1 Supersonic Legend vs. 7 Platinums (The IMPOSSIBLE Challenge)
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Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 1,507,831
Rating: 4.9521217 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, 1 SSL, one, vs, vs., 7 Platinums, Platinums, Is, It, Possible, Can, Be, Done
Id: _Ncup9l-q-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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