if black plays  bishop to e7 there's this amazing resource takes   takes check check and you win the queen and if  magnus had played this then fabi gets what he   wants he wants to lose that pawn because then  he can switch the play over to g1 like king h8   and play something i don't know like rook g2  even just double up the rooks and go like this   and just laser beam magnus down these open files  so this was the one moment where he played rook   d1 and he had a move here he could have actually  started this tournament with eight straight wins   and two of them over magnus rated 28.77 so one  of the greatest winning streaks of all time as   far as i'm concerned as i said in the introduction  um i understand fisher 120 games 12 of them were   against two guys okay and the truth is that with  modern day preparation and the extent at which   these players review all of their lines winning  seven straight in classical chess is unheard of   especially against the best guys in the world a  lot of these guys rated 27 70 and up so fabiano   caruana absolutely torched the field uh as we  know you know 2014 is some time ago so he's   been very clearly the second best classical chess  player in the world uh what more to say and as the   candidates are coming up it's currently march  2021 the candidates will resume in april 2021.   well we'll see if he can win that title again  or win the tournament again and challenge magnus   carlson but let me know your thoughts and as  always let me know if there's a concept or a   video that i haven't covered i will happily cover  it covered in future content if you're new to the   channel welcome if you're returning welcome  back and i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 921,845
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Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, fabiano caruana, fabiano caruana magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen fabiano caruana, fabiano caruana interview, fabiano caruana hikaru nakamura, fabiano caruana agadmator, sinquefield cup, sinquefield cup ultimate moves, best chess games ever, hikaru nakamura, magnus carlsen, magnus carlsen fabiano, epic chess moments, best chess moments, fabiano sinquefield, sinquefield cup 2014
Id: YrfI2IgARQo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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