Kids Tryying to Outsmart Their Parents (2 Hours Reddit Compilation)

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parents already what do your kids think they're being all slick and sneaky about but you know all about it i thought i was so sneaky in high school i would come home at curfew run the water in the bathroom a bit flush the toilet and then turn my radio on low i slept with it on and then sneak out my bedroom window my bedroom face the front of the house and was on the ground floor i did this so much that my window screen wouldn't fit properly and kept falling off every time it fell off i told my parents that the wind must have ripped it off during the night the mom bought my story when i was in my 30s my dad told me he used to get up and watch me from the front window as i ran down the street and got back into my friend's car when i asked him why he never busted me he said you were an average student and you never got brought home by the cops if you had been you would have been grounded until you were 35 i'm so not sneaky i did the same thing and my parents always knew my bedroom was in the basement so i would have to crawl through the basement window and drop down to the floor apparently i never realized that i was leaving muddy footprints down the wall because i'm an absolute [ __ ] [Music] in high school my girlfriend's middle school aged brother would walk to the bathroom next to the living room where the rest of us were in sniffle and announce oh man my nose is really runny today and grab some tissues to take to his room everyone knew he was going back to his room to beat off if he would just go to the bathroom and put some in his pocket nobody would have a clue for a moment there are legit thought this was about sea i'm a parent but my kiddo hasn't tried to be really sneaky yet so i'll share my own misguided shenanigans i'm a twin identical except for a scar on my lip according to my grandmother i would often try to claim my sister's snack after finishing my own by cleverly covering my mouth with my hand and asking for my snack flawless plan except when my grandmother would tell me i'd already had my snack i'd reply i'm not me i'm my sister if you think your kid isn't sneaky then he is really sneaky i thought i was being sneaky when i took off my brace to correct my underbite every night because it was hard to sleep with then i woke up one morning and saw that the brace was gone that was a bad morning for me but it taught me that i wasn't half as clever as i thought i was getting snacks they aren't supposed to have they grab them and go hide to not be caught my wife and i use this to our advantage we accidentally leave snacks out for them to get so they leave us alone for a while this is the most win-win situation i've ever heard of amazing when my son is trying to play with something that he knows isn't a toy he'll say what do you have there and he'll go no one throw whatever it is far away if it's not in his hands i obviously can't get onto him for playing with it he's three so that's as sneaky as he gets my kids just finished a week of ninja themed day camp and i guess part of it involved learning how to set small booby traps because i saw my older son eight head upstairs with a step stool his dad said what do you need kiddo what's the step stool for oh nothing five minutes later i walked upstairs to use a bathroom and saw him carefully positioning a stuffed animal on top of the slightly ajar door to the master bedroom i studiously ignored it i'm getting a calvin and hobbes vibe from this with hobbs perched on top of the door ready to attack you my adult son recently admitted that all those headaches he had in middle school weren't really headaches he just had a lot of issues with school and didn't want to go he apologized for lying i asked if he ever noticed that i always let him stay home and often took us out to lunch when he miraculously felt better after the bus left as long as he kept his grades at a tolerable level i knew what he needed was a mental health day not a sick day i did take him to the doctor to rule out anything serious but when it became apparent that his problem was likely stress i just tried to distress his life as much as i could and find non-school things he could do to make friends eta thank you for the silver i appreciate it and gold wow thanks gonna go relax in the lounge you're a good mom not my child but i'm doing teacher assistant jobs while getting my degree to be a teacher anyway one of my students was a little girl who really liked bugs we were outside and she kept carrying something around it was a handful of worms i asked her what she was doing and she asked to keep them as a pet so i have to tell her we can't and she gets upset stomps over to her bench and sits down arms crossed and pouting around time to come back inside i'm lining everyone up and she's beaming happy as a clam she also won't take her hand out of her pocket so i immediately realized she pocketed the worms after another talk she finally put them back and stomped inside fairly disgruntled lol i was obsessed with catching grasshoppers in kindergarten i managed to slip many grasshoppers by my teacher to put in my pencil box and keep in my desk all day which is surprising considering how often i got caught surprised she didn't make me empty my pocket cindy check my desk every time i came in from recess i'll share this anyways when i was in high school i used to sneak out shocker i know my room was right next to my parents and i guess they could always hear the hardwood floor creaking and then the window sliding up well one night i had snuck out and then the next day my girlfriend had came over for dinner and my mom looks at us and says so where did y'all go last night my parents thought they were sneaky when i would go out at night they would turn my light on and leave their door open that way they didn't even have to get out of bed just look down the hall to see if my light was still on in my 30s i finally broke it to them that i would sneak in before curfew turn off the light then go back out they were actually surprised playing whack-a-mole dude no one takes that many showers every day you're killing me with the water bill man hopefully my son reads this i remember my parents mentioning a few times things about me taking really long showers looking back they probably thought i was masturbating in there and they were making jokes about it honestly i just liked really long hot showers i didn't know this at the time but my mom loved sitting on the front porch late at night and just enjoy the sounds and smells she has a beautiful garden i didn't realize every night when i would pop the screen off my window and hang out of it to smoke a joint she could see me and smell it never said anything till i was in my mid-20s she was into your stash bro not a parent but i'm working in a kindergarten this summer as a kindergarten teacher one of my students five years old carries with him this picture his seven-year-old brother drew he keeps hiding it's in his pocket and keeps looking at it when we don't see like he goes to the toilet and while he is pooping he takes the pick out of his pocket looks at it and puts it back when we have naps he hides it under his pillow and looks at it when we don't see this is the first time his big brother is not in the kindergarten with him because he is at the preschool we had a substitute yesterday and she yelled at him hey what are you hiding i quickly stepped in and told her not to address it they don't have the most stable home life so that might be why he is so attached to his brother aww i used to carry around a pic of me and my little sister in a wallet our mom gave me in middle school my home life sucked i only saw my mom every other holiday and during the summer and my sister was my best friend some butthole stole the wallet in the 8th grade colon i found my aid crumpled up on the ground later but all i wanted was that picture back my older son is obsessed with watching funny youtube videos on his tablet he thinks he's being slick when he sneaks it and a pair of headphones upstairs at night but his laugh is so loud it could wake the dead i did this with the big old book of classic peanuts comics mum always knew when i was reading it in bed my son's bedroom recently moved to the basement of our small two-story house he thinks he's being sneaky by watching the television down there later tonight or when he wakes up to go to the bathroom even turns it down really low and crap what he doesn't realize is that there's a vent right above the tv which my room is directly above and the connecting vent is right next to my bed it's waking me up from a dead sleep twice now and even with the sound down like he has it it kind of echoes i thought about confronting him but his summer just started and he's worked hard to improve his grades this year at 10.5 if that's the worst thing he's doing i'll let it slide concoct a reason for him to figure this out on his own before puberty hits not me but my mom told me she knew about me hiding my ds under the pillow but she was too stressed about her work to bother trying to stop me she's a primary school teacher in divorced whenever my mom realized i'd hide it under my pillow i'd slide it under the bed worked well until i left it plugged in one time my son is making a book for his mom to tell her how much he loves her he's still pretty young and just learning to read and write so slowly like over the course of the last few weeks he'll bring a book up to an adult and ask them to help him read and then ask randomly is the word amazing on this page where oh can you help me find a story where they have that word oh great is that the word i'm pointing to then he disappears for a few minutes then the cycle will start to gain with another word slowly he's writing a book for her one word at a time i know because i followed him one time recent and saw he was writing something in a book then happened to check it out when he was asleep so now i know his secret he was up to about two pages and it's really sweet i don't know how much longer until he'll deem it finished but i'm sure i'm the only adult who knows what's up my son is only two and a half and he thinks that i don't see him throwing crap behind him and doing a fake crunch sound when he eats my son's too and his paramount of being sneaky is that when i tell him no he slowly grabs a blanket lays on the floor and snores with his eyes open looking at me i have three kids seven years three years they sneak out of fire room later tonight trying to get snacks they never see me standing in the darkness i've made it my personal mission to sound like a huge booming man and yell at them to get to fire rooms i've never seen them run so fast i'm the mom all i can think of is the scene in infinity war where drax is standing incredibly still not the answer you're looking for but on the contrary i'm almost certain my parents know i smoked weed i tried to hide it at first but one afternoon i was bored and decided to do some edibles went upstairs and tried my best to hide the fact that i was high mom didn't say anything but she did make me a plate of nachos i'd pretend to be baked if my mom would make me nachos your mom rocks my eight-year-old can eat some kind of junk food after he eats vegetables and a protein when it's something he doesn't like very much like green beans he eats slow a couple of days ago he ate them in a matter of minutes and asked for a cupcake he dumped the green beans in the trash and covered with a paper plate there used to be a ledge under my mom's kitchen table i used to spit my food out in a napkin when no one was looking and put it there later on i would clean it out when everyone was not in the kitchen one night i forgot about it and the next day my little brother was playing under the table and saw my stash he ratted me out to mom and i was grounded toddler is red-faced in a squatting position me hey buddy do you need to poop son grunting nope two minutes later me you stink did you poop son running away with visible lump in his diaper nope this is me trying to currently potty train my two-year-old daughter occasionally i'll get lucky and she'll actually tell me poo poo mommy after she already pooped though thanks kid that's really helpful i was a child when i was about 12 i was softly beating my meat in a caravan thinking my parents were asleep and none the wiser obviously i was working my way up and not realizing how fast i was jerking it when my dad shouts out stop shaking the caravan absolutely mortified i had a similar experience i kept complaining loudly every time the caravan shook knowing full well that my parents were trying to frick basically next to me i was the sneaky kid when i was around hu i wanted to get glasses to look cool i came up as a nerd since childhood the problem is that i had perfect vision so i faked a bad vision and would constantly complain of headaches and that i couldn't see what the teacher would write in the blackboard all fake my mother took me to an ophthalmologist and they got me fake glasses without any diopters and all my problems were gone until this day i have no idea how they knew i thought i was doing great on my deception of course i did not like to actually use the glasses and i dropped them eventually claiming that i was miraculously cured actually have a similar story with a worse ending i was younger my sister got glasses i was jealous and wanted glasses too so i pretended not to be able to see it turned out my eyesight actually was worse than hers and i needed glasses more than she did caught my son hollowed out a cucumber at the kitchen sink middle of the night he told me he need to do an experiment using hollowed out cucumber a wire battery and a small light bulb i knew he's making a bong when i read the first sentence i thought you were going to say he was freaking the cucumber or some crap like that not as exciting because he is a toddler but my son wants snacks he can't have so he knocks over the box and says oh no i have to clean them up then starts putting the scattered snack packs back into the box but slides one under him in the process he then puts the box in the cabinet while one arm is behind his back with the extra bag of cookers three-year-olds are wild or the slow side shuffle to their room as a kid i love drawing floor plans for houses i was super embarrassed about it and had a secret notebook that my parents were forbidden from looking in turns out they knew i was drawing floor plans all along my so has a 14 y o brother and he doesn't know that myself my soul and his mother have all seen his discord chats we didn't mean to he forgot to log out one day on the family computer anyway he thought he was some sort of meme lord until he accidentally sent a girl a pornhub shrek meme which is funny to me because he's super shy and quiet irol staying up late i know both my kids stay up pretty late playing on their phones but since they both get decent grades and don't have problems waking up in the morning hi jeff man i wish my mom was this way i held the fridge door open for my son three yo so he could pick a yogurt he tiptoes right in front of me and sneakily takes one all the while saying i'm the sneakiest kid in the world dang that is sneaky not me but when i got my dad's old ipad when he got a new one i used to play games on it when i was supposed to be sleeping i thought i was being super sneaky having it on the lowest brightness level and no sound and making sure i didn't make any sounds myself he suddenly bursts into my room and commands me to go to sleep i honestly thought my dad was a psychic at that moment and i have no idea how he figured out i was awake and playing games scared the heck out of me too probably could see that you connected to the router through the app for it or something similar not the parent but my little brother watches youtube on the ps4 which pisses me off to no end what he doesn't know is that the yt account logged into there is mine so i can check his watch history from my phone and see what kind of stuff he's watching he's recently started getting into quite it annoys me that my brother watches youtube on the ps4 is because we share the ps4 so when it's his turn instead of playing games he watches youtube which he could do on the computer you should comment on videos you know he'll watch so when he scrolls down the first comment is from him teenager made up a secret written code with his best friend so sure was he about their cleverness they left their notes all over the house including on my computer desk it was a straight letter to symbol system took me about 30 minutes to figure it out and now i know all their secrets discussions of freaking drugs drinking crushes parties teachers and parents one of the correspondents pages was then laughing about how no one would ever be able to read what they wrote i just can't bear to break his heart yes so of course i can't tell him i cracked it and that it was really easy my best friend and i used to flip the alphabet so it was ed and said it was a it took a few minutes to decode each sentence but we made a keel mayo eating in her room we still find little wrappers and stuff behind the bed in the closet or an empty bowl she had something in hoarding dum dums under the bed they are five and three and whenever they pull over the top chore duty they get a dum-dum sometimes the rapper comes off instantly and they revel in the glory of the moment the others as discovered while cleaning their rooms go into neat piles underneath the five-year-old's bed he has his and she has hers and i have no clue if they are sugar preppers working some kind of preschool black market or just looking for a quick fix at nap time but those little suckers are up to something honestly a good sign kids who can delay gratification like saving candy apparently have an easier time delaying gratification as adults saving money avoiding addiction etc there was a study on it but it's a nice thought whether it's 100 true or not lol i have a small pot of strawberries as soon as one pops up my four-year-old gets excited and asks if it's ready to eat i tell her to wait until i tell her it's ripe invariably she sneaks the berry as soon as it's red but not quite sweet enough and tells me the chick monks must have eaten it when i was 17 i thought i was really sneaky coming home from smoking weed with my boyfriend and friends my parents are old they totally won't know they were early 40s until i come home late every night go straight to my bedroom and only come out to make some strange snack concoction my favorite was the cookie dough and fudge sandwiches together our living room and kitchen were kinda like one big room so they had to try and not pee themselves as i snuck from my room to the kitchen all while they watched and stood in the kitchen eating snacks and then creeping back to bed to sleep i actually thought i was sneaky as frick as well for some extra fun i'm 24 now and i've smoked weed with my dad and laughed about this i also thought i was super sneaky after coming home from a smoke session with my friends looking back i'll come home with half closed eyes and a permanent smirk but i always thought i was still slick until just a few days ago when i realized yeah my clothes and hair probably stink like weed they know for sure not my kid but her roommates years ago whenever you caught him doing something bad even if you just walked into the same room he'd throw up his hands and yell nothing like before you could even say anything just nothing i have no kids but when i was about four i was a pretty rambunctious kid really loud and high energy the day after easter just before lunchtime i was unusually quiet in another room my mom was wondering why i wasn't my usual loud self and called out where i was i said nothing when she came to see what i was doing she found me with a face full of chocolate playing with my barbie doll she asked me if i ate any of the chocolate from yesterday and apparently i said no i'm not a thief not realizing the evidence all over my face i thought i was so slick lol what's something you've gotten away with as a kid because they are young and don't know what they're doing when really you knew exactly what you were doing in greece when i was little we didn't have a proper shower and bathroom we had an outhouse and would shower outside in the yard with a curtain and hose common for the island i'm from at the time all the neighbors would do the same thing i used to climb to the top of the house and watch the ladies showering i was maybe four or five years old i knew what was up when my older brother and i were young teens he kept getting yelled for watching p on the family pc our catholic mom would check the browser history find it and yell at him and ground him he insisted it wasn't him he would then get punished for lying because it wasn't mom or dad and it couldn't be the young innocent straight a catholic high school attending sister a few years ago i fessed up that i at the time the 14 yo catholic school girl would google p and click links to fill up the browser history and then go on my merry way every time my brother peed me off didn't even watch it just google some boobs and then moved on because i knew she checked our browser history every night because that's just what he did we did not get along as teens he peed me off a lot so he got yelled at by our mom a lot for pu's and if you really wanted to get him in trouble you'd find some pee where they're using a condom i used to sell weed for a local distributor when i was 10 the money was good and i managed to make a girlfriend using that money buying her candies and stuff but my uncle caught me red-handed and i said i was selling coriander leaves both my dad and uncle thought local boys didn't tell me it was drug and i was too young to understand it wasn't hahaha wow i couldn't imagine buying weed from a 10 year old very dangerous too because you would be super easy to rob by someone with ill intentions i was five it was the middle of the night at my auntie's house and i needed to go to the bathroom what do i do i pee in the hallway my aunt cousins and my mom come home to find me dropping a gallon on the floor and the best excuse i come up with is i was sleepwalking i think till this day everyone buys it i think i was 5'2 when i crap in my pants to see what happened to my surprise there was crap in my pants my mom screamed and my dad laughed so hard he cried when i looked uncomfortable took a step and it came out the bottom of my games when i was three four years old i came up with this tactic i used on my dad whenever he got mad me for stuff where i would tell him me digest gonzo which basically translates to you called me gonzo i don't know how i came up with that i did like the muppets and gonzo was my favorite but whenever i said that my dad was unable to hold back his laughter and he would just forget about whatever he was mad at because he found it so adorable he loves talking about it to this day and doesn't know why he found it so funny he just did you basically found a dad cheat code nice nothing my parents never made that excuse for me i wasn't always punished but i still received a talking to and told why what i did was bad i'm happy they did that to me when i was younger like seven or eight i used to take down my underwear and pants before closing the bathroom door so everyone could like see my private parts i did this because i went to ireland with my mom and there was an autistic boy that did the same thing what's worse is that the bathroom i went to the most was near the front door and i usually used it right before the bus for school came and i'm guessing people saw my private parts the thing is my parents didn't even try to tell me it was wrong they didn't tell me not to do it i even did it when people were over like when they were right at the door i didn't really know it was bad i just knew that other people didn't do it when i tried to eat a pack of cigarettes as a kid i wanted my mom to stop smoking so much so i resorted to eating them she doesn't really remember it or she does but she wants to deny it happened i don't know i have two rey ttes which in middle school helped me get away with cussing i don't even have the cussing tick it's really rare but whenever teachers caught me cutting i'd just say i have to rate et's and they'd leave me alone they were probably afraid they might get in trouble if they pushed it further lol i feel kinda bad about it now but it's not like i was lying when i was 10 years old my parents pulled me aside one day and decided to break the news to me that santa wasn't real and they were the ones that bought me the presents under the tree each christmas they held off as long as they could to tell me and thought that i was old enough to know the truth i could tell it was so hard for them because they thought they were breaking a kid's heart the thing is that i knew that for a couple of years already i just kept pretending because i liked getting presents when i was younger i decided to scribble on the wall and thought it was a good idea at the time i quickly realized what i had done and panicked i think i was about four or five time and i told my younger sister what happened and to take the blame for it if mum and dad confronted us about it sure enough they did when they asked us who drew on the wall my sister actually said she did it and got sent to the naughty corner cool sister starting around two when i didn't like my outfit i'd go roll outside in the mud and come back and say oops dirty mama gotta change everyone thought it was me being young and confused except my mom who knew my bull crap was starting young and she just have to let me dress myself mom's a bull's artist too takes one to no one lol actually this reminds me of something i didn't get away with i was about four years old at the time my grandma had some rare flour that only bloomed every few years in her garden and i heard her telling my parents how excited she was about it so i picked it for her thinking i was doing a nice thing my butthole dad spanked me for it didn't even stop to think that i was trying to be nice as a parent this story will actually help me parent better my youngest is too and is not doing well with verbal i get frustrated and usually take a breath but now i will think of you and that flower it was out of kindness not sure if i got caught but no one ever covered up when on holidays i used to walk around the pool a lot just to get close to the topless sunbathers cause i love the boobies i did this when 6 8 and 10 but think from the age of 12 it would have been a bit obvious so became more covert being caught drunk by my parents at 16 i blamed it on friends and it was new years and i wanted to fit in i'd already drank numerous times before it was for similar reasons though dang i was once a friend blamed because his parents found beer in his bag and he said i gave it to him never spoke to that friend again i had stolen my brother's car when i was 13. i had some driving experience and just drove it around the neighborhood just cruising so far from a joyride when i brought it back the neighborhood police officer was there because my brother thought it was stolen i didn't get in trouble since they thought i was just being a stupid kid sharp lifting best friend's bf 9 was friend with my younger siblings 8ish and all three of them were gonna snitch on me 10. so i told on me first started crying and said that my best friend's bf pier pressured me and i got away with everything nice playing the tears card i accidentally flooded my bathroom by turning the sink plug up and putting the water to a slow drip before i left for school i was 13 or so and my mom said i didn't know any better tbh i really didn't think it's flood the bathroom so technically she was right this happened at some toddler age i took all my sisters desk items and put them in her fish tank including ink pad pencil etc somehow the fish lived my grandmother was present though so i was all good grandma has always got your back hahaha one time in preschool i wanted to go to the toilet like i always do for fun the teacher knew so she wouldn't let me go i was so p so i pee on the floor to trick her into thinking that i really needed to go it worked my sisters actually i've always gotten in trouble for things i did even if it was an honest mistake the youngest bit my arm and gave me a tooth mark on my arm permanently second youngest dug her nails into my forearm and scratched would have broken through more than it did if i wasn't wearing a jacket and they both kept eating all the freaking cookers still salty about the tea cookers my tactic to get cookies was to be the first to steal it's an evil world we live in colon i just straight up punched my best friend in the face the hardest i could once he came out of a room he fell to the floor and i don't remember what happened next i was maybe four or five he's sleeping my younger brother held a magnet to my xbox and said the f-bomb when i hit him but i was in worse trouble for the hitting than he was for the pottermouth he was seven bear in mind that i was keeping him out of half a thousand dollars of debt in games software dlc and hardware my sister is about twice my agency along with her four kids would often move in and out of the family home her youngest my niece is four years younger than me so this happened when i was around eight and niece was four every single morning niece would spill her cereal all over the dining room table and every morning it would get on my lap or my papers for school etc i got so frustrated that one day i put a nickel in her pop-tart she ended up biting it and my sister yelled at me but other than that didn't get in trouble i was around 10 i think and with my older bro and his friend that are 15 strokes 16 ish bros friend spit on the ground and i asked was it okay to do that my brother says i shouldn't and his friend encourages me too i spit on the ground now while i'm standing with my bro further from the friend i ask is it okay to spit in someone's face my brother is like no way and the other dude is like yeah yeah so i turn and spits in his face my brother starts laughing needed an excuse to skip school being sick was not working no more how about a house emergency so i started to toy with all those mysterious buttons on the metal box fused on the kitchen wall no appliances no food no school ups no tv either done my parents found about it quickly through try and error turned everything on again and gave me a very patient lesson about what that box was why it's dangerous the important thing is that you learned something and i still had to go to school i remember there was this six year old who decided hey it's a great idea to punch a guy seven years older than me because my brother hates him fun fact at six that he doesn't know what he's doing doesn't work for me but it did for his family who saw this i picked him up and he eated him in a trash can is it wrong that i felt a huge satisfaction just by thinking of a little kid inside a trash can crying while a 13-year-old walks away smiling when i was nine i spent three thousand dollars on the sims free play when my parents got a call from the bank for suspicious purchases they were freaking livid i knew the only way i wouldn't be punished for life was to lie so i told them the game scammed me and charged me white owed me knowing i got away with it scot-free yes my parents got their money back i was a toddler in the early 80s was somewhere where a small group of women were sunbathing naked i remember one of them saying should we be naked in front of him and another said he's not going to remember anything i remember everything when i was four i caught a spring chicken with one of those toy robotic hand then threw it in a pool my mom was freaking out and my dad just shrugged my mom off saying i was just a kid i actually wanted to know if it can float short a lizard with a sling twice to kill it my cats were playing with the lizard which is the excuse i used to put it out of its misery the truth is i knew i could just shoe the cats and set the lizard free instead i decided to act on some sick curiosity and shoot it the first hit chopped its belly in half it was still alive after the second one it was fully out i've been regretting it since i was like 10 at the time yet i still remember that moment and feel like crap about it i later on buried the poor lizard together with a poem i'd written to it basically apologizing for being a freaking bastard i even told the priest during my following confession the only confession i ever willingly sought out and the priests just treated it like it was nothing and it made me so upset weirdly you know this is not among the reasons why i left catholicism when i was in grade one seven years old at that time my seatment and i decided to cut some tiny pieces from the sleeves of our uniform i told my teacher that my bully is the one who did it my seatment admits she also cut some pieces from my sleeve our teachers called him and he is really crying i felt no conscience after what we did his grandmother and my aunt agreed to fix my uniform i regret what i did to him if i find him i would really apologize to him or something crying i was maybe around six while crying i consciously realized that i didn't know what i was crying about in the first place but continued to cry proper messy cry with buckets of tears and snot my mom felt bad and tried to console me stopped fake crying since then i stole hot wheels from a sears once because as long as my mom didn't say no i be my mind i could do it my mom eventually found out and told me stealing is bad and how i was actually supposed to pay for that my mom was a psycho so i decided to have fun for once in my life and sneak out while she was asleep but by the time i looked at my phone it was 1am and i had missed 10 calls from my mom so i raced home we lived in a big house so in desperation i park outside the lower garage sneak into the house through the second level door and immediately run to the bathroom i take off all my clothes makeup and change into pajamas i sneakily went all the way downstairs and left my garage door opener on the counter upstairs and turned off my phone by this time she is banshee screaming that i must be dead and she's glad at this moment i walk up the stairs rubbing my eyes and ask her why she is yelling she asks me where i have been and i tell her sleeping i just parked outside the garage because i forgot my opener victory did throw a spear through my brother's leg after he hit me with a bamboo stick several times he told mom that he fell on a stick launched my cousin in the air on a swing he slammed onto the swing lost all his front teeth told his mom he stumbled while running saying a cuss word i'd read that b was also a term for a female dog so i patiently waited days if not weeks for the moment it was appropriate in context when the happy day arrived i imagine it was in reference to one of my sister's toys or maybe a movie i casually whipped it out something like oh yeah i wish we had that be when my parents shocked asked me where i'd heard that i triumphantly confusedly informed them that it's the word for a female dog i watched them struggle with the fact that their precocious child's reading habit ever a source of pride had led them here it was the perfect crime my brother was eight years younger than me when i was 10 or 11 i decided to play lightsaber with a flashlight and talcum powder spray the talcum powder in the air and wave the flashlight around i did this in my parents room it was a huge mess and i just left it there and went and watched tv when my mom found it she was livid talcum powder was all over the floor the bed the dresser the armoire i told her that my brother who was around three at the time was just in their room she blamed him i only admitted to this last year i'm 45 now well one day i saw my dad replace a light bulb in his room he was very cautious with the bulb i remember seeing an episode of tom and jerry where where jerry drops bulbs to imitate gunfire that day i wanted to see or rather hear in person the loud noise so that evening i took a mop and broke the light bulb that my dad had just replaced it broke with a loud noise and everyone came running but no one punished me cause i was kid a few years ago when my step-brother m13 was around 10 he would pick fights with my m11 at the time brother and i m13 at the time by calling us out for no reason or randomly insulting us or taking our stuff and often breaking the stolen item we told our mom and stepdad but since he was a kid he couldn't possibly know that he was making us so angry after months of this nothing had changed one day i got a new paintball gun that i had saved for four months it costed 1 300 this is important i left it on my bed to go eat food and when i came back my stepbrother had removed the barrel and place it on the ground next to the rest of the gun in the split second i saw him next to my gun now in pieces i thought he had broken it the item i had spent months working for almost every day to keep this from getting too long i beat his butt two black eyes and bruises everywhere turns out he was messing with me and my gun wasn't broken he stopped messing with my brother and i though i wasn't punished and he was grounded for a month in hindsight i know i went too far but in the moment i was just so sick of his crap it reading over this makes me feel regret of doing that whereas i never did before literally anything my sister ever did my parents would say she's young she doesn't know any better at the moment they would turn away she would get this crap eating grin on her face and cackle about her triumph to the absolute face of a sociopath for some reason me being one one stroke two years older than her automatically meant i was always responsible for anything that ever happened and she never would be even once she hit adulthood she was still too young and learning for anyone out there who wants to know what outcome this type of parenting can have she became a rage junkie and odd for the final time at like 19 meanwhile i've grown up to develop my own issues from all the misplaced abuse kids aren't stupid and they need to be taught responsibility for their actions from the get-go i don't know if this counts but when i was 14 i stole my brother's car out of the school parking lot to drive to see my boyfriend across town i got caught because he left something in the car and when he went out to get it no car the police brought me back to school to the vice principal's office where i was sure i'd get a huge lecture and may be suspended or something instead he was super nice and told me he sympathizes with me and understands what it's like to have a straight a older brother in the school and have to act out to create my own identity or something and i was not punished in any way maybe he was right but at the time i remember thinking i totally got away with it and played along with the opening angle while thinking the whole time suckers in kindergarten i took some boys toy and declared it was mine the teacher believed me and i went on to use it for the rest of the day in the evening my mom went to pick me up and the teacher was like and here is the toy and mom said it wasn't mine and we went home i remember it really well so i think i knew what i was doing i still feel bad all these years later burying my face and my babysitter's breasts she and others would laugh but i knew exactly what i was doing somehow i was very young but already aware that boobs are hot the daughter of a family friend around seven stroke ato put the dog's collar on him and threw it over the swing and pulled it until the dog was just hanging she killed the dog i remember the parents telling the story like it was nothing and she didn't know better 20 years later i still remember the story and how shocked i was at the time five stroke six yo how could she not know what she was doing this still makes me angry to this day redditers with toddlers what's the most recent illogical breakdown they've had my son was basically upset i missed the tantrum he had started to throw for grandpa he was doing his face in the carpet kicking feet over the top fake crying when i guess he realized he was missing something so he came upstairs grabbed my hand huffed and puffed angrily while walking me directly next to grandpa totally positioned me for the show and got right back into meltdown mode looking up every so often to make sure we were still watching it i asked my dad what initially set him off though he said he shut off his own show and didn't know what else to do one of my toddlers is very upset about mortality she keeps melting down saying i don't want to die how will i talk how will i eat and then the screaming but i guess it's pretty logical mortality sucks mortality is pretty freaking great most people wouldn't want to live forever it's growing old that sucks i'm a nanny we are driving home from preschool enter his neighborhood him you said we were going home me we are him no this is not my house me i know but we are driving there in this i sent the way to my house pearl's up to house me see child we are here him this is not my house he repeats screaming and crying for about 15 minutes as i try to prove it's his house via his animals and room and toys nothing worked i actually became paranoid that this was not his house and i was in some stranger's house with the same pets the child got to my head right house wrong kid my brother used to watch a show where one of the episodes was about a baby star being lost and away from its mom i am pretty sure it ends with a star getting back to its mom but once or twice we still found him quietly crying in bed because he felt bad for the baby star this is really cute and shows kid is developing empathy my daughter said i was going to work at the post office with her when she grows up i told her i'd be a teacher by then and couldn't work at the post office i spent 45 minutes consoling her and now i'm obligated to work for the post office in 15 years well decent benefits at least the enraged sobbing whale from the back seat of my car he's looking out my window my youngest was mad because his brother was looking out of his window instead of the other one my little sister used to get mad at me for the same thing my girlfriend at the time texted me when she was looking after her three-year-old brother josh is crying because he doesn't want an ice cream he already finished eating it this was 15 minutes ago we all know this regret my mom used to offer food to my brother he'd clearly say no my mom would then ask are you sure you don't want this because i'm going to eat if you don't want it this piece of food right here number eats it 45-minute tantrum with hyperventilating crying both of my kids will feed food to the dog then get upset he won't give it back it's gone my little kraken just slept after a raging tantrum because i did not let him chew on the connected cables i'm just trying to keep you alive beauty i swear my daughter dropped a pretzel and the dog ate it she started balling and threw her entire cup of pretzels on the floor spoiler alert the dog of those two dog takes no pleasure in eating floor pretzels but he's got to look out for himself not a toddler but my six-year-old through a fit tonight cause we got him a cheeseburger for dinner he asked for a cheeseburger well clearly you fricked up and got him a cheeseburger with toddlers you quickly learn how to say non-acknowledgements like oh yeah and wow that's interesting because a good chunk of what they say is nonsensical earlier today i was driving to the store and from his car seat in the back my toddler yelled at me i want the biv he then proceeded to melt down about the biv i attempted to figure out what in the world he was talking about but had no luck what is a biv i don't know what you are talking about can you point at it what is a biv he paused for a moment then admitted reluctantly i forgot the word i still don't know what he was talking about elevators my kid thinks people get on them to die i have shown her that it's okay even ridden one up and down with her while she screamed the entire time i just don't get it she yells at people not to get on the elevator screeches and is terrified of someone she loves gets on one probably because she's seen people go in then the door closes the door opens and they're gone poof the box that disappears people my two-year-old decided that his dad was a cartoon dad on tv he called him my second dad so when his real dad came home from work my son went to say hi daddy got all angry and through a complete temper tantrum because he didn't want to call him daddy anymore that his real dad needed a new name since he wanted the tv dad to be his real akka first dad because tv dad had a pet lemur yes it was that show with the two men in the fake lima anyway this went on for weeks my son throwing a fit every time he forgot and called his daddy daddy he threw a fit when dad tucked him played with him gave him a bath read him a story because he wanted second dad to do these things it was a rough couple weeks not to mention trying to explain to my husband that there wasn't a man coming over in the daytime pretending to buy my son's dad yeah rough couple weeks i wanted to clarify what i meant when i said cartoon i couldn't remember the name of the show i just knew the characters in it i mean i know it started with a zed but i didn't want to butcher it but in my mind i kept seeing that lemur talking to the men i did not know that they used a real lemur for some parts and a puppet for other i could have sworn it was a cartoon lemur so sorry about the confusion there this is just many of the crazy things this sun has put me through over the years i am glad it brought people a good laugh not a parent but others have described how tough it is when your kid tells you they don't love you hate you and mean it this situation had to be pretty devastating to real dad and i hope he doesn't feel too poorly about being compared to the crap brothers every morning with my two-year-old do you want to go to the park yeah play dirt ok go to the door for shoes and jacket no stay home but don't you want to go to the park to play in the sandbox yeah okay so we need to go get shoes and get in the car no full meltdown follows and repeat this exchange for another five minutes until he realizes that we can't both stay home and go to the park simultaneously then repeat again when leaving the park i pretended to eat his sock when i showed him it was behind my head he complained that it was all gross and covered in food bits then threw it on the trash went to his room and cried into his pillow my wife is four months older than i am my four-year-old daughter got upset with me because she wanted me to be older than my wife for some stages of development bigger equals older if you are bigger than your wife she expects you to be older i wouldn't let her put crayons in my ear full on dropping to the ground wailing and sobbing like i'd killed our cat in front of her i would tell her we don't put stuff in our ears which would make her sob louder thankfully she's a young toddler and easily distracted so it only lasted a few minutes totally gonna try the distraction technique when i have kids and they're having a meltdown here look at this cup she just started crying and said i broke her heart after a few times of asking and calming her down she told me it was because i ruined her birthday her birthday had been like eight months before i tried asking her how i ruined her birthday but those were the only two sentences she would say her paintbrush wasn't green mind you there was a green paint brush available within reach but the fact that the one in her hand wasn't green was a problem and i can't make this one green for you was unacceptable she did eventually relent and decide it was okay to just pretend the red one was green my three yo had a morning toothbrush and an evening toothbrush for four months there were different colors then she forgot which color was for which time of day and now no longer cares so we lost one of them when she cared even seeing the wrong toothbrush was the start of a 10-minute temper tantrum my two-year-old loves the show daniel tiger's neighborhood which is a cartoon show about a tiger who lives in mr rogers land of make-believe you know with the trolley and king friday and lady elaine anyways the doctor who lives in daniel tiger's town is called dr anna in the show daniel has visited dr anna several times whenever my daughter is hurt even just to bump she asks to see dr anna when we try to tell her she's not real and is only daniel's doctor she cries hysterically and says dr anna is real go see dr anna need go to dr anna's house we've gone round and round on this for an hour several times and i can't seem to get it through to her that she can't go visit a cartoon doctor oh see i lucked out big time in that regard my son's pediatrician was actually named doctor rogers and kid was convinced he was mr rogers himself always happy to go toddler finds picture book of me and wife before kids having fun on vacation toddler meltdown saying we went out for fun and didn't take him tell him it's because he wasn't born yet he fires back i exist i'm right here it's interesting to see what the world looks like at that age there was nothing before me my niece is one and a half she was walking while holding a small bowl of cereal no milk just dry cereal a piece of cereal drops out of the bowl and hits the floor she stops dead in her tracks looks down at the single piece of cereal on the floor and immediately drops the entire bowl of cereal this isn't a tantrum this is baby science sister put pretend cream on her with a pretend spoon crying because she didn't get to go to her parents wedding seven years before she was born crying because she didn't get to go to her parents wedding seven years before she was born this one is classic i was eating a churro with my three years old niece and i broke mine in half to make eating it easier so naturally she started crying that i had to and she only had one i'm really curious how she'd respond if you had told her to break hers in half as well my two-year-old recently asked for a rice cake which i gave him cue absolute crap fit no rissa cake n-o-o-o risha cake screaming crying hitting face turning purple the whole shebang so best guesses he both wanted and didn't want the rissa cake and was furious that i'd not met either of those conditions scrubbing a parenting at its best he flipped out because he couldn't open a book he can't read for anyone insisting on taking the fun out of this you can rest easy knowing i'm doing my diligence to promote his literacy my wife and me as well as his grandparents read to him throughout the day and he is actively included his library is bigger than mine he loves books and often play reads but this particular book happened to have a velcro closure hence his frustration because he can't get his dang book open my two-year-old absolutely lost it in the car because her sister was looking at her side then looking at her moon yep she claimed the actual moon toddlers are fun that's not a toddler thing that goes on well into childhood i remember getting pee when i was like kate because my brother kept looking out of my side's window to look at the moon today's i made her the perfect peanut butter and jam sandwich every time she went to take a bite she would throw a fit this went on for four very long bites and my husband had to help her through each bite i cut the sandwich at a different angle than usual and she just didn't know how to eat the sandwich without dad's help a few nights ago we went on a family walk jog my husband was doing intervals so he would leave us for a few minutes at a time and come back around staying within our sights the whole time one of these times my two one stroke two-year-old broke down and cried she ran straight to me for her to hold her she was completely distraught dad has done this three four times by this point so i'm not sure why this particular interval was so upsetting to her less than a minute later she was talking herself down i don't need to cry and everything is all right not a parent the kid i used to babysit she was upset when she met my boyfriend because he had the same name as her best friend from daycare it's a common name like sam kid sam's not here sam's at home me yes i know this is a different sam kid no sam's at home me deciding to just refer to him by a nickname instead honey kid no i'm honey i'm guessing that's tied in with how younger kids still don't really understand that other people exist like that teachers actually live in houses and sleep at night and don't just sit there in the classroom 24 stroke 7 and that more than one person can share a name but not be the same person we have two toddlers or three-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl boy daddy i am very sick i need to go to the doctor for my cough girl no band-aid i don't need a band-aid me you don't need a band-aid no one said anything about a band-aid girl cries my little brother is like this he went through a phase after his injections where anytime he was mildly at risk of injury like dropped a toil trip or anything he'd immediately run to my mum and go i am okay actually i don't need to go to hospital he enjoys my little pony however we cannot refer to it as my little pony he can say my little pony but my wife and i must refer to it as your little pony or he loses his little mind it's adorable in the worst possible way we have a town near us called urala my six-year-old grandson is totally convinced that you means you so if he's talking about being there it's mirella but if he's talking about someone else it's theirs so it's also nancerella and mum's roller he corrects people who say it wrong now too my two-year-old son heard my wife crumble up a receipt in the car tonight and for the next hour lost his mind that we had a cookie we were holding out on him no amount of explaining could fix the situation this is hilarious he must think you guys are the worst cookie hoarders at about three years old our youngest was a picky eater after another dinner that he ate virtually nothing i snapped and said juniper you are being ridiculous he stood on his chair and screamed with all the fury i am not [ __ ] went to a comic shop with my 2.5 year old after a bit he asks to leave so we leave has a full-blown meltdown because we are leaving not even too yo yet but she has one of these mechanical dogs that move and make noise if you press a button so every now and then she'll come to me with it so i activate it if i do she gets super scared literally screaming and running away from it but if i turn it off tantrum time what do you want from me tiny human tonight she went into a screaming rage because all the bubbles in her bubble bath were behind her not in front when i leaned over to scope the bubbles to the front she slapped me 18 months old i'm afraid of what the terrible 2s will hold 18 months is fair game for the terrible twos to start it's like puberty it doesn't hit everyone at the same time and sometimes it lasts your eye longer than it should she pointed to the fridge and said milk filled her cup with milk and handed it to her she took one sip threw it on the ground and screeched juice left her to write and cry on the floor my two-year-old screamed bloody murder every time she finished the water i poured into her cup she literally got mad because she drank all her water this afternoon my 18 month old insisted on drinking water from an open cup while lying on her back i tried to explain that it would spill but then gave up so she could learn for herself q melt down when she got covered in water oh one more three year old late at night walks up to the edge of my bed silently i roll over me whoa hey bud three mama me yeah three you ruined my heart me what how three shakes his head disappointedly and goes back to bed the dog farted poor dog wasn't even in the room a long tearful meltdown because of a fictitious fart update cause i can't figure out how to reply to this and not the whole section never expected this much attention to my comments thanks everyone for your comments replies messages fictitious fart that's up there on the list of good ones i've heard my niece was having a tantrum and i laughed and said you need a nap no you need a nap frick me i laughed hard at that mine will sometimes be having a tantrum i'm standing there quiet and she will just go inside voice please and shush me who is being quiet wasn't exactly a full-blown tantrum but still nonsensical three-year-old why do doctors have eyes me eyes or eyes thinking maybe it was going to make sense silly me three eyes like i'm the idiot me because they are human beings three no why do they have eyes me so they can see three no why like what answer do you want man the question doesn't even make sense i don't even want to admit how long this went on my three-year-old wise me to death daily yesterday our youngest son 1.5 years old had a meltdown because i wouldn't let him pour his apple juice on the cat i saw him start to grabbed his cup he just looked at me with a mixture of anger and sadness and cried bath for about 10 minutes our cat is amazing with children but even she wouldn't appreciate an apple juice bath thank you for the silver i'm glad my toddler's attempted unintentional animal abuse pleased everyone lol okay dude time to brush your teeth complete breakdown shaking and crying dudlet what's wrong i made a snowman and i can't show you it hasn't snowed where's this snowman in my dream and now it's gone not illogical but heart-wrenching for me frick that's really heartwarming your kid wants to share everything with you the instant my two-year-old woke up from his nap he bolted for the kitchen and headed straight for the cooking knives when his mom caught him on the way he threw a massive fit he begged and pleaded to play with the knives future juggler in the making who's the biggest loser your son daughter has dated my daughter dated a guy who was a crappy lying lazy abusive gaslighting butthole besides that he won dropped out of high school at 14 2 never attempted to get to get diploma equivalency three had more than one conviction for public intoxication underage drinking drunk driving which left him four unable to get a job for approximately 18 months of the about two years they were together five got fired from walmart after only working two weeks for missing work because his kid supposedly was victim of an abduction attempt turns out the kid made it up six smoked weed in her apartment bathroom knowing that if my daughter failed a drug screen her career would be ruined seven had his two kids every other weekend but spent the entire time with headphones on gaming meaning my daughter had to watch his kids or they'd destroy her apartment eight would only eat corn or potatoes hamburgers or chicken fingers or pizza but fast food was a-okay nine never picked up after himself so every horizontal surface was covered in half drunk pop cans fast food wrappers cups and bags dirty plates baldy food daughter is an rn and work 12 hour shifts which is sort of an excuse 10 punched a hole in her apartment wall 11 held a gun to his own head then laughed at her for taking him seriously 12 constantly accused her of cheating so she had to unfriend all males on her facebook including her father 13 threatened to leave when her anxiety and depression had her sleeping any time she wasn't at work and 14 when she finally took him up on his bluff it was during a terrifying food throwing soda hurling furniture smashing temper tantrum that had her grab her cats from under the bed and come to my house 50 miles away i could go on but remembering all that is turning my stomach in cleaning her apartment afterward we had to wash the walls from where he had done a hollywood style sweep of the coffee table top spraying dr pepper all over the carpet tv and stand wall and canvas art all the way to the ceiling then for good measure he smashed the coffee table he was a complete tool and with the help of a therapist she is finally getting back to the funny intelligent confident girl she was before he messed her head up i am thrilled i don't have to dread that phone call you know the one where she was calling to say he'd beaten her there would have been a long line of people wanting to pull his bow strings up through his throat believe me or worse one from a coroner my little sister dated a guy who kept trying to convince her to drop out of a uc school and move into his mom's garage with him up to and including threatening suicide if she didn't it took way too much effort on my dad and my part to get her to put the kibosh on that relationship mostly because the guy's mom thought my sister was good for him and tried to fight us on it lord please let someone take him away from me my sister dated them all my favorite was a guy who convinced her to have joint bank accounts and stole six months worth of pay from her we didn't know until after the relationship the dude was a major con man salesman type that had like four different get rich quick schemes while they dated my bill's ex wanted them to have a joint account he already paid for almost everything but had a bad feeling about it she pestered him about it for months she finally ended things when their lease was up but we told him not to expect to get the money back she owed him but it could have been so much worse if they'd had a joint account while nothing compared to some of the stories here it doesn't feel great to see my daughter move in with a high school dropout and take a break from college i'm expecting any day now to hear that her savings that was supposed to be for college will be going to pay off his debt my sister dated a guy let's call him tom who worked under my dad at the business he owns and runs now i'm not saying tom was a loser because worked for our family my sister and i both work in similar positions and that's how they met but there were a number of instances that just shouted hey what's up i'm tom and i'm a loser for example tom seemed to never have any money usually blaming things like his rent being to hire his car needing to be worked on due to this my sister ended up having to pay for the majority of the dates and dinners that they went on in reality he had spent most of his money on unnecessary toys like dirt bikes guns and modifications for his 1999 honda civic his spending habits got so bad that his landlord threatened him with eviction this tore my sister up not because he was getting evicted but because she knew that he was making enough money to never be in that type of situation anyway tom got the bright idea to ask her and my father for the rent money 650 dollars while they were out to dinner my dad ended up helping him out so he wouldn't go homeless but what he didn't know was that tom had asked him for more money than what his rent was so he could go out and spend it on other things other than my sister so yeah he was a loser and i didn't like him much common in reality he had spent most of his money on unnecessary toys like modifications for his 1999 honda civic lord for some reason that offended my site so badly i had to take a break before reading the rest of the comment my really quite intelligent daughter once dated a lad who didn't know the difference between the sun and the moon it's not joking the moon is just the sun at night of course not my kid but my brother he dated this crazy possessive chick who once buried one of his shirts because another girl complimented him on it in front of her she also totaled his car after lying and saying she had gotten her license back she gave 400 to a fake iphone scammer website western union because they are a legit company i saw pictures of their warehouse and everything i googled warehouse the picture on their site was the first one that came up she even paid 100 more to expedite through customs when the delivery didn't arrive when expected and the pesky resistance she killed his dog she left x7 pm on the coffee table and he chewed up the bottle by some miracle no pills got out and crisis averted it was explained to her that the pills would be fatal to the dog she bought another bottle and left it on the coffee table again this time dog ate half the bottle and his kidneys failed sucks because he was the sweetest smartest dog i've ever known tldr bro dated a girl that killed his car and dog comma and the peska racist and she killed his dog she left at 7pm on the coffee table and he chewed up the bottle well that sucks but it could have been an accident coma she bought another bottle and left it on the coffee table again this time dog ate half the bottle and his kidneys failed frick this person obligatory not a son or daughter scenario but my older brother dated a girl who pretended that she broke all of her bones in a car wreck she put both of her arms in slings put braces on her legs and a travel pillow around her neck i remember her asking her about her back if all of her bones were broken anyway and she started to cry lol they didn't last long brother's girlfriend hit my english bulldog with a shovel because he was barking and it scared her as she showed up unexpectedly at my parents house around 1am he is still with her because she's lonely and has no friends or family maybe because she's a psychotic bee oh wow i'd have ended up in jail for assault if someone did that to one of my pets not that i'm criticizing you in any way at all just can't believe the nerve of that crazy bee my sister dated a guy who lied about being a navy seal apparently there is like a whole community of people who do that just go around unemployed living on telling their sos when they disappear four weeks at a time that they were deployed it never made any sense to us and she broke up with him for other reasons and gets really p off if anyone mentions the relationship happened he was a creepy dude who took advantage of her trusting nature and that she was at a low point in her life and i regret not doing more to call him out on his obvious bulls he's still in the area doing god knows what probably trotting out the same crap to new women i hope one day he gets his butt beat by a real navy seal this happened to my cousin except they were married for about 10 years before it came out he even handed him on the flag at her world war ii veteran father's funeral i always felt something wasn't right about him and now i know why my sister is dating a guy who is a butthole to everyone he meets but cries when you give it right back to him he is also an enabler to her depression and anxiety instead of trying to encourage her to fix herself he tells her that she doesn't need to and he will do it for her instead of trying to fix herself he'll do it is really dangerous and feels manipulative having her rely on him ends up going bad my husband's cousin was married to a man who cheated on her for months and then moved his mistress into their home and tried to convince his wife that they could all be lovers together he also got into the illegal pot dealing game after colorado legalized weed got into the illegal pot dealing game after denver legalized weed go to find your niche my sister is married to a guy who has two swastikas tattooed on his back nuff said my brother is currently dating and engaged to one of the worst people i've ever met she is manipulative and controlling she likes to do crappy mean things and when confronted will act completely innocent and play the victim and she has on several occasions made up stories and lied for the sole purpose of causing chaos she almost destroyed my other brother's marriage his wife is her best friend and has all but ruined my brother's relationship with our mom and other sister i really think she is entertained by the misery she causes the best part of all of it they are getting married in 11 days how does she have a best friend she says it was the guy that was a drug runner i obviously didn't know about this and i'm only being told because he's long gone from her life as nice as my brother-in-law is he is pretty terrible in terms of job goals life ambitions he hasn't worked a steady job for almost 10 years or so and is now pushing like 40. he had been the ups driver and either lost that job or was laid off or something and since then he has just done oddball things to kind of keep money in but nothing has flourished or lasted long he was going to be a singing coach he was going to do lawn maintenance and currently his next big venture is dog walk sitting consequently my sister works three jobs to keep their family comfortable and to support my niece it wouldn't be so terrible if he did more stuff around the house but after this past visit to their home i don't think he does much of anything other than sit around and watch tv and maybe make dinner every once in a while my dad has tried subtly talking to her about the situation but she says she's happy with her life but sometimes her tone says something else i'm a guy my ex was like this unemployed for years never did any housework i worked from 430 am to 6 pm every day then took care of the house read to our kid and made him his food etc kept telling everyone i was fine with things i wasn't i was miserable thank god she cheated on me and i manned up enough to leave life is so much better now my sister dated this douchebag he lived in a house his dad owned and she moved in with him he stayed at home slinging sea she held respectable jobs he was a general [ __ ] stole drugs from his mom and such they bought a crappy fire bed together with her money but he titled it in his name when she finally left him my father and i drove the fire bed and parked it in our garage covered all the windows looking in he would call us every day and ran to the sow he was going to call the cops and or kick our butt after telling a sob story to the dmv we ended up getting this son of a supervisor who transferred the title to my sister's name so she could sell the heap of junk and recoup some of her money oh how i wish it was unbelievable for someone to buy something expensive but allow their significant other to keep the legal documentation in their name unfortunately i see this in the near future for a relative of mine annex stabbed me in the thigh with anxacto blade once full blade in the thigh i could see my muscles working and had to pick out the pad fibers wanna know why he stabbed me in the thigh well i have two toes on each foot that are webbed he wanted me to let him cut those instead that is psycho behavior glad he is an ex funny enough every father of any girl i have ever dated thinks i am a loser it usually starts with something along the lines of i don't like your name and usually goes downhill from there i'm not sure i'd want my daughter dating someone named the window licker either not my daughter but my niece when she was 14 she met a dude on the internet who was 22 and from across the country we were not happy he came to visit and he was the weirdest dude i ever met i was only four years older and tried to have conversations with him but he was just monosyllabic exactly the kind of dude who you would expect to hit on 14 year olds in anime forums on the internet of course we watched them like a hawk and they were never left alone together i still admire my sister she firmly put down the rules no being alone together no sleeping in the same room etc but never said anything against the relationship the whole thing ended pretty much right after his visit if my sister had forbidden it i am sure it would have gone on much longer my best friend dated the worst man on earth classic mental gaslighting abuser type never made her feel pretty or good always compared her to other girls told her she wasn't beautiful sexy feminine or attractive to him keep in mind she is an attractive perfect bodied type who is also kind funny hard-working etc most would consider a catch he cut her family out tried to convince her her friends were trash to cut us out if we went out to a bar he'd be dancing with chatting up other women all night while she sat alone the kicker though during her chemotherapy treatments he criticized her about not keeping up with house cleaning cooking and for not blowing him enough while she was literally fighting death sick as a dog vomiting this pose is wondering when he's gonna get oral she lost nearly all her friends because of her resistance to any advice to get away happy ending she's married to a different and very good man now hugh one of my friends brought her new boyfriend to our weekly church youth group meetup he openly bragged about how he could manipulate anyone into doing whatever he wanted and tried to dominate all of the other guys in the room by proving how much smarter stronger more athletic he was she pulled the plug pretty quickly i dated a lot of stupid just plain dumb guys in high school one of the worst mistakes was my boyfriend sophomore year told me he had lung cancer because he has been smoking cigarettes since he was eight he wrote me like this weird journal letter about it i didn't believe him for a second but continued dating him for another month or so he's married with a kid now so i'm pretty sure the cancer thing wasn't true mayo my mom lied to this about having cancer i'm not sure why but probably because we were pee at her for divorcing my dad and she wanted sympathy blake we took him into our home for a few months so he could save up some money our internet bill went through the roof i think he played video games then one day independent day he dumped her all while his clan from texas was camping in our yard on the way to a music festival i guess i should have keyed in when he mentioned he had moved multiple times i hate when people use up all the internet okay so i can answer this for both of my parents since they don't use reddit at 15 i started dating an 18 year old boy named john he and his even worse mom lived in someone's hallway that's right the two of them on a twin mattress in a hallway together they both refused to get jobs but he did have a throwaway phone since i was 15 i wanted to text call him so i paid to put minutes on his phone every week with my lunch money yeah we went boating with my grandparents and he tried to have sex with me on their boat it was a fishing boat and only about 10 feet long so he tried to have sex within 10 feet of my grandparents and baby brother in their line of sight we went to a sporting event for my baby brother and he made me go outside and tried to have sex with me on a public picnic table he would beg me for money to feed him and his mother then when i tried to break up with him he told me no he wasn't allowing the breakup i told him i was serious and then behaved as if we were broken up anyway so when i moved on he told everyone i cheated on him then stalk my new boyfriend once he realized it was actually over he and his mom called me non-stop one night saying they wanted his hoodie back i said i would bring it to them the next day but that wasn't good enough they needed it right then so they said they were going to come to my house and get it at 3am i told them no and he and his mom left a voicemail on my phone saying they were on their way and were going to beat me up over stealing this hoodie i was a miner he was 18 and she was over 40 so i called the cops if my parents used it they would probably mention my ex-boyfriend who i dated long distance online from 19 to 22. he lived with his parents didn't want to get a job smoked weed all day and did mushrooms for clarity force me to avoid talking to others or even go out with my family to do things because he would blow up my phone saying i was cheating due to his lousy ex-relationship he was cheated on during he had a kid at 18 during a drunken one night stand and had to babysit her every week while complaining about her grandmother who was taking care of her because the mother didn't want her he didn't pay child support so he had to guiltily take care of the kid that every beck and call of the grandmother lashed out at me constantly and would starve himself for days to make me feel bad about literally anything that mildly bothered him generally needed a lot of freaking help that he refused to get i was at a really low point in my life and thought i was worthless and that he was the only one that could love me i know my parents wouldn't get into my love affairs but they were absolutely thrilled when i finally grew self-worth and got out of it i had always pieced together information about him to them because i knew they wouldn't approve and every time i said more they held back but were obviously thinking he was trash i cringe extremely hard when i remember all of it my daughter is 12 you have all given me a really crappy outlook on the next several years damn it my dad doesn't read it but my parents hated my ex we met when we were 16 and were on and off for four years he constantly cheated on me and was just a crap person i ended up pregnant at 18 and i worked through most of pregnancy while he didn't do crap i got him a job but he didn't keep it i broke up with him when my daughter was eight months old about five months after my mom passed away he hasn't been in mine or my daughter's life for about four years his loss she's amazing that guy is adult i'm a step dad and m wife was in a similar situation his loss for sure my stepdaughter is almost 19 and is an awesome sweetheart and one of my best friends girlfriend's daughter hooks up with this dude who claimed he was a seal and talked all kinds of crap i let this guy go off for hours about how bad he was and all the black ops he was part of he was laying it on thick and i let him keep talking about two john wayne hero stories later i said show me your trident tattoo he looked at me and said it was concealed i asked him what ordinance did he pack when on a mission no answer then asked where did he take his bud class in florida or oregon he says florida i tell him he is full of crap 10 minutes later he's gone and i catch heck and grief from daughter and girlfriend for chasing the dude away but he was a seal he was going to show her all his medals and awards i still chuckle about this serious parents over at it what was a legit reason why you didn't let your son daughter have that friend over go to her sleepover a relatively new male friend of my 13 year old came over for the first time and when i say come over i mean climbed over a six-foot cinder block privacy fence to surprise 13-year-old with an engagement ring plastic and a plant stolen from neighbor full stop she was then invited on his family's vacation she did not go our romance is truly alive and well i see he was a little kleptomaniac he came over exactly three times to hang out each time something would go missing no more visits found out recently he was recently charged with embezzlement at the company he used to work for good for him he evolved into embezzler instead of armed robber or petty thief that is a hugely better way to go i hated not letting the child sleep over but that would have meant that my child would have wanted to sleep over at his house his mother was living with a very abusive man who raised every single hair on my neck this man taped off areas where my son's friend could walk and sit rationed food etc i was not about to let my son be in that environment the friend started acting out from abuse i had already talked to the school counselor about my suspicions and cps was involved it was hard to explain to a child of 8 why this friend couldn't come over i was a situation that set off my early warning senses we were staying at the house of the daughter of my in-laws friends she had a three-year-old son my daughter was five they played well together but i got some weird vibes that told me that my daughter shouldn't be crashing in the living room in a sleeping bag i had her sleep with my wife in the guest bed while i slept on the couch i kept a close watch on the kids the rest of the evening the next day as we were leaving the three-year-old basically tackled my daughter he was big she was very small and tried to mount and hump her on the floor i extracted her and told him that wasn't appropriate my daughter laughed it off as him trying to wrestle with her once in the car i told my wife under no circumstances would our daughter ever be allowed back in that house ever she agreed we later learned that the then boyfriend or the woman with the son used to let the boy watch hardcore pee with him mom found out when cps got involved stopped my daughter staying at her friend's house when i found out the friend's mum was an alcoholic who was going out every night to the pub and bringing random guys home for the day happened every time she slept there and the mum didn't know the guys names half the time my parents went to drop off my stuff at a friend's house because i wanted to spend the night they walked in and my dad said nope you're coming home she had two brothers one was super nice one was very touchy her dad then threatened my dad and said he can't take her child out of his home without his permission my dad being six feet three and a large dude got in his face her dad looked like a string bean and said he was taking me home right now my dad told me later he had a really bad gut feeling something bad would have happened if i stayed a touchy brother is in jail now for what i'm not even sure when i was in middle school my friend was a bit goth and tough looking i was a good kid and my parents knew it my mom didn't want me hanging out with my friend because she thought she would be a bad influence on me i told my mom that wouldn't happen and that i would be a good influence on her my mom said okay my friend was not bad in any way she just liked goth clothes turned out she was a good student and she lived in a mansion and was super nice we went to six flags frightfeast and she got me over my fear of throwing up on a roller coaster leslie you were a really good friend and your dogs were super cute i hope you are happy in life i'm so glad this one had a happy ending completely disrespectful to our home after multiple times telling them not to my daughter is six she's 12 we live in the same complex she'd constantly leave trash all outside on our stairs inside our couch floor to where the baby can get make up paint all over our carpets she didn't care last and final sleepover she invited a kid we didn't know to stay with her too i felt bad because the girl was younger until it was 1am and they were blasting music yelling and dancing we live on the second floor told them to go to bed 730 am same exact thing she started coming over first thing in the morning staying until late at night i told her if she was hungry she had to go home and eat and come back two doors down as we didn't have enough food to feed everyone my husband has been out of work and we're really struggling she wouldn't whatever snacks we had for our three kids were gone in a day come to find out she wasn't allowed at home while her mom was at work because her 24 year old bf was at home and she's getting boobed so she didn't need to be home alone with him so much wrong with that statement but true just last week the mom sent her to another state for a bit my daughter misses her but it's been nice not having my place full of kids she'd bring friends all the time all day every single day and eating all the food we don't have the father of one of my daughter's classmate she was only in second grade kept repeatedly telling my daughter to come spend the night over there she told me about it so i made sure to catch him one day and he said in a very strange way oh she's welcome to spend the night any time and he won't look at me plus the way he looked at her just creeped me out mind you he is a single father so there's no other adult in the house to monitor him i don't even know how i would react to a grown man repeatedly asking my daughter that i hope his kid is okay too sheesh these are sad my mom wouldn't let me stay at a friend's house when i was a kid because she didn't like how messy their house was growing up there were certain friends whose house i wasn't allowed to stay at i never knew why my dad wouldn't ever let me go certain friends homes until i got older my dad was in law enforcement so he knew which of my friends had more dubious parents one of my really good friends in elementary his dad had a pretty sketchy history and it turned out later his dad kidnapped someone and led the police on a wild chase in another state good old dad just keeping me safe my oldest kiddo has an incredibly gentle soul and is very into ballet he had one friend come over to a sleepover that i ultimately sent home after he made fun of my son for loving ballet and then smash dance from my sons and farm in front of my son i get that he was little but man not letting anyone who makes my kid cry like that and doubt how awesome he is in my house again i don't care how much this kid's mom needs a break nothing wrong with ballet heck my high school has a dance for athletes class and they still do a performance it's a hobby which teaches agility and is good physical activity i'd assume i never did crap like that and sure i can lift plenty of weights with the physical activity i do but i'm as graceful as a shopping cart carrying a refrigerator my daughter was five at the time there was this kid son of a co-worker co-worker was cool my daughter got along with this kid on the playground so we decided to do the playdate thing the kid couldn't handle sharing his toys so he started biting biting is basically the kid equivalent of whipping your dong out of the chucky cheese which ironically is much less of a big deal if you do it while you are still a kid so we were out of there co-worker apologized profusely and asked if we could have a do-over at our place figured not an issue because his toys weren't in play nah then he started biting because he wanted her toys when i was little i became aware that biting was probably my most formidable weapon i'm sure it's a phase we all have i vividly remember how much more it hurt when my mother bit me lol she never had to say anything before or after recently my nephew had his own biting phase until his mother bit him in the same way mine did crap works my parents always refused to let me go over to that friend's house she could come to our house but i couldn't go over there i always threw a fit about it in the moment we grew apart over the years as an adult i had to interact with her family through my job in law enforcement my parents never said why i couldn't go over there they didn't want my kid mouth to tell everyone at school that jean's parents were sea users dealers and that their living uncle was a registered sex offender i learned the truth as an adult and respect my parents for being gentle and giving white lies regarding the situation i'm sure my dumbass kid self would have bluntly mentioned it to gene and it would have hurt her i'm sure she had it hard enough in that environment anyways not bad and he could stay over my brother was in the closet but my parents knew and he wanted his friend to spend the night my parents said yes but they had to sleep in the living room he then got pee off and it didn't happen nice try buddy we've all been blocked by our parents it's so infuriating at the time and then you grow up and it's like okay yeah that makes sense two different friends with moms that smoked him one in fifth grade and one in sixth they actually both lived with us at one point or another the kid in fifth grade was a nice guy a little hyper and kind of mischievous but had a really good heart when you take him home environment into account he ended up staying with us for a week when his mom lost the house they lived in i think after that he went to live with a relative i didn't see him again until we were adults and he just happened to come into my work he's a bodybuilder now my mom stopped letting me go over to his place long before he came to stay with us though apparently one time his mom just straight up asked my mom if she wanted to smoke some m with her which he declined and quickly got us the frick out of there the kid in sixth grade was introduced to me through a mutual friend i came home from a weekend at his place and told my mom about my time over there she asked me a bunch of follow-up questions ending with does it smell like they have cats i told her yes and she asked but they don't have any cats do they and i said no i didn't see any she gave me a solemn look and said that i wasn't allowed to go there anymore but he was allowed to stay over here after a few years of us being friends his mother dropped him off at my place one night with no warning he and i didn't know what was going on but i know now that his mom had a heart a heart with mine saying that she knew she was going to be arrested soon and that our house was the safest possible place for her son as my mom was the only person she was even acquainted with that wasn't a drug addict this kid and i had become extremely close over the years and my mom loves him very much so without blinking she agreed to take custody of him so he became my adopted brother sought off flash forwards a cps agent is at our door with a custody release form she tells my mom that my friend brother's dad has been cleared to take custody my friend wants to live with his dad more than anything so my mom tearfully gives up custody i see him at school a week later and he tells me he's been put in a foster home he was never going to his dad's at all it took years for him to believe that cps had deceived my mother into giving up custody and that we didn't just give him away but it makes me want to cry thinking about him feeling like we abandoned him he graduated high school in the foster care system and joined the marines i haven't seen him in six years i miss my brother i had a friend from school who was a year younger so i was like 10 he was nine and i came over to his house and played some hockey outside then we got bored and we started tackling each other and rolling around on the grass after that we went inside and watched hotel for dogs well the next day my friend comes over and says you can't come over anymore i say why not then he said my mom thinks you're gay then basically the friendship died that day i'm 10 and i'm not gay like wtf his mom was a police officer too she should have known we were playing that's awful i didn't know it at the time but my best friend growing up was gay gay wasn't even a thing that registered to me michael just liked to play dress up get makeup done with my sisters little weird but whatever he is a cool dude my parents older siblings however totally knew and they couldn't have given less of a crap i only found this out 15 plus years later but no one ever came to my birthday parties as a kid in elementary school i had an abusive family life where i would come into school with a lot of unusual bruises and regularly i had dirty clothes and hair i thought it was perfectly normal because that's all i knew i was always welcome at other homes but no one would come to mine a friend of mine's mother told after i had moved out and was on my own in college that she always worried about my home life and wouldn't let her daughter over because she was so concerned it took a lot of time and therapy to come to terms with that not that she wouldn't let her daughter come over out of concern but that she didn't have enough concern to say anything about me your last sentence resonates with me so much it's a very specific feeling of betrayal i was the kid in this situation i was 10 years old and i had a very self-obsessed friend but it was no biggie until she started stealing from me and then from my sister and then from my parents each time she came something was missing when it was me i blamed my sister when it was my sister she blamed me we didn't really realized it was her until money that was around the house started disappearing my mom did one plus one and told me to tell her she's not allowed to be my friend anymore i was sad about it but it was also kind of a relief idky but it felt very high maintenance to be friends with her i was around 10 11 and i could feel like i was happier and had more freedom does that make sense i had a gut feeling that something was just off about a young man that my son was friends with but couldn't put my finger on it i refused to let him stay over because of that gut feeling years later it came out that he assaulted a mutual female friend in her sleep as a parent i never had to make this decision my child and i had coded responses with each other i knew from my own experience that these situations can be very tough and your school friends sometimes try to pressure to do things you don't want to do especially if they have their own agenda basically if my child said may i go do this i knew she really wanted to and felt comfortable so my answer was yes unless we had family stuff to do if she said can i i knew she felt uncomfortable or pressured into asking so i would have her back insane number i always trusted my child first and gave her the power to communicate learn to trust her own gut and be confident we made up codes between the two of us for her entire growing up it worked so well during her teenage years if she was uncomfortable at a party or situation she would text me a certain phrase and i knew she wanted me to call her with a reason to leave we also never had curfews each event was different we would talk about it and decide together what time she would be home now as a grown-up she has thanked me a lot and said this was one of the best things i did for her growing up she always felt like we were in it together we were and she is turning out to be an amazing person this was a very rewarding part of being a parent not her parent but my sister is nine years younger than me wouldn't accept her ex-boyfriend not being toxic and the whole defensive acts and big brothers do i just didn't like the guy he was super emo and i could just see some light in my sister going out he was really possessive of her and whispering like freaking worm tongue in her ear all the time weird stuff now not like whispering secret little jokes but whispering conversations i assumed they were mocking me or my family i ended up making a demand that he not be in the house if i was home not something i have ever dreamt of doing before or since turned out he was whispering super dark crap about suicide self-harm as well as subtly belittling and completely emotionally blackmailing her but she broke down and told my mum all about it thankfully they then broke up but he hung around trying to contact her for ages he be telling her that if she didn't go back to him that he'd hurt himself etc etc it took a while but it fizzled out she was back to herself in no time thanks to be jesus fast forward 10 years i'm on an a and d shift i assess some poor girl who has addiction and mental health problems she'd had a few suicide attempts in the last year lo and behold who's her boyfriend the same scrawny little bollocks he refused to acknowledge my existence when i assessed her he just sat there looking at her and grinned not smiling but bloody grinning the whole time psychopath this didn't happen to me but one time my cousins 8 and 10 years old wanted to have this elder kid just turned 18 over from their church to spend the night but the guy wasn't really weird at all and seemed nice and i'd hung out with him a lot but their mom just didn't feel right about it and said no about two years later it came out that he had been molesting kids at another church he was going to and had gotten arrested crazy stuff my kid is not allowed to go to his friend's house down the street too much police activity there including a friend of that family arrested for selling drugs from there while visiting no whoop i have told him it's not a safe house and his friend can come here but he can't go there there are other reasons why i don't trust their judgment but i figure the drug stuff is enough right not parent i was the kid used to be friends with this girl that i met at sporting events around 10 times a year and i would always want to hang out with her and spend a lot more time with her than i was ever allowed to she gave my parents a really off vibe and apparently used to ask really inappropriate questions my parents wouldn't let me go to hers at all a month ago she was imprisoned for killing her ex-fiance by beating him tying him to her car and dragging him before stabbing him multiple times and then setting his body on fire she had helped but she was the main one dodge a bullet there dad is a chain smoker and smokes in the house we'll have my daughter's friend stay over but we'll find an excuse to have her take a shower early on go to the park swimming etc our daughter can't stay there overnight and even if she is there for a few hours she showers and changes clothes as soon as she gets home years ago we had new neighbors moving across the street that had a daughter that was a year younger than mine they introduced her one day and suggested that we get the girls together to play over a tower house they had seen we had a swing set and trampoline i just smiled and said oh yeah maybe we can do that i had a bad feeling about them and their daughter so i kept my kid away from theirs and i'm glad i did this girl who at the time was about eight got found many times on the roof of their porch would go start the car climb all over the car playing the street which our street is pretty busy she cussed like a sailor and when she was about 10 11 gave a little neighbor girl of about five or six a cup of her to drink i'm glad i listened to my gut i have a compromise immune system and the kids are vaccinated it happens we will be somewhere the kids make friends i go talk to the parents about setting up a playdate and find out they don't vaccinate can't risk my health i feel so bad for unvaccinated children it's not their fault but they will deal with so many consequences my dad never allowed me to sleep over at my friend's house he said that my friend's dad looked like a pedophile he was my dad may have been passed out drunk pretty much all of the time but he also always tried to be the best dad he could to me it didn't work all the time but god bless him he tried i only allow sleepovers with close family and friends due to my childhood but assuming that was not the case the girl next door asked for a sleepover she was maybe eight and my daughter was six this was about six months ago but the first time the girl came over to play she told me to put my mccoy in his cage where he belongs because birds should be in cages and she didn't like him i told her she could go back outside if she didn't want to be near him but i would not lock him up she also informed me that she was going to need me to make her dinner right now because she was hungry it was not even 4 p.m and she had not been invited for dinner she was extremely demanding and disrespectful she complained about the snack i gave her even when the girls went to play outside she made my daughter cry three times in maybe 40 minutes this was the first and only time she was allowed to play with my daughter when i told her it was time for her to go home she asked to spend the night i told her no then she informed me that her parents who i have never met had already said my daughter could spend the night with her i again said no she demanded to know why and i told her that i would have had to know her family personally for several years before i would entrust my daughter with them i left out the part where she was extremely disrespectful and obviously had no discipline and had never been told no in her life not that it made a difference but my daughter is high functioning autistic so if something were to happen that she did not have the emotional or verbal skills to tell me about i would never know i have told the girl no every time since that she asked to play with my daughter nine times out of ten it's because i don't trust the friend's parents i had neighbors recently that would train their kids to claim other people's kids did something that's is broke a tv that was already broke etc to try to get money put of them some parents will claim their kid said something happened just to start drama like that your kid touched their privates or something there are a lot of sick and manipulative people out there i was that kid that wasn't allowed near my friend he had started getting into drugs and other stuff a year before then he tried to commit suicide at 17 and his parents didn't know which of his friends were the bad element so they cut everyone off he was one of my closest friends but i understood the parents decision i never did see him again after that i saw on facebook years later he had joined the military and was deployed to iraq i haven't checked up on him in 10 years or so hope he's okay miss your chris my closest friends were all allowed to spend the night but it was so difficult if not impossible to get a lot of other school friends to spend the night excuse after excuse would come each time i'd invite them but i was always invited to come stay at their house instead when i got quite a bit older one of the guys finally admitted that it was because my mom was a lesbian and their parents weren't comfortable with them being over there texas in the 90s it never occurred to me one single bit when i was younger though and suddenly a lot of that made sense so when i was a kid before contouring and highlighting and all the crazy makeup kids put on to just go to high school was around my mom said i couldn't hang out with this girl amy because she wore black eyeliner and only yes wear black eyeliner i rallied told her she can't judge a person based on eyeliner i mean that's freaking insane after 28 years of best friendship amy started sending nudes to my [ __ ] husband imam was right i should have listened to her back in 1990 if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: parents, parenting, parenting tips, parenting 101, parenting hacks, parenting styles, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: XaqVnqW7lTU
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Length: 107min 32sec (6452 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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